Chapter 94: He blocked it! Using a Saint Realm to defeat the Supreme Being alone? He succeeded?!

However, Su Changqing was soon stunned.


He found that no one responded after he opened his mouth.

Where is the Holy Lord?

This damn, don't let down the chain at the critical moment!

It was at this moment, in the shocked eyes of everyone.

The terrifying aura on Xiang Jun had already sealed off the world where Su Changqing was.

""Let me see how tough your life is!"

He knew very well that no one could save Su Changqing at this moment!

After that, it would be time to pay with his life!

As for Xiang Yuan and those geniuses and strong men of the demon race, their revenge must be avenged by himself!

Now only he can take action!

Otherwise, no one in the entire demon race would be able to do anything to Su Changqing!

Almost without any hesitation, the demonic energy on Xiang Jun's body covered the sky, and a strange light slowly appeared, reflecting the entire world into dark purple.


He just stood in the void, raised his hand and pressed down towards Su Changqing!

In an instant, the world shook!

As the Supreme, his pressure and aura suppressed Su Changqing! When the Supreme took action, there was no opponent below the Supreme!

Seeing Xiang Jun take action, all the people of the demon clan were excited!

The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty and Daoyi Holy Sect changed their faces!

"not good!!!"

"This damn demon clan supreme leader actually attacked Su Changqing personally!"

"The Son of God is in danger!!"

"What can we do? Even if the Holy Son can kill the Immortal Platform with one sword, this is the Supreme.……"

Especially the disciples of Daoyi Saint Sect, they all wanted to help!

But under the interference of the terrifying supreme pressure, their souls were trembling, and their bodies could not move!

If they wanted to resist by force, they would inevitably be backfired!

Now they could only watch!

On the battlefield,

Su Youwei 557 also saw this scene, and suddenly her face turned pale!

"Su Changqing!"

Her eyes were full of fear, and her heart was extremely anxious!

But... turning around, she saw that her father was resisting the terrifying ball of light!

He couldn't get away to stop the demon clan's supreme being!

In this case, wouldn't Su Changqing be in danger!?

In an instant, except for the demon clan, everyone else on the battlefield had despair on their faces!

At the moment, they couldn't help at all!

Could they just watch Su Changqing being killed by the other party!?


At the same time, many spectators also saw that Xiang Jun had gotten rid of Su Qingyun's restraint and attacked Su Changqing, launching a supreme attack!

Even if the opponent just pressed lightly towards the void, the terrifying aura made people pale!

Even the Xiantai realm was moved at the moment!

The supreme took action, and even if they were not on the battlefield, they all felt a sense of crisis!

How should Su Changqing, a saint, deal with it?

No matter how strong he is, he can't block this attack anymore, right! ?

"Oh no, if the Supreme hadn’t taken action, Su Changqing would have… definitely died this time!!"

"It seems that Su Changqing, the Holy Son of Daoyi, will also perish in this battle.……"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, this blow, even if it doesn't land, will be enough to destroy the immortal platform, not to mention Su Changqing."

Countless people cried out in shock, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Feeling the terrifying aura of the Supreme, their bodies were shaking involuntarily!

In the Beiming Holy Land, everyone was also exclaiming.

The Beiming Holy Lord also had a flash of light in his eyes, and said lightly:"Sure enough……"

Su Changqing's previous performance was enough to make the demon clan's supreme being murderous!

Now that he had gotten rid of Su Qingyun's restrictions, Xiang Jun completely pulled himself out and struck Su Changqing with a terrifying blow as a supreme being!

Even if Su Changqing had the means to defy the heavens, he would not be able to create miracles again!

Because his opponent was no longer a fairy, but a true supreme being!!

After seeing this scene, Xia Qingxuan panicked!

"Dad, isn't it time for you to take action?"

"You said before that Su Changqing was in danger and you would help him. Now he can't possibly withstand the attack of the demon clan supreme!"

She only slightly felt the breath of the supreme being descending to the world, and she felt suffocated!

Not to mention Su Changqing who was being targeted now!

No matter how strong he was, how could he face the supreme being?

At this moment, she could no longer remain calm and hurriedly urged her father to help!

Xia Wenzhe listened to his daughter's words and took a deep breath.

"I will take action, it seems……"

He looked at Su Changqing's figure on the battlefield, replied calmly, and then prepared to leave.

But suddenly, before he finished speaking, his body paused. The faces of the others also changed drastically!

It seemed that Su Changqing had struggled for a while, and at this moment, his cultivation burst out!


A huge roar resounded through the sky!

Now Su Changqing stepped on the void, causing the heaven and earth to shake. The aura on his body was originally only at the sixth level of the saint, but at this moment it surged up, as if his realm was soaring!

Seeing this scene,

Xia Wenzhe, even as the supreme, was surprised.

"He...he is going to face the demon clan supreme!!?"

"He wants to block this attack! ?"

He took a deep breath and was shocked by Su Changqing's decision again!

Even if this kid only has the cultivation of a saint, he didn't think about how to dodge when facing the supreme being, but wanted to face it head-on! ? (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Crazy, too crazy!!!

The people of Beiming Holy Land exclaimed again and again, and the other forces and cultivators around were no exception. They were all stunned and their scalps were numb!

Xia Qingxuan's pupils suddenly contracted and her body trembled!

""Su Changqing, what on earth are you going to do? ?!"

She was extremely anxious, but there was nothing she could do!

Crazy, Su Changqing must be crazy!

He only has the cultivation of a saint, but now he actually wants to face the attack of the supreme being!?


Su Changqing's actions were also seen by countless eyes from all sides!

At this moment, the shock Su Changqing brought to them was far more shocking than when they saw the Immortal Slaying Platform before!

Because now, this authentic saint of Daoyi, the third on the Tianjiao list, is going to face the Supreme!!!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, everyone was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Su Changqing, who now had a terrifying aura and the attack of the Supreme in front of him seemed insignificant!

"What is he going to do? He is looking for death.……"

In everyone's mind, Su Changqing was either crazy or too conceited!

No way, no way?

He didn't really think that he, a Saint, could contend with the Supreme Being, right?

On the battlefield,

Zhan Yan, Su Changqing's protector, also had a changed look on his face.

"Holy Son!!"

Even though he wanted to do everything to help, he was suppressed by Xiang Jun and could not move!

Just like that, he could only watch the terrifying hand that appeared out of thin air in the void and covered the sky and the sun fell towards Su Changqing!

The void collapsed, and the ground was also bearing the terrifying force, constantly spreading and collapsing!

Xiang Jun looked at Su Changqing who wanted to resist now, his eyes full of disdain!

"Do you want to die in a less ugly way?"

He spoke in a cold voice, but he did not intend to stop there!

Even if it would attract the wrath of Saint Daoyi later, he did not hesitate at all!

The heaven and earth were roaring and collapsing...

No one knew...

At this time, Su Changqing was in an escalating crisis!

"Damn old man, he failed at the critical moment!"

He looked up at the approaching palm, knowing that escaping was simply unrealistic!

Because the gap between a saint and a supreme being is too big!

Now he can only fight hard!!!

Concentrating his mind,

Su Changqing completely burst out his cultivation, and at the same time, he activated the Hunyuan Supreme Bone in his body without reservation!


The next moment, a supreme aura suddenly appeared on his body! In an instant, a strong wind blew!

The sky trembled, and the void even collapsed!

Behind Su Changqing, his saint incarnation appeared, exuding an unparalleled supreme aura!

""True Dragon Claw!!!"

He did not hesitate and directly displayed the True Dragon Claw from the True Dragon Treasure Technique, which is one of the current killer moves!

At this moment, Su Changqing and the incarnation behind him both exuded an astonishing True Dragon aura!

A dragon roar was heard in the void!

A true dragon shadow appeared!

As the True Dragon Claw was used, Su Changqing's right hand underwent a drastic change at this moment. Red scales covered his arm, and his palm turned into an extremely sharp dragon claw that contained a breath of destruction!

This extremely shocking and terrifying scene once again made countless people around exclaim in horror!

At this moment,

Xiang Jun's supreme attack had already arrived!

Su Changqing's eyes were filled with madness, and he pushed the power in his body to the True Dragon Claw with all his strength!

"The entire Jiuxuan Heaven, with the saints welcoming���Supreme, is there a second person! ?"

He laughed to the sky, raised his real dragon claws in an instant, and attacked the huge palm!


Under the collision, the sky and the earth exploded!

Countless people's hearts were shocked and their faces turned pale!

At this moment,

Su Changqing's figure had disappeared, even his breath disappeared!

Because facing the palm that covered the sky and the sun that Xiang Jun had transformed, both he and the incarnation of the saint were as small as ants!

And the terrifying impact of the palm also implicated everyone on the entire battlefield!

So much so that it spread hundreds of miles away, and the onlookers were also affected and injured!

And this is the power of the Supreme!

Just a little move, no one under the Supreme can stop it!

As for Su Changqing, the peerless monster who could cut the immortal platform with one sword, he had died under the terrifying attack of the Supreme just now!

Whether it was the battlefield or the surroundings, it was dead silent!

"All those below the Supreme are ants. How can you, a saint, resist?"

Xiang Jun snorted coldly. Now the revenge for killing his son has been taken!

Next, he will continue to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty and take away the people from the Daoyi Holy Sect who came this time!

But suddenly……

"cough cough……"

"The Supreme... is nothing more than this!"

A cough was heard from where Su Changqing was before, and a sentence that made countless people's scalps explode was heard!

The Supreme, is nothing more than this!!!


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