I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 151 Yuanchen Mountain

Senior Brother Sun was kind and well-spoken. Li Qingyun was also very interested in visiting the Yuanchen Mountain Blessed Land while listening to the introduction.

This world is indeed not big. It is essentially similar to the dojo established by Duan Kecheng. It relies on immortal magic and Taoism to combine various concepts of "gap", "illusion", "magic circle" and "magic weapon" into one, to create a Stable extra-dimensional space. Indeed, it cannot be called ‘heaven’, let alone the world.

This is a bottle, well, a realm in a bottle. It's like a paradise, a peaceful place to avoid disaster.

The mortals living here live a self-sufficient life as small farmers, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. It is somewhat of a pastoral picture, a land of abundance.

However, our ancestors have been born in this small space for generations and have never seen the world outside, let alone any technological breakthroughs and innovations. Overall, it is still the kind of pastoral life in the feudal era.

After all, objectively there are no conditions for climbing the technological tree and developing civilization.

Not to mention any natural mineral deposits in this place, there are not even stars, sun and moon.

These beautiful mountains, rivers and scenery are essentially transformed using magic.

There are mountains, water, and people, but that's all.

Even if you walk towards the sunrise, go to the end, cross all the mountains, and the mountains behind the mountains, you will never look back, and you will never get out.

It can only be done again, and again, and again, around the veins of Yuanchen Mountain, and finally returns to the starting point.

Because this is originally a pot, a well, a space with boundaries.

The stage is arranged, the pasture is fenced, and the snakes holding each other head and tail can only return to the original Möbius strip.

Yes, rather than calling it a ‘world’, it would be more appropriate to call it a ‘cage’ or a ‘sheepfold’.

But what’s wrong with ‘cage’?

Most people, throughout their lives, will never be able to escape from the company that imprisons them, isn't it?

What's more, there is literally nothing outside the cage.

What's more, although the Taishang Dao Sect, the Xuanmen righteous way of Zheng'er Ba Jing, and the Xuelu Divine Sect are both herders, there are still some differences in details.

Penglai has kept these hundreds of thousands and millions of people in bottles and jars, and they are not just feeding them to 'lambs'.

It’s for ‘planting seeds’.

This is what Sun Chuantao, a disciple of Taishang Xuanzhen Sect, is doing for the sect when he is not cultivating immortals, refining Qi, refining elixirs and making treasures in Penglai.

In short, it means multiplying mortals, testing the spiritual roots of qualifications, selecting talented Tao seeds, and carefully cultivating them to develop underachieving talents for the sect.

To put it bluntly, it means recruiting new people.

Although it seems inconspicuous, no matter which organization you are in, recruiting new people is a serious and epic main task. There are rewards and merit points, which all disciples have to do sooner or later.

Naturally, Senior Brother Sun had nothing to hide, so he acted as a guide to his disciples and led Li Qingyun directly to the Xuanzhen Temple located at Yuntai Peak of Yunchen Mountain to watch his disciples teach.

Hundreds of monks are meditating in the mountains, practicing arithmetic, refining elixirs and medicines, and honing their skills. The place is crowded and bustling.

Seeing how they were practicing boxing and practicing martial arts, Li Pan even thought for a moment that he had arrived at some vocational college.

Sun Chuantao was not without pride.

"My Yuanchen Mountain has 260,000 households and 1,200,000 people. Every ten years, the general election of the mountain can bring out thousands of people who sincerely seek Taoism.

With the talent to reach the third level and the talent to reach the ninth level, no matter how many people are selected from a thousand, dozens of them can always be picked out and trained as boys.

Among this group of boys, as long as there are those who study hard and practice hard and are talented, they will be able to 'refine Qi' and achieve the realm of golden elixir.

At that time, there will be a cloud platform competition, and the top three who are the most exciting and stunning will be finally selected.

The three outstanding men selected in this way from 1.2 million people are well-deserved Taoist seeds. They can enter the outer gate of my Taishang Xuanzhen Palace and go out to the foot of Penglai Mountain to comprehend the Tao. "

Li Qingyun swallowed, "One and two million people...can only choose three Taoists?"

Senior Brother Sun corrected him with a smile,

"They are Taoist disciples. My outer disciples of Xuanmen are not yet called Taoists. They only have the qualifications and foundation to achieve Taoism, but it still depends on whether they have the destiny to achieve Taoism.

