I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 106 Respect

"Jingle Bell"

At this time, the landline rang again.


President Okubo's voice came from the other side,

"Manager Li, I have received your notice. Haha, it is out of goodwill that we came to help your company, ease the conflict with the Dongcheng Club, and turn the conflict into friendship. But looking at the ultimatum you sent, it seems that There may be some misunderstanding."

"Oh, it's an expression of goodwill, right? It turns hostility into friendship, right? It's a bit of a misunderstanding, right?"

Li Pan turned his head and looked at the gangsters who were yelling and punching and kicking the bare wall at the door of the company.

"Why don't President Okubo let the people in my company go first, remove these bugs blocking the door, and then compensate me for some tens of millions of mental damages? Finally, let's talk about goodwill and misunderstandings?"

President Okubo sighed,

"Manager Li, that's why I said you misunderstood. But I can understand. After all, judging from your resume, your experience is very similar to mine."

Li Pan was stunned, "My experience?"

President Okubo said,

"There is no need to belittle oneself. People like us who have been dealt a bad hand, experienced setbacks and humiliation, and still persevered and climbed up from the bottom are actually very rare.

But you cannot misunderstand because of this and mistakenly think that your success today is achieved through personal hard work.

You mistakenly believe that you are the only one who can achieve your current status and power, and that you are indispensable to the company.

No, no, they promote you, they appreciate you, they are willing to give you a chance to make a comeback, just because they feel that you, well...

very funny. "

"very funny?"

Li Pan frowned. At this moment, he saw the gangsters at the door suddenly stopped and made space to form a circle. Then a middle-aged swordsman in kimono walked to the door, pressed his sword with his hand, and "hiss-hoo-hiss" from his mouth and nose. ——Huh——" De was breathing out white air, as if he was preparing to slash at the light wall with his sword.

President Okubo said, "Yes, it's interesting, because the hard life you have experienced, the experience and ability you have honed and trained make you more interesting than those gods who lie in the plains of Gaotian all day long, overlooking everyone. Too much.

The personal experience of mortals filled with blood and tears, and the will to control their own destiny in their own hands, is something that these gods who are born with everything cannot understand, nor can they experience it through Chaomeng.

So at the beginning, they will find you very interesting, appreciate you, use you very much, and be friendly...

But this freshness will pass after a while...it will eventually pass. When they wake up and become bored, you will understand who is the real master. "

The cold light appears! The swordsman uses his sword to slash! The knife slashed through the wall! Earth-shattering! A frosty sword!

...Then the blade cut off, bounced back and stuck on the swordsman's head...

The gangsters were stunned for a moment, and surrounded them in a noisy manner. While dragging the body away, they continued to blow the air to vent their anger...

Old man Yagyu was still looking sinisterly, hiding in the crowd and staring into Li Pan's eyes.

Li Pan curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

"President Okubo, I feel like we are not talking on the same channel?

Do you think today's situation is caused by me, Li Pan, not being able to understand my situation clearly?

Are you the ones who are confused about the situation? You seem to have a little deviation in your positioning?

Why don't you talk to Tokugawa who can really take care of things? "

The gangsters outside the door smashed for a while and then stopped, making a circle, and then walked out a gorilla whose whole body was highly modified by prosthetics...

Oh, the man whose prosthetic body was transformed almost like an orangutan, tore off his shirt to reveal Shura tattoos all over his body, raised his arms as thick as elephant legs, and lifted his elbows to reveal a thick barrel, just like a human tank.

President Okubo chuckled and said,

"Haha, Manager Li, you are the one who has enmity with Dongcheng, and you are the one who offends Gao Tianyuan. Do you think that with such a fierce announcement, you can use the tiger's skin as a banner, hide behind it, and sow discord between the companies? What?

Don’t you understand that with your identity, you can only reach my level at most?

So I say, you are still too young. A society only has strict classes and clear distinctions. Everyone has to do their part to keep things running normally.

Doing things beyond one's own responsibilities and challenging one's own class is the greatest disrespect for the existing order.

You may occasionally succeed once or twice, but you will never succeed every time, let alone if you really want to climb to the top.

Therefore, for the people above, managers like us, no matter how strong our abilities are and how good our performance is, are just dogs picked up from below, chess pieces that can be replaced and discarded at any time.

Do you think your company will really have a conflict of interest with Gao Tianyuan, who is of the same class, for your personal gains and losses?

Do you have that kind of value?

Or do you think that your blood knight master will save you? Haha, let me not mention how important she is as a knight in the Ye Group...

You shouldn't be the kind of person who is willing to hide under a woman's skirt, right? Otherwise, I would have apologized long ago, right? "

The gorilla "Roar!" has to roar and fire!

