I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 133 No acquaintance without fighting

Chiyoda Prison, a golf course for VIP prisoners.

The man wearing a formal suit with 0081007 written on the nameplate on his chest turned around and looked at the apostle who landed in front of him with a thunderous sound and descended from the sky.

There is no doubt that this is an apostle who is on the edge and needs to be expelled immediately according to company regulations.

The other party was like a kettle that was boiling water and screaming. It sprayed out hot air, covering the whole body and even the area for several miles in a dark gray mist. It could only be vaguely seen. Between the rolling clouds, I could barely see a humanoid figure wearing formal clothes, slowly walking towards me.

However, 081007 did not take action immediately because he saw the opponent's name tag.


"Hey, are you the agent of 0791? We have been looking for you all day. What do you mean?"


Upon hearing this, the gaseous apostle raised his hand in the clouds. The gray clouds automatically gathered into a vortex, into a whirlwind, into a tornado, and finally into a gun in his palm.

081007 frowned, "What do you want to do?"

The apostle said coldly, "I'll fuck you!"

Then the wind blew! A shot came through!

081007 starts instantly, relying on the super performance of the BYB Wei Wu Zu series, accelerating from zero, instantly breaking through the sound barrier, and dodging the spear point piercing the face door at Mach 2 speed.

But the apostle of the strong wind also came with a gun, following him like a shadow, almost becoming one with the gun, the overwhelming pure energy transformed into the shape of a dragon, and came overwhelmingly to kill!

"Tsk, you're looking for death!"

081007 suddenly braked, stepped on the ground, and lifted up the concrete floor in the prison like a wave. He took out a pen from his formal clothes and held it in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, he threw a handful of ice in the air. Sword, turn around and strike with one sword!


The wind reverses! The overwhelming ice shards and cold wind rushed out from the tip of the sword! Cut out the heavy ice wall!

And the tornado tipped gun arrived! Break the ice wall layer by layer! In the fierce roar, the ice wall and even the prison wall were blasted and broken!

081007 swung his sword and danced wildly, a large amount of ice flakes splashed out from the blade, and he came to assassinate him!

The apostle also flashed his gun! Every time a spear is thrust out, it breaks through the sword rain head-on, and blasts out a dragon-shaped Qi from the boss! Heading straight for 007!

081007 also knows that his opponent's spear skills are very powerful. He is indestructible and cannot break any strong point. He does not use force to attack him. He relies on the performance of his prosthetic body to maneuver at supersonic speeds!

But the apostle bit him and refused to let go, shooting him in the face one after another!

The two sides fought rapidly for dozens of rounds amidst sonic booms, and the furious energy almost plowed the golf course into terraces! As the two sides fought fiercely and entered the prison area, the rain of guns and swords released almost razed the entire prison to the ground!

The prisoners imprisoned here also woke up from their dreams, screaming in agony, being blasted to pieces by overflowing swords, air, and guns, and beaten into bloody foam and stars all over the sky!

Prison guards immediately sounded the alarm and called the NCPA for assistance.

However, NCPA's price for police dispatch has now risen to 4.5 million. The warden said he would not pay the money, so the prison guards decided to pretend they did not see the two supermen fighting in the prison.

In short, after the fierce fighting, 007 finally found a chance! He flashed out from the icy wind and snowflakes in the sky, and stabbed the formal suit in the clouds with a sword!

Wearing formal clothes means that I won't risk my life with you, just tear it apart and run away!

So 007 pierced the apostle's body with his sword, and then froze.

There is no body or container.

Underneath the formal attire is a ball of wind, a ball of fog, and a ball of air.

At this moment, the wind and clouds rolled wildly, and the gray fog became as violent as the ocean. Countless sharp spears emerged from the strong wind, wrapping up 081007 who had fallen into the trap! Thousands of spears are coming!

081007 is also scared of the formal wear and runs away!

"Asshole! Are you serious!"

081007 was shocked, started with all his strength, accelerated directly to Mach 20, and broke through the forest of guns in an instant!

But the forest of spears also burst out like a shadow! Leng Buding also emerged from the smoke with a big hand, pinching one of 007's legs like a flea! He picked it up and fell to the ground!

Then the gunfire came overwhelmingly! Trapped 081007 firmly on the ground, unable to move.

Then a bunch of slaps came over and hit him with a burst of explosive hammers!

"Agent!? You called me agent! Hey, you called me!? No one taught you how to talk to people!"

On the roof ten miles away, Li Pan was standing shirtless on the rooftop, his mouth and nose were filled with brilliant light, and his whole body was bursting with gray flames. He punched and kicked in the air, outputting violence, transforming Qi into fists, and controlling the people in the distant prison. The clone pressed 081007 and beat him violently.

