Chapter 89: Saint Realm Battle Immortal Stage, this is Su Changqing, the aura of the Supreme!

Facing the Immortal Stage with the cultivation of a Saint,

Su Changqing was not satisfied with his first confrontation with Lei Hong.

But this scene shocked countless people and made their scalps numb!

"What kind of monster is Su Changqing? How could he fight against a Xiantai Realm person head-on?"

"This is outrageous, is he really just at the Saint level?"

"The guy from the demon clan before was obviously not holding back, but Su Changqing... was fine???"


They originally thought that within one round, Su Changqing would be seriously injured or even die!

Unexpectedly, Su Changqing just retreated and was fine!

This caused countless people around to be shocked and their scalps tingled!

For them, this scene just now was scary enough!

You know, Su Changqing's cultivation is only at the Saint level!

He is no longer facing a Saint of the same level, nor a God King, but an Immortal Platform!

At this moment,

Lei Hong couldn't help but stare at Su Changqing intently.

"This kid……"

He also noticed the excitement in the other's eyes, and his heart trembled.

No wonder he was able to crush the five demon stars of this generation of the demon race!

But soon,

Lei Hong's face became more angry, and the smile on Su Changqing's face was like a mockery to him!

He spoke coldly, and the black shadow behind him overlapped with his body!

Suddenly, his aura surged!

The next moment...

Lei Hong's figure disappeared on the spot, and when he appeared again, he had come behind Su Changqing!

"Boy, you are quite strong, but... you must die!"

Even though he was furious, he couldn't help but praise him at this moment.

After all, there are very few people like Su Changqing in Jiuxuantian!

If this boy was not from Daoyi Shengzong, but from the Undead Demon Clan, I am afraid that the Undead Demon Clan would be able to regain its glory in the future!

He also raised his hand suddenly, and a black mark appeared on the palm of his hand. It was the Undead Puppet Technique of the Undead Demon Clan!

This boy might have a big secret in his body. Refining him into a puppet would be a good choice!

But before Lei Hong's hand fell,

Su Changqing turned his head like a ghost and smiled evilly!

""Maybe... you will be the one who dies?"

He said lightly, and then faced the palm that was coming towards him, which exuded a taboo aura, and raised his hand and pointed!

Eight Desolate Desolation Finger!

This time, he did not hold back at all, knowing that doing so in front of Xiantai would be courting death!

And this time, the Eight Desolate Desolation Finger was used, and it instantly……


Dark clouds gathered above the sky, and terrifying thunder kept sliding across the sky!

In the blink of an eye, a thunder pool emitting a breath of destruction was formed!

It seemed that...

Su Changqing's finger, which was used with all his strength, was not recognized by the laws of the world!

Even the void next to it became extremely distorted when Su Changqing's finger of extinction was used!

Lei Hong also felt a breath of destruction on Su Changqing's finger that made his soul scream, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart!


He naturally recognized it at a glance. This was the method that Su Changqing used to annihilate the immortal demon and make four of the five demon stars' souls fly away!

But why... is it so terrifying?

The thunder above is not ordinary thunder, but calamity thunder!!!

And now facing Su Changqing's terrifying finger emitting dim light and destructive aura, it is too late to withdraw or dodge!

Lei Hong's pupils suddenly contracted, and he could only frantically promote his cultivation. The black shadow behind him also completely merged with himself, bursting out with a stronger aura, and dropped a more powerful palm!


As soon as he touched Su Changqing's fingertips, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he took a breath of cold air. A terrifying force came from his hand, and it was about to flow through his arm and spread throughout his body! At this moment, he felt the threat of death very clearly!

If he didn't retreat, he would probably suffer a serious injury!


How could a kid in the Saint Realm have such a terrifying method!?

Even though he had merged with the shadow of the ancient demon that he had cultivated for many years, and his cultivation level was the fifth level of the Spirit Realm Immortal Platform, he still had such a strong life-and-death crisis!!

But there was no time to think about it.

Lei Hong had already felt that the destructive force on his arm was spreading rapidly. If he didn't suppress it quickly, even with the cultivation level of the Immortal Platform, he would be powerless to save the situation!


He quickly said, trying his best to suppress the domineering destructive force, but was counterattacked and spurted out a mouthful of blood!

This time, he was really injured!

In the hands of a kid in the Saint Realm, injured!!!

Retreating hundreds of feet,

Lei Hong was breathing rapidly, his face was a little pale, and his right hand kept shaking in his sleeve!

"What kind of skill is that?"

He was scared and his mouth was dry!

