I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 117 Dispatch

To be honest, Li Pan found that he had been a little unclear before.

He had always thought that Monster Company just collected scraps and looked after warehouses.

The result is funny, he is the real boss in this world.

Needless to say, fleet crushing and other things, skills bought with money are not real skills. The various monsters in hand are partly due to the early market monopoly, and others did not have so many resources.

But now even apostles can be made artificially, and they can develop something like the 'Pharaoh' that is 50-50 comparable to the true demon god on the mystical side, and the top-notch 'Mercury Type' on the technological side.

This shows that Monster Company’s own technical capabilities are among the best in the world.

And such a monster company is not the ruler of the entire world, it is just a seat on the safety committee.

Looking around the golf course covered in blood and corpses, Li Pan could only remain speechless.

Strong, too strong. There is no limit to the limit of this mecha, but only a glimpse of spiritual power. He can also realize that the strength of this system is probably not that different from the world of cultivating immortals.

It’s okay to have a superpower system. Technology is still developed at the same time. If they know that they are going to resist such a committee, it’s no wonder that many people will be so desperate that they hide in wells and never come out again...

0113, "Oh, 0791, you are very powerful. Are you interested in joining me? I will arrange a minister to do it for you."

Li Pan was also helpless,

"Ah San, don't be ridiculous. This has nothing to do with me. It's just crushing by equipment. Okay, I admit, your Unit 1 is really strong, it's definitely level 8 technology."

This is no longer the level of a single-machine fleet destroyer. It is completely a world-destroying mecha. It may be a bit exaggerated to crush the earth with bare hands, but it is definitely more than enough to cause the extinction of primates on the surface. It is no exaggeration to say that it is level 8 technology.

0113 Haha,

"Hehehe, there's no need to belittle yourself. No matter how powerful Unit 1 is, it still needs a suitable pilot.

Your vitality, willpower, and psychic potential are far beyond the scope of ordinary people. Even among the company's cadres, you can be ranked among the elites.

Although I heard that you were selected halfway, you are enough to be a minister with this ability. What, 0791 is going to be destroyed, so you might as well come under my command. "

Li Pan shrugged.

"Oh, how much salary do you offer me? And your minister there is not an agent, right?"

0113 Haha,

"Haha, temporary workers are part of the company's system, and the salary is paid by the head office. There's nothing I can do about it, but what about the benefits...

How about putting you in charge of Babylon? Sheba is fine too, in short you can choose whatever kingdom of gods I have. "

Li Pan, "Hey, just seal the country? Are you so polite?"

0113 Still haha,

"Haha, you can control the existence of 'Pharaoh', so what if I really make you a Pharaoh.

Everyone who has been on the plane so far has been digested, and you are still conscious, which has already set a new record.

Come and be the Lord of Babylon under me. I will report it to the headquarters and 01 will agree. "

"Wow, Lord of Babylon, roar, roar...huh? Wait! Digestion? Is it a side effect?"


"Oh, by the way, the pilot is actually the fuel of 'Pharaoh/Unit 1'. According to previous tests, if you drive for more than five minutes, your body and soul will become one with the 'Pharaoh'.

But who knows what kind of explosive ball game you suddenly had, so much so that I forgot to remind you. "

"Damn! You didn't tell me such an important thing earlier! You just wanted to continue testing the mecha, right?"

Well, he has no intention of fighting the final boss battle with the prince of the Fabius family for the time being.

Li Pan was also afraid that if he continued to fight for a while, the skin would not come off and would have to be digested. He was so frightened that he flew back to the company and tried to get off the plane and return home.

Fortunately, with a silver key, the pharaoh's coffin was opened again. Moreover, his body bones were probably stronger due to the Jiuyin Refining, and his scales also had some protective effects. The 'Pharaoh' had a bit of indigestion after swallowing one mouthful. In short, Li Pan still escaped, but the muscle tissue and fat were indeed dissolved a lot, and the coffin It was filled with orange-red grease, probably dissolved from his body.

