Chapter 85: How dare he? Conquering the Undead Demon Clan, Su Changqing's fighting power!

At this moment,

Su Youwei was a little absent-minded, looking at Su Changqing in the distance, feeling unbelievable

"How much did Su Changqing experience in his previous life?"

Even if she only looked at the contents of the diary now, she couldn't imagine it.

The most important thing is that Su Changqing resisted to the end during the dark and turbulent period!

In the end, he was defeated!

Just thinking about it makes people feel suffocated!

And Su Changqing came here this time to make sure that the things in the previous life will not happen again!

Su Youwei took a deep breath and looked at the two sides who were fighting again!


She knew that she had no other choice but to trust Su Changqing! She hoped that he could really change everything as he said!

Without any hesitation, she once again released the power of the Phoenix in her body, and Su Youwei was filled with divine flames.


Even though she was a princess, she had never experienced war before.

But in the past ten days, she was like a queen, except that she was still a little girl as usual, and her eyes were full of majesty!

Seeing Su Youwei fighting with the monks of the Undead Demon Clan,

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

They raised their arms and shouted, no longer hesitating, all ready to die!

Even if they would die after this battle, they knew that the Dayu Divine Dynasty would never surrender to the Undead Demon Clan.

Even if they died,!

The war started again, and the degree of cruelty was far greater than before!

Seeing this scene, everyone in Daoyi Holy Sect turned their eyes to Su Changqing.

"Holy Son, we……"

""Let's do it!"

Su Changqing looked at the inquiring eyes of the crowd and spoke slowly.

As soon as the words fell, thousands of Daoyi Shengzong's core disciples did not hesitate at all, and their fighting spirit was overwhelming!


They rushed out and rushed to the battlefield immediately to attack the monks of the Undead Yao Clan!

With their participation, the battlefield was shaking even more violently at this moment!

In response, all the monks of the Undead Yao Clan had ugly expressions!

"Why would Daoyi Shengzong come from the Southern Region to help Dayu Divine Dynasty! ?"

"Damn it!

As the main force of the demon clan, they were naturally strong.

But facing the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect who had just entered the battlefield, they seemed a little insufficient!

At this moment, the war was completely started!

With the participation of the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect, the situation was reversed!

The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty were no longer as disheartened as before, and their fighting spirit was rekindled!

"Thank you for the help from Daoyi Saint Sect!"

They all thanked the Daoyi disciples around them, and they also knew that these people were the saviors of the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

It was at this moment, on the battlefield of the void.

Xiang Jun looked at Daoyi Saint Sect, who had intervened in the war with the Dayu Divine Dynasty, with an ugly face, and his eyes fell on Su Changqing, with murderous intent undisguised!

""Fan Yu!!!"

He stepped back, avoiding Su Qingyun's amazing attack, and shouted loudly!

His voice was like thunder, exploding!

Upon hearing this, on the battlefield... a young demon who was fighting one against many was shocked, raised his head and glanced at Xiang Jun, who was full of murderous intent, and immediately understood what he meant when he followed his gaze!

"Enough of you, follow me... to avenge the young clan leader!!"

Fan Yu's aura spread out, repelling the members of the Blood Evil Army, and immediately turned and ran straight to Su Changqing!

The demonic energy on his body turned into substance, and a huge demon phantom appeared behind him!

Several other demon youths in the Saint Realm also severely damaged their opponents!

"Su Changqing? Ranked third on the Tianjiao list... He is indeed capable, but how will he deal with us?!"

"We are not the five losers in the original Tianjiao list, kill him!!"

Behind each of them, there appeared a different phantom of a great demon.

And these five people, led by Fan Yu, are the five demon stars in the demon race!

When the five of them join forces, even the saintly elders in the demon race will be defeated!

Su Changqing, a saint of the sixth level, had murderous intent in his eyes!

"If Su Changqing were to die, all the people from Daoyi Saint Sect that he brought with him would also have to die, all of them would have to die!"

They all exuded the aura of saints, without any reservation!

At the same time, the other people from Daoyi Saint Sect saw this scene, as if they hadn't seen it.

This made the people of Dayu Divine Dynasty a little confused.


They saw with their own eyes that the five top geniuses of the demon clan, all of whom were at the saint level, went straight to Su Changqing, but the people of Daoyi Saint Sect didn't even want to take a second look.

What was going on? ? ?

But they didn't have time to think too much, after all, those guys in the demon clan were already anxious!

If they were careless, they would die!

The people of the demon clan were also surprised, but they didn't care too much.

"The five demon stars joined forces and still couldn't kill Su Changqing? That would be a huge joke!"

"Humph, let's get rid of these guys first. It's only Su Changqing who came this time, not the entire Daoyi Holy Sect, so there's nothing to worry about!"

After being surprised, they didn't pay attention to Su Changqing anymore.

Even though his appearance did cause quite a stir, they didn't take it seriously when they found out that it wasn't the entire Daoyi Holy Sect that came.