He was angry, really angry. He tried his best to drink a box of shit-like stuff. He finally managed to stabilize his temper and not go crazy. He was going to meet in prison, but the first sentence of 007 aroused his anger.

Since you are so indebted! Then give it a try and try the effect of this new plug-in!

‘Hip Wine/Dragon Blood’, this thing does have an effect and enhances it, but only a little.

After all, this power was not cultivated by Li Pan himself, but obtained out of thin air. He was just borrowing the gift from the demon god from another world. It cannot be directly refined for personal use.

His body is still stuck on the threshold of the third transformation.

But this ‘dragon power’ is not fake either.

If we use the theory of the devil's seal in the Royal Court as an analogy, after taking the 'dragon's blood', a 'devil' moved into Li Pan's body, using his body as a container to host a 'dragon' '.

It should be a serious 'dragon'. After all, in Warehouse No. 42, at the moment when the arrival was complete, those who caught a glimpse of the 'dragon''s scale claws descending were either crazy or blind, and collapsed on the ground in a large area. . In the chaotic Night City, half a block fell into deathly silence.

But Li Pan himself was fine. Although the gain is not much, the loss and loss are not large either.

Probably because he practiced the "Nine Yin Manual" and his body was already in the shape of a dragon, so it really matched the "power of a dragon".

Therefore, he did not suffer from the situation like Kotaro and his demon-sealed ninjas. After releasing the demon's seal, their bodies mutated, growing hair, a mouth, and wings. They became bigger, harder, and stronger, and the consumption was extremely intense. Once they changed, they had to switch back to save their lives.

In fact, after trying it for a while, Li Pan learned to control this 'dragon power' without any teacher.

Okay, it’s not self-taught, but it’s basically the same as the transformation of the Super Sailor taught in the comics, just “Ah!” then “Ha!” and finally “Ha!”, well, then it’s successful. Already...

Ahem, in short, after summoning the 'Dragon Power', Li Pan can clearly feel that he has received endless energy replenishment, unlimited energy, and complete physical fitness. It is like plugging in a power bank that can infinitely replenish his physical strength. Inspire his potential.

And it seems that the side effects of borrowing ‘dragon power’ are not big at present.

In addition to some auditory hallucinations, the sound of tides can always be heard. It's just some hallucinations. When the lights flash, his shadow will turn into a dragon shape. There is no other impact.

In short, it can be regarded as a new plug-in.

As for Li Pan's own strength, the most intuitive enhancement is those "Nine Yin Techniques" that cannot be used in the realm of "refining Qi", such as soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist, controlling the sky and the earth, controlling Qi and transforming into shapes, etc. He can now use his magical powers and spells.

However, it may be due to being suppressed by the Heavenly Dao, or it may be due to the limitations of the realm. In short, the damage is indeed not very good without the True Dragon Breaking ultimate move.

Now, Li Pan's remote control of Qi can only be done by pressing 081007 to the ground and punching him hundreds of times to vent his anger. If he doesn't use the real dragon to break the killer, he can't cause fatal damage.

It seems that the strength of BYB's prosthetic body is not bad. His face was slapped so many times by his powerful force, but it didn't even swell...

Ashiya and the others were contacted via communication.

"What's the matter!"

"Hey boss, are you beating up 081007?"

Heh, are you really hiding in the dark and peeking?

"Who told him to disrespect me?"

Ashiya Shiki said, "...Can I ask him why he doesn't respect you?"

Li Pan shrugged, "He asked me to feed him."

Ashiya Shiki said, "Uh, that's it...Boss, 081007 said that he is willing to apologize to you."

Li Pan sneered, "If an apology is useful, why should the Security Bureau do it?"

Ashiya Shiki emphasized, "Apologise?"

So Li Pan temporarily stopped,

"Okay, we are all colleagues, and I am not a narrow-minded person, so just follow the old rules and just pay a million casually."

"one million??"

081007Look at the invisible hands holding down his hands and feet, the sharp gun pressed against his chest, and the slap on his face. He gritted his teeth and hit a hundred...more than 1.3 million...

Then the big gray mist turned into a human form, pulled him up, and shook his hand.

"Oh, it's a misunderstanding after a misunderstanding. You talk about it. You talk about it. 0791 didn't come to see me immediately when he came, so I beat you up for nothing. Who can blame you?

It’s your fault!

Okay, okay, I don’t remember the faults of villains. This time we won’t get to know each other without fighting. Don't do this next time. It's very rude to call people "hey". "

081007 gritted his teeth and stared at the other person,

"0791 General Manager! Manager!