Therefore, outer disciples, in addition to practicing our Xuanmen's righteous methods, must also travel across the heavens, test and compete with fellow Xuanmen disciples, survive calamities, and eliminate demons and defend the Way.

Only those who can survive the thunder tribulation and form a fetus can enter the inner gate, inherit the true blood of the Three Mountains, and leave their names on the Penglai jade.

Only then can you call yourself the Taoist disciple of the Supreme Nine True Masters.

I am ashamed to say that after such a selection, only two of the three Qing generation juniors in my Xuanzhen Palace were trained in this way. There is another person who actually committed suicide during the conquest of the Demon Cult and was reincarnated from the previous generation of soldiers. "

Li Qingyun was stunned for a while when he heard it. He silently calculated the three points in his mind and gradually understood.

There are one million people in one jar, and only three Taoist species are selected. It is not necessarily that there are only three Taoist species. The main reason is that the external cultivation resources are limited.

Even if there are three Tao seeds, compared to 0791, 10 billion people cannot make up one hundred Tao seeds. The output of Yuanchen Mountain is at least three hundred times that of that place.

What's more, there must be dozens or hundreds of jars in Taishang Xuanzhen Palace outside, which means there are hundreds of millions of people.

And among these hundreds of millions of people, each Jiazi selects the seed of enlightenment for the Xuanzhen Sect, and there must be hundreds of outer disciples.

Counting the disciples from other branches of the Taishang Jiuzhen Sect, there are thousands of outer disciples in each session.

Among the thousands of monks, only fifteen were admitted and became Penglai Taoist disciples of the Taishang Jiuzhen Sect, the Qing generation.

It's too curly...

Before Li Qingyun could exclaim and praise Penglai's breeding technology, Sun Chuantao led him directly into the Dao Palace and sat in a study room filled with math test papers.

"Haha, junior brother came just in time. Now that the selection of the Qing generation has been completed, we have to prepare for the entrance examination of the next generation of disciples.

It is now the time when my Yuanchen Mountain has just opened its general election. This year, one hundred thousand people are coming to take the exam for our Xuanzhen Sect. I was judging the papers when I heard that my junior brother is coming to visit.

One more person means more effort. Come on, I'll ask someone to prepare preserved fruit herbal tea, and we'll chat while judging the papers. "

Li Qingyun, "One hundred thousand people came to take the exam... huh? Us?"

I was careless for a moment. No wonder you are so enthusiastic to invite your junior brother to visit. It turns out that he is here to work as a coolie!

But Li Qingyun also wanted to ask Senior Brother Sun about the refining method of this blessed land, and was too embarrassed to shirk, so he was dragged by Sun Chuantao, who approved more than 3,000 papers before giving him an excuse to escape to the toilet and stretch his legs and feet. , slipped out of the barrier, quickly opened his eyes, and returned to his true body from the infinite scroll hell.

Looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, Li Pan let out a long breath.

"Mr. Li, you screamed so loud just now. Was it a nightmare?"

Li Pan turned his head and saw that beside the bed was a woman wearing a formal suit, black stockings and high heels, wearing the NCPA Metropolitan Police Department gold emblem and the first-level investigator brand of the Search Section on her chest, black-rimmed glasses, and her blond hair pulled back. ……Huh? It turned out to be Angela Regan?

Oh my god, this bitch has only been doing this for a few months! He actually got into the search class? Ride a rocket? What do you mean there is someone above? Will he be appointed as the police chief in two years?

"It turned out to be the Legian Police Department. We met again."

The other party looked down at him condescendingly, "Manager Li, have we met?"

Hey, even though he didn’t have a face when we first met, we must have seen him once in front of the hospital later! Tsk, noble people really forget things a lot...

Li Pan's expression remained unchanged,

"I understand, I understand. You are a famous figure in NCPA. You are so busy with programs every day. Why should I bother you when there is a traffic accident?"

The policewoman looked at him and turned over the sign for Search Class 1.

Search lesson one police officer, Erin Regan,

"You have the wrong person, Angela is my niece."

Hiss...be on the lookout! The head of the Investigation Section 1 of the NCPA Police Headquarters!

Okay... The ninth generation of the Regen family sent people, it's really not just what they said... huh? Wait, niece? Then does she have the attributes of a sister-in-law? From this look, she is much more mature and charming than Angela.

While Li Pan was still lost in thought, Legian Police waved his hand and projected the NCHK news.

"And this is not just a traffic accident. The shuttle you were traveling on had a nuclear explosion in the center of Night City. Do you have anything to explain?"

NCHK and other news stations are broadcasting live footage of the nuclear explosion on a loop.

Although it is not known whether the colorful man carried a self-destructive nuclear bomb or bought a BRW series prosthetic body with a built-in nuclear furnace, the nuclear explosion was basically equivalent to a small-yield tactical nuclear warhead, with a direct damage radius of less than ten kilometers.

And although this attack occurred in a densely populated city center, the nuclear explosion occurred in a high-altitude shuttle channel. The direct casualties caused by the nuclear explosion were not large. In addition to the shuttle near the explosion point being vaporized, the shock wave electromagnetic wave destroyed half of the city. Just close to paralysis.

The main cause of casualties was that when the colorful man was fighting with Li Xuehong, he suddenly raised his hand and swept out with a cannon, breaking the load-bearing walls of three skyscrapers. Before the maintenance robot could be dispatched in an emergency, another nuclear bomb was fired directly. Causing the building to completely collapse.

Those skyscrapers are all integrated buildings in office areas, residential buildings, and commercial areas. They completely collapsed and destroyed countless viaducts in residential areas. Traffic in the city center was completely paralyzed. The city center was a ruin of smoke and dust. Emergency operations are still in progress. .

The current number of casualties counted by NCHC and various private hospitals has risen to 160,000, and the number of reported deaths is still rising.

In addition, the people who died this time were not cockroaches. Most of them were civilians who paid taxes, and there were also many company dogs. Many companies had reported losses, and someone had to be held responsible.

Li Pan doesn't take the blame.

"You have to ask the Paradise Group. They prepared the car, and I am also a victim. But with such a big fuss, the Security Bureau should be responsible, right?"

Li Genjing looked at him, was silent for a while, and then said,

"Do you think they don't want to, but you, Manager Li, are so proud that two groups of people from the Security Bureau came to block the door and rob you. It's not an option to go on like this, so I asked me to write a transcript first on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But speaking of which, you haven’t installed any augmentation implants? It’s really rare. Are you a naturalist? "

Li Pan also noticed that he has fully recovered now. The company should have reset it for him. But this also means that the whole body prosthetic brain plug has been cleared again.

Although he lost a few hundred thousand, this may have actually saved his life. Otherwise, when he lost consciousness just now, someone might have opened his brain and removed the chip record that could be used as legal evidence.

But now that he is a human being with no chips or monitoring on his body, his value will naturally be greatly reduced.

Hmm... It seems that there are some benefits to clearing the plug-in...

"It is the company's patented technology. I have no right to disclose it. Please send a query letter to the legal department for confirmation."

Naturally, Li Pan could not argue with such a nine-generation police officer, so he fulfilled his obligation as a citizen, honestly kept records, and provided intelligence to the NCPA.

Anyway, he is indeed innocent and a victim! Someone broke the traffic rules and rushed over to stop the car, beat him half to death, and then blew himself up dozens of streets like a lunatic, even destroying one of his Blood God Son clones. What could he do? Who could he talk to for reason?

And if Li Pan guessed correctly, Paradise Group must have internal monitoring. After all, the floating car was not captured by hackers, or the door was pried open and exploded. It was entirely his own initiative to open the door and let the other party into the cabin.

There must be full surveillance in the shuttle. If such a big thing happened, Heaven would definitely not want to take the blame and compensate. It should have already gotten angry with the Security Bureau. Otherwise, these people probably wouldn't be so polite to Li Pan. He was also asked to lie on the bed with a beautiful police officer to record his confession.

"So do you have any enemies?"

Li Pan said, "Red Tengu, they are attacking again this time, aren't they?"

Legian looked at him and said, "Manager Li, is your company engaged in a corporate war?"

Li Pan still said the same thing, "This is the company's business strategy. I have no right to disclose it. Please send a letter of inquiry to the legal department for confirmation."

Regan also looked indifferent. Obviously, as the person in charge of the First Search Section, she had been dealing with the company for more than a day or two. She knew nothing and couldn't ask anything. After going through the formalities, the second wave of people came in.

