I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 102 Petty Theft

The company has a lot of war preparations. For example, the 'potent extract of bee venom' used last time is available in the tool warehouse. This was the thing used to kill the Oda family last time. It was very effective.

However, 'bee venom' is essentially just poison. Although it is a targeted gene-tracking poison, it can be 'killed for Tokugawa' when properly adjusted and will not harm innocent people. However, it must be put in place to be effective, so the key is the method of poisoning. .

When the company took action, it directly shut down the entire plane server and sent nano-robots to sneak into the chaebol's private residence and poison them one by one.

If Li Pan were to do it now, he would probably have to refer to the operation manual to adjust the effectiveness rate of 'bee venom', then tie a third-line Tokugawa family member, give him an injection into the vein, and then put it back to play family contagion and eliminate it. Efficiency is a completely different matter.

Moreover, the Oda clan and the Tokugawa clan were all wiped out by the same poison, and I'm afraid the impact would be too bad.

So Li Pan decided to take another look to see if there were any more properly prepared monsters with as few side effects as possible.

Of course, Li Pan can also try to smoke black ice while using the name of "killing ghosts" and kill them one by one. As long as he doesn't care about cyberpsychosis and whether Gao Tianyuan's directors will have stress reactions, he can go directly to the night. Just drop a nuclear bomb on the capital.

Therefore, it is not difficult to destroy the Tokugawa family. What is difficult is actually finding the right person to take over this big pot.

No matter how generous Monster Inc. is, even after it did something secretly last time, it will not help the managers of its subsidiaries to take the blame and start wars with other companies again and again, so Li Pan has to find a way to get rid of the blame.

"Wait? Is it President Todo? I, Li Pan, want to treat you to dinner. What? Have you gone back to Kansai? Oh, your legs and feet are pretty fast... Okay, I'll say hello to the head of the Hashiba family on that occasion! Haha... "

"Way? Emilia, I'll leave a message after I hear the beep...I'll do it..."

Tsk, this is a bit difficult to handle. Unexpectedly, the Tokugawa family's army surrounded the capital of the night, and the people on both sides of the Ye family and Yu Shiba shrank. Then who should take the blame...

Li Pan was speechless as he watched the news. All the Ye family's troops gathered in the center of the city to guard their homes. It's not dark yet, but the gangs in the suburbs, old capitals, and slums are already at war with each other.

This was not even Tokugawa's troops, but the gangs who vassalized Tokugawa. They were taking the opportunity to organize a counterattack. If Li Pan hadn't destroyed a large number of arms before the Dongcheng Association, the fight would probably have been more lively.

Just looking at this, the Ye family's power has shrunk, and it seems that they intend to avoid a head-on confrontation with the Tokugawa family. It seems that they are willing to compromise and negotiate.

If he doesn't take action quickly, when Tokugawa and the Ye clan reach peace, he will really have no place in the Night Capital.

Just when Li Pan was at a loss what to do, the task of catching the thief at Shiba was making progress.

"Boss, I restored the deleted surveillance data and found the thief who broke into your apartment."

"Oh? Is it a gangster?"

"It's not a gangster, it's a maid."

"It's a woman..."

It was clear from the video of Shiba's reply that the other party had no intention of pretending at all, and was none other than the werewolf maid, Leticia's hunting dog.

No, why her?

And who comes out to steal things and wears professional attire? Do you do door-to-door takeout? ? And what is this called prying open? This is a kick that breaks the door down! What kind of grudge is this? Oh, is it because he is looking for that pair of stockings? Ya's dog has a smart nose, no wonder the head hidden in the toilet turned out...

Li Pan quickly took a sip of black ice to calm down his shock.

"Ahem, can you find her coordinates?"

"I still have her private link. Boss, do you want to call her?"

"You still have her private...where did you get her private link?"

"Boss, you forgot, the black gold communication card you gave her has a magic doll hidden in it. When she withdraws money, the private link information will be exposed. Do you want me to burn her communication chip directly?

But she is not a hacker, she does not have large areas of neural link wiring, and the chip model is outdated and second-hand. It is not an intracranial implant, so she probably cannot be burned to death. "

Damn it, black money transactions are really unsafe...

