I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 162 Wishing Cup Part 4

Festering flesh and thick juice poured into the basement like a flood, and the turbid and smelly liquid was like amniotic fluid. It swelled up and covered the waist and lungs. There was no light in the basement, and it was impossible to see the road.

And in the darkness, you can clearly hear the sounds of the demon monsters that split from the monster Shiranui and got a physical body, drinking blood and eating flesh. Obviously, these disgusting meat juices are a great tonic for them. Just listening to the sound is like a scene in a hellish den.

Fortunately, those demon gods just ate and didn't care about Li Pan. He had already walked back and forth twice on the road to the underground Dragon King Temple, so Li Pan managed to find the way with his memory and true energy perception. , gritted his teeth and swam upstream, struggled to push away the blood, tore apart the wall of flesh, and crawled out from the mountain of flesh like Shura Purgatory.

Even with superhuman physique and true energy to protect the body, it would be difficult to rush out of this monster's body all the way to the sky. The passage out is covered by the sticky and slippery flesh wall. If you lose your footing, it will be like riding a slide. Finally, Li Pan simply took off his chemical protective clothing, swallowed the jade medal, bit the Holy Grail, and used the Nine Yin Magical Skills to move like a snake, twist his waist, twist and turn like a snake, and crawl along the flesh wall. , finally, he climbed up from the mountain of meat with difficulty.

"Boss! The boss is here!"

Bloody water emerged, and before Li Pan could take a breath, someone reached out and pulled him out of the water.

Li Pan took a closer look and saw that it was Ah Qi, with a rope attached to its back and being hoisted down by the floating car Shiba to pull people.

Ashiya Shiki and Yamazaki Ayato were also in the car. Yamazaki was holding a fortune-telling ball in his hand. It seemed that they were quite relaxed. They probably used the silver key to open the door and escaped directly. When Li Pan didn't come out, he came back to look for someone. .

Everyone scrambled to catch up with Li Pan on the floating car. Li Pan poured all the plasma on his face into the Holy Grail, shook it to turn into water, and poured it on his head again. He repeated this to wash away the disgusting blood on his face. Slime minced meat.

"Boss, boss, look at that..."

Li Pan wiped his face and turned around to look, and then saw a flower in full bloom under the float car.

Seeing the whole picture clearly from a high position, Li Pan also understood what was happening.

As soon as Shiranui Kiriko died, she lost control and lost the support of the Holy Grail and the spiritual veins. The huge monster flower, which was dozens of meters high, quickly collapsed and disintegrated.

The flesh and blood of those roots rotted underground, and were taken over by various demons and monsters and transformed into physical forms.

The embryonic fruit at the top of this monster flower burst open like a flower in full bloom. In the amniotic fluid and blood, there was clearly a huge monster, stretching its curled body and waking up.

Looking at it now, it is still naked, slimy, and like a mouse, but between breaths, the thing is also growing rapidly, and looking at the monster's back from a distance, there are a lot of spine and tail bones, Li Pan can also guess it .

It's the nine-tailed demon fox.

It seems that the biggest winner in this wave of competition for Shiranui Kiriko's remains is Kyuubi.

Ah Qi, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Li Pan looked at the newly born monster and took Shiranui Kiriko's file.

"Aqi, do you ever feel that we are just chess pieces on a chessboard, duckweeds on the water, drifting with the tide, involuntarily...

Forget it, since she wants to die, let her die. "Delete file"

Aqi nodded, adjusted the power supply, and pressed the shredder. The shredder buzzed.

And Ashiya Shiki took out a handful of paper figurines, as if dealing cards, and flicked the paper figurines out of the air, turning them into white paper crows, flying around.

"Two, four, six, eight... Damn it, there are too many newly born demon gods! Koga has released all the demon gods in the whole village!

boss! Invite the company to attack! While they are just born and don't have enough power, they can still be sealed! "

At this time, the newborn fox demon lying in the "flowers" suddenly opened its eyes, staring directly at Li Pan with its dark green eyes.

Li Pan also glanced at it and put Shiranui Kiriko's files into the shredder.

"Forget it, delete the file and leave..."

"Leave?" Ashiya Shiki was stunned, "But let them go now. Once these monsters have devoured enough flesh and blood and regained their strength, it will be difficult to deal with..."

Then he stopped talking, because at this time, a bright light suddenly flashed on the ground, and fire shot into the sky.

Monster 0791035, or the remains of the former Shiranui Kiriko, was spontaneously burning at this moment, burning all over the sky and the ground, and there were bright flames and seas of flames.

