Chapter 59: Did Su Changqing tell you? The attention of the Lord of the North Sea!

Half a month later,


At this moment, in the Worry-Free Sea, the Holy Land is located above the entire sea area.

Buildings are suspended one after another, and there is a huge city in the center!

At this moment, the entire sky is thundering and lightning, and dark clouds are pressing down!

It's as if a storm is coming, and a war is coming!

Today in Zhongzhou... countless people are paying attention to the movements in the Worry-Free Sea, and almost no one is doing anything else!

Because the North Sea Holy Land is going to go to war with the Worry-Free Sea!

These two mortal enemies who have been fighting for more than 100,000 years seem to be really going to a decisive battle!

"I don't know... After this battle, which force will be missing in Zhongzhou?"

"Is the grudge of more than 100,000 years going to be settled today?!"

"What a terrifying scene! It looks like this is a battle to the death!!"

"As expected, with the emergence of the Tianjiao List, Jiuxuantian will be affected and chaos will arise!"


Dozens of miles away, countless eyes converged here!

Amidst the many discussions, more people believed that Wuyouhai would have a greater chance of winning!

Now, above the sky, almost all of the Beiming Holy Land has been dispatched, and a large number of disciples from the Beiming Holy Land have formed a siege, ready to fight!

As for Wuyouhai, there are also densely packed disciples confronting many disciples of the Beiming Sect!

However, at this moment

, in the direction of the Beiming Holy Land, an extremely huge shadow stood in the void!

"Pei Yan, the grudges of so many years should be settled today!"

The terrifying Supreme Shadow slowly spoke, the sky and the earth exploded, and the sea surged!

It was at this moment,

"Fight! Fight! Fight!……"

Countless disciples of the Beiming Holy Land raised their arms and shouted!

In an instant, the will to fight was overwhelming!

The terrifying momentum seemed to tear the void apart!

Suddenly, in the holy land of Wuyou Sea, a huge phantom also appeared!

Thunders fell, the phantom glow spread, and the amazing aura was 250 that made the world surrender to it!

"Xia Wenzhe, you are finally here!"

"But in this battle... the Holy Land of Beiming will cease to exist!"

The supreme phantom of the Lord of Wuyou Sea laughed loudly at this moment.

The sky and the earth roared continuously, and the thousand-meter-high waves surged and hit. The two sides were on the verge of a fight in the blink of an eye!

Almost both sides were building momentum!

In the Holy Land of Beiming,

Xia Qingxuan looked at the people of Wuyou Sea who were ready to fight not far away, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the situation was just as Su Changqing said. Wuyouhai was planning to use it to completely destroy Beiming Holy Land!"

She took a deep breath, and her eyes were even colder.

If it weren't for Su Changqing's diary, they wouldn't have known that the Twelve Dao Palaces had reached a consensus with Wuyouhai.

Fortunately, now it was their Beiming Holy Land and the Twelve Dao Palaces that secretly reached an agreement. In today's battle, Wuyouhai would surely perish!

Next to Xia Qingxuan, a middle-aged man with white hair was looking at the Wuyou Sea not far away. His eyes were vicissitudes and deep, with a murderous intent that could erupt at any time, causing the nothingness around him to distort!

"Qingxuan, how did you know that Wuyouhai was going to join forces with the Twelve Dao Palaces, and how did you know where the remains of their Holy Son were?"

After he retracted his gaze, he looked at Xia Qingxuan, who was in deep thought, with surprise.

And he was none other than Xia Wenzhe, the Holy Lord of Beiming Holy Land and one of the top powers in Zhongzhou! He was also Xia Qingxuan's father!

Upon hearing the question,

Xia Qingxuan came back to his senses, hesitated for a moment and said:"Dad, these things... were actually told to me by Su Changqing!"

"Didn't I go to the South Region before? At the ceremony, we talked about the situation in Zhongzhou, and he mentioned to me casually"

"Oh? Su Changqing? The Holy Son of Daoyi Sect?"

Xia Wen Ze narrowed his eyes and was surprised when he heard his daughter's answer.

Seeing Xia Qingxuan nod, he felt even more unbelievable.

After a moment,

Xia Wen Ze looked up at the Tianjiao List on the sky.

"Third on the Tianjiao list,"

"A... a little fellow who even made Daoyi Sheng Lord go to war with the Undead Demon Clan and had to be saved. He is worthy of being in the top three. Can he also see the situation in my Zhongzhou?"

"He is a good candidate. If there is a chance, I would like to meet Su Changqing who has no intention to help Beiming Holy Land resolve the crisis!"

He murmured with admiration in his eyes.

Listening to the praise from his father,

Xia Qingxuan was a little suspicious, but he agreed with these words in his heart.

"Su Changqing……"

She muttered in her heart, this guy has been surpassing her and ranked third!

And his strength seems to be reserved at the ceremony!

How strong is this guy? ?

If he is not reborn, how can he have such strength! ?

However, after hearing Xia Wenzhe's praise...

Xia Yilin curled his lips and snorted,"Dad, why don't you praise me like this?"

"I am your own son, you are praising a stranger.……"

"Humph, even though I failed in challenging Su Changqing, I will definitely defeat him in a few years and walk out of my invincible path!"

Before Xia Wenzhe could react,

Xia Qingxuan slapped Xia Yilin on the forehead and glared at him,"Praise you? Can't you even touch a hair of his head when I praise you?"

"Isn’t that embarrassing enough?"

"Dad, look at her.……"

Xia Yilin grimaced in pain, feeling extremely depressed.