"Well, help me pull up a secret communication channel to call her."

"Okay, what's your username?"

"...President of the Fighting Support Club."

The channel was connected, but the person on the other end didn't say anything. Li Pan was silent for a while before saying anything.

"Is the thing in your hand?"

I took a photo on the opposite side, and it turned out to be the tightly wrapped plastic bag. It didn't look like it had been opened?

"...How much do you want?"

The other party took a picture and made a three count.

"Thirty thousand?"

Li Pan asked.

The other side made another three count.

"...Three hundred thousand?"

Li Pan asked again.

The person on the other side was silent for a while, and then made another three sign.

Li Pan was also annoyed,

"Hey! Is there anyone who keeps raising the price? The price is one million! If you want to sell it, don't sell it!"

Come back quickly from the other side.


Li Pan, "..."

No matter what, Tokugawa Chihime's head is worth one million.

Li Pan set off immediately, took a taxi to an apartment building in the suburbs, and found the basement according to the coordinates.

The underground floor of this apartment building was originally a laundry room and parking lot. Now it has been converted into a 'youth hotel', or to put it more nicely, it is a shared apartment. It is divided into small cubicles of ten square meters each, and the water pipes and circuits are privately connected. If you have money, you can live.

Li Pan found the innermost cubicle and knocked on the door. He could feel the other person's "qi" behind the door, so he asked,

"Leticia? I'm unarmed."

The door opened, and Hound, wearing the smart casual clothes he wore when fighting in the ring, turned sideways to let Li Pan into the room.

At first, Li Pan thought that this apartment was where the maid found a cheap place to trade her brains in private. But looking at the bedding on the bed, as well as the underwear and maid clothes hanging in the bathroom, it seems that she really lives here. There is a smell when she comes in...

The hound didn't care about Li Pan's glance, and turned around to take out the plastic bag from the mini refrigerator.

"As promised, one million, do you want to inspect the goods first?"

Li Pan looked at her suspiciously,

"You really haven't opened it?"

The other person shrugged.

Li Pan frowned,

"Then what do you think this is?"

The hound rolled his eyes and sniffed,

"Pork head meat or something like that. It's so expensive. Is it smuggled?"

Li Pan was speechless for a moment.

Because of the ban issued by the Vegetarian Alliance and the increasingly strict bio-quarantine regulations, the poor can only eat synthetic paste, and not everyone can afford seasoned maggot protein synthetic meat.

Therefore, there are quite a few illegal underground breeding farms that raise unquarantined and unregistered genetically modified livestock in the sewers. Although the content of these smuggled meat hormones and heavy metals seriously exceeds the standard, it is indeed quite greedy to think about it...

The hound was impatient, "Hey, I didn't eat it secretly. If you don't test it, please give me the money quickly. You said it yourself! One million!"

Shiba reported on the headset, "There are no hidden cameras, there are no hackers lurking in the local area network, the signal has been frequently shut down, and now they are usurping control of the subnet."

Li Pan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Leticia, right? Can I call you that?"

The other party said impatiently, "Don't get too close to your perverted attitude! I won't sleep with you! Pay now!"

"...Then I'll call you Leticia," Li Pan took a deep breath, "First of all, this is a one million transaction. Do you have a legal personal account?"

Leticia narrowed her eyes, "You want to default on your debt?"

Li Pan looked at her speechlessly, "You live in a place like this, and if I call you one million, my account will be shut down as money laundering, okay? Then do your wolf clan have a group company account?"

Leticia showed her fangs and tensed her long legs, looking like she was about to pounce and start a fight.

Li Pan quickly pointed to the stockings that had just been washed and hung to dry in the bathroom and said,

"And this is a souvenir I bought for 10,000 yuan. Since you stole it back, you have to return the money to me, right?"

Leticia couldn't help but shudder and couldn't help but spat,

"You still have to deal with you, you perverted scumbag!"

Li Pan didn't care, but was a little curious.

"So why did you make a special trip to steal it back? Do you still want to wear it? You don't just wear this uniform, do you?"

Leticia was furious;

"Hey! It's obvious that you stole my clothes! I just want to take them back and give you a slap in the face!"

And can’t you see this is work clothes! Let me go to work with one leg bare! Those socks are made of real silk! It’s simply not available on the market! How can I afford to pay more than 26,000 yuan for this! Ten thousand yuan is considered as my mental damage fee! "

Li Pan was speechless and patiently enlightened,

"So it's the same sentence. Your account deviation value can't even withstand a fluctuation of 6,000. I'll give you one million and seal it tomorrow. The night knights will go out to catch wolves the day after tomorrow. By then, you won't even be able to afford a small house like this." We have no place to live, so we have to go into the sewer, right? It stinks, right?"

"……what on earth do you want?"

Maybe because she didn't want to live in the sewer, Leticia actually suppressed her anger.

So Li Pan handed her his business card.

"Come and work for me."

Leticia raised her eyebrows.

"After talking for a long time, you still want to ride me. You even stole stockings. Why, do you want me to use my feet?

Hey, if you have money, just buy Mewtwo and stop doing these disgusting gameplays, okay? "

It is said that people with an IQ deviation value of more than 30 cannot communicate. Li Pan didn't believe it before, but now it seems that it is really the case...

Li Pan rubbed his brows, feeling like he would get a headache again if he continued talking.

"Huh... I think you're quite capable of fighting. You're still a strengthened werewolf. I plan to hire you to work as a factory security guard on the night shift. You'll be paid 20,000 yuan per month. This million can be given to you in the form of a performance bonus. How about that."

Leticia was greatly moved, but after struggling for a while she still shook her head.

"I don't have time at night. If I work part-time, I can only work during the day."

Li Pan asked curiously, "Didn't the last black boxing also take place at night?"

"I came here on leave that time..." Leticia reacted, "Hey you guy! Are you trying to spy on our intelligence!"

No, did you just react...

Li Pan induced,

"You wolf clan probably want to overthrow the Ye clan's rule, right? Do you want arms?

Don't look at me like this, I'm not Ye's ghost, everyone is here to do business.

To be honest, I also have a batch of cheap firearms, ammunition, howitzers, etc. Are you interested? "

Leticia narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

"You don't have to waste your efforts. I won't reveal anything about the clan."

Li Pan stalked him,

"If you're not interested, your dad might be interested. He's the one who got beaten up by me. How about bringing him my business card and I'll give you a two-point commission?"

Leticia frowned, "Who? Oh, that's not my dad... What's two dots?"

Li Pan made an estimate and said, "For the first transaction, let's sell two million worth of goods first. The commission is 40,000. I can pay you now."

"Forty thousand..." Leticia was moved for a moment, but then she reacted, "I've been talking for a long time! You first pay the one million for the pig's head!"

Eighteen, "Monitoring modification is completed."

Li Pan saw the video sent by Shiba and the screenshot of Leticia taking her head out of the freezer. He also smiled and stopped playing tricks on her. He took out an encrypted NFC and handed it over.

"Here, one million."

"Tsk, black money..."

Leticia was silent for a moment, and realized that Li Pan had been beeping with her for a long time. To put it bluntly, that was what he meant, and he refused to pay cash. The NFC card stores all illegal currency accounts and passwords, but one million in black money is a lot to launder.

So she gritted her teeth and took the communication card. In front of Li Pan, she logged in with the subcutaneous chip implanted on her waist. After confirming that there was one million in her account, she smiled as if she had won the lottery.

Eighteen, "Boss, it's done. I've updated the golem package. As long as she communicates with other people, the coordinate positioning will be infected and reproduced."

Well, I can’t bear to let the child trap the wolf. If you plant one million today, you can harvest a large field of one million tomorrow.

"Then I'll take my leave. You can think about the transaction again and contact me at any time."

Leticia was sitting on the bed having fun, but the moment Li Pan turned around to leave, she suddenly raised her foot and kicked Li Pan on the knee!

This house was too small, and the other party took action without any warning. Li Pan didn't even get out of the way, and was kicked to the ground. The plastic bag in his hand also fell from his hand.