At this moment, the many forces watching saw the Five Demon Stars rushing straight towards Su Changqing, and they all exclaimed.

Especially among the people of Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Qingxuan's heart trembled when he saw this scene.

"There are five realms of sainthood, and the first one is the fifth level of sainthood!"

"Why... why are those people indifferent?"

She looked at the five demons who were obviously going to take Su Changqing's life, but the disciples of Daoyi Shengzong were unmoved!

Even though Su Changqing ranked third on the Tianjiao list, his true strength has not yet been revealed.

But the aura of those five guys is obviously stronger than the original top five on the Tianjiao list!

Thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan hurriedly looked at Xia Wenzhe next to her. Even if there was���He was still a little anxious,"Dad, are we just going to watch?"

"Daoyi Holy Sect is obviously going to intervene in this war. Can we... take action now?" she asked, with greater anticipation in her heart.

She could fight side by side with Su Changqing, and much earlier than Su Changqing in his previous life!

Especially now that the guy is in danger, she actually has an urge to help!

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Xia Wenzhe said with a smile:"Qingxuan, what are you doing today?"

"Have you forgotten Su Changqing's protector?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Others are not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? Wait and see what happens first."

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Su Changqing.

In his opinion, this Daoyi Saint Son was not as simple as he seemed!

Especially the opponent's strength, maybe not just the third on the Tianjiao list!

The reason why he is not in a hurry to take action now is because he does not know what will happen later!

Waiting and seeing what happens now is the safest choice!

After all, the Dayu Divine Dynasty is no longer as embarrassed as before with the help of Daoyi Saint Sect.

After Xia Qingxuan heard the words, she reacted and her pretty face flushed.

"I...what's wrong with me?……"

Her heartbeat quickened and her cheeks became hot.

For some reason, when she saw Su Changqing again, her heart could not calm down at all.

Especially since Su Changqing had updated his diary before, saying that the Human Emperor of Dayu Divine Dynasty was still a comrade-in-arms in the future dark turmoil!

This guy had been through so much, she even wanted to know everything!


It was at this moment, under the attention of countless people... the five demon stars led by Fan Yu had already approached Su Changqing, and then the five of them scattered, forming an encirclement!

"Su Changqing, you killed the young patriarch of my demon tribe. Now that you are here today, then... you must leave your life behind!"

"The revenge of the young patriarch!"

"In a one-on-one fight, we may not be your opponent, but that is precisely why... we will not give you the opportunity to defeat us one by one!"

They spoke one after another, even though they knew that Su Changqing had protectors guarding him in secret, they did not care.

Because once the other party took action, they would have the elders of the demon clan to hold him back, so they did not have to worry!

What they had to do now was to kill Su Changqing and avenge the young clan leader Xiang Yuan!

Hearing this,

Su Changqing looked at the five people who had formed an encirclement, his eyes flickering.

""The Five Demon Stars... Those who betrayed their masters for glory in the war of the heavens!" He murmured, as if he was recalling something.

Of course, he was pretending.

And his words were only heard by a few people. When

Fan Yu and others heard Su Changqing's words, their eyes narrowed.

""The battle of the heavens? Selling out for glory?"

They frowned, not understanding what Su Changqing was saying.

But before they could make a move...

Su Changqing's saintly aura slowly emerged, and the space around him was filled with sounds.

"I entered the world today. Before, others were looking for me to fight. Now, I am here!"

He spoke slowly, and the breath of the sixth level of the saint rose to the sky!

In an instant, a huge vortex appeared above the sky, which looked shocking!

At this moment, Su Changqing seemed to have changed into a different person. His eyes became deeper and deeper, and the strong aura made the onlookers exclaim again and again!

Seeing this, Fan Yu looked solemn.

""Everyone be careful, take action!"

He warned them deliberately, and his face suddenly became ferocious, revealing sharp fangs!

The shadow of the big demon behind him was also roaring at this moment!

Since Su Changqing was able to crush and kill the young clan leader Xiang Yuan, his strength should not be underestimated.

But as long as they don't reveal any flaws, he will be able to take their lives. He still has this confidence!

The other four nodded one after another, and then their cultivation burst out without reservation. They were all in the Saint Realm, and the weakest was the Saint of the Third Heaven!


The shadows of the big monsters behind them were also baring their fangs and claws at this moment, and the monstrous demonic energy immediately blocked this area!

Almost in the next second, they attacked at the same time!

Facing the situation of being attacked from both sides, Su Changqing's expression was as calm as ever.

"Is that all?"

When he and the others approached, a smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Fan Yu and the others' faces changed. Before their attacks landed...

Su Changqing's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he appeared behind one of the gray-robed young men.

""Li Chen, be careful!!!"

Fan Yu suddenly exclaimed!

But before the gray-robed young man could react,


Su Changqing slowly raised his hand and slapped him on the back.

A muffled sound was heard, and the young man named Li Chen groaned, like a kite with a broken string, falling straight to the ground at an alarming speed!


The ground collapsed, and cracks continued to spread in all directions!

A deafening roar resounded through the sky!


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