Chapter 77: The movements of the Undead Demon Clan, the Dayu Divine Dynasty investigates, and Su Changqing is right!

Seeing the diary copy appear,

Su Youwei immediately focused, her eyes full of curiosity

"Su Changqing... is here as expected!"

When she saw that Su Changqing's diary mentioned that he was on the way, she was filled with joy for some reason.

According to Su Changqing's memory from his previous life, she was supposed to meet him ten years later. But now that Su Changqing was unwilling to remain calm, they had to meet earlier!

At the same time,

Su Youwei felt a warm current in her heart and a smile on her face.

"Did you write me a letter? It seems... Su Changqing, that stinky man, hasn't forgotten me!"

She snorted, feeling satisfied. She had thought that Su Changqing would have many women in the future, and she would be forgotten.

It turned out that the other party still cared about her.

Otherwise... how could she know that after the Undead Demon Clan was about to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty, they would write to her and even go to Zhongzhou in person!

And Su Changqing wanted to change the outcome of this battle!

Just thinking of this,

Su Youwei felt inexplicably relieved, and was no longer as nervous as before.

"Soon I'll be fighting alongside him.……"

She muttered to herself, her beautiful eyes full of anticipation.


Su Changqing said that it would take another month to reach Zhongzhou.

But the Undead Demon Clan will arrive first!

In other words...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

At this time……

""Princess, there is a letter for you!"

The maid's voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this,

Su Youwei put away her thoughts for the time being and said lightly:"Come in."

Taking the letter from the maid, she sent it away, and then read the contents of the letter.

In the letter,

Su Changqing wrote that the Undead Demon Clan had already taken its main force to Zhongzhou, and would attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

The destruction of the Dayu Divine Dynasty was used as a bargaining chip for the Undead Demon Clan to gain a foothold in Zhongzhou!

When Su Youwei saw this, she believed more and more what was revealed in Su Changqing's diary.

"Is that so?……"

Her eyes flickered, and she felt nervous because she didn't know what the final result would be.


【Wait for me!

Although there were only two words,

Su Youwei's heart trembled and her whole body was hot.


She didn't expect that Su Changqing would leave these two words at the end of the letter.

Just looking at it, she couldn't help but feel her heart beating wildly.

In more than a month, she will be able to meet Su Changqing!

I don't know whether I should be happy or not...

Because the meeting between the two also means that the Undead Demon Clan will start a war with the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

And this time,

I'm afraid that the war between the two sides will be like the Beiming Holy Land and the Worry-free Sea, and one side will perish!

But for some reason...

Su Youwei only felt that her heart was much calmer. That man should be able to change, right?

"Stinky Su Changqing, I'll wait for you……"

She hummed, and a smile appeared on her gloomy face.

Since Su Changqing came, he must be sure!

In this case, it seems that I have no choice but to believe it.


At the same time, on the other side.

The Undead Demon Clan was marching towards Zhongzhou from the edge of the land!

These were all the main forces of the demon clan, and it could be said that they were out in full force!

As for some of the old, weak, sick and disabled, they stayed in the temporary shelter arranged in the West Desert and did not follow.

After taking down the Dayu Divine Dynasty, all the demon clan members would be brought to Zhongzhou!

In front of everyone,

Xiang Jun concealed everyone's breath with the power of the Supreme

"Zhongzhou...Dayu Dynasty……"

With a cold light in his eyes, he murmured.

This time the demons migrated, they had to find a new place to live!

Zhongzhou is the first choice!

Dayu Divine Dynasty is also the first choice!

As for other forces in Zhongzhou, the Undead Demons did not intend to have any ideas.

First, the top forces like the Beiming Holy Land had the help of the Twelve Dao Palaces in the previous battle with the Forgetful Sea, so it was not easy for the Undead Demons to attack. But some other forces were too weak to make the Undead Demons start a war!

Then the best choice is Dayu Divine Dynasty!

At this time, several elders of the demons had sinister smiles on their faces, and their eyes were burning!

"This time, the demon clan will completely end their seclusion and reappear in front of the world. The battle with the Dayu Divine Dynasty will be our first battle after our reappearance in the world, and it will also be a battle that announces the return of the immortal demon clan!"

"In this battle, the demon clan will win!"

"The current Dayu Divine Dynasty probably doesn't know that we will attack them, right? In one month, we will reach Zhongzhou and destroy the Dayu Divine Dynasty!!"

They spoke in a cold voice, with urgency in their tone!

As soon as these words came out, all the demons could not hide their excitement!

Xiang Jun heard what they said and nodded.

"Once we gain a foothold in Zhongzhou, the next battle... will be with Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"Either Daoyi Holy Sect hands over Su Changqing, or... an all-out war begins!"

"Su Changqing killed my beloved son, this hatred must be avenged!"

He gritted his teeth, and his eyes showed a murderous intent!

His son, who had the blood of the Demon King, the most outstanding genius of the demon race in hundreds of thousands of years, died in the hands of Su Changqing!

When the Dayu Divine Dynasty is destroyed, it will be time to take revenge! When the others heard this, all of them were filled with murderous intent!