"Bang!" "Boom!"

Under Li Pan's dynamic vision, the cannon grenade set off a strong wind, hit the light wall, and then bounced back at the same speed, smashing the orangutan into pieces, and then swirled into the crowd, sweeping and crushing a large area. Heads and limbs, and finally the orange fire wind, wrapped in countless shrapnel, exploded and exploded in the narrow passage. The high-pressure impact and sea of ​​​​fire exploded the crowded crowd into scattered blood foam in just an instant, and shattered the broken bones and The burnt dirty meat covered the entire corridor.

Mader's cannonball must have been modified, but the noise of "Ola Ola Ola" finally stopped for a while...

Now Li Pan looks like the old man on the subway looking at his phone.

“Jxxxx Fxxking Cxx…”

President Okubo probably heard the explosion, and he was still hehe,

"Haha, young man, don't be angry. While everything can be undone now, I sincerely suggest that you recognize the reality and admit your mistakes. This is also part of growing up.

What's more, you killed my stray dog, so you should apologize, right?

All my master wants is the most basic respect..."

"Damn, you guys want respect too..."

Li Pan was speechless. We can still talk about exchange of benefits, but there is no need to talk about respect.

"President Okubo, you called me specifically to advise me, so I will give you some advice.

Resign, you will lose half the battle if you surrender. "

Li Pan hung up Okubo's phone, frowned and stared at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood at the entrance of the company to identify them.

Soon there was a stir in the flesh and blood, and the old man's body was covered with plasma. His white kimono turned into an ocher red kimono, and he stood up from the pile of corpses, roaring like an evil ghost.

"Come out——!!Come out and face me OoOoOo——!!"

President Yagyu wouldn't be so ridiculous as to die from a rebounding grenade, not to mention that he was hiding behind the crowd just now, and there were a bunch of younger brothers around him to block him.

A group of senior executives from Dongcheng Club also got up and quickly protected the old man, trying to help him retreat.

Well, after all, the little guys who don’t have money to install prosthetic armor are stuck on the wall now. The remaining upper-level cadres, all of whom are level 5 village justices, can still survive a grenade. living.

However, it was completely within the killing radius, and it would have been blown up to ashes, with ragged clothes, missing arms and legs.

"Boss, I also brought the monsters from the yellow zone... Uh, what's going on? Do you want to call the police?"

Ah Qi had to get out of the warehouse elevator with her big and small bags.

"It's okay. Just take your things to the tarmac and wait for me."

Li Pan casually picked a few pieces of monster defense, then turned off the light wall at the door, stepped out of the company and stepped into the aisle.

After just two steps, he stopped with a squeak, then frowned and looked at the thing stuck to the sole of his shoe... By the way, it wasn't the prostate...

"Tsk my shoes... Hey, you bunch of losers, you can't even get through the first door, I can't bear to watch anymore, okay! Okay, okay, you have to give in..."

President Yagyu roared angrily, "Koraluosai——!"


The strong man with the word "loyalty" on his left shoulder and the word "righteousness" on his right shoulder, with tattoos all over his body, was punched by another superman with flying fists!

Li Pan "Bang!" His skull was ripped off with one shot.

The gangsters were silent.

"Ma must listen to what others have to say..."

Li Pan fired three more shots, beating Tie Mie into Tie Mie Jiang, and waved to the other side,

"Hey old man, you want to avenge your son, okay, I'll give you this chance to fight like a man, don't hide behind your brothers, come on yourself, I promise not to shoot you."

At this time, the crisp sound of firecrackers came from underneath the building.

Li Pan took advantage of the situation and put the 'Black Kite' back into the holster on his waist in front of them.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance. Just now you blasted the door with a military howitzer, smashed the company's potted plants, and stained the company's carpet. According to the contract signed between our company and the building property management company, CSI has already unlocked the killing authority. . Just say whether to fight or not. If not, I will go out now."

"Get away!!"

Yagyu roared angrily, and the surrounding brothers heard the gunshots and screams downstairs, so they had to retreat to the stairwell to guard, freeing up the battlefield for the boss.

"Yagyu Tajima! True sword! Mitsumi!"

President Yagyu tore off his kimono and left his arms bare, revealing muscles covered with scars like ghosts. Blood surged all over his body. He straightened his waist. His whole body seemed to have grown a lot, as if he had recovered from being seventy or eighty years old to being in his thirties. Peak condition at forty.

At the same time, he was holding a Miike Noita of the same model. Although the blood on the sword was not as rich as the previously seized sword, it was probably a famous sword loved by the Yagyu family. At this time, it looked even more murderous in the blood! The demonic energy is amazing!

"Yagyu Shininryu! Kyoka Suigetsu! Kenzen Wushin! Ukifune—Zangetsu—!!!"

