Quzhou County, located in the northernmost part of Mingzhou.

Its Geography location is in the north of Mingshui County, bordering Mingshui County.

Liu Heitai led the army to retreat all the way from Sanjiangkou, and finally settled down in the city of Quzhou County. Compared with Mingshui County, Quzhou County has a slightly worse Geography location.

However, the city in Quzhou County is extremely strong, with tall city walls suitable for garrison.

Liu Heitai’s plan is to use the garrison in Quzhou County.

In addition, outside of Quzhou County, there are also eight thousand Turkic fine riders led by Zhishisili.

Liu Heishi thinks that being in Quzhou County can at least consume the strength of the Tang Army. As long as we continue to weaken the Tang Army, even if Liu Heitai keeps retreating today, Liu Heitai is willing.

Because what he lost now, he will take it back in the future.

As long as the Tang Army retreats, everything will be taken back.

In the city, the barracks.

In Liu Hei-na’s camp, the prime minister Zhu Zhou, as well as many generals under Liu Hei-na’s command, gathered.

After Liu Heixian looked around everyone, he said: “According to the latest news, Great Tang sent the Prince of Qin Li Shimin and led the army to kill. This Li Shimin is our strong enemy, especially Li Shimin is not the two idiots of Li Jiancheng. Li Shimin is good at fighting in battle, and has been on the battlefield. It is not easy to deal with, so this battle has to be careful.”

Everyone agreed.

All praised Liu Heitai for his wiseness.

Liu Heitai heard the praise from everyone, but his expression did not change at all, he was not complacent. The reason why Liu Heitai was able to continue to grow up was because he was extremely rational, knew what he was capable of, and knew what he wanted.

After talking about the call, Liu Heishi looked towards Zhu Zhou and asked: “Prime Minister, we will fight the Tang Army in this Quzhou County next. What suggestions do you have?”

Zhu Zhoudao: “My lord, in fact, apart from being careful about Li Shimin now, I think the biggest opportunity lies in the relationship between Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng.”

” Constantly winning is because Li Shimin was suppressed. Even Li Shimin’s people were abandoned by Li Jiancheng like abandoned sons, so we won consecutive battles.”

“Li Shimin played, we lost .”

“It can be seen that Li Shimin is powerful.”

Zhu Zhou talked freely and continued: “Since we know this situation, we can build on this foundation. This investment has divorced the relationship between Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng, and allowed Li Jiancheng to continue to target Li Shimin.”

“It makes Li Shimin strong and difficult to use.”

“In this way, we have a chance.”

Zhu Zhou continued: “Of course, in addition to this matter, there are also prisoners in our hands. The last time we played against Xue Wanche, we won, and Killed more than 7,000 Tang Army and captured more than 15,000 people. With this group of captives, when Li Shimin arrives, that will be our opportunity. When the time comes, use the captives to intimidate Li Shimin, let Li Shimin didn’t dare to act rashly.”

Liu Heicai always ignores the process in doing things.

It would be nice to achieve the goal.

Anything can be done.

So when I heard Zhu Zhou’s words, Liu Heishan’s face suddenly showed a bright smile, saying: “The prime minister, you are really my good military master! There is a prime minister, this time I want to obtain Victory is bound to be destined.”

Zhu Zhou said: “The king is overpraised.”

Liu Heizai continued: “Last time in Mingshui County, we met Li Shimin attacking City, there is no means to restrain Li Shimin. Now that he has a prisoner, he can restrain him. Of course, this king knows that he wants to use the prisoner to make Li Shimin surrender. It must be impossible. The problem is that Li Shimin is in a dilemma, making it difficult for him to attack us. In Quzhou County, it can be done.”

The others also agreed.

Everyone praised Zhu Zhou, thinking that Zhu Zhou’s suggestion helped Liu Heitai solve a big problem.

Liu Heisha suddenly said: “Prime Minister, we have captured more than 10,000 Tang Army soldiers, how many people are dead now? I remember, almost no food for them, just one meal a day, don’t I’m almost starving to death. When the time comes, the situation will be very bad.”

Zhu Zhou said: “Don’t worry, the king, one day one meal gruel is enough to hang them from death. And it’s done. The good thing is that they are all hungry and flustered, and they have no strength. Even if they don’t bind them, these people can’t rebel and cause chaos.”

Liu Heixian said: “That’s good!”

paused, Liu Heida continued: “The prime minister, the eight thousand Turkic people outside the city, I always think that it is a pity that they have not been used. Even if we turn to Turkic Illig Qaghan, Illig Qaghan gave To help us out of mind, their status needs to be expert. I still don’t like letting them watch the show outside.”

Liu Heitai has always been pragmatic and we must use everything. . The army that has lost its mind is now outside the city. It would be a pity if it was not used.

So many resources were wasted.

After all, Liu Heitai gave food and equipment, etc., he couldn’t give it for nothing.

Zhu Zhou said: “Majesty, the command of the mindlessness may not be obeyed all of us. Our commands and the mindfulness of the mind will be considered before deciding whether to implement it. So we have to I am afraid it will be extremely difficult to order to lose thinking.”

“This can’t work!”

Liu Heitai gritted his teeth and said: “We can’t do this. If you have autonomy, you are afraid of him, and even feel unable to dispatch. You must let the mind lose your mind, take the initiative to attack the Tang Army, and share our pressure.”

Zhu Zhoudao: “It’s difficult!”


At this moment, a soldier entered and reported: “My lord, the Turkic Ministry is desperate to see you.”


Liu Heishi gave an order.

He looked towards Zhu Zhou and said with a smile: “Didn’t expect, we said this failure of thinking, this failure of thinking will come. It just so happens that I have to mobilize the army of failure of thinking , Let him act thoroughly. It would be inappropriate for him to send troops to help us only when we are in danger and when it is beneficial to them.”

Zhu Zhoudao: “What is the king going to do?”

Liu Heixian smiled and said: “What else can be done, naturally to lure them. These Turkic people, like mad dogs, only see meat. Only then will they rush forward like crazy. This is an opportunity to impress the mindlessness.”

Zhu Zhou nodded.

In the general direction, he has already guessed Liu Heishan’s thoughts.

Not long ago, I lost my mind to enter.

Now that I lose my mind, I have become thinner and more capable. Since he returned to the grassland, because Jieli suffered a huge loss at Wild Goose Sect, the various tribes on the grassland rebelled, and because of Shibafu’s independence, he became another Turkic khan, so many people saw hope and thought It is an opportunity to disobey Jie Li, so many people betray.

Jie Li brought his spirit willpower and the others, conquering and fighting, and killing continuously, making his spirit willpower and strength sharpened. He is now more energetic.

Seeing Liu Heitai with a loss of thought, raised his right hand, put it on his chest and bowed slightly to salute: “Prince of Han!”

Liu Heitai established the country and said King of Handong.

However, stubborn thinking is called Prince of Han, which is simple and not confusing. Therefore, the stubbornness is called Prince of Han, and Liu Heiyu gets used to it over time.

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