"Humph, does Daoyi Shengzong really think that we dare not go to war with them? By then, not only will they have to kill Su Changqing, but they will also have to pay a heavy price!"

"The priority right now is to annex the Dayu Divine Dynasty first, and then it will be the Daoyi Holy Sect!"

""Clan leader, we will be able to reach Zhongzhou in less than a month!"

They all spoke up, and when they mentioned Su Changqing, the murderous intent in their eyes could not be concealed at all!

It was also when everyone was looking forward to it that no one noticed, even Xiang Jun, the supreme, did not notice...

���A few miles away from us, a figure appeared in the void. (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

In the shadow under the black robe of the black crow, a pair of cold eyes were revealed.

"The Immortal Demon really going to take action against the Dayu Divine Dynasty!"

"Su Changqing... Daoyi Saint, now ranked third on the Tianjiao list, he could actually guess the thoughts of the immortal demon race! ?"

His voice was cold, and he couldn't help but look up at the Tianjiao list on the sky, and Su Changqing's name!

At this moment, his eyes were filled with surprise and amazement.

It is said that the princess was able to awaken the power of the Divine Phoenix in her body, thanks to Su Changqing's information.

This time,

Su Changqing's guess was also confirmed!

How did this kid do it!?

Could it be that

Daoyi Saint Sect has spies among the demon race?

Even as a powerful person in the Xiantai realm,

Black Crow couldn't help but have a strong interest in Su Changqing!

"What is his purpose in doing this?"

He couldn't help but guess, and his doubts were even greater.

Twice, Su Changqing did not ask for anything from the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

That's how it was, it was strange.

But now there was no time to think too much.

Black Crow knew the seriousness of the matter and had to go back and report to His Majesty the Human Emperor!

"Undead Demon……"

He looked deeply at the area several miles away, and after retracting his gaze, his figure gradually merged into the void.

After a moment, he completely disappeared.

It was as if no one had ever been there!


Time flies, half a month later...

Dayu Divine Dynasty.

In Su Youwei's room,

Su Qingyun had been waiting there for a long time, feeling a little anxious.

"Has Black Crow been discovered? Logically speaking, he should have returned by now!"

He spoke in a deep voice, frowning even more tightly.

If the Undead Demon Clan really attacks the Dayu Divine Dynasty, this battle will be a life-and-death battle!

Su Youwei looked at Su Qingyun walking back and forth, thinking about other things in her heart

"Where is Su Changqing?"

Her mind was full of Su Changqing. She wanted to meet him, but she didn't want to meet him so soon.

Because she was not ready yet!


Grandpa Hei hasn't brought back any news yet, and she doesn't know what happened.

According to the news Su Changqing revealed before, the Undead Demon Clan should be in Zhongzhou soon!

In less than half a month, they will attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

Just when the father and daughter were thinking about it, the void in front of them hummed and rippled.

Seeing this,

Su Qingyun and Su Youwei looked stern, and after sensing the familiar breath, they breathed a sigh of relief.


397 The figure of the black crow appeared

""This old servant greets your Majesty and the princess!"

He bowed first and then stood up straight.


Su Qingyun couldn't wait any longer and asked hurriedly:"How is it?"

"Is what Su Changqing revealed true?"

"Are the Undead Demon Clan really going to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty?"

He still didn't want to believe it.

Because just now, he also learned from his daughter that it was Su Changqing who wrote a letter to inform the Undead Demon Clan that they were going to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty!


Hei Ya's eyes were cold and he nodded.

"Your Majesty, what Saint Son Daoyi said is true. I have followed the Undead Demon Clan for a while, and I have heard from them that they are planning to take action against the Dayu Divine Dynasty!"

"Moreover, they planned to destroy the Dayu Divine Dynasty, and then declare war on the Daoyi Holy Sect, take the life of the Daoyi Holy Son, and destroy the Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"Since the leader of the Undead Demon Clan is the Supreme, the old slave did not follow for too long and heard too much information!"

He told everything he knew one by one, to!

After getting the answer,

Su Qingyun's face changed, and then he clenched his fist fiercely!

"What an undead demon race, they really have a big appetite!!!"

He spoke in a deep voice, with anger on his face!

Even the void around him showed signs of collapse!

When the Supreme is angry, the world is afraid!

The terrifying aura permeated Su Qingyun's body, and the anger in his eyes seemed to turn into substance!


"Since the Undead Demon Clan wants to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty, then this battle... the Dayu Divine Dynasty agrees!"

He laughed in anger and immediately ordered:"Black Crow, notify everyone……"

"The Tianwu Army, the Lianshen Army, and the Xuesha Army were all secretly transferred back to deploy defenses inside and outside the Divine Dynasty, fully preparing for war and getting ready to fight!!!"

"I want to let the Undead Demon Clan know that the Dayu Divine Dynasty... they can't swallow it!!!"


Today, the first one is here. The old author has released a new book. I will definitely work hard to update it. The quality is guaranteed! I beg you to support me with your data for the new book! Please support me by subscribing!! Please support the author a little bit, please everyone!!.

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