And compared with the convenience of entering the coffin, getting out of the coffin is really a bit troublesome. It was really exciting to pull out the large group of silver tapeworms from the body. Those tapeworms were connected to the nerves and refused to let go. They seemed to have barbs hooked into the flesh. It was as difficult to pull out as a sharp needle. It felt like a steel knife was being used to scrape my nerves, as if I was pulling my own tendons out of my flesh.

With this kind of mecha that allows entry and exit, it is no wonder that although it is awesome, it is still a prototype and cannot be put into mass production.

After Li Pan finally peeled off a layer of his skin and crawled out of the coffin, all the pores on his body were penetrated. His whole body was inserted into a hive, and his body was covered with dense sores. It was really good news for patients with trypophobia. Li Pan was so disgusted that he wanted to vomit, so he quickly went back to calm down his shock.

As a result, Li Pan was also shocked this time!

This time, I actually lost a lot of weight! Before, it looked like a strong crocodile with scales and armor on its back, but now it's just a lizard!

And it’s so powerful! My true energy! The nine-yin body-protecting true energy has also been consumed! !

Wow, my first experience with Unit 1 only lasted more than half an hour, but it actually cost me two silver keys! And it really costs lives and energy! The price of this level eight mecha is too high!

And as 0113 mentioned, although the damage to the body can be reset by the filing cabinet again and again, it can be brought back from the near-death situation.

But on a mental level, the memories left by the cramps were still vivid in his mind. As soon as he calmed down, the pain and fatigue from the whole night came to his mind, so that Li Pan really couldn't bear it anymore. Covering his eyes, he sat down in the office chair and breathed heavily.

In this whole day and night, eight silver keys were used!

Tired, destroy it, hurry up...

"Jingle Bell!"

Mu De asked me to take it easy...

"Jingle Bell!"


0113, "It's almost three o'clock. If we don't test it, we won't have time. I'll lend you two more keys and continue testing."

"Fuck! I've become like this! How can I stand it! I'm seeking death by taking advantage of you! You really think I'm sick!"

0113, "Oh, you can't stand it anymore, right? Don't worry, I have medicine."

Li Pan, "..."

So 0113 airdropped a box of medicine.

There are twelve needles in total, three of each of the four colors red, yellow, blue and purple.

Li Pan, "What are these?"


"You should have used those three tubes... What? You haven't used the company's strengthening drugs? Oh, so you used monsters to hold on by yourself before? Your life is hard enough...

Well, to put it simply, the blue one can restore consciousness and rationality, the yellow one can replenish physical energy, the red one can repair physical wounds, and the purple one can awaken God-given spiritual energy.

Ordinary people and temporary workers only need one tube. Cadres or apostles can use two tubes. If two tubes are inserted, there will be no effect. Then let’s hit them all with three tubes. "

Well, it means that when Li Pan is exhausted physically and mentally from working with monsters and can't even slow down, the company still has something that allows you to continue working efficiently?

Well, Li Pan has finally figured it out. The managers of these companies are all the kind of people who will use their subordinates to death as long as they can't be used.

Normally, he would have turned around and left. Oh, I have two thousand, five hundred dollars a month, and I still have to work overtime for you with stimulants? ?

But now, looking at the dreadnought in the sky, Li Pan had no choice but to grit his teeth and take all twelve pills.

The results are immediate!

The blue potion is a super enhanced version of black ice and analgesic. After one injection, the headache is relieved, after the second injection, the mind becomes sharper, and after the third injection, the mind becomes clear as ice.

The yellow potion is a complete tonic. One shot eliminates fatigue, two shots invigorate the body, and three shots make the sky strong.

The red potion is even more awesome. Let's put it this way, after three injections of Li Pan, his muscles increased dramatically! The body size has increased two or three times!

This is simply like inflating a shriveled balloon, inflating it on the spot, causing the blood vessels and muscles to burst out, and the person is about to explode!