You killed the messenger we sent, didn’t come to the project meeting, and refused to accept our communications! I asked you to come to a meeting, and if you didn’t say a word, I’d beat you up! Who is rude? "

The human figure spreads its hands,

"I told you it was a misunderstanding. If I really wanted to kill you, I would have ripped off your head long ago. Do I still have to slap you so many times to wake you up?

Okay, stop talking nonsense, why did you ask me to come after get off work? Invite me to dinner? Or should we continue to fight? "

081007 took three deep breaths to control his emotions.

“Business matters, we need to use the Pacific region’s ley lines to arrange a ceremony, reopen the Collector’s node, and divine the Collector’s whereabouts.

please! Please help us guard this central spiritual hub to prevent collectors from disrupting our ceremony.

You don't have to do anything, just stay here until dawn and don't let outsiders get close. "

"Oh, that's it, this Jane..."

The humanoid figure suddenly disappeared with a swipe.

081007 was startled and quickly raised his fists to defend himself.

"You're still here!? Hey! 0791, don't go too far! I didn't even draw my gun, I'm already very polite!"

But the fog in front of me slowly dissipated, revealing a prison square that was devastated, as if it had been chewed by dogs.

081007 frowned,

"What's going on? 0791001? Hello? 0791037, can you hear me over there? Hello?"

But network communication was interrupted.

"What love..."

Then 081007's eyes flashed, and the sky suddenly lit up.

He raised his head and saw a dazzling white light passing through the clouds, falling from the sky, and landing on the top of his head. Then his whole body melted in the bright radiation, and then a small sun slowly rose in Chiyoda Prison.


Yes, when mushroom-shaped clouds that are ten miles high bloom on the earth, even the most illiterate and crazy thugs are like being thrown into a pool of ice water and completely awakening from this crazy dream.

Someone used a tactical nuke in the Night City.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..."

In the fierce hot wind, Li Pan lay on the rooftop coughing blood. He raised his head and looked at the wound on the right side of his chest.

Damn it.

He focused all his attention on 081007.

As a result, some bastard shot him while he was chatting.

And this bullet hole. This is the exact location.

Damn it, Wangshan, this dog.

This is already the third time.

Li Pan was so weak that he lay down on the rooftop, looking at the mushroom cloud above his head that blocked the sun. In front of his eyes were red alerts indicating that the QVN network was limited, nuclear radiation was exploding, and the deviation value exceeded the standard.

Well, it's obvious that the Security Bureau has started to take action.

After all, he had been shot three times, and this shot could not kill him.

But the dragon blood just now tasted really bad. I almost lost half my life after swallowing it. Although I relied on the "dragon power" for a moment, I went crazy and went to find 007 to have a fight and practice boxing.

But now that the passion has subsided and exhaustion has hit his body, Li Pan doesn't want to move at all, so he uses his true energy to protect the wound and plans to sleep until dawn.

Unexpectedly, before he had been lying down for a while, the float vehicle from the emergency team arrived. The emergency personnel rushed over, gave Li Pan a bunch of medicine, and took him away on a stretcher.

Li Pan was shocked.

Let me go, the medical insurance service of Paradise Group is so worth it! And these people are too dedicated, right? Can you believe that he came by himself without even asking anyone? He braved the radiation from a nuclear explosion and charged to save people? How can I get a reward for saving people?

Then Li Pan turned his head and saw a man with three scars on the left side of his face in the cabin of the emergency medical team, holding a sniper rifle and looking at him with his neck tilted.

"What the hell! You bitch!"

Li Pan really wanted to strangle this guy to death, but the anesthetic and muscle relaxant took effect and he couldn't get up for a while.

The three-headed dog sniper looked at the mountain, touched the stubble of his beard, and kicked Li Pan.

"Hey, you're quite strong. You can't die without hitting your head, right? Remember that.

Alas, this is none of my business. The higher-ups have named you and want to shoot you and then save you. This offends people, right? "

"Sight! Stop talking nonsense! Wei Wuzu! Seven-level bullets! Two more shots!"

The other side held up a telescope and shouted at the observer at the center of the nuclear explosion.

Wangshan raised his finger and pointed at Li Pan, "Bang!"

Then he blew his fingers, picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, and leaned half of his body outside the floating vehicle that was rapidly evacuating against the nuclear hot wind.

Mount Hope,

"Antimatter Antitank Cartridge!"

Observer, "Authorize!"


Mount Hope,

"Quantumnerv Annihilate Cartridge!"

Observer, "Authorize!"


Looking up the mountain, "Target Eliminated!"


"Target! Eliminated!"

