Chapter 98: The world mourns as blood rains from the sky; the princess and Su Changqing meet for the first time!

In hundreds of thousands of years, this longest and most brutal war has finally ended!

Originally, it was only the Undead Demon Clan that attacked the Dayu Dynasty, but later, the Daoyi Holy Sect intervened!

To be precise, it was Su Changqing's intervention that completely reversed the situation on the battlefield! The

Dayu Dynasty, which was about to collapse, survived, but the Undead Demon Clan was completely destroyed!

At this moment on the battlefield, both the Dayu Dynasty and the Daoyi Holy Sect suffered many casualties.

But... the main reason for the piles of blood and the rivers of blood was entirely due to the people of the Undead Demon Clan!

Because, at this moment, no one from the Undead Demon Clan survived!

Even the Undead Demon Clan's homeland in the Western Desert was completely destroyed by the Daoyi Holy Lord!

The world was annihilated!

No one could even speak!

Amid countless shocked eyes... the sky was covered with dark clouds.


Suddenly, someone felt raindrops falling on him.���The color of the raindrops is wrong, it seems... to be blood!!

"Tick-tock. Tick-tock.……"

More and more people noticed something was wrong, and then they felt their scalps tingling.

Because the raindrops falling from the sky were blood-colored!

Soon, more and more people noticed that the rain was wrong! It was blood rain!! Right now, blood rain was falling from the sky!


Originally, there were only sparse raindrops, but now it is raining heavily!

On the battlefield, in the surroundings, in the entire Zhongzhou... it is raining blood!

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be a sad atmosphere!

It seems... heaven and earth are mourning together!

In this war, the number of deaths is countless!

Among them, there are many immortal masters, and one supreme being has completely fallen!

Sadness permeates between heaven and earth.

It seems that even God is sad about this!

At this moment, looking at the dense blood rain, on the battlefield, the disciples of Dayu Divine Dynasty and Daoyi Holy Sect cheered after they came to their senses!

"In this battle, the Dayu Divine Dynasty won!! ~'!"

"The immortal demon clan has been destroyed!"

"Those who do evil will eventually perish. Not only do they want to migrate, but they also want to start a war. They deserve to die!"

"As expected of the Saint of Daoyi, if it weren't for his intervention, the Dayu Dynasty might have been defeated in this war!"

Most of the people of the Dayu Dynasty looked at Su Changqing with gratitude amidst the cheers.

Because they heard what Saint Daoyi said before.

It was Su Changqing who wanted to help. If it weren't for him, Saint Daoyi would not have come!

Not to mention destroying the lair of the Undead Demon Clan, and destroying the ultimate trump card of the Demon Clan Supreme. Otherwise, this war would have led to the demise of the Dayu Dynasty!

Amid the cheers on the battlefield,

Su Youwei looked at the ended war, looked at the sky that was raining blood, and finally looked at Su Changqing who was not far from the battlefield.

"It was he who helped Dayu Dynasty win this battle.……"

Her eyes sparkled and she was quite excited.

As written in the diary, Su Changqing really succeeded in changing the outcome of this war!

Otherwise, the Dayu Dynasty would have been defeated! This was the first time they had met. For some reason, she had an inexplicable feeling towards Su Changqing.

When she thought of this...

Su Youwei suppressed her thoughts and walked towards Su Changqing.

"Su Youwei, thank you, Saint Daoyi."

She came to Su Changqing and bowed slightly.

Looking at the man in front of her from a close distance, her heartbeat accelerated, and she didn't even dare to look directly at him.

Su Changqing, who was still admiring the bloody rain, heard the words, turned around and saw Su Youwei coming, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes revealed vicissitudes and nostalgia.

"Princess, there is no need to be polite. It is just that the demon race is seeking its own destruction."

He pretended to be hesitant to speak, but in the end he did not say much.

Seeing the vicissitudes and nostalgia in Su Changqing's eyes,

Su Youwei was shocked. For some reason, she had an indescribable feeling.

"He He……"

She was nervous and didn't know how to face Su Changqing.

He looked so distressing.

With such vicissitudes, he must have had a hard life in his previous life, right?

In addition to the description in the previous diary, at the last moment of the dark turmoil, he was the only one left...

Even if she just thought about it, (for exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Youwei could feel the suffocating feeling of being alone, and now she didn't know how to speak.


She was in a heavy mood, and finally turned away without knowing what to say.

"Youwei...long time no see……"

There was a murmur behind her.

Hearing this,

Su Youwei's body trembled and her steps paused.

"Su Changqing……"

She wanted to turn around, but she held back.

After all, she couldn't let the other party know that she had a copy of the diary.

After taking a deep breath, she returned to the direction of Dayu Shen and the others.

Next, she had to think about how to face Su Changqing.

She had always wanted to see him before, but now that she had met him, she didn't know how to communicate.

It was at this moment that

Su Changqing noticed that Su Youwei paused, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she began to make up a diary.

【Youwei, in this life... our meeting was ten years earlier】

【You are still that little Lolita, just like Qianxue, Dieyi, and Qingxuan, you are the same as I remember, no change, that's great……】

【Right now, the outcome of the war between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty has changed. Perhaps our future will not be as bumpy and so... full of regrets as in the previous life!】

【In this life, I will stand in front of you, in front of the people I care about, and I will never let you walk in front of me again, because... the last person alive will suffer the most! 】

After he made up a diary, he did not continue to make up too much.

After all, outside the battlefield, Xia Qingxuan is still there.

It is best to stop at the right time.

Otherwise, it will cause conflicts among the women, which will be detrimental to future developments.

At the same time,

Su Youwei also saw the update of the diary copy. After checking the content, her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

".This guy……"


She wanted to say something else, but after reading the diary, she shuddered.

The person who survived to the end (of Qian Zhao) was the most miserable!

In this life, did Su Changqing intend to change everything from the previous life?

Then what happened between herself and Su Changqing?

Or... what did they experience together?

Su Changqing in the previous life was full of regrets. In this life, was he going to change everything like the war between the Dayu Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan?

Thinking of this,

Su Youwei's breathing became a little rapid, and her eyes gradually became firm.

"I don't want to stand behind you. If possible, I can stand in front of you and change everything in this life with you!"

She hummed in her heart and secretly looked back at Su Changqing.

Anyway, Su Changqing revealed in his diary that she had to become strong, only then could she follow in the footsteps of this man!


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