With the three sets of red, yellow and blue boosters fully loaded, Li Pan felt that his current combat power could be conservatively described as gods blocking gods and killing gods, demons blocking demons and slaying, hands ripping vampires apart, and werewolves being shit.

However, the psionic potion didn't make any sense. Maybe there was no psionic setting in this world, and it should just be used to charge the 'Pharaoh/Unit-0'.

In short, this is the power of technology, this is the power of drugs!

good! Return to full health! Peak combat power! The status is full! Now get started!

So Li Pan started Unit 1 again! Pharaoh Li Pan! Attack!

In the blink of an eye, the God on Earth slowly descended over the Tower of Night.

After Li Pan used explosive balls to bloodbath Fabius' house, all the vampires in the Tower of Night had escaped, leaving only a group of social animals working overtime in the building.

Well, so what if the world is going to be destroyed tomorrow. How can you repay the loan if you don't work overtime?

Li Pan didn't bother these minions. The Pharaoh blinked and knew the whereabouts of Prince Maxim. He didn't even take the elevator anymore. He accelerated and hit the floor. Duangduangduangduang smashed through hundreds of basements under the Tower of Night, rushing through. Entering the 'well of sleep' deep at the bottom of the Tower of Night.

The 'Well of Sleep' is a huge underground tunnel. Along the rock walls around the tunnel, vampire coffins are placed in the caves.

Most of the people stored here are vampires who died abnormally in battle, or are at risk of 'blood thirst' and need to sleep for a while to calm down.

Even for Ye's vampires, after excessive fighting and madness, they still need to lie underground and take a nap to recover.

But Monsters Inc. will directly give you back the medicine... Sigh... This is the difference in corporate culture...

In short, the bottom floor of the 'Well of Sleep' is a huge underground auditorium. The auditorium is surrounded by colorful glass, depicting the history of the vampire clan. On the floor of the auditorium, there is a huge circular magic circle engraved with the letters A, V, and M.

This is the cemetery where prince-level vampire archons are stored.

In fact, the prince of the vampire clan is not weak among the heavens. However, due to the shortcomings of 'Blood Sorrow', it is always possible to avoid the hidden danger of going berserk and out of control.

Therefore, only one vampire prince rules each century. In the last ten years, the next prince will be awakened and slowly regain his strength and sanity underground.

Just like the ebb and flow of the tide, with the new king growing stronger and stronger, the old prince in power will gradually grow older and weaker, until he finally falls into a deep slumber, sleeping underground to regain his sanity and avoid the inevitable madness.

In every world ruled by the Ye clan, this cycle of reincarnations rotates between the three princes, and if this replacement sequence is broken, it will cause a serious successor crisis for the Ye clan.

For example, the old prince may lose control and may not be able to intimidate the territory, while the newly awakened prince may not have time to recover his strength, or may not wake up from a crazy nightmare because he has not slept long enough.

But that's none of the company's business.

The company only wants you, Prince Maxim, to die.

Pharaoh Li Pan, "Death."


When they met for the first time, without saying a word, Li Pan showed him the utmost respect. He raised his flail and struck it on the head of the man who was half lying in the plasma bath.

But this superman's blow was empty.

The man wearing a blood-colored shirt was floating in the air, his whole body bathed in milk-like blood, and he looked at the pharaoh made of black crystal with his golden eyes expressionlessly. This guy has obviously just woken up, and the skin on his body hasn't grown yet.

Li Pan also looked up at the prince and closed his eyes.

So strong...

He is indeed so strong. His Qi, his spirit, and his strength are so strong...

From the perspective of the spirit world, the prince himself is a spiritual light that fills the world. It is a spiritual energy at the level of 100,000 people. Moreover, there are layers of strange magic circles around him, surrounding the spiritual light. Heka's staff cannot be used. Capture.

Needless to say, in terms of vision in the material world, as an excellent combat prosthetic body, the strength of the Vampire Race must not be underestimated. The Vampire Prince is rated as a seventh-level combat prosthetic body. Although it is one level behind the Pharaoh, it is not the destructive power of combat. on the gap. The so-called seventh level means that although there is no psychic power, decisive mass extermination moves such as nuclear bombs can be used. But it also has lethality and destructive power that threatens the lives and property of citizens at the city level and even planetary level administrative divisions.

So yes, although the prince-level vampires are ancient knights, ancient monsters, and ancient supermen with pure fighting styles, they are theoretically strong enough to slaughter all humans on the earth with one punch. !

Therefore, Ye's ability to achieve political division was actually the limit. They really couldn't suppress the prince, and even captured him and sent him to the company...

But in front of Unit 1! Not enough classes yet! !

"Oola ola ola ola ola!"

Li Pan stuck Heka's scepter on the collar behind his back, picked up the crystal fist and hit him! Every blow breaks the real dragon! !

(0113, "Huh?! No, you use psychic powers!")

Prince Maxim had no intention of running away. He sat back and watched his children being massacred, recuperating his energy until now! Isn’t it just for a fight?


Blood beast transformation! Yes! The power of the Fabius family’s blood! The prince level can also transform into two stages! !

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, two supermen with level 7 and 8 technology were in the sky and on the ground! Fight as a team!

Pure punching power! Pure violence! Pure man's desire to win!

Fight! roar! Intertwined and collided together!

(0113, "Ah——! My Unit-1!")

When the attributes of both parties are outrageous to a certain level, and their every move and every move has the destructive power of climbing mountains and seas, breaking mountains and rocks, then technical skills are actually of little use.

One black and one red, two figures were chasing each other in the tunnel of the 'Well of Sleep'! collision! Boom!

Hit, hit, hit! Bang bang bang!

If it flies away, hit it back! Hit it and hit it back again!

Encounter on a narrow road! Brave! By! Win!

Real dragon breaks!




After hundreds of punches!

The winner is!

Pharaoh Li Pan!

Well, no surprise there...

In fact, Maxim's battle prosthetic body is not much worse than the Pharaoh. If we fight normally, everyone can fight 50-50. It is estimated that the winner will be determined after three to five hundred people meet.

The main reason is that 0113 can't bear to part with his mecha. After all, the hat on the Pharaoh's head is quite expensive and cannot be repaired if it is broken.

So while the two men were pounding all the way from the ground to the surface, the man immediately stabbed someone in the back, fired a railgun from behind, and shattered half of Prince Maximi's arm.

So Li Pan won one move, a True Dragon Pharaoh's Friendship Breaking Face Meteor Fist hit all the hits!

Blast Prince Maxime! kill! to! Scum!

His head was smashed into a meteor in the sky and flew out of the atmosphere. Li Pan finally picked it up...

Hmm... Anyway, it's really a boring victory...

So after packing Prince Maxim's head, Li Pan went back to the company and went to the restroom to do some work. He personally washed the skulls of Prince Fabius and the Governor Tokugawa and made them into a pair of wine glasses. .

"'Pharaoh/Unit No. 1' was recovered successfully. Fortunately, there was no damage." 0113 called, "Hello 0791, it's almost eight o'clock."

Yes, I finally caught up.

I hope 01 can feel the sincerity of the apology...

Li Pan looked at the small gift in the box, wiped the blood on his hands, stood at the window of the manager's office, and took one last look at the Night City.

"Asan...does the offer from the Lord of Babylon still count? Can I bring more family members with me?"

0113, "Of course, the family members are free to do so. As long as 01 agrees to your dispatch...huh? A meeting has been called. 0791, you have also been named to attend."

Sigh... Let's have a meeting, let's have a meeting... The world is about to be destroyed and we still have a Nima meeting...

But don’t think too much, it must be a report about the collector’s site.

In comparison, bugs like Tokugawa and Fabius are all scabies and can be easily eliminated, but collectors are the company's real thorn in the side.

So Li Pan quickly sorted out the information, braced himself, entered the conference room, and turned on the lights.

This pull-up of the lamp was a big deal. In addition to 01 and 0113, managers from other worlds filled the round table. This was actually a formal meeting of twelve managers.

The usual 01 general manager spoke,

"0791 subsidiary, fourth managers meeting. Report on the 0791 collector site.

In accordance with company regulations, the reporting manager and the eleven managers who can attend the meeting will be present.

Now the meeting can officially begin. "

Li Pan was also ready. After signing, he immediately stood up and said,

"I have personally educated the local gangs who offended the company. The heads of the initiators are here to express my apology. I hope you will forgive their offense..."

Unexpectedly, before Li Pan could finish speaking, 01 knocked on the table to interrupt him.

"I have read your report, there is no need to say more."

Then 01 waved his hand, and a "Death Notice" appeared in front of all the managers.

Li Pan was also stunned. He picked it up and turned it over, and heard 01 slowly saying,

"01044, the backbone of our business department, died during a raid on the S68 site of the ACA Antique Collectors Association during a business trip in the 0791 plane. The main body has been confirmed to be brain dead."

……What? died? That 01044? Is it really dead?

Just stared at him? Just commit suicide?

As soon as the network cable was pulled out, what about reincarnation in a different world? ? ?

Even the managers attending the meeting were surprised and started talking about it.

"Dead? On a business trip?"

"01044? That sage?"

"Could it be that it was hacked?"

"But the filing cabinet..."

01 shook his head, "The filing cabinet is not effective."

The managers immediately fell silent.

Li Pan was a little stunned for a moment. Then I heard 01 say,

"The collector who killed 01044 cannot be let go. The ACAS68 project team is now established. All participating managers must send at least one cadre to 0791 to participate in the arrest of the target collector. Catch him alive."

Li Pan was stunned for a moment, "But I'm going to get serious here later..."

01 waved his hand and said, "The agreement on redressing 0791 is suspended. First, find out the murderer of 01044."

Damn...you said you are not serious and you are not serious! At least you can take a look at this wine glass! What did I do in one night of hard work?

Before Li Pan could recover, 01 stabbed him again.

"Catching the collector is the first priority! Whoever can catch the murderer of 044 will be the general manager of 0791!"

Li Pan was shocked, "Ah, ah? What about me?"

01 is also very simple,

"You? You want to be transferred to 0113? Rejected!

You were the only one who came into contact with the collector, and you continued to act as manager and provide assistance on site until the arrest was completed.

As long as you help complete the arrest, I can make an exception and make you a full-time employee. You can choose whether to stay or transfer. anymore question. "

Li Pan opened his mouth, no problem.

But yes, he was originally a temporary agent. It was okay to look at the warehouse, but now he is not capable enough to deal with the collector. It is normal operation for the head office to immediately drop a general manager and kick him aside. After all, the workplace is so cruel and ruthless...

But if you can become a full-time employee early, that's actually not bad. The salary will be doubled tenfold.

And Li Pan suddenly realized that it seemed that 01044's attempt to commit suicide had inexplicably averted the crisis of solemnity in the apocalypse...

This is called a blessing in disguise, right?

01 Bangbang knocked on the table,

"Everyone, the war between us and the Collector has begun now. Each of us should prepare a war preparation plan and be ready for signs at any time. The meeting is dismissed."

General managers turned off the lights. Finally 0113 is left.

"What a pity 0791, it seems that you, Lord of Babylon, can't do it for the time being."

"Oh, that doesn't matter..." Li Pan was in a daze for a moment, "Then... is this really disrespectful?"

0113 smiled and said, "01 said to postpone it, then postpone it. When he remembers, he can kill the insects again."

But I'm leaving my ship, and you can figure it out by yourself then.

By the way, your men have captured a lot of natives on board the ship. What are you going to do with them? "

Li Pan, "Huh? Oh, Tokugawa Ichimen, right? That's useless... just cut out the intestines and throw them out of low-Earth orbit."

0113, "Okay."

So they turned off the lights and left the conference room.

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