I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 167 Cloning

Six paths...

In fact, Li Pan also flipped through two pages of the secret book of Onmyoji handed over by Ashiya Shiki. But it's just like reading the employee handbook. I just glanced at it a few times and read the introduction, but didn't read it very carefully.

After all, as a person who cultivates immortality and seeks Taoism, Li Pan despises this kind of left-handedness from the bottom of his heart. And he is actually quite lazy. If he has free time, he would rather play games and watch Mewtwo...

Ahem, in short, in the world view of Onmyoji, there are six paths of reincarnation and the interplay of yin and yang which are the essence and core of the world. Their six paths, as well as the so-called way of heaven, the root, the principle of the world, the magic network, the law of the universe, The rules of physics refer to a thing.

They are just civilizations that grew up in different systems, different environments, and different paths. In the darkness of ignorance, they glimpsed the truth of the universe bit by bit, and then built a model for the world in which they live.

In the eyes of Onmyoji, the model of the universe is the so-called Three Realms of Six Paths, namely Gaotianyuan, Weiyuan, and Huangquan. There are six realms: the heavenly realm, the asura realm, the human realm, the animal realm, the hell realm, and the hungry ghost realm.

The ancient Onmyoji believed that all living beings are in this reincarnation, and death is not the real end, but the beginning of another journey.

Although the three realms cannot communicate with each other, they can rely on the method of yin and yang shikigami to project the existence of Gao Tianyuan and Huang Quan into the human world and appear in the form of Wei Yuan.

Therefore, the two schools of Onmyoji's original Yin Dun and Yang Dun were not divided too harshly. The ones who mainly communicated with Takamagahara were the Yang Dun Ryu, while those who dealt with Huangquan all day long were the Yin Dun Ryu.

The two factions share the same world view, with only slight differences in their spells and summoned shikigami. At first, there was no life-or-death grudge.

Until the cosmic man comes.

Well, the elves are here, and these aliens from other worlds strongly impact the worldview model of the six realms and three realms of the cause, and immediately divide the Onmyoji into two distinct factions.

Onmyoji of the Yