I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 104 Bee Swarm

The Fabius clan, which is about to take over the real power of the Ye Clan Council, is actually secretly siding with the Collector.

Although I had known that the Collector was probably supported by a large number of top companies from all over the world, Ye's family was not considered a top company, ahem, but I didn't expect that even a loan shark like Ye's would come to the monster trading market to get involved.

However, 01044 was quite polite. She was definitely going to bulldoze the collector's site, but at least she informed the local manager in advance and told him the risk of offending Ye Shi, and asked him to be prepared.

After all, she can go back to Earth 01 after finishing her errands, but Li Pan still has to stay here to clean up the mess of 0791.

Li Pan also hesitated for a while.

"You mean to say that we can't suppress Gao Tianyuan too harshly, otherwise it will be difficult for the Ye family to get along with each other in the future when the Night City is dominated by one family?"

01044 smiled and shook his head,

“The core of politics is the rule of the majority by the minority. When conditions permit, of course, we must try our best to eliminate potential dangers to the majority in order to deter the majority.

Peace is the plea of ​​the weak and the gift of the strong. If you ask me for my opinion, I suggest that when you use combat readiness this time, you can give due consideration to expanding the scope of the strike.

After all, whether some people take the initiative to side with collectors or hedging their bets, in order to avoid greater conflicts, they must know that there are consequences for going against the company. "

Li Pan understood what she meant, and asked him to beat up Ye Shi when he dealt with Gao Tianyuan.

Just as he was about to speak, the car horn in 01044's hand beeped twice, and then the halo disappeared.

This monster actually failed?

Li Pan saw that she had really thrown away the rag, and took out a stereo from the bag. He still took it in his hand, rubbed it, and continued to block the network.

When Li Pan saw how skillfully she operated, he couldn't help but ask,

"Is this a one-time monster? Made on site? Can I ask you what kind of skill it is? Super power?"

01044 thought about it,

"Have you ever played those popular online games? Bemo World? Then just think of me as a magician."

Li Pan said he understood.

"Oh, magic? Can you make fireballs? Which one is better, fireball or howitzer? Can you make one for me to see?"

01044 smiled and said,

"Please forgive me for my incompetence. In most places, grenades are stronger. And I am not a professional battlefield magician, more like an auxiliary.

It's just that this time, plane 0791 happens to be the territory of the Ye clan. There used to be the leyline magic circuit of the elven civilization, and several Holy Grail procurement wars were held, so the headquarters sent me on a business trip to assist.

By the way, that collector Beria is also a master of black magic. Well, you can actually understand her as a devil, a big devil. "

"Oh, so you can restrain her, right? So you're a demon warlock?"

Seeing that Li Pan was asking endless questions to get to the bottom of things, 01044 also shook his head and smiled bitterly, and simply submitted his resume.

"No, I was an astrologer at the Lighthouse before joining the company. I also studied alchemy at the Academy. I also learned some demonology, ancient magic, Elvish and occultism at the Library, so yes , I can handle most of the methods that Beria can use, and if necessary, I can directly use the local ancient magic network to set up a workshop. It is not difficult to use alchemy to create a 'monster projection' and capture the 'site'."

Li Pan understood again, "Oh, alchemy, right? I know, I know, the Philosopher's Stone can be converted into a human body, right?"

01044 looked a little surprised,

"You actually know about the Philosopher's Stone and the refining of the human body... Yes, in fact, I have almost collected the materials. Next, I need to make as many Philosopher's Stones as possible, so it is a 'temporary worker' used for refining the human body. Naturally, the more, the better. If you allow me..."

Li Pan snapped his fingers,

"No problem. There's nothing else in the Night City except that there are a lot of scum. Those Dongcheng Guild actually dare to blackmail the company and almost commit suicide. Just use it and ask Rama and the others to catch a few more for you to refine."

01044 smiled, held up her chest and saluted,

"Thank you for your permission."

Seeing that the other party was quite easy to talk to, Li Pan asked curiously,

"01044, returning to the topic just now, do you have any suggestions for dealing with the Ye family? Are there any combat-ready monsters in our company that are more suitable for restraining vampires? What if I want to limit the scope of the attack to the Fabius family?"

01044 is still the light and gentle way,

"What were you planning on using?"

Li Pan has nothing to hide,

"Use 'bee venom'. My initial consideration is to send some ninjas to poison... By the way, what did you do last time? And what on earth is 'bee venom'? Doesn't it matter if you use it casually? No. Are you going to wipe out all the vampires in the city?"

01044 thought for a while and said,

"That's appropriate. Don't worry. The vampire's prosthetic body also belongs to targeted genetic engineering. Some abilities are unique to the family and are within the scope of restraint.

As for the 'bee venom'... Of course you have read the memo, but have you specifically heard about Earth 036? "

Li Pan shook his head, "I haven't heard of it. I haven't even heard of this plane."

To connect to the Earth server in another world, you have to use a paid line, and you also need a special chip and a network license. Li Pan has only gained money in the past few months. In the past, he could just watch Mewtwo for fun. How could he have the spare money to travel to another world? .

01044 nodded,

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it, but do you know TERRA HOLDINGS?"

"Oh, you mean the financial backers behind those vegetarians?"

Of course Terra Holdings Li Pan knows, after all, this company is so famous.

Those well-known (notorious) extreme environmentalist organizations in the world, such as Sambogo Earth Environmental Protection God, Alliance for Life and Health and Vegetarianism, Pure Humanity Foundation, etc., are all supported by Terra Holdings.

Led by this company, there are also some grain companies that launch various advertisements and public service films on a large scale, organize various activities, and promote the concepts of environmental protection, clean energy, and caring for the earth.

Of course, in fact, rather than saying that they really love the earth and care for the environment, it is better to say that everything is for business.

The main business of Terra Holdings is actually Terraforming, livable engineering, and planetary terraforming.

Long before the war, in the generation of Earth Zero, the divergence point of human civilization, mankind also considered the stars and seas, and the future of space development. The corporate tycoons of the previous generation invested incredible resources in developing planetary terraforming technology and equipment, and developed a large number of technologies and patents.

Terra Holdings was the top company in the field. Under the coordination of the Earth government at the time, it concentrated resources and technology, optimized resource allocation, and used Mars as an engineering test site to be fully responsible for the giant "Terra Project" of new earth construction.

The purpose of this company's existence is to monopolize giant projects such as planetary terraforming and shoulder the important task of building homes for interstellar humans. It is a unique super oligopoly enterprise.

At that time, Terra Holdings could be said to be the most sophisticated company. If mankind really moved towards the star sea, it would definitely be the corporate empire with the highest market value.

But who would have thought that a technological breakthrough would highlight an unreasonable and stable FTL engine that has not yet been launched, but that time travel technology and multi-dimensional wormholes have been launched first.

The heavens and the earth were originally the earth and did not need to be transformed. Now the stock price of Terra Company plummeted and it almost went bankrupt.

I say 'nearly' because after all, their technology is genuine and they have a lot of patents in hand. Various orbital colonies in the solar system, Europa, Mars, lunar transformation projects, and earth environment control projects are still profitable. Therefore, although they were split and reorganized after the war and squeezed out of the top three, Terra Holdings has always been Retained seat on safety committee.

Therefore, it goes without saying that Terra Holdings loves to hype environmental protection issues.

After all, the patents for environmental transformation technology are all in their hands. Whether it is a private estate, a corporate colony ship, an undersea science and technology park, or a vacuum industrial city, the livable transformation business of the entire universe is contracted and monopolized by Terra. .

01044 took Li Pan towards the endless garbage dump and climbed up the hills of garbage.

"036 During the industrialization process of Earth, due to corporate wars, chemical leaks, pesticide abuse, and serious pollution, the earth's ecosystem collapsed systematically. Therefore, the committee gave this earth to Terra half-sold and half-gifted, and they repaired the earth. Overall environmental restoration.

At that time, Terra used 036 as a model project pilot and used various super engineering and technologies to transform it. In fact, it was quite effective at the beginning, and an artificial and livable natural system was soon built. There was just an error in one of the links.

It's the bees. "


01044 suddenly turned around and asked,

"Do you know what bees are? They should be extinct in your world, right?"

Li Pan sweated, "This, I still know this, I saw it online..."

01044 nodded and continued climbing up the garbage mountain.

"Bees play an important role in the balance of the ecological environment. Natural pollination by bees is the most efficient and cheapest way to increase crop output value. In natural systems, at least three-quarters of crops rely on bee colonies for pollination, and bee colonies and plants co-evolve. , closely related to the dynamic balance of the entire ecological environment.

Once bees become extinct, many crops and plants will be unable to reproduce and the entire agricultural ecosystem will be degraded, and even the collapse of the ecosystem will be irreversible.

Of course, with today's technology, humanity will not become extinct, but in the end it will become a world like yours now, where you can only rely on synthetic industrial food to survive. "

Li Pan looked at the liquid nutritional cream packaging bag in the garbage pile, and 01044 continued,

"Bees are an indispensable part of terraforming a world whose ecosystem has collapsed. However, pure organisms cannot be directly introduced into an already severely polluted environment. Therefore, Terra specially developed the Autonomous Artificial Apoidea. , 3A autonomous artificial bee, 'swarm' system.

3A is a very high-tech micro-ADI, autonomous insect-type drone, which is composed of a large number of MEMS microsystems. It can not only perform pollination, but also observe overall changes in water quality, temperature, and soil environment, and can provide data feedback. It is controlled by a central swarm system, which can be connected to the Internet when returning to the hive, and can be upgraded through the cloud, program updates, and system repair and self-replicating copies by customized worker bees and nanorobots in the hive. Fully automatically maintain and promote ecosystem upgrades.

Of course, in addition to bees, similar ADIs also come in various forms such as earthworms and ants. The specific model used depends on the environment. It can be said to be the crystallization of human civilization, and it can even be said to be the top system among Zhutian Company's drone products. One of them. "

Li Pan, "But?"

01044 replaced another speaker,

"However, the AAA developed by Terra was too advanced. The technical blueprint was as advanced as 3A and is still rated as a level seven military weapon system. In order to build 036 into the dimensional headquarters of Terra Corporation, they added additional equipment to AAA. Banned technology that was so advanced that it was dangerous.

For example, for the company's business, they have upgraded gene target tracking, allowing AAA to carry out targeted gene selection during pollination, and only pollinate genetically modified crops produced by Terra's brands, making it possible for other companies and those not yet to pollinate. Gene-edited weeds are eliminated naturally.

For example, in order to reduce losses and maintenance, they used the latest developed nanoscale synthetic biological materials for the hive, and used self-adaptive self-evolving nanorobots, so that the bee colony can detect itself after a failure, evolve itself according to the environment, and adapt to production. Target self-replicating production, completely eliminating the need for human operation and maintenance.

For example, there are many weapons companies under Terra, which will also directly use the company's advanced ADI modules to conduct weaponized modification experiments and sales, and add various biotoxin syringes, micro radars, and infrared gravitational wave sonar to AAA. Detection, optical invisibility, resistance to electromagnetic interference..."

Li Pan imagined a seventh-level ninja the size of a fly and armed to the teeth, "Fuck..."

01044 smiled bitterly, "But they don't think it's enough. After all, the competition between top companies is very fierce. The top market is only so big. If you take it away, I won't have it. So I heard that they also made an overall calculation of the bee swarm system. Power upgrade.

In order to free the AAA system from the constraints of chaos technology and establish an independent network system exclusive to Terra, the Gestalt logic operation module was introduced privately from the QVN security network without permission from the ethics committee...

In short, the outcome is that the bee colony loses control and a mass extinction occurs in 036. "

At this time, they also climbed to the top of the garbage mountain and looked at the night city with lights in the distance.

01044 said quietly,

"It is said that there were 14 billion people on Earth at its peak in 036. In that disaster, even the local branch of our company was completely wiped out. If the monsters in that plane were also integrated into the purification by the 'swarm'...

In short, so far, the 'door' to 036 has been strictly controlled by the Security Committee, the entire QVN network has been blocked, and the Starfleet has at least ten Titan-class fleets stationed in the low-Earth orbit over there at 036. , destroying everything that tries to fly out of the atmosphere. "

Li Pan couldn't understand, "It's already like this, why don't you just give it a nuclear kill??"

01044 shakes his head,

“The surface of the earth has long been swept by strategic nuclear bombing and gamma ray blasts, but the main body of the swarm has penetrated under the earth’s crust and even transformed the entire planet into a nest. The simple regulations of solemnity are no longer effective for them.

To destroy the entire planet, it is most convenient to send the bomb to the center of the earth to detonate it. Otherwise, the Colossus-class meteor ship can only be built in low-Earth orbit.

However, the 036s are all empty, and there is no local production support. The hull equipment has to be imported from the sky. The cost is too high, and destroying the earth also requires a lot of procedures, review and approval. Now the safety committee is still wrangling, the ship The shell hasn't even been built yet. "

Li Pan looked at the lights in the distance and the city like a honeycomb of steel, and couldn't help but feel in a trance.

And 01044 continued,

"However, in the war with AAA, we have also gained something. They have evolved some very interesting things, and various companies are conducting research, such as this 'Bee Venom Extract', which was originally a chemical designed by Terra. Weapons, but after AAA's independent evolution, they have been upgraded to something that can be called 'level nine edge technology'.

Its main component is melittin synthesized by Terra. It is a polypeptide composed of 26 amino acid residues. It can be transformed into a highly effective anti-inflammatory substance. It has hormone-like effects without adverse reactions. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Radiation and anti-viral effects can target the destruction of viruses or diseased variants without harming normal cells.

Therefore, after gene editing, you can use 'bee venom' as a carrier to in turn attack cells carrying targeted gene fragments. Simply put, you can poison anyone, but the other person only carries 'bee venom' and feels pain. It will not kill, but once it comes into contact with the target, it will destroy it from the genetic level.

Of course, our company's technical department has also made corresponding improvements to 'bee venom' and added specific toxins to ensure that after use, it can be degraded in the natural system with a temporary worker sacrifice, eliminating all traces and evidence. That way no one can find out what kind of synthetic you used. "

Li Pan was in a daze for a while, and 01044 also admired the night view of the Night City. After he digested it,

"If it is just for the purpose of warning, the Fabius clan does not have any special system. In fact, there is no need to disconnect the entire plane and exterminate the entire genetic bloodline.

I can create a barrier in the Night City and seal the power of the vampire's prosthetic body for thirty minutes. Manager, you just need to take the opportunity to put the 'bee venom' into the lair where the Fabius family lives. Try to find a knight or elder with pure blood for the first injection. The blood in the City of Night can be cleared out in one night. "

"So simple……"

Li Pan thought for a while and asked,

"Do you have that kind of barrier for ninjas? Their power should also be a variant of ancient elves. It just so happens that our company has a batch of their training secrets in storage for your reference."

"As long as it's based on magic principles, there's no problem, but I have a condition."

01044 pointed to the ‘handkerchief’ on Li Pan’s chest,

"Can you lend me this monster for study?"

Li Pan was stunned, took out the 'handkerchief' and handed it to her.

"Have you ever seen a similar...'monster'?"


01044 stared at the talisman on the 'handkerchief' with burning eyes, nodded, and then shook his head.

"It's a bit like ancient seal characters, but I've never seen such magic. How do you engrave the rules on the 'string'...

Sir, would you like to transfer this item to me? You name a price, and I'm willing to give you seven additional keys. "

"That won't work. It's just seven silver keys. I'll get them back in a moment."

Li Pan twirled his fingers, and the 'handkerchief' returned to his hand like magic. This thing is actually soul-bound. Seeing that we are all colleagues in the company and will get along with each other in the future, Li Pan won't play with that. This is the trick of selling a dog and waiting for the dog to come back on its own.

01044 looked reluctant to give up, but there was nothing he could do.

"Well, I am personally very interested in the magic text of another world, but I can't see the principle of using this prosthetic body for a while. Can you write down the three curse seals engraved on the monster and send it to me by fax for research. Don’t make a mistake, I’ll pay you a key for every word you write.”

Li Pan looked at the nine talismans on the 'handkerchief', and then looked at 01044.

"make a deal."

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