Then Leticia jumped up and locked Li Pan's throat with a cross, grabbing Li Pan's whole body and strangulating her naked on the spot! At the same time, he bumped his shoulders and smashed his head onto the floor!

Li Pan was shaken all over, and the anti-gravity system was activated instantly. The two of them flew to the roof, and then used a snake move, twisting their waists, and escaped from Leticia's arms! It's like a gecko wandering on the wall!

But Leticia's legs were slender and strong, and her bounce was amazing. She bounced to the ground, then rushed forward to lock Li Pan at the waist, and slammed him into the wall! boom! It shot out through the wall and flew into the next room!

At this time, Li Pan was already protecting his body with his true energy. He hugged the back of his head and jumped like a carp. But before he could regain his stance, Leticia caught up with him and kicked him from the side! The whole person was kicked out through the wall again!

Being hooded and beaten violently, Li Panxie became furious. He threw down the washbasin and threw it at Leticia with his backhand!

But the wolf girl's pursuit didn't stop for a moment, and now she hit her with a shoulder and knee collision! Wow! He smashed the washbasin with a loud sound, knocked Li Pan out with another strong knee, and smashed through a wall again!

Good guy, being chased and breaking through three houses can be considered as breaking Li Pan's record. So this time it's not a personal grudge, it's a matter of face.

So when Leticia struck her head with another sweeping strike, Li Pan was so violent that he fell to the ground, dodged the moment of sweeping his legs, and suddenly rushed back like a spring, hugging Leticia's thigh, He yelled angrily and swung her whole body! boom! Gotta slap it on the wall! Smashed through an apartment too!

Leticia also returned the favor. After landing, she landed with a sweeping kick and hit Li Pan's calf directly. However, she didn't expect that Li Pan didn't rush over, but floated over with the anti-gravity system. As a result, he was completely wiped out with one move, and Li Pan grabbed his shoulder and arm with a grappling hand, then swung it up and smashed it!

Leticia didn't want to dislocate her hand bones, so she had to grit her teeth and arch her back to take the blow. She smashed through the wall of the apartment and shrank her hands and feet to protect her core.

But this time, Li Panlai's pursuit was faster. He directly turned off the anti-gravity system, suddenly accelerated, and a superman flew through the heart and leg! boom! Kicked Leticia's forearm off the wall! The whole person was kicked into the laundry room! It hit the pipe with a bang! Bang! A large amount of steam has to be blown up!

So in the short time it took to breathe, the two of them rolled around, punching through the six-partitioned apartment!

Leticia got up and reset her broken forearm, grinning happily and showing her fangs.

Madhu, smile like that, are they the same kind...

Li Pan took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, walked into the laundry room with a gloomy face, and walked towards Leticia.

A strong wind blew in my face!

After washing clothes and opening up some space, Leticia also spread out her long legs and kicked to the side, sweeping towards the root of Li Pan's thigh like a sickle!

Li Pan advanced instead of retreating, stepped sideways, and blocked it with his elbow and arm. boom! The sound was so shocking that his hands went numb!

This woman has really strong legs and feet! If it weren't for the Nine Yin True Qi protecting his body, this kick would have broken all the bones in his hand!

Leticia is not a fool. Li Pan, an 'enthusiastic fan', has watched the whole black boxing competition, and of course he knows that he is best at whipping the legs. This means that he has to get close even if he has to use one hand, and he grabs her upper body with his first hand. It is clear I want to drag him into a ground fighting fight.

So at this moment, Leticia kicked her feet and jumped back. The calf she kicked out from the side was swung wildly. She kicked Li Pan hard on the shoulders, waist and elbows with three consecutive kicks. Although she didn't break his defense, she kicked him out diagonally and pulled him away again. distance, fully prepared for the next leg sweep.

If there is anything in this world that is more difficult to defeat than Superman, it is a Superman who knows fighting skills. Li Pan was still hoping to use this little she-wolf to catch a big fish, but it was not easy to get started and he shot the real dragon to the head, so he retreated to Leticia. At that moment, he suddenly changed his move, reached down to fish, grabbed her calf and clamped it in his arms, screamed and kicked Leticia, hitting her ankle and knocking her down!

