I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 11 Identification

‘The trial of the formal suit/guardian is to explore the heart and discover the soul essence of the host, so that the guardian and the host can achieve a soul bond and stimulate the potential of the host. ’

‘The formal/guardian will accompany the host into the deep inner world, directly touch the bottom of the soul, find the original long-cherished wish of the host, and confirm the source of the host’s desire to protect. ’

‘Only by understanding what is most important in the soul of the host, the formal/guardian can form a contract with the host, absorb the power of the host to protect the cherished things, and realize the evolution of the guardian’s body. ’

Mr007 touched Li Pan's formal suit and wrote on the memo,

'Your suit/guardian has been activated, but the trial appears to have been unsuccessful. I don't know what I saw in your soul world, and the guardian was frightened. It is temporarily unable to conclude a contract with you and exert its full power. ’

Li Pan also noticed that his formal clothes could feel the temperature and full of life when touched, and when he was touched by Mr007, the hair on the collar exploded. Was he really scared by his dream? ? After all, if you put yourself in his shoes, if a zombie came up and touched his face, he probably wouldn't be used to it...

Wait, did he overlook something?

Hmm... I can't remember, so forget it and worry about your own affairs first.

"...So you are saying that that dream reflects 'my' inner world?"

I feel quite normal, right? She obviously has diarrhea, but she doesn't seem that crazy, right?

'Do you want to try again? That also requires a silver key. ’

Li Pan recalled the giant snake with his own face and shuddered.

"Next time, take it slow."

In short, according to Mr007's explanation, the dream seems to be a reflection of his soul. The black dog is the formal suit/guardian, and the snake symbolizes some kind of spiritual projection, potential, desire, long-cherished wish, longing, etc. in Li Pan's heart. Symbolic meaning, that’s why the snake head has his face...

But what the heck is the "Nine Yin Manual"... And why can it be taken out of dreams... Why can only he see it...

Li Pan relied on the system to translate word for word on the Internet, and even spent money to open an ancient Chinese dictionary to translate the "Nine Yin Manual" into a version he could understand.

This seems to be some kind of Qigong practice, the kind of martial arts secrets that often appear in novels.

Of course, in this age of cyberpunk, no one reads pure text novels these days. Everyone can conveniently choose their favorite world background and script to play in various virtual online games and Mewtwo movies. As long as they spend money, they can do anything.

According to Mr007, guardians can help the host find what they desire and cherish deep in their hearts, stimulate their guardian potential, and serve as a channel to exert their true power.

Could it be that deep down in his heart, he longs to become a martial arts master? Is there something wrong with practicing martial arts despite being in the cyberpunk world?

In short, according to Li Pan's own speculation, it may be because he is essentially an ancient time traveler, so deep in his heart, the subconscious desire for power still appears in the form of martial arts secrets, expressing his hope to obtain self-protection in this chaotic world. force.

So, maybe as long as he has mastered the "Nine Yin Manual", the formal suit/guardian can form a contract, right?

But it’s very difficult. Li Pan has also read the translation of the "Nine Yin Manual" carefully. The various meridians, acupoints, breathing, and exercises in it are extremely complicated. An ancient Chinese dictionary is simply not enough. Li Pan Pan probably has to buy some Taoist and other ancient books and materials to study them.

‘The head office has sent a video conference appointment, and the board of directors is expected to be held in the conference room in three days to hear your initial report. You should probably prepare in advance and do some inventory counting and annual business plans. ’

Mr007 suggested holding up the memo.

"Three days later? Oh, the 14th...fuck! Isn't that the day before the loan is settled? Damn, you don't want to fire me..."

Li Pan immediately became alert.

It seems that I have to put the practice matters aside and make a PPT first.

Li Pan initially estimated that he would first take stock of Monster Company's various businesses in the warehouse and sort out the losses caused by the annihilation of all previous generations of employees.

By the way, speaking of this...

"007, do you still remember why you were...'deleted'?"

Mr007 wrote on the memo.

'All past records and memories have been erased. ’

Okay, yes, 007 can be retained purely because of the paper jam, and the other party is considered to be "resurrected from the dead", so it probably doesn't mean anything.

Then Mr007 wrote again.

‘But judging from the memo, most warehouse outages in the past occurred in the technical department, maybe you should start from there. ’

"Oh? Technical department?"

There are twelve doors in the reception room, which lead directly to the general manager's office, conference room, office area, human resources department, technical department, logistics department, business department, server room, normal temperature warehouse blue zone, constant temperature warehouse yellow zone, and refrigerated warehouse red zone. elevator.