Damn, these crazy dogs have tricked me now...

Li Pan felt dizzy.

Then he suddenly opened the coffin board and sat up.

Look at the bloody hands and look inside the coffin.

Okay, now there is no need for neural links. With your eyes open and closed, you can return to Li Xuehong's clone.

Li Pan climbed out of the coffin and looked at his body.

Probably because of the breakthrough in internal strength, the radiation was so intense that all the sebum on his body melted away, leaving him a bloody man.

The LCL solution and refrigerated plasma in the prosthetic cabin have evaporated completely, and a bunch of neural links and chip implants can be fished out from the remaining plasma.

These are the original internal implants of the 'Rebel', and the chip circuit seems to have been fused by the energy radiated during the pill formation.

The process of forming the elixir has not yet been completed, and it has not yet reached the stage of "magic power is completed!", but it is almost ready for use.

Now Li Xuehong's body has gone through eight tribulations of 'refining qi and transforming into a god'. In the early stage of pill formation, the cultivation of Taoist breath is probably close to the stage of Li Qingyun's fifth turn in refining his body.

Li Pan sensed the inner scene, the meridians, and the circuits of the sea of ​​qi, activated the technique, opened his mouth and sprayed out a red light from his mouth and nose, and spit out a drop of blood the size of a glass ball.

This is the Blood Refining Pill, and there is another more classic name.

The inner elixir of the Blood God Son.

Just like what Teacher Xian said, the swordsmanship of the divine religion goes against the grain and goes against the grain.

"Tao Breathing Blood Refining" and "Blood Shadow Magic" are the foundation and prelude of "Blood God Son Magic".

Others are cultivating an inner elixir.

But every blood god child in the divine religion is an inner elixir!

It only needs to be refined one by one, drop by drop of the Blood God Son.

If the Son of Blood God is not destroyed, he will be immortal and live forever.

Only when the Blood God Son's Dafa has been refined to the extreme, and this blood bead and a blood shadow can be refined into a sea of ​​blood that fills the sky and covers the sky with blood demons, can it be considered the completion of the Blood God Son's Dafa. Only then can he go back to refine his body and shape his body, creating a body that is truly invincible and indestructible!

But these progress strategies on cultivation don't matter for the time being. Now Li Pan is really in big trouble.

After escaping from the factory, Li Pan could still see the mushroom cloud over Chiyoda.

Things are getting serious this time, Chiyoda is in the old capital area, within the outer ring! No matter what, it is considered to be in the center of Night City!

Why drop a nuclear bomb directly in the city center?

These security bureau dogs in Axiba are so brave...

What's even more deceiving is that he just had a fight with 081007, and they dropped the nuclear bomb. It was as if Li Pan was helping people locate themselves.

Now that things have come to a point, he has really been pushed to the edge, and there is nothing he can do if he doesn't take action.

Let’s not say whether the three-headed dog can deal with those 007s. What if the three operations failed this time?

If it was discovered by Monsters Inc. that Li Pan was guarding his own property, colluding with foreign enemies, and wooing the Security Bureau to compete for the top position, and had done all kinds of bad things, would 01 be able to spare him?

Escape to a different world at the end of the world! The company's fleet will chase after them and let them breathe a sigh of relief!

So Li Pan used the Bleeding Shadow Spirit to turn into a bloody light, fly into the sky and escape from the earth, heading straight towards the Pacific Ocean!


If you don't do one thing and don't stop doing the other thing, 007 will die!

So Li Pan flew across the Night City at lightning speed and flew straight towards the Pacific Ocean.

But suddenly, he felt as if he had just seen something, as if he had missed something, as if he had felt something.

This illusion, like a small lightning bolt clicking on my forehead, lingers in my mind and I can't get rid of it.

So he turned around and flew back, spreading his bloody periosteum, like a red eagle, flying up and down in the clouds, looking for what he had just missed.

Then he found it.

An optically invisible floating vehicle is hiding in the thick cumulonimbus clouds.

Li Pan walked side by side with the floating car, leaned down to the window and took a look inside.

Then he saw Huang Dahe wearing SBS, sitting in the carriage with a gun in his arms.

As if he felt something, he raised his head and looked at Li Pan outside the window.

Then he rubbed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the bloody man had disappeared from Huang Dahe's sight.

"What the hell...is it too much pressure..."

Huang Dahe felt like he was almost scared to death.

"There are still fifteen minutes to reach the airdrop zone!"

The pilot in the cockpit turned his head and roared,

"Get ready to die, comrades!"


So Huang Dahe couldn't think about anything else. He roared with his comrades, pulled the gun, and put on the red Tengu mask.

The war started.

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