After President Yagyu announced the name of the dish, he said without saying a word, "Ouch!" He raised his knife and rushed forward. He raised the knife and slashed at Li Pan's head!

This sword is so fierce! The momentum is fierce! It is obviously the sum of his lifelong skills! Wow——! The sword roars! Tajima Yagyu rushes through the mountain of corpses! Break the blood river! The bloody rain caused by the sword seemed to have transformed into a blood demon! Holding a magic blade! The flames are overwhelming! The sword light blooms! Coming straight to the top of the killing spree!

Li Pan had no expression on his face, took out a meteor rope from his waist and threw it away.

So the shooting star rope accurately tied Yagyu's legs, tripping him down.

And because the sword was too long and the blade was too curved, when President Yagyu fell to the ground, the metal prosthetic body that hit the ground bounced back. As a result, his whole body hit the tip of the knife, and the blade He also cut iron like clay, specializing in cutting off the prosthetic body, but this time it backfired on its owner, disembowelling him, opening his neck in half, and blood spurted out from the arteries...

Watching the underworld, "..."

Yagyu, "Despicable, despicable person..."

Before he finished speaking, a flying ax hit him between the eyebrows, and Yagyu Tajima! die! !

Li Pan shrugged.

"I'm sorry, there are a lot of people on my list today, so I don't have enough energy to play with you. Let's go with the rest."

"Yes, President-!"

Only then did the gangsters react, filled with grief and anger, and launched a desperate attack!

Li Pan took out four darts from his formal suit and threw them out. The darts exploded in mid-air, and the blades were inserted into the walls of the corridor, exploding into a dense network of nanoscale knives, creating a dead line in the corridor.

Those who crossed the line were cut into equal-sized pieces with smooth wounds. Some of them did not react and screamed for a while before dying. But at least their death condition was much better than that of the brothers who were blown up by grenades. .

"There is a hidden weapon!!"

There were some people behind who reacted in time, but they finally braked and stopped, and Li Pan took out his gun and reloaded, and they had to hit everyone with headshots.

This is called seven steps away, the gun is fast! Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast!

What age is it that you still don’t carry a gun? You are too arrogant. Maybe they are really just here for peace talks...

In this way, the people in the corridor were cleared out quickly. Li Pan picked up the meteor rope and the throwing axe, chopped off President Yagyu's head and held it in his hand. He called the cleaners to come and wash the floor, and then took the elevator to the top of the building to stop the machine. Ping.

Aqi and Spider-Shiba were loading large and small weapons, equipment and monster props into the company's floating car.

"Oh, by the way, Eighteen, the Third Bureau just called and said that the authority of the local public security system has been temporarily transferred. Check the status of each team now!"

Spider-like. Eighteen eyes rolled, "Okay boss...that's incredible! That's incredible, boss!"

Li Pan frowned, "Why, someone died so soon? It's been less than half an hour, right? Who is it?"

Spider pose. 18, "No, no, look at this, look at this!"

Then the spider played the projection, and saw a large group of unidentified mercenaries with unknown affiliations detected through the public network shared by the radar and the security bureau near the warehouse where the Eighteen Serpent host computer was located, riding in various military aerial vehicles and Wheeled armored vehicles approached, and there were a lot of heavy equipment and electronic warfare equipment among them. At a glance, there were at least forty or fifty two. According to conventional estimates, it was at least the size of an armored synthetic battalion.

Moreover, their tactics are definitely not that of ordinary mercenaries. They are not like civilians like the Dongcheng Society of the Whirlpool Gang, who either advance in leaps and bounds or do not bring justice with their guns. Instead, they first occupy the advantageous terrain, arrange positions, and control intersections, communication nodes, and power hubs in all directions.

Everyone is fully armed, with helmets covering their faces, and their citizenship status has been eliminated. The equipment is also from a shady company, and they are all top-notch military SBS and SMS produced by Muramasa's agents. They also have hacker support and continuous data flow for monitoring. The system engages in jamming and counterattacks, trying to erase equipment and personnel signals from radar and networks.

Obviously, this unit is Tokugawa's personal mercenary, and their thinking is quite clear. Since we can't reach an agreement and start a fight, in this era of cybernetics, of course, we will attack your hacking agency and technology center first.

As long as heavy troops raid, cover firepower, and forcibly knock out the server where Orochi.Eighteen's host is located, then Monster Company will really lose its brain and become blind, deaf, and stupid.

Li Pan made a decision immediately, "Aqi takes off! Let's go to support Shiba..."

Spider pose. 18, "No, no, no, look, look! Something terrible is coming!"