At this moment, he looked at Su Changqing with a serious look!

That kid was not only weird, but also very weird!

It was at this moment,


The thunder pool above the sky seemed to have reached a critical point, and it exploded again!

Among them, there was a dark purple thunder, emitting an extremely terrifying aura of destruction, and it seemed to be falling towards Su Changqing!

Seeing this scene,

Lei Hong was stunned for a moment, and soon he grinned again!

"Boy, that was your killer move just now, right? Obviously... you are playing with fire!"

He spoke in a cold voice, but he was even more shocked!

Su Changqing, as a saint, could actually trigger such a terrifying thunderbolt!

Although he was extremely curious about what the killer move just now was, he also knew that under this thunderbolt, Su Changqing had been sentenced to death!

But suddenly,


Lei Hong's expression changed drastically, his pupils shrank violently, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably!

He felt a soul-shaking breath from Su Changqing!

It seemed... the breath of the Supreme Being!!!

In Lei Hong's shocked eyes,

Su Changqing showed a hint of helplessness on his face, and slowly raised his head with a sharp look in his eyes!

"Noisy (affj)!"

He shouted coldly, and he did not expect that the complete display of the finger of extinction would cause such an amazing phenomenon! He had to activate the supreme aura in his body! It was also under Su Changqing's cold shout that the terrifying thunder that had originally condensed and formed with the aura of destruction was shocked at this moment and immediately collapsed!

The thunder pool that covered the sky and the sun also disappeared in an instant! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When seeing this scene, feeling the fleeting terrifying aura on Su Changqing...

Lei Hong widened his eyes and could no longer calm down!


"Just now... the aura from that kid just now, is the aura of the Supreme!!?"

"Could it be that he has something related to the Supreme Being?! ?"

His body trembled more and more, and his heart was hanging in his throat!

No wonder, no wonder this damn kid dared to fight with him!

At this moment, he couldn't help but panic!


On the battlefield, everyone had to stop fighting and stared at Su Changqing on another battlefield in amazement!

What just happened?

What did they see?

Su Changqing, who was at the Saint Realm, actually... not only repelled the demon from the Immortal Realm, but also injured him! ?

And it looked like he was seriously injured!

He even vomited blood!!

The core disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect looked at Su Changqing, all of them with fanaticism in their eyes!

"As expected, he is the strongest saint son since the founding of Daoyi Saint Sect. Oh my god!……"

"It seems that our worries are unnecessary. The Saint Son can handle the fairyland of the demon race alone!!"

As core disciples, they are naturally better than other disciples, and each of them is arrogant!

Strong, too strong!!!

The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty were dumbfounded and looked bewildered!

"Is this... is this true? When will a Saint Realm person be able to fight against a Xiantai without losing, and even injure him? ? ?"

"No, no, no, I should say... Su Changqing really only has the cultivation of a saint? ?!"

"Daoyi Saint Son, is this Daoyi Saint Son? Why do I feel... that he, a saint, is stronger than Xiantai! ?"

Their hearts were pounding, and they felt that it was all just like a dream!

Because in people's subconscious, a saint's cultivation level could not be the opponent of a Xiantai strongman, even if a saint of great perfection faced an early Xiantai, there was no objection!

But now...

Su Changqing really hurt the Xiantai strongman of the demon clan!

And it also triggered a terrifying vision that made the soul fear, triggering a thunder that seemed to destroy everything!


Su Changqing just shouted, and the terrifying thunder that condensed the power of the law was scared and dissipated in the world!

Why is this???

The immortal demon clan was even more silent!

In their eyes, Lei Hong... is he still the old generation of strong men of their demon clan?!

The scene was dead silent!

On the other side,

Su Youwei, who was able to take a breath, was also looking at Su Changqing's figure in horror!

"Saint���Zhan Xiantai, this... is Su Changqing! ?"

She was so shocked that she opened her mouth and felt it was hard to breathe!

Even though she had been fighting before, she was always paying attention to the situation on Su Changqing's side!

But, the terrifying fighting power and means that Su Changqing showed, can a saint have it? ?

It was also at this moment that even in the battlefield above, the two supreme beings stopped fighting!

After almost a long time, the roar was heard again!

But the people on the battlefield below, they couldn't recover from the shock for a long time!

The major forces watching the battle from all directions were also dead silent!

In their eyes,

Su Changqing... even if he was not a fairy realm cultivator, he could still be comparable to the fairy realm!

This outrageous thing, this is the first time they have encountered it in their lives!

The holy son of Daoyi Saint Sect... his horror is far beyond imagination!!!


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