What was going on?

Wasn't it just a small goal?

Why did my elder sister always hit me down?

Who was she siding with?


At this moment, no matter when or where, as long as you are in Jiuxuantian, you can feel the terrifying movement in Zhongzhou!

In an instant, countless people were shocked.

To have such a movement, could it be that a strong man above the Supreme Realm has taken action! ?

And the Lord of the North Sea and the Lord of the Worry-free Sea���The shadow appeared, and it also confirmed the speculation of the world!

When Jiuxuantian learned that the Beiming Holy Land in Zhongzhou was going to fight to the death with Wuyou Sea, Jiuxuantian was greatly shocked!

Especially the major forces in Zhongzhou, they had already noticed and secretly observed the confrontation between the Beiming Holy Land and Wuyou Sea.

Now, the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

This dynasty that has stood in Zhongzhou for millions of years is now trembling!

Amidst the waves of exclamations, in the palace.

Outside Su Youwei's room, the Human Emperor Su Qingyun also felt the movement, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The decisive battle between Beiming Holy Land and Wuyou Sea?……"

He waved his hand, and the void in front of him showed the two forces that were now in confrontation.

Looking at the battle between the two sides, he couldn't help but sigh.

The troubled times have come... and today's decisive battle between the Beiming Holy Land and the Worry-free Sea can be said to have completely opened the prelude to the troubled times!

From now on, Jiuxuantian will probably not have peace!

Beside him,

Su Youwei saw the picture presented in the void and took a deep breath.

"It was actually just as Su Changqing said, Wuyou Sea and Beiming Holy Land were about to go to war!"

""Will it be the same later?"

She muttered to herself and watched it attentively.

Glancing at Su Qingyun who looked unnatural next to her, she blinked.


Su Youwei pointed at the screen and asked,"Dad, who do you think... will win?"

"Judging from the current situation, Wuyouhai undoubtedly has a greater chance of winning. They have not made any moves for so many years, but now facing the coming of Beiming Holy Land, they are not too hasty. It is obvious that they are well prepared!"

Su Qingyun said softly after pondering for a while.

Hearing this,

Su Youwei blinked and said,"I think that Beiming Holy Land has a greater chance of winning!"


Su Qingyun glanced at Su Youwei, who was blinking her big eyes, and smiled. He didn't take it seriously. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Wuyouhai had a much better chance of winning than Beiming Holy Land!


At the same time, in the room of

Daoyi Saint Sect.

Shengzi Peak,

Su Changqing was lying leisurely.

""The war has started?"

He muttered, with a smile on his face.

As the son of Daoyi Saint Sect, he naturally has many informants.

Even if it is what happened in Zhongzhou, he naturally cannot know it here.

Thinking of this,

Su Changqing smiled more.

He had revealed it in his diary before, and also said the solution.

Xia Qingxuan's trust value has increased, and she must have done what he said.

As for the decisive battle between Beiming Holy Land and Wuyou Sea, in the original text,

Beiming Holy Land was eventually defeated and had to leave Zhongzhou to find another place to stay.

However, after his own fabrication and disclosure, this war...

The ending is likely to be completely rewritten!

Wuyou Sea will perish!

Everything is developing in the direction expected by his own fabrication!

Everything... is under control!

As for what will happen next,

Su Changqing now has a general idea in his mind, and he knows what to do.

"This feeling is really wonderful……"

After a moment, he smiled and sighed.

The development of everything is under his control.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the mastermind behind the entire Jiuxuantian, promoting the development of all aspects!

Now, as long as we wait for this battle to end, there is no need to make up...

Whether it is Xia Qingxuan or other diary holders, their trust in the diary will increase again!

Su Changqing is absolutely sure about this!

Now we just need to wait for the war to end!


Almost under the attention of the entire Jiuxuantian,

Zhongzhou, Wuyou Sea.

At this moment... the eyes of the disciples on both sides were full of strong fighting spirit, and the momentum was overwhelming!

Around, there were people from various forces, watching every move here from afar!

At this time, the Holy Lord of Beiming Xia Wenze took a step, and the world shook, and there were explosions all over the sky!

"Let’s put an end to the grudge between you and me today!"

"Either the Beiming Holy Land will cease to exist, or... no one in the Worry-Free Sea will survive!"

He spoke slowly, his tone was very light, but it made the entire sky pale in comparison!

In an instant, countless disciples of the Holy Land behind him were filled with murderous intent. The grudge that had lasted for more than 100,000 years was finally coming to an end!

"Fight, fight, fight!!!"

Each of them was cheering with their arms raised, their momentum soaring!

However... in the sky above the Worry-Free Sea,

Pei Yan, the Lord of the Worry-Free Sea, snorted coldly, causing huge waves on the sea surface to surge!

"You are right about one thing. Today, the Beiming Holy Land will no longer exist!"

"Worry-free sea……"

He grinned, his eyes glowing with confidence!

What had been planned for so many years would begin today!

And the mortal enemy of the Beiming Holy Land could be completely gone!

All this had been done... just for this day!!!


Xia Wenze smiled meaningfully, and then disappeared in an instant!


Pei Yan frowned and slapped the air in front of him!

In an instant, the world shook, and the entire Worry-Free Sea was in turmoil!

Both of them are the top existences in the Nine Profound Heavens, both of them are the seventh level of the Supreme Heaven!

Just a collision, it seems that the world is about to collapse!


The old author has released a new book. I will definitely work hard to update it. The quality is guaranteed! I beg you to support me with data and subscriptions for the new book!

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: phamquy

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