The demons and ghosts also screamed in the raging flames, like wild beasts trapped in the mountain fire, struggling and fleeing in all directions.

Even the nine-tailed demon fox screamed in surprise, glared at Li Pan with resentment, flew through the sea of ​​fire, and disappeared into the city.

In just a breath, the huge monster on the ground, the mountain of flesh and blood, was burned into ashes all over the ground. With the hot wind, it disappeared into thin air and was completely obliterated.

Out of control project, 0791035, has been deleted.

Yamazaki Ayato swallowed, "This is...deleting files..."

Ashiya Shiki also fell into silence and looked at the shredder. The flickering firelight illuminated his face, making his face look particularly gloomy.

"Well, the temporary workers deleted the files, the monsters were eliminated, and the Holy Grail was recovered. Our mission is completed. Remember to write down the daily report when you go back.

Of course, if you voluntarily work overtime, you can go ahead and I won’t stop you. However, I must state in advance that temporary workers do not receive overtime pay. "

Li Pan felt weak and sat down on the cabin.

"Eighteen, how is that ship?"

Floater. 18, "Going to jump to Jupiter."

"What? Jupiter??"

Li Pan didn't react for a moment.

Open the star map at eighteen,

"Callisto Base just reported that a high-energy reaction occurred in the eye of Jupiter's storm. It may be that the astronauts are conducting some experiments, and the ship jumped to the Jupiter space domain.

However, the company's private starfield is all around Jupiter, and I don't have that many detectors, so I can no longer detect its location. "

"...Did you jump away..."

Or was it fished away...

And, Jupiter?

Li Pan fell silent for a moment.

He still understands the truth of seeing a leopard through a tube.

Apparently somewhere he couldn't see or understand, some really big chess and competition was going on.

The 'it' I saw in the tea room just now, the owner of the 'big fish', and the head office are the players in this game.

And he, Li Pan, is just an insignificant corner and an insignificant chess piece on this huge chessboard.

Alas, my brother is right. Some things should wait until the magic is accomplished...

Forget it, don't think about that anymore, let's solve the immediate matter first.

"Eighteen, contact Prince Cornelius for me."

The blood prince didn't put on any airs and quickly appeared on the communication channel. He was much younger than the previous two times we met. He had evolved from a shriveled walking corpse and an old man to a blond, blue-eyed and energetic middle-aged uncle.

It seems that it sucked a lot of human blood...

"Your Highness the Prince." Li Pan raised the Holy Grail as a gesture.

"General Manager." The prince nodded and responded politely.

It seems we can have a serious talk.

"I have seen the proposal you asked K to forward. Can we talk about it again?"

The prince was silent for a while and looked at Li Pan.

"Actually, you should understand that I have no intention of embarrassing your company. The bill is already the final version passed by the parliament.

I should have said there was nothing more to talk about. But since you, manager, showed your company's strength, you made five companies withdraw from the bidding overnight.

Out of respect for the strong. If the other party has a more reasonable proposal, I can try to propose it to the parliament again. "

Li Pan also thought about it.

In fact, K also said that Ye Shi was serious. Cornelius's version of the "Holy Grail Rental Contract", 500 billion in rent and 100 billion in public relations, totaled 600 billion, which was probably from the Blood Tribe Council. , now the bottom line of the Holy Grail deal.

As for the first version that Li Pan gave to Julius' family, 50 trillion in rent and 20 trillion in public relations fees, totaling 70 trillion, this is the bottom line that TheM has already agreed to at the general manager meeting. .

If the main parties to this war can reach an agreement directly, there will naturally be no arbitration or bidding. But now the price gap between the two sides is as high as 530 trillion yuan. Of course, it is impossible to reach an agreement through negotiation.

However, the bottom line can be broken through violence. If everyone fights a serious battle, determines the winner, and recalculates the losses and costs of the war, the bottom line will naturally change again.

For example, after a day and night of fighting, Li Pan survived to the end and killed so many people from the universe. Ye Shi must have a new assessment of the company's combat effectiveness. Therefore, the initial quotation will change more or less.

This is what war is like. We fight and talk at the same time, compromising with each other.

If you could really slap the other person to death, there would be no need to sit down and talk business in a friendly manner, right?

"Let's meet and talk face to face," Li Pan threw the Holy Grail in his hand, "You guys also need to inspect the goods to make sure it's genuine, right? I have a suggestion. I heard that the Holy Grail can cure blood hunger. I’m thirsty, now I have a chance, why don’t we try it right away?”