Then I saw on the holographic projection, through the perspective of the warehouse CCTV, I could see the armored aerial vehicles of the peripheral Tokugawa Army, suddenly blooming in the clear sky one after another, and after the bright radiation, they turned into sky-blue plasma fireballs!

The armored vehicles on the ground also stopped suddenly, braked, and hit walls and elevated structures one after another, and the signals disappeared one after another. But strangely, none of these out-of-control vehicles seemed to have entered the range of the defense system, nor were they attacked by ambushes from other forces.

Li Pan frowned and stared at it with his prosthetic eyes, but he didn't even see clearly, "...What is attacking?"

Spider pose. Eighteen, "It's mercury. Come on, let me find a close-up angle."

Then Shiba switched a camera, and saw a human figure that was shiny like silver, like flowing liquid metal, appearing in the lens. It dragged the camera lens in its hand, turned it at an angle, and compared it as if taking a selfie. A V sign showed the torn armored vehicle behind him and the chopped corpses of SBS soldiers.

Well, that's not a 'camera lens'. Through the reflection of the 'mercury' type prosthetic body, you can clearly see that this is the head of a mercenary. There is no need for him to have mercury-like spikes inserted into his skull to remove the prosthetic eyes. Authority is usurped by direct control.

"This is not Tianhan's..."

Spider style. 18, "Well, Sister Lin thanked us for taking care of the business and lent it to me personally to try. Wow, it's so good. Look, boss, it can still be like this."

Then Mercury Shiba turned into a ray of silver light and jumped into the sky. A string of metal mercury balls separated from its hand. Then the thunder light gathered in its palm, and those mercury beads flickered, like lightning, and were struck silently. It was ejected and turned into rays of light and disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, the Tokugawa mercenary armored vehicles and SMS signals on the radar were offline one after another. Obviously those military armored vehicles that were at least level five had no defense against this silver mercury bullet, and were as brittle as paper.

It was like a silver needle piercing the vehicle armor, and everyone died.

In a total of only ten minutes, this combined special operations battalion was completely wiped out before it could fully enter the position.


Spider-Style.18, "Wow——! So fast! I feel like this prosthetic body can break through the first cosmic speed at any time!"

"After all, it has a combat power of 200 million..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a flash of silver light, and Mercury Shiba flew to the roof of the company.

Li Pan raised his head and looked at the liquid metal figure, its figure shining in the sun. He couldn't help but feel his scalp numb and swallowed.

"I said...Eighteen, can you use it to directly capture all the Tokugawa family members?"

Spider Style.18, "No, this is an exhibit of TSC. Sister Lin is just letting us experience it for a day. We cannot fly out of the Night City, nor can we attack targets whose identities are determined to be legal citizens in the security system."

"Hey, you told me earlier." Li Pan wiped a cold sweat and heard the gunfight still going on in the CSI Technology Park, so he ordered, "Then go and clean up those bugs downstairs. Don't hurt the company's flowers. hastily."

Spider pose. Eighteen, "Okay~~"

Mercury type. Eighteen silver lights disappeared in a flash.

The gunfire downstairs gradually died down, and after a brief period of horrifying screams, no noise could be heard.


Before Li Pan could say a few words, Spider Style. Eighteen,

"Boss, a hacker has taken the initiative to contact us. It seems they want to cease the war."

Li Pan glanced at the monster memo from the logistics department and rolled his eyes.

"He wants to stop the war before I even start to take action? Why did you go there earlier? No! Beat me! Beat them until they know what respect means!"

Then the spider made a sound of 0113012,

"Authorization confirmed, the first squadron, preparations completed, navigation beacon Erwei, WARP500 jump, estimated sailing time 60sec...

Arrived, system authorized, quadruple son double high-energy clustered light spear, weapon unlocked, connected to 0791 public safety network.

Space domain scanning, star map construction, target locking, coordinate upload, authorization confirmation, and mission completion.

Shooting diversion, navigation beacon Haomei, WARP500 jump, estimated sailing time 74 seconds..."

Li Pan, "...wait, the shooting was diverted? Did you just fire?"

0113012 answered,

"The battle report confirmed that the entire system was launched, four salvos were fired, the space area was cleared, and the number of kills of Gao Tianyuan's cargo ship was 296."

Li Pan, "...012, what about the two hours of battle preparation we agreed on?"

"Yes, the Horus-class dreadnought is currently loading its entropic energy cannon with baryons. In addition, the number of nuclear warheads for mines in Callisto's inventory is insufficient. Additional production is being commissioned by Orbital OPA. It has been loaded. The base number is 1,440, and it is expected to be 1 After 12 minutes, the entire ship will be ready to leave port."

Then 0113012 continued to read in a calm voice,

"Second Squadron, preparations completed, beacon bird guard one, WARP500 jump..."

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