In fact, if you look at it from the plane, the human resources department, office area, and general manager's office are on the first floor, so there is only one door. But maybe taking a shortcut from the corridor/dimension rift and skipping these two steps can be regarded as some kind of general manager's benefit. Who knows...

The names of these places are also quite obvious. The elevator is the only entrance and exit to the outside world. Once you enter, you will be disconnected from the public network.

The three warehouse areas correspond to goods rated from red, yellow and blue in terms of safety risk. They are temporary goods storage places before the numbering management measures are prepared. By the way, Mr007 currently lives in the refrigerated warehouse.

As for special-purpose places such as conference rooms and server rooms, only the general manager and authorized ministers have the right to enter.

The remaining human resources department, technical department, logistics department, and business department are the main departments under the company manager.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for recruiting new people and managing files. The company has a total of five levels of salary and benefits, from temporary workers, regular employees, cadres, ministers, to general managers. Temporary workers start out in three years, and by the time full-time employees, in addition to salary improvements, they already have the authority to keep a piece of goods rated yellow for a long time. Generally speaking, the first item for full-time employees is the formal suit/guardian.

Regular employees will be promoted to cadres after successfully completing a certain number of tasks. Cadres are usually responsible for the management of one or even several numbered warehouses. All the company's businesses are led by cadres, who also have the authority to apply for props and arrange the use of temporary workers.

Because Monster Company is often understaffed, and temporary workers have a high mortality rate during internships, the survivors are basically elites who can be directly promoted to cadres. Therefore, cadres, whether they are full-time workers or not, are mostly seconded to four departments and take on various tasks. I have to do everything.

When the positions of the general manager and the heads of the four departments are vacant, the cadres with the most experience, the richest resumes, and the oldest age will take over.

In addition, relatively speaking, when a cadre is promoted to the position of director of the four departments, since a considerable degree of authority will be opened, it is different from the general manager who sometimes actually selects passers-by, and requires strict assessment and approval by the board of directors.

In view of their experience and ability along the way, they naturally have a considerable degree of autonomy. At the same time, it may be a means used by the head office to prevent the general manager from becoming bigger. These ministers can even make regular reports directly to the board of directors, and may Participate in joint operations across the universe and multiple dimensions.

However, considering the risks and troubles of the monster itself, rather than saying that this is a check and balance method for office politics, it is better to say that the general manager really needs some capable helpers to take charge of the side. Otherwise, if he is not careful, major safety management problems that lead to world destruction may occur. .

Now Li Pan hopes that the head office will quickly parachute several ministers from other worlds to help him share the chores. Although Mr007 reminds me, if you don't understand, you can still call, but the problem is that Mr007 is now a temporary worker and a Dead Apostle identified as Red, so he is not allowed to enter most places. And sometimes I don't know what to ask on the phone. So Li Pan had no choice but to wander around from office to office.

Among these four departments, the office areas of the Human Resources Department and the Logistics Department are relatively the safest, because although the Logistics Department is nominally responsible for the warehouse management of monsters, in fact the monsters are all numbered warehouses outside, and they are more for tax purposes. Conduct bureau inspections, handle some normal transactions, and monitor the status of each warehouse.

On the contrary, the technical department is responsible for researching and identifying some new monster characteristics, so it is easy for safety hazards to occur. When the business department is in charge of field work, some employees will secretly hide some weapons and props, and even borrow functional monsters such as the 'pen/powerful expulsion' in stock for various purposes, which are also part of the potential safety risks. .

So Li Pan had to search departments one by one, offices one by one, and file bags one by one. After working all morning, he sorted out the office area, human resources department, and logistics department. The technical department and business department of Datou were still It's early.

"This is so troublesome! Don't you guys have the tools to beep! and sweep out the monsters directly?"

The landline said,

"Yes, I have."

Li Pan felt incredible, "Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Landline, "You didn't ask."

Li Pan, "@#¥¥**\u0026XX!"

Landline, "Don't curse."

The normal temperature warehouse at the headquarters is a safe area that is usually identified as blue. It retains some standing office supplies, or monsters that are of little power and can cause less damage to humans than pistols, or that can be kept in the safe area.

In addition, if some monsters have been around for a long time and employees have sufficient corresponding means and simple and effective storage measures, or the functions are really easy to use and need to be borrowed frequently in daily business processes, if they are placed in the yellow zone , it was too troublesome to fill out the application procedures and usage reports, so they were moved directly, for reasons like these.

So Li Pan had a quarrel with the landline, and after asking for the route, he went directly from the lobby to the room temperature warehouse. Entering from the door corridor, you will reach an elevator with blue lights.

There are eight floor number buttons in the elevator. The bottom one is the reception room F0, and the other seven floors are from F43 to F49.

It seems to be compiled along the 42 external warehouses, and it is similar to the warehouse. Even the blue-identified goods are kept separately on each floor.

Li Pan came to F48 and came out of the elevator. The entire floor was an empty white office area. There was a desk in the distance. On the desk were a thick notepad and a landline phone.

Li Pan stepped forward and opened the notepad to sign. He could clearly see many signatures. They were clearly employees who had been deleted before and had time to borrow and return F48. Although he could see the date record, he couldn't recognize the name, as if he saw unfamiliar foreign characters and his brain couldn't process the information.

Li Pan didn't pay much attention. After filling in the information, the landline phone rang.

"The application has been accepted."

So Li Pan opened the drawer. There was a pocket watch and an electronic watch in the drawer.

The pocket watch was a vintage mechanical watch with a brass case and a chain. An electronic watch is an electronic square with a rubber strap. Both of these are antiques even in the 21st century.

Of course, this is not a story about the river god asking the boy, "Did you drop this piece of Caprio or this piece of Peppa Sea?"

Li Pan held the phone between his neck and put the electronic watch on his wrist. When he started timing, he also held the pocket watch in his hand.

"Pocket Watch/Authentication,

Identification, yellow, controllable.

Pocket watch/identification, can identify monsters in the area.

After taking out the pocket watch/appraisal, the pocket watch/appraisal starts timing.

When there is a monster within the sensing range of the pocket watch/identification, the pointer will speed up.

The closer the distance, the faster the pointer moves.

The more monsters there are, the faster the pointer moves.

The higher the monster risk, the faster the pointer moves.

When the minute hand also starts to move at a speed visible to the naked eye, the monster can basically be judged to be red.

Note that the pocket watch/appraisal will accelerate aging, and the user's corresponding life limit will be deducted while running time, and cannot be reset. "

Li Pan took a look at the pocket watch. The second hand was ticking, which was obviously much faster than the electronic watch. This is normal, after all, he is wearing 'formal clothing/guardian' now.

It doesn't matter if it deducts your upper limit of life. If you really want to worry about this, cheap food additives will deduct your "upper limit of life" just like preservatives. A stray bullet flying by the roadside can directly deduct all your life limit.

So Li Pan hung the 'pocket watch/appraisal' on his formal clothes, and took the elevator to go around the business department first.

The business department is relatively large, with three floors above and below. In addition to the office area with employee office cubicles, there are also private offices specially allocated for cadres, as well as personal containers that can store personal belongings, guns, ammunition, and equipment. So every time you open the door, you have to be mentally prepared for an out-of-control monster on the other side.

But with these two watches, Li Pan didn't have to rush through the door like the CQB assault team. He took blue, yellow and red stickers, stood at the door of each office for a minute, and then put stickers of the corresponding colors on them.

After all, he doesn't even have a gun in his hand now, so he can't clean it up at all, and even if it's a blue room, the employees may pay special attention to personal privacy and tie a grenade to the door handle...

In this way, the business department was quickly sorted out, and about six yellow monsters were found, and they were numbered and recorded in sequence.

In the end, only the technical department is basically left.

The technical department is indeed a bit troublesome, because it is responsible for the application development of monsters. In addition to the research on monsters, there are also various technical materials, various experimental equipment that simulates extreme environments, and clones of experimental subjects.

Well, yes, the general manager has information on his computer. Monster Company illegally breeds clones for monster testing. In fact, most companies are illegally using human clone targets. These cloned human bodies are genetically coordinated and injected with growth hormones. , from birth to adulthood to death, it only lasts three to five days. It is really just a piece of meat.

However, the Scientific Ethics Committee has clearly enacted legislation prohibiting this kind of behavior. Companies caught will be heavily fined by the tax bureau. Of course, it is difficult to say whether the higher authorities are legislating for ethics or fines.

In fact, Li Pan feels that it is difficult to define whether the act of cloning human beings is considered an "ethical evil". After all, when researching monsters, you don't have to clone humans but use temporary workers. You have to choose one anyway.

What? Guinea pig?

Considering that licenses for experimental organisms need to be obtained, quarantine and inspection qualification certifications need to be updated, and medical organisms are monopolized, temporary workers are actually cheaper.

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