Prince Cornelius had a clear look on his face, obviously he also knew about Li Pan's little thoughts, but K was originally the great knight of his own family, so naturally he was not opposed to saving his capable man.

"Then as soon as possible, blood can't be preserved for a few days, and if you stay in the blood beast state for too long, you may not be able to save it.

The coordinates have been sent to you. I dare not say anything about the other bidders, but the Ye family will not threaten the safety of the negotiators. "

"Thanks for the trust. I'll be there soon."

Li Pan didn't waste any time. He started typing a report on the floating car and signed it to Aqi. Ask others to report directly to the company and settle the task immediately.

In order to avoid being followed by other bidders, he put on the company's SBS weapon, jumped off the aerial vehicle halfway, went to the meeting alone, and went to Cornelius' home base to meet.

No matter what, I'll save K first. At worst, the Holy Grail will be taken away by others. If it's taken away, I'll take it back again.

Anyway, at this point, it is completely on the scale of a corporate war. Unless the head office makes a decision and reaches a final agreement, the fight for the Holy Grail will not end.

And there was actually no risk. Li Pan was drawing divine spells and buffs on his body when he suddenly felt relaxed again. His strength was fully restored, and he knew that the others had arrived at the company safely to return him.

Then after waiting for a while, I felt my trouser pocket feel heavy. I stretched out my hand and took out seven keys.

Oh grass? Actually gave seven? He thought that dealing with Kiriko Shiranui and retrieving the Holy Grail would only be two deals in total. What happened to the extra five?

Ah, could it be that Prince Cornelius said that letting five companies withdraw from the bidding war would be considered a reward?

The company has always been fastidious, and it's really not uncommon to give out keys, so why are you so scared now?

With the cheater, he was bolder. With the 'Handkerchief', 'Sword Pill', 'Holy Grail' and seven keys in hand, and the status was reset, Li Pan felt that he was simply invincible. He picked up the Tower of Night alone. no problem! I can fight for another whole day!

However, Cornelius has no intention of continuing to take action. After all, he has been fighting all day and night. There are bounties, acid rain, nuclear explosions, and biohazards. Even the company dog ​​is exhausted. . As the fire scorched the Chiyoda battlefield, all forces temporarily withdrew to reorganize, and the first batch of voluntary givers began to appear.

It can be considered that the first round of the bidding war is over.

As a result, Li Pan did not suffer any more sniper assassinations. He followed the navigation and arrived at the negotiation location safely.

The meeting place was located in the Tokyo underground city, avoiding the surveillance of the security system, and Li Pan walked along the underground waterway, and soon smelled the smell of blood, gunpowder, and werewolves.

Judging from the traces of bullets everywhere, this should be one of the werewolf lairs that K led the team to clear out. It was probably a battlefield not long ago. Now the vampires and werewolves have all evacuated after the battle, leaving only shell casings, bones and corpses. , slowly decaying.

When Li Pan arrived, the Ye clan also arrived. Prince Cornelius stood quietly in the darkness, escorted by a dozen night knights.

"Your Highness the Prince."

Li Pan also knew that the other party had probably heard him coming, so he came out to say hello.

"Manager Li," the prince nodded, revealing the coffin-like first aid cabin behind him, and raised his hand to indicate, "I won't say any more polite words. Just hurry up."

The night knight behind him opened the hatch, revealing the face of a K-blood beast. She had been completely drained, leaving only a pale, distorted mummy with a mouth full of fangs, and its hands and feet were also restrained.

Li Pan also knew the rules of the Ye clan. Although it was theoretically feasible for such members who had lost control of their thirst for blood and turned into blood beasts, the Ye clan rarely used the Holy Grail to save them.

After all, there are so many vampires in the world, and there is only one Holy Grail in each world. The elders cannot take turns using it one by one. Who will give it to the knights below for free?

What's more, blood hunger is actually a mental illness.

The vampires who run amok and out of control are not really hungry, thirsty or starved of blood on the level of the prosthetic body, but they are completely out of control mentally. Just like cyberpsychosis, there is no cure. No matter how strong or perfect your prosthetic body is, if you are crazy, you are still crazy. .

Therefore, even if Ye's cosmic vampires have prosthetic clones in all the planes of heaven and can use QVN to travel back and forth at any time, as long as any of the prosthetic bodies lose control due to blood hunger and thirst, the vampire himself will also He will lose his mind and bite people like crazy no matter which body he is in.