Then a bunch of security bureau agents in black formal suits came in. He had seen many of them, such as Agent T from the Third Security Division, the Director of the Fourth Counterintelligence Division, and the black and white agents from the Seventh Economic Crime Division. There are also some that have not been seen before, such as the 5th Investigation Division responsible for criminal crimes, the 6th Resident Evil Investigation Division, and the 9th Investigation Division agents responsible for network security.

Following the previous reminder from Chief of Police Regan, Li Pan also saw that the Security Bureau was actually composed of two distinct groups of people.

Naturally, a group of people were led from all directions, and the director personally took action. After all, only the "Red Tengu" can handle such a case of a nuclear explosion in the city center. Recently, the Red Tengu has been involved in troubles one after another and cannot be caught. Therefore, the fourth director, who is struggling, of course refuses to let go of the breach and strongly demands that the case be solved. Li Pan asked to come to the bureau to talk.

But the 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 9th Departments have different opinions. Is it obvious? Red Tengu and other things can be reported in the news. It’s okay to fool outsiders, but don’t fool yourself.

After all, the technical level of this attack was too high. Not only was there a level 7 bionic man that had not been registered and logged in by the Security Bureau and had a built-in tactical nuclear bomb, but it also destroyed three buildings with one shot and the alloy-level load-bearing walls of the ship's hull. The super weapon system for individual soldiers, as well as the floating vehicle that remains invisible at all times under the supervision of the security system and transportation system, are technologies that are completely beyond the capabilities of the local indigenous people.

In other words, this is clearly a corporate war.

Therefore, they just want to talk to Li Pan about cooperation, such as controlling the scale and battlefield of the corporate war in the City of Night, or preferably outside the earth.

As for the Seventh Bureau, they just sneaked in to make soy sauce, because they have been keeping an eye on Li Pan recently and found that the flow of his accounts has been fluctuating abnormally in recent months.

Ya's account, which was on the verge of bankruptcy with a debt of 300,000 yuan, had assets of 8.6 billion yuan in three months! Isn't that a joke? You can't write business war novels like this!

Therefore, the black and white agents sneaked in to investigate tax evasion and anti-money laundering, so they also support inviting Li Pan back to assist in the investigation...

Therefore, Li Pan didn't have any personal grudges against 3569 or even 4th place, but he had a bad attitude towards 7th place.

Please, someone else is doing business for the public, but you, the Seventh Office, are targeting him personally! The tax bureau doesn't care about him, it's none of your security bureau's business! Just because I ate a lot of hamburger meat last time, I was targeting him!

Fortunately, Aqi also squeezed in among the crowd, and then used his robot prosthetic body to directly connect to the legal audit of the head office.

Facts have proved that it is useful for large companies to spend money to maintain a bunch of legal staff. The legal staff kept doing impeccable work. Li Pan was also unsatisfied, and there were several other departments who were trying to interfere with each other. As a result, they kept arguing for a long time, and the fourth director also He failed to drag Li Pan into the police station to eat pork chop rice, so he had to return disappointed.

Aqi sent the security bureau away and helped Li Pan go through the discharge procedures.

"Boss, everyone else has arrived at the company safely. In addition, Paradise Group sent a formal notice to the head office, shared the video record of your attack, and admitted that the assassin was an exclusive member. However, due to the attack, the identity was hidden, and the nuclear explosion destroyed After checking the vehicle EDR, they could not find any specific information. However, they also promised not to participate in any hostile activities against the company within one year and signed an armistice contract.

As private compensation, Paradise is willing to extend your exclusive membership and medical insurance for another three months, and they will bear the cost of this treatment. "

Well, to put it bluntly, when he was in a coma, the head offices of both parties negotiated and the Paradise Group promised not to participate in the bidding and compensate for some medical expenses. Even if this matter is over, what else can Li Pan say?

"Really...Oh, I have to buy a car..."

Before, he hid in the Paradise Hotel to prepare a big plan, just to steal the other party's security and get a presidential suite by the way. But if the colorful assassin this time can swagger into your car and kill someone on the highway, he can also walk right into your hotel bedroom and shoot you in the head.

It seems that things like cars, boats, etc. really cannot be saved. Taxis are indeed convenient, and taxi rides are indeed easy, but other people also have access rights, and there is not even a prior warning.

If you build an ICE system yourself, although it may be hacked, at least you can be prepared and you won't be caught off guard.

And...a one-year truce...

"It's so simple to let Heaven go, so what is the headquarters' judgment?"

Ah Qi nodded, "The bidding war for the Holy Grail has officially begun, boss."

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