I'm Naruto But Why Can I Use Magic

Chapter 8 - Cower before my muscles

It's been about a year since I moved into my new apartment and started my physical training. I first started with the one punch man exercise, but about after a day I was able to perfectly complete it under two minutes and then I started to mimic various other training, in under a month I was able to do a one-finger handstand pushup after which I started to wear weighted clothes although I started with a small amount at first, no more than 5 kg at first, do take note what I mean is each weight is separately 5 kg which means one on each arm, one on each foot, one on each leg (lee's type) and one weighted shirt for the c.h.e.s.t, on a side note I deiced to mimic Goku's grown-up dōgi, because its not the best idea to start training with weights that are too heavy and seriously injure myself and after I slowly grew accustomed to the weight I slowly increased it and if you are curious I used the Transfiguration magic spell to turn completely normal clothes into Goku's dōgi and if you are even more curious the back now says Uzumaki and the front says Nine. After I started doing physical training for about six months, the weight reached about 50 kg in this time, I started to train my martial arts, on an army of shadow clones (they constantly try and stay alive whilst trying to score hits on me and after they all are dispersed, we start from the beginning again), with a focus to not lose in pure martial arts against lee in the Chunin exams after all he would be my first goal post to pass or maybe I should use checkpoint. After all, if I can't fight several top-class shinobi simultaneously with pure martial arts I wouldn't dare fight someone like Madara Uchiha let alone Kaguya but the benefit is I have a few years to train before I have to worry about beings on their level.

My current weights are all above 200 kg and I have reached a level in my martial arts where I might not lose to Kenichi around the time when he fought Thor, simply put I am adequate (now if you are thinking didn't you specifically ask for two wishes which would increase you're compression to martial arts so why the slow progress, well it's extremely simple the thing is most people train either under a master, like Kenichi, or gain a lot of experience through actual battels, like Oga, but at best you can only be considered adequate until you have gained some fighting experience and no fighting only one enemy can not be considered as enough fighting experience.)

Now recently I have been attempting to mimic abilities that I don't have a lot of information on, the likes of which include Killua's assassination techniques, a chakra fueled Hadouken and the Rokushiki so far the one with the best progress is Killua's assassination techniques, in second place is the Rokushiki with Shigan, Tekkai (which includes Tekkai Kenpo) and Kami-e already close to perfection and some attainment already achieved in Rankyaku and Geppo but no progress has been made in the secret and ultimate attack of the Rokushiki Rokuogan and in a chakra fueled Hadouken.

Although I was able to create a perfect Rasengan thanks to my Hadouken training and my chakra control has also increased thanks to the Hadouken training. But it is still not enough to recreate some of the more difficult and finesse needing abilities.

Something of note though, I'm constantly messing with the Anbu that was sent to 'keep me safe' by jumping off of buildings and placing my head in the river just to have the 'me' he is watching pop and be revealed to be a shadow clone the entire time. None expect the fool or the navie child to be a schemer not mention a strategist because if they know that I know that I'm being watched by some of their most skilled Shinobi they will either have to increase the skill of the observers, which they would and did do at first but after they notice that I still know they are there they will stop following me after which I can start to train the more secret techniques and abilities, if you are wondering why I don't try to find a lab of Orochimaru and train there in secret, it is quite simple I want them to believe that they can still control me and why would I even risk having them doubt that for a second, by going to a traitor's base and possibly risk being discovered with my hand in the cookie jar. At the very least not whilst the old monster duo still lives.

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