I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 128 Overcoming the Killing Tribulation

"What's the festival?"

Before Li Pan could react, the blood shadow turned into a red light, passed through the wall with a swipe, and soared out. The lights in the garage flickered for a while, then returned to light.

Li Pan was in a daze for a moment. He got up and took a look at the monitor. He found that in just a few dozen seconds, the monitoring lines inside and outside the garage had been interfered by strong radiation. In the night vision camera, only a glimmer of light can be captured, and a human figure can be vaguely seen, like stains remaining on the lens...

Fortunately, okay, it's not a hallucination. As expected, his mental state has always been normal...

Brush, the light went out again. Li Pan raised his head and saw another large red light in the garage. Duan Kecheng jumped out and jumped back.

"Brother, why aren't you leaving yet?"

Li Pan was speechless,

"No, how can I 'walk'? Do I have to go? Then wait for me, my body is not logged into the system, and Serena can't ride... Uh, I don't even have a chip. Wait until I call a car... "

But the blood shadow couldn't wait any longer. It flashed and turned into a bloody man standing in front of Li Pan.

"You're still calling a carriage! Brother, you're about to form a pill, can't you still remember how to escape?"

Just as Li Pan was about to explain, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in the middle of his eyebrows. However, when he saw the blurry bloody man in front of him, a crack opened in the middle of his eyebrows, a bright yellow eyeball came out, and a golden light shot out in Li Pan's face!

Then many meridian maps of written exercises flashed before my eyes, like a revolving lantern, fleeting and fleeting.

Li Pan glanced at it and knew that it was a superior escape method. It turned out that it was the "Blood Shadow Divine Movement" that Duan Kecheng taught him in person!

Although the speed of cultivating immortals in 0791 was much worse than that of Li Qingyun, Li Pan's understanding was not bad. This was evident from the fact that he was still able to pass the exam as the No. 1 engineer in the school despite being chased by the Chan Die Society.

Moreover, his solid practice in Shangzhen Guan has accumulated a lot of basic knowledge for him. After receiving this enlightenment, Li Pan immediately understood it, circulated the blood to refine the Tao breath, practiced on the spot, pinched the formula, controlled the air and concentrated the mind. , raised his hand to tear off his face, and his soul was out of body at that time! He turned into a bloody man and jumped out from between his eyebrows!

Duan Kecheng laughed, "You are indeed the eldest brother. You can awaken my Tao with just one glance! I think you must have cultivated the body of the Son of Blood God back then, and at least you have become a Dharma King! Yes or no!"


Li Pan shrugged, looked at the skin on his hands, rolled it up and carefully placed it in the coffin. Otherwise, if it falls on the floor and gets dirty, you have to wear it again when you come back.

"Let's go, let's go! If you don't take the chance, you'll lose it!"

Duan Kecheng held Li Pan's wrist, and the bloody light rolled up the two of them, and then moved through the wall. With lightning speed, it turned into a streak of red and cut through the night sky. In just a few breaths, it turned around in the sky and threw out a streak of red. The bloody figure wrapped in light came.

The bloody figure fell with the wind, like a maple leaf, falling from the air, and landed silently on the nearby high-voltage electricity tower. When he saw the city wall of the Night City not far away, he knew that he had reached the outer ring of the city's suburbs.

Li Pan looked around and pointed at a factory building near the city wall.

"Brother, is that the interesting place you mentioned?"

The Chi Lian rolled up in the sky, like silk and satin, and turned into a bloody-faced child with a big head and a small torso. Big-headed flies seemed to be floating in the sky. Jie Jie smiled and said,

"Jie Jie! The eldest brother has a keen eye, that's right! The younger brother has calculated that our fate may fall here!"

"Oh oh……"

That's not it, after all, this is Warehouse No. 1, the place where the pen/powerful expulsion is sealed.

It seems that Monsters Inc. is really not bragging, and can actually make the younger brother of the Duan family take it so seriously. This pen/powerful expulsion is probably the strongest monster in this plane. It can be used to drive Duan Kecheng out of the plane.

Li Pan was speechless for a moment, but this younger brother was quite awesome. He was reincarnated and restored his cultivation. The first thing he did was to kidnap the manager of the company to steal the company's goods.

Alas, Monsters, Inc. is probably pretty speechless too. These are barbarians from remote areas, and I am not afraid of being disrespectful. They said it seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously. Why can't you understand? How dare you jump on your head? ? ?

Thinking of stealing the pen, 01 might be furious, Li Pan quickly advised,

"Brother, eldest brother also knows that there must be a powerful treasure here, but you have just taken over the body now, and your cultivation has not yet recovered. If you do it so rashly, just in case, it is better to wait until you have mastered the magic..."

Duan Kecheng also nodded repeatedly,

"Brother is a master of calculation, and I have exactly the same intention, so I come to ask you to do it."

Li Pan, "I'll do it!?"

Duan Kecheng smiled and said,

"Brother, don't worry, you are surrounded by dangers, but you can just find someone with similar cultivation level to kill you. It will be very easy. With me protecting you secretly, you will be safe!"

You just go down as a clone to test it out and try the local monsters. If there is anything wrong, I will pay you a blood puppet at worst. "

I can't go wrong, but I'm going to be in trouble again...

"Okay! Let's go for my brother's sake!"

It’s a blessing, not a curse, but it’s a curse that cannot be avoided.

Anyway, Li Pan, a professional platoon engineer, did not hesitate. He jumped off the tower in a flash and rushed towards the warehouse.

And the big-headed blood baby thought he was going to give in, but he didn't expect it to be so straightforward. He was stunned, swallowed the words on his lips again, swayed, shrunk into a red pill the size of a cherry, and flew around Li Pan's body. Protect him.

Probably moved by the eldest brother's heroic spirit of doing his job without saying a word, Duan Kecheng stayed aside to deliver the message.

"Brother, please slow down, elder brother, please slow down. There is a treasure hidden here, but I can't be considered as an ambush guard. It must be a scam!"

No, it's really not a scam, because the security guards are all Li Pan, ahem, they are the managers of past generations, and the arrangements are agreed upon.

After all, Monster Company's warehouse will last for hundreds or thousands of years. If the security level of the warehouse is too high and the tax bureau comes to inspect it, then the inventory cost calculation will be too high.

Of course, there are still basic automatic turrets, warning drones, and NCPA networking, but this kind of defense system is used to scare thieves to guard against zero-dollar purchases, and it has long been outdated. For these gods and demons who fly through walls and follow them like a shadow, That's really useless at all.

So Li Pan slipped into the warehouse from the blind spot of the camera without any harm, and even took a look at the maintenance team's patrol list. Well, the system was just maintained yesterday, and no one would come for at least six days.

Duan Kecheng was shocked, "As expected of my eldest brother! How brave a master of arts is! Breaking into the formation so easily! No restrictions were triggered at all!"

Li Pan shrugged, how can it be triggered if there is no restriction?

Of course, in theory, there should be additional 'restrictions', 'guards', 'magics' and so on. The employees of the company's logistics department are the monsters responsible for guarding the inventory. If there is a great magician like 01044, then there must be The three outer and outer layers are full of various enchantment buffs.

But the problem is no.

As for the three melons and two dates under Li Pan, Lao Liu Lama and a husky could at most clean the house. Alas, forget it, I will be tricked by my younger brother this time...

He was able to escape through the wall and sneak into the warehouse. Li Pan directly found the pen on the shelf. He was flexible and skillful and followed the "Monster Transfer Operation Procedure of TheM Logistics Department" to use a customized pen box, customized stretch film, and customized packaging tape for the pen/strong Effective expulsion', pack it up. He picked up another identical one and put it back on the shelf.

"That's it, let's go."

Duan Kecheng looked on in shock.

"Hey! You are worthy of being the eldest brother! You can calculate everything with ease! It's really amazing to me! I haven't even finished the calculation yet! You've got it all covered! Big brother! My admiration for you is like a torrential river, endless! It's like the Yellow River overflowing. ,unstoppable……"

Li Pan handed him the package, "Okay, okay, is this the end?"

Duan Kecheng turned into a blood baby, held the pen in his arms and said,

"Brother, wait a minute, there is still a cave below that we haven't beaten yet."

…What’s underneath?

Under Duan Kecheng's guidance, Li Pan came to the emergency generator room underground of the warehouse.

As the agent manager, Li Pan had memorized the various management rules and operating standards of the forty-two warehouses outside carefully.

Among them, Warehouse No. 1 ‘Fountain Pen/Powerful Expulsion’ is relatively easy to manage. Basically, as long as you don't insert the pen into your eyeball, the 'pen' will not cause any direct harm to you.

So when the monsters really come, you can ask the temporary workers to borrow the 'pens' to drive away the apostles, and just put them on the warehouse shelves, mixed with a bunch of other ordinary pens.

However, there is indeed a caveat in ‘Warehouse No. 1’.

There just can't be a power outage.

In the event of a power outage, the ‘pen’ must not leave the warehouse until the power is restored. Cannot leave the warehouse. Cannot leave the warehouse. Important notices are given three times.

Fortunately, there are not many power outages in the Night City, and this warehouse itself also has an emergency generator room, and even if there is a power outage, as long as the 'pen' is not taken away, there have never been any major management accidents.

However, the specific reason why there cannot be a power outage is that the relevant reports have been extensively deleted and saved by the headquarters, and the technical department has not yet restored them, and Li Pan has not seriously applied for investigation.

That'll be fine as long as nothing happens. Two thousand five hundred and a month, why should he take care of each and every one of them?

So Li Pan just made an extra mention in the project memorandum to the temporary engineering maintenance team, clarifying that the emergency generator was to be inspected and repaired in Warehouse No. 1. But I think if maintenance is done every seven days, there won’t be any big mistakes, right?

"And it's actually a multi-fuel generator set... No wonder there is a risk of power outage, it's such an old thing..."

When Li Pan came in and took a look, he was also shocked. These days, reactors have been miniaturized and can be installed on prosthetic bodies. Unexpectedly, Warehouse No. 1 actually still generates thermal power.

However, backward equipment also has its advantages. The good thing about old-fashioned generators is that they are reliable and durable. As long as gasoline, diesel, natural gas, and various liquid, gas, and solid fuels are regularly replenished, the generator set can continue to operate. There will be no emergencies such as reactor meltdowns, and there is no need for the Safety Bureau to regularly send personnel for inspection and approval.

Moreover, there are multiple units to generate electricity, with a high fault tolerance rate and very simple maintenance. In addition, various technical patents have long been devolved to civilian use. If there are any parts that need to be replaced, just download a blueprint online and 3D print it yourself to replace it. , there is no need for engineers to have any professional qualifications, it can be completed by remote operation using industrial robots.

The red pill that Duan Kecheng transformed into flew to the floor and jingled.

"Brother, the entrance to the Cave Heaven Paradise is right down here."

Li Pan also felt it. Before, he could use the method of blood shadow to travel around and pass through walls and homes, but now the ground is as solid as rock and iron, making it impossible to escape at all.

So I lifted up the insulating carpet and took a look, and sure enough I saw a movable door panel, which seemed to be made of bronze and was corroded. There were some weird patterns carved on it, which seemed to be some kind of magic circle. When I pulled it open, I saw that there seemed to be mechanical and electrical circuits and waste liquid underneath. Engineering maintenance channel for the discharge port. It is dark, short and narrow, and adults have to bend their waists and half-crouch to climb over.

Duan Kecheng bounced around and turned into a blood baby again. He opened his mouth and spit out a burst of red light, which probably gave Li Pan a burst of energy, instantly restoring the blood consumption he had just used to escape, and the excess was used to surround him for body protection. .

"Brother, I'm waiting for you here. You go over to that area and check the situation first. If there is any problem, just run back immediately with the Blood Shadow God. My little brother will pick you up."

"...That's okay."

Fortunately, Li Pan was not a human now, but a blood man. He shook his body and waist, and used the method of a raccoon turning over a snake, shrinking and twisting his body, and turned into a blood python with a human head, and then got into the passage. In the darkness, I crawled along the pipeline equipment for dozens of feet, as if I had passed through some dark tunnel, and my eyes gradually became brighter.

Climbing out of the passage, Li Pan returned to his human form, turned his head and looked around.

Duan Kecheng said that this was some kind of cave paradise, an extraterrestrial gap, and Li Pan thought it was like a haunted house or a collector's station, and that he was going to travel to other dimensions.

But in fact, what emerged from the other end of the passage was a generator set. The surrounding layout was almost the same as the previous room. It seemed that I had crawled through the passage to the motor room on the other side.