Leticia obviously didn't expect that Li Pan still had some energy left, so she reacted and immediately locked her waist with her legs, hugged her waist like a lobster, and hit Li Pan's head with her elbow!

How could Li Pan, who had a headache now, be able to withstand her blows? He quickly turned his head to avoid it, and received a hard elbow on his nose, which broke the bridge of his nose! At the same time, he endured the pain and fell violently, bang! With a sound, Leticia was pushed into the floor tiles!

Now the two of them turned into a wrestling match on the ground where their hands and feet were intertwined. The two of them rolled around, kicking the washing machines around and smashing the water pipes and floor tiles into pieces!

Li Pan's physical fitness is better, Jiuyin Zhenqi is both offensive and defensive, and he has just stacked a fifth-level armor. The little she-wolf cannot cause any real harm to him.

After all, Leticia is also a professional black boxer. Although she is best at kicking and has good ground skills, the werewolf's physical fitness and recovery speed are even more amazing. When they were entangled, Li Pan, who was temporarily inexperienced, actually got it for her. From the upper position, another cross lock comes up.

How could Li Pan let her use the guillotine? He used his hand to block her elbow, and the lock was resolved by the opponent. The two of them hugged each other, bumping into each other face to face as if they were banging each other.

However, both sides are superhuman. If they don't use real swords and guns, they can only rely on fists and kicks for a while, but they can't do anything to the other party.


Li Pan's wrists were pinned and he couldn't exert himself, breathing heavily.

"Ha ha……"

Letitia also held her neck high, and she and Li Pan were face to face. The heat waves coming out of her mouth were blowing into Li Pan's ears and throat.

"Hey, you smell so bad..."

"Huh? What??"

Li Pan reacted instantly, and Leticia took the opportunity to put her calf into his crotch and rub it, pushing Li Pan's waist straight. She couldn't help but laughed in a low voice, and leaned against his ear, gasping in a low voice,

"You quite like to be kicked, don't you. Aww..."

"Oh... Wow! What the hell are you doing, bitch??"

Suddenly, he felt a lick in his ear hole. Li Pan was excited and distracted for a moment. He didn't expect Letitia to be followed by a lick! Show your fangs and bite him!

In order to facilitate the transformation of the handkerchief, Li Pan's face really had no armor, and this mouthful immediately disfigured his face! He bit open two rows of teeth marks forcefully!

Li Pan was furious! He pushed Leticia away with a fierce elbow, turned over and took the initiative, pinned her down by the neck, and was about to raise his fist to hit her.

Who would have thought that Leticia, who was being pinned down, would not resist. She lay on the ground with her arms and legs blurred, staring at Li Pan. Her lips were red and pink, and she breathed deeply. She also held him between her legs and kept rubbing her waist against him. .

"What the hell??"

Li Pan didn't understand what she meant, but he really didn't understand what she meant.

Leticia didn't resist, and just gasped, sniffed her nose, licked the blood from her teeth, and lay on the ground and arched her waist, as if she wanted to rub her jeans off...

Then he jumped up violently! Just relying on the muscles in his waist and abdomen, he jumped up and down, like a carp jumping up and down! He kicked Li Pan out, who was staring blankly at her white belly button!

boom! A sound broke through the wall! Get into the apartment!

"Damn, cough..."

This time Li Pan was disgraced, Ma De, lost, lost, this figure is too powerful, was disturbed by distracting thoughts, and actually lost one move.

When she came to her senses, Leticia had already kicked open the door of the secret passage in the basement and escaped from the sewer. At this time, the sound of police sirens outside also came.

Eighteen, "Boss, someone upstairs called the police, and NCPA is coming."

"Mad! Crazy woman! Psycho!"

Li Pan was so angry that he smashed the wall with his fist. He had no time to catch up and kill the female... wolf on the spot, so he had to pick up the plastic bag containing the head, and then hurried back to the company to get the werewolf vaccine.

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