Therefore, for such out-of-control blood beasts and those extra remaining prosthetic bodies, they can either be made into biochemical soldiers and various special combat blood beasts, or they can be directly made into 'rebels' and sold.

Of course, for those lucky people who have money, power, connections and insurance, such as K, even if they die, someone will take the risk to hold the Holy Grail and give her another chance.

The vampire knight has prepared artificial blood, and also took out a special silver frame fixture to fix the Holy Grail brought by Li Pan. Look at the design that imitates a bathhouse. When the blood is injected later, the blood overflowing from the Holy Grail Drop it and inject it into K's mouth along the catheter.

Li Pan couldn't help but frown, "But is this really effective? I mean, shouldn't you use the Holy Grail yourself? Don't you have to drink it by yourself? It seems useless if others drink it, right?"

The prince pointed to the intravenous catheter beside him.

“Yes, we will inject a little blood into Catherine first to revive her.

The awakened blood beast is the most thirsty and will thirst for blood at all costs. At this time, she can use the Holy Grail to purify her own blood.

However, there are some people in this world who yearn for the Holy Grail, hoping to stay young and live forever.

But some people only feel that this endless reincarnation is painful torture, and just want to return to eternal sleep.

Therefore, whether the out-of-control blood beast can be awakened in the end depends more on her own choice. "

"Is it your own choice..."

Li Pan was silent for a moment. Thinking of K's origin, he couldn't help but think of Shiranui Kiriko.

Why do all these women around him like to seek death?

Or... is this kind of woman with self-destructive tendencies particularly easy to attract him...

"let's start."

Prince Cornelius nodded, and the knights began to bleed. The blood flow was not fast, and the blood beads overflowing from the Holy Grail fell into K's mouth bit by bit to prevent her from reviving too quickly, breaking free from the restraints, and going berserk.

And K gradually woke up, squealing indiscriminately, his eyes flashing with crazy light.

Li Pan looked at her, "K? Do you remember me? How long will it take?"

The prince glanced at the ferocious-looking K, "It's over. It's a failure."

Li Pan was stunned.

The prince said coldly,

“Whether it’s working can be seen from the first drop of blood, and she doesn’t want to come back again.

But no problem, let’s get down to business.

The arbiter has confirmed that five out of the sixteen companies bidding have withdrawn, so I’ll give you a 30% discount, 420 trillion..."

Li Pan didn't hear and didn't care what the prince was saying. He walked to the coffin and looked at K, who was roaring and struggling like a beast. He suddenly rolled up his sleeves, slit his wrist with a flick of his finger, and squeezed his own blood into K's mouth.

"Hey! Don't be in such a hurry to die! There are still such delicious things in the world, right? Wake up!

Give me a drink! Don't get one after another! Die in front of me! "

Prince Cornelius stopped talking for a moment and looked at Li Pan with some curiosity, who was a little out of control.

"Do you really like Catherine so much? Then why not make an exact clone and give it to you?"

Li Pan glared at him and roared as if to vent his anger.

"Aren't you her elder? That means K is the one you first embraced and transformed! Doesn't it mean that in this relationship between vampires, she is equivalent to your daughter?

How come you didn't react at all when you saw your daughter dying in front of your eyes! ? Just thinking about cloning! ? The cloned Catherine is still Catherine! ? "

Prince Cornelius was not angry because of Li Pan's offense. Instead, he seemed stunned for a moment. He walked to the other side of the coffin with his hands behind his back and looked down at K.

"...No, you are right, even if it looks the same, the substitute is not Catherine after all..."

The prince turned around and left without waiting for Li Pan to get angry.

"Haaah——!! Cough cough cough!"

K in the coffin let out a loud scream, just like a drowning man, breaking through the water, breaking free from the bottom of the water, taking in his last breath with all his strength, and then choking on the blood in his mouth, blood spurted out all over his mouth.


"Cough cough cough!"

One drop really worked. Li Pan saw the light in her eyes, as if a fire had been lit. It lit up all of a sudden, her face gradually returned to its original shape, and her fangs were put away.

This is true in many cases. Some people think about death all day long, but once the slightest desire to live is aroused, they are reluctant to die.

Prince Cornelius stopped for a moment and said calmly,

"Thank you, Your Excellency. Now we can confirm the authenticity of the Holy Grail of Blood. I will send the new quotation to your company's headquarters later."

Then he walked away without looking back.

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