Chapter 43: Xia Yilin was stunned. What on earth are you talking about?

? ?

Hearing this,

Xia Yilin looked at Su Changqing in front of him with a look of astonishment, his eyes widened:"You...what are you talking about?"

"We just met for the first time, where did the war of the heavens come from? ? ?"

At this time, he was completely confused.

What the other party said was confusing.

I have met Su Changqing?



Su Changqing ignored Xia Yilin, his face still had a nostalgic look, and he talked to himself.

"Never mind, you are not the same person you were back then, you will understand later..."

"You are too weak now, so work hard on your cultivation. Yu Jiuxuantian's invincibility does not mean anything. A greater terror will come in the future!"

Until the end, he laughed at himself and shook his head.

After listening to Su Changqing's words,

Xia Yilin could no longer help but go crazy, staring at Su Changqing, who seemed to be exhausted.

"No, what on earth are you talking about? I don't understand you at all!"

"you you you……"

He was going crazy, his scalp was numb at the moment.

What future, what battle of the heavens...

These words actually came out of Su Changqing's mouth, and he even seemed to have known him for a long time.

Su Changqing didn't say anything else and turned to leave the dojo.

But at this time,

Murong Dieyi looked at Su Changqing, who was full of vicissitudes and tired, and was shocked.

"The future... How many things did Su Changqing go through to make him so vicissitudes of life? Even though he knew that the other party didn't know him, he still missed him.……"

In her opinion, what Su Changqing said was true!

She didn't even doubt it and fell into a trance.

The Saint Daoyi next to her was her man in the future.

But now, he was so vicissitudes that it made people feel distressed.

But she, who never liked to talk, didn't know what to say now.


On the other side,

Xia Yilin returned to the crowd of Beiming Holy Land with a dusty face, but his eyes were fixed on Su Changqing opposite him.

"Damn it, how did this guy know my moves? Something is wrong, very wrong!"

"If he didn't know all that, I wouldn't be so embarrassed even if I lost!"

"The most important thing is that this guy seems to be mentally abnormal, talking nonsense, saying that he knows me, and saying a lot of incomprehensible words."

"Strange guy……"

He looked at Xia Qingxuan and the three elders of Beiming and others, and hurriedly explained to cover up the embarrassment of losing his first battle in the world.

But he really couldn't understand why Su Changqing knew his moves so well?

Everyone present also agreed and nodded solemnly.


Xia Qingxuan looked a little confused, but there was a storm in her heart.

"What is revealed in Su Changqing's diary is all true!?"

Her scalp was numb, and the contents of the diary she had seen before and the words Su Changqing said to his brother kept emerging in her mind.

Will the war of the heavens really break out in the future!?

All this is too unreal!

The more Xia Qingxuan thought about it, the more headache she had, and she couldn't help muttering:"If it's true, then... why didn't he look for me?"

"Or do you think you can't face me?"

She was full of thoughts, and now she was even more shocked.

Although it felt unreal, Su Changqing could not only clearly call out his brother's nickname, but also knew the gun skills taught by his father very well!

If it wasn't true, how could this happen?

But in this case,

"Am I not, as Su Changqing said, going to be his……"

Xia Qingxuan's face was burning hot and her heartbeat was accelerating.

At this moment, she was even more shocked!

Because if things really developed like this, the war of collapse, the war of the heavens, and even the dark turmoil that made Su Changqing fail in the end will all happen in the future!

What will the world of the future look like? ?


At the same time,

Su Changqing still looked nostalgic as he looked at Xia Yilin who was staring at him.

"Check Xia Qingxuan's trust value."

He communicated with the system with expectation in his heart.

【Xia Qingxuan, the Saintess of Beiming Holy Land——Trust Value: 50! 】

When Su Changqing saw the information given by the system, he was quite satisfied. It was indeed useful.

"Not bad, not bad."

He smiled secretly in his heart. Now he not only fooled Xia Qingxuan, but also fooled her brother.

In this way, it was very good for him.

Looking at Xia Yilin opposite him, he didn't care whether the other party would believe it or not. It would be best if he could believe it.

Because in the original text, this kid will achieve great success in the future.

He will shine in the battle of collapse!

But as he watched... the system prompt sounded in his mind.


【The system is testing... Testing completed……】

【Name: Xia Yilin!】

【Identity: Son of the Holy Lord of the North Sea!】

【Encounter: When you enter the world, you are already a saint, but you don’t have a suitable method. If it continues like this, it will be difficult to improve your cultivation!】

【Note: This person lacks a fairy-grade thunder-attribute technique, the host can invest in it! 】

Su Changqing's eyes lit up

"As expected!!"

He verified his guess!

As long as it is a villain in the original text, and a relatively outstanding villain, there is a high probability that he can invest!

Then by investing again, wouldn't it be possible to win the other party's favor and make Xia Qingxuan believe in the diary more?

Best of both worlds!

However, among the people of Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Yilin really couldn't stand Su Changqing's eyes and expression.

"Damn, why is this guy looking at me?"

"We had never met before, but he said those words to me and even called me by my nickname. I hate it the most when people call me like that!"

"I can't stand it anymore, I want to fight him again!!!"

He felt uncomfortable when Su Changqing looked at him, it felt like his father was looking at him.

After saying that, he was about to rush out.

Xia Qingxuan frowned and snorted coldly:"Stop!"


"Are you a match for him? Isn't that embarrassing enough?"


Xia Yilin looked at Xia Qingxuan with anger on her face, and he just lowered his head in grievance.

Since childhood, he was the eldest, and the one he feared the most was the elder sister in front of him.

But Su Changqing's eyes really made people angry!

But soon, everyone in the Beiming Holy Land was surprised.

I saw that

Su Changqing was slowly coming towards them.

Xia Qingxuan's heartbeat accelerated. Came to find her?

"What should I do? ?"

She was quite nervous and didn't know how to face Su Changqing.

After a while, she realized that she had misunderstood.

Su Changqing just smiled at Xia Qingxuan, then walked past her and stood in front of Xia Yilin, who looked alert.

"Tiedan, you haven't found a technique that suits your attributes yet, right? Or if you have one, with your personality, you probably don't like those ordinary techniques."

"This is Wu Xiang Qian Lei, an immortal-grade thunder-attributed technique, which should be suitable for you."

He chuckled and raised his hand to flip it, and a book of ancient techniques filled with thunder and exuding an amazing aura appeared.

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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