The equipment is still the same old multi-fuel generator, but the components of the unit here are quite new. I wonder if the parts have just been replaced.

Looking at the engineering tunnel that he had just crawled over on the ground, Li Pan was a little puzzled. He couldn't just crawl back over it, right?

So he opened the door of the electrical machine room and took a look.

Then he froze.

Outside the motor room is a long alloy walkway, which is obviously different from the dilapidated factory when we arrived. And in the design floor plan of Warehouse No. 1, there is obviously no such space.

Did he really 'travel' to a different space...

Anyway, Li Pan often walked around, so there was no need to hesitate and he just walked along the aisle to explore outside.

Although Blood Shadow Divine Walking is suppressed by some rules or forces and cannot activate the escape method, there is currently no problem with his body. It just looks like a bloody and naked skinned man, which is not good-looking.

There was no defense system in this corridor. The passage seemed to go downwards, probably some kind of base buried deep underground. Li Pan ran wildly and came to the end of the road.

At the end of the road is a white door with a diamond inlaid on the door. Unknown runes are painted on the door, which is obviously protected by energy seals from other worlds. It's probably the work of the previous generation's businessmen, right?

Li Pan estimated that if there was no way to crack this kind of 'door', it would at least require a silver key to open it. He still owed 0113 one, and there was nothing he could do, so he just tried to push it.

As expected, when Li Pan tried to reach out and push open the door, the diamond flashed a bright light, igniting Li Pan's whole body like rosin, and the surging energy burned him, instantly turning him into a torch. .

But the door was surprisingly easy to open, and it opened with just one push. Moreover, although the dazzling flames consumed most of Li Pan's protective blood in one go, it did not harm him at all. It was quite easy to forcefully pass the test under the protection.

Yes, great power can do wonders. It seems that it’s great to have a higher level. You don’t need to do so many technical procedures and decryption operations.

So Li Pan opened the door and looked inside. On the other side of the door was an empty hall. The entire hall is also made of some kind of white stone. The space is extremely vast, at least the size of a dozen football fields.

The effort of opening the door was not in vain. Li Pan could see something placed in the center of the hall.

That must be the monster preserved here.

Li Pan cautiously stepped into the hall, leaving a clearly visible bloody footprint on the white marble floor. Went to the thing.

This is a headband, made of white diamonds like those at the gate. At the connection point are two open and closed profiles. It seems to be the profiles of two people, spliced ​​together to form a pattern of human heads.

Li Pan had never seen the monster's investigation file on the computer. However, the company's methods of investigating and dealing with monsters are actually very rough.

Just find a temporary worker and get started.

So he picked up the ring, and sure enough, Li Pan's hand burned again. The bright white flames burned along the palm of his hand and all the way to his forearm, rapidly consuming the body's blood and showing no tendency to stop.

Li Pan had no choice but to temporarily put the headband back to its original place, waved his hand to extinguish the flame, and walked forward for a while.

In the distance, he could see three more closed doors at the end of the hall.

From left to right, they are gray, gold, and black. The doors are also engraved with magic circles and inlaid with gems, gold and pearls.

Obviously, like the previous white door, it is guarded by forbidden magic. It must be opened with a key or forced to push. There's always a price to pay.

Probably these 'doors' are the real monster seals in Warehouse No. 1.

Li Pan estimated that with the blood energy he was currently protecting his body, he could only force open a door, or he could just take the ring and quickly turn around the two options.

If it's still a monster, don't take it and just turn back.

Can the things that have been sealed here by the company with such great efforts be taken out at will?

He can still fool him for a few days with a 'pen', but if he gets a few more gadgets, 01 might really make the fleet jump.

So Li Pan turned his head and saw a person standing silently behind him.

Well, strictly speaking, this is not a 'person', but a doll wearing formal clothes. It has no face, no eyes, and no mouth. It seems to be wearing a white mask, and on the chest of the formal suit, there is a nameplate of 0791001.

What is this? ?

The general manager’s figurine? ?

Monsters, Inc.? ?

Before Li Pan could react.

‘0791001’ suddenly raised his fist and launched a Mach 5 Superman flying punch! Punch him in the face!

Li Pan was caught off guard! He only had time to twist and dodge before he was punched in the shoulder! Half of his body was shattered!

Damn it!

This trick!

This move is true dragon breaking!

This is an android replica of his body! !

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