I'm Naruto But Why Can I Use Magic

Chapter 6 - JaganEvil eye

Recap: After I returned to the village I made my way to the Hokage's office to request for my own apartment.

On my way to the Hokage's office, I encountered no signs of prejudice, which is quite strange even if the village didn't know about my physical traits, some prejudice would be expected, at the very least for the fact that I have whiskers which normal humans don't have, what is even stranger is that no one seems to be aware that I'm even here, a thought for a later time, hopefully, the old monster grants me my request. After all, my previous self would have jumped out of a window, on the first floor screaming 'I believe I can flyyyyy!' , if a child that claimed to be a one-year-old walked around, spoke without any problem, and looked like he is a 4-year-old, but I should probably stop stalling, after all, I have been standing in front of the door for about a minute. I knock on the door and after I hear a 'come in' I open the door and slowly close it behind myself I walk up to his desk and before I can say anything I realize that I still haven't deactivated my Zetsu not that this old monster seemed to have any problem noticing my presence before that though given that he was able to follow me with his eyes. Naruto: "I would like to request for my own apartment and enough funds to live without any problems until I can gain my own way of getting money." Sarutobi: "I don't see any problem with that but do you mind if I ask you some questions in return for that?" Naruto: "As long as it's a once-off thing I'm fine with it, so go ahead ask." Sarutobi: "Thank you, Then let's start off with the simple ones who are you, what reason do you have for coming here, and where were you born?" Naruto: "If the caretaker that raised me is to be trusted my name is 'demon brat', to get an apartment and funds, as far as I know here in this village." Sarutobi: "'Demon brat'? wait how old are you?" Naruto: "Me? I recently became a year old my birth was October 10 so I recently became a one-year-old." Sarutobi: "B-b-but you look a lot older than that no matter how you look at it, at the very least you look about 4 years old." Naruto: "Is that so, I never met any other children my age so I have no frame of reference for how big I am compared to them, say is that enough, I would like to have a meal that fills me up, instead of just a single sip milk, because I am kinda sick of feeling like I'm constantly hungry." Sarutobi: "What, uh sure, oh before I forget Your name is Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto: "hmm, is that so, then tell me how do you know that even if you are the leader of this village I don't think you the name of every child in this village unless there is something unusual about me or maybe more precisely my birth (I give a quick smirk, that I quickly return to my gentle smile) I'm just joking old man, because thanks to you I now have a splendid name, goodbye, old man." Sarutobi: "Goodbye Naruto." As I walk out I decide to give the old man one last scare by stopping and looking at the fourth Hokage's portrait, Naruto: "Don't you think he and I look alike, huh, old man?" and before he can respond to my unexpected question Naruto: "Not that it really matters though, enjoy your day old man, I will come by later to hear where I will be living." Just like that, I start walking down the road to the only place that never showed any prejudice to OG Naruto, the legendary Ichiraku Ramen, although I have no idea where it is I'm sure eventually I will find.

(Sarutobi POV after naruto/I left): I can't believe how m.a.t.u.r.e he has become in a single year, I might need to have a chat with the orphanage considering that I got no notice in there reports that He had a faster growth rate or the fact that he was being underfed his main caretaker might need to be handled (tortured) for the oversight this caused and that I now I need to make him feel more welcomed otherwise he might just leave the village one day I'll give him one the more luxurious apartments. (AN: I was thinking of the type of apartment that Sasuke lived in, in the Series because his apartment seemed a lot better to me than the one naruto got so, Sasuke and Naruto might end up neighbors.)(Sarutobi POV end:)


I must say if OG Naruto did one thing right it certainly was his choice in food because I enjoyed Ichiraku Ramen a lot more than I thought would and after I got the keys for my apartment, which was a lot fancier than I expected, I started my Third big experiment in this world. You see I noticed that if I move my chakra throughout my body I noticed it would increase most everything of the place it gathered or passed through, that's when I had a thought what would happen if I move a small amount of my chakra to my eyes, nothing really changed except for a slight increase in my eyes capability that's when I developed my hypothesis for my Third big experiment moving chakra to my eyes increased it's performance moving nen to my eyes, which was called Gyo (凝, Gyō; "Focus") is an advanced application of Ren by which a Nen user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part, allowed me to see the Nen of others whether they are trying to hide it or not so what would happen if I moved some of my mental/Spiritual energy to my eyes and what would happen if I moved all three energy types to my eyes, would I end up cursed with evil eyes(JOJO POSE), all joking aside I have delayed this project for the simple reason that I was worried about my control but as long as it's just a miniscule amount I can probably handle it.

[Authors Thoughts: I taught that the three types of energy combined could maybe end up with him gaining Ban Mido's evil eyes from the anime GetBackers, The Evil Eye: Firstly, he can utilize the Evil Eye (邪眼, Jagan), a power which allows him to make anyone he makes eye contact with to watch a one minute long illusion, however, it should only be used three times per day. The Evil Eye cannot be used on the same person again for the next 24 hours. Furthermore, while the illusion only lasts for one minute, should Ban will it, the one affected by the Jagan can be placed inside a time-warp zone via the illusion created by the technique, meaning that to them, one minute in real life could last up to several hours in the Jagan's influence. Let me know you're thoughts about what the mental energy and the combination of all three energies should be on his eyes .]

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