Chapter 62: Shut up, you will be his brother in the future! Xia Yilin: How come I don’t know?

Two days later, the roars that resounded through the Nine Mysterious Heavens finally stopped.


Worry-Free Sea.

Until this moment, all the forces of Worry-Free Sea were destroyed!

This battle lasted for two days.

After the Saint Lord of Worry-Free Sea was killed by the Saint Lord of Beiming and the Lord of the Twelve Dao Palaces, the remaining disciples were also wiped out by the disciples of both sides.

It was also at this time that the force of Worry-Free Sea no longer existed in Zhongzhou!

After the war, all the surrounding forces were horrified and shocked.

"Wuyouhai... was defeated!!"

"It's not just a defeat, it's completely gone!"

"I really didn't expect that the Beiming Holy Land could actually allow the Twelve Palaces to join the alliance, otherwise, they would be the ones to be destroyed!"

"It’s incredible... The feud that lasted for more than 100,000 years finally ended today, and Zhongzhou lost a powerful force. The competition will be even more intense!"


Although the people from each force were shocked, they were also worried.

Troubled times are coming, Jiuxuantian will definitely not be as peaceful as before!

Once the struggle starts, it is very likely that it will be like the Beiming Holy Land and the Worry-free Sea, fighting to the death!

If you want to survive in the troubled times, you may have to rely on some powerful holy places, divine dynasties...

Under the onlookers of various forces, the people of the Twelve Dao Palaces flew into the air and returned to their huge warships!

At this time, the Taoist master of the Twelve Dao Palaces, Lu Mian, looked at the Beiming Holy Lord and said lightly:"This time,"

"As for the things here, just consider them as a thank you gift from the Twelve Dao Palaces."

He glanced at the sea that had long been dyed red with blood, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

The three sequence saints, the great revenge was avenged.

If it weren't for the North Sea Holy Land, they might really be used as guns by the Worry-free Sea, and the innocent North Sea Holy Land would be destroyed in this battle!

Fortunately, the truth was revealed!

After speaking,

Lu Mian did not stay for too long, and his figure disappeared.

When he was waiting to appear, he was already standing on a warship in the front!


A huge roar was heard, and the warships started and returned!

Seeing this scene in the sky, the elders of the Beiming Holy Land were delighted and immediately led people to occupy the shelter buildings of the Worry-free Sea.

Especially the various ruins under the sea, from now on they will also belong to the Beiming Holy Land!

Seeing this, the Beiming Holy Lord smiled and looked at the Tianjiao List on the sky again.

"Su Changqing……"

He looked at the name with more interest, and immediately said to Xia Qingxuan beside him:"Qingxuan, if there is a chance next time, please thank Su Changqing on my behalf and on behalf of the Beiming Holy Land."

"This person is too extraordinary. Perhaps his strength is not just the third on the Tianjiao list. If we can make friends with him, it would be even better!"

After hearing this, many elders also echoed.

After hearing what his father and the elders of the sect said,

Xia Qingxuan looked a little dazed, and remembered what he saw in the diary.

"Make friends with them, maybe...……"

She muttered to herself that in her diary, she would be Su Changqing's close comrade-in-arms in the future.

The relationship between the two was even more extraordinary.

When she thought of this, her expression became a little unnatural.

Because from childhood to adulthood, she had never had any crazy thoughts about a man.

At this time,

Xia Yilin's face was not very good, and he snorted:"Isn't it just third? One day, I can also be on the Tianjiao list, defeat Su Changqing, and walk out my invincible road!"

""Shut up, you will have to listen to him in the future!"

Xia Qingxuan glared and said unhappily.

This guy will be Su Changqing's subordinate in the future, and it was this kind of temper that led to his death.

Now things are developing exactly as Su Changqing said, and she now thinks that all this should be true!

Xia Yilin was stunned and said,"Sister, why should I listen to him? What are you talking about?"

"It’s nothing. Anyway, don’t challenge Su Changqing again. What if he wants to take your life?

Xia Qingxuan didn’t continue the topic and looked at the place not far away.

Seeing this,

Xia Yilin:"……"

Why does it feel like my sister has changed since she went to the Southern Region?

Is it because of Su Changqing?

Damn it!!

When the Northern Ocean Saint Lord saw Xia Qingxuan's reaction, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"This seems to be... Is this the first time Qingxuan has given such a positive evaluation to someone?"

He muttered in his heart, and looked at Su Changqing's name on the Tianjiao list.

Could it be that his daughter loves this son of Daoyi Saint Sect?

Without thinking any more, he looked down at the sea water below that had already been dyed scarlet. Even as a supreme being, he couldn't help but laugh!

The grudge between the two forces that lasted for more than 100,000 years ended here!


At the same time, the news of the destruction of

Daoyi Saint Sect and

Wuyouhai had apparently spread to the Southern Region.

At this moment, the entire Holy Land was talking about it.

On the Holy Maiden Peak,

Ling Qianxue was surprised after receiving the news.

"Senior Brother…brought news to the Saint of Beiming Holy Land! ?"

She learned that Beiming Holy Land really relied on evidence to instigate the Twelve Dao Palaces to deal with Wuyouhai, and she immediately took a breath.

Isn't this the method mentioned in Senior Brother's diary?

How did Xia Qingxuan know?

Apart from Senior Brother telling her, she couldn't think of any other possibility.

For a moment, she felt a little sad.

It seems that Senior Brother really cares about the Saint named Xia Qingxuan.

If it were me, Senior Brother would do the same, right? Ling Qianxue's originally unbalanced heart thought of what she had seen in the diary before, and she felt much better, and didn't dwell on this matter anymore. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In this life, will everything develop as Senior Brother predicted?!"

She murmured, looking towards Shengzi Peak.

The outcome of this battle in Zhongzhou had actually been revealed in Senior Brother's diary.

However, under Senior Brother's interference, it was no longer Beiming Holy Land that was defeated, but Wuyou Sea that was destroyed!

This also made Ling Qianxue look forward to what would happen next.

"When can I stay with my senior brother? Should he say it, or should I say it?"

When she thought of this question, shyness appeared on her cold face.

After all, this kind of thing seems difficult to talk about.

If my senior brother says it, should I be more reserved?

But if I say it myself, how should I say it?


Shengzi Peak,

Murong Dieyi also got the news and is now in the room with thoughts in his mind.

"Xia Qingxuan……"

Her eyes were full of hostility and she felt unhappy.

Su Changqing must have sent someone to bring the news, otherwise the other party would not have been able to change the course of events.

Because before this, she had already seen the original ending.

Since it had changed, it must have been Su Changqing's interference!

Murong Dieyi gritted her teeth, feeling very unhappy.

"Ling Qianxue, Su Youwei, Xia Qingxuan……"

She kept repeating the names of the other three women, and felt a greater threat! She always felt that after getting the copy of the diary... her competition with the other women in the future would be even more intense than the competition in the Demon Sect!

Just thinking about what would happen in the future,

Murong Dieyi couldn't help but have a headache, but there was no way to ignore this kind of thing


She paced back and forth, and finally sighed.

Because she had figured it out, there was no other way.

After all, Su Changqing's excellence was obvious to all, and now he could change the course of things!

Then, could the future Collapse War, the War of the Heavens, and even the more distant Dark Turmoil be rewritten?


Just as Ling Qianxue and Murong Dieyi were lost in thought,

Su Changqing was sitting in the room, looking indifferently at the sect followers who were reporting.

"Holy Son, in Zhongzhou, the decisive battle between Beiming Holy Land and Wuyou Sea has ended!"

"In this battle, for some unknown reason, the Twelve Dao Palaces originally wanted to help Wuyou Hai, but later they directly attacked Wuyou Hai!"

"The Holy Lord of Worry-Free Sea in Beiming Holy Land and the Dao Masters of the Twelve Dao Palaces joined forces to kill the Lord of Worry-Free Sea!"

"Wuyou Sea... is destroyed!"

The follower looked respectful, and almost told the whole story in detail.

After hearing the report,

Su Changqing's expression remained calm, but he was quite satisfied in his heart.

Everything was under his control.

Of course, he was quite satisfied with this result.


Su Changqing also saw that one of the followers, a disciple, was hesitant to speak.


He spoke lightly, staring at the other party.

As soon as these words came out, the disciple nodded repeatedly, then took a deep breath and said hurriedly:"Holy Son, we...our disciples in Zhongzhou have found traces of Lin Fan!"

"Since he escaped from the grand ceremony last time, this person has left the Southern Region and headed for Zhongzhou!"

At this time, Su Changqing was slightly surprised to hear the report , and then asked him to leave.

""Lin Fan? Zhongzhou?"

He muttered, and then thought about the plot in the original novel.

Although the previous events were changed by himself, but...

Lin Fan is worthy of being the hero of the original novel. He has great luck. Even if he is so miserable, he can still connect with the later plot.

If I remember correctly, Lin Fan should not go to Zhongzhou so quickly.

It will take decades anyway.

But because the previous plot has changed, he has to go ahead of time?

And in the trip to Zhongzhou,

Lin Fan will enter the secret realm, obtain resources, and soar to the sky!


When Su Changqing thought of this, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I want to see when your luck will run out!"

"As for the old man in your ring, how many times can he save you?"

He enjoyed the pleasure of playing cat and mouse, especially the identity of the other party, which made people want to see how he was destroyed!

However, Zhongzhou... even if you use the teleportation array, it will take at least half a month to reach the South Region.

It's so far, I don't have time to go there in person.


I don't have time to go, but it doesn't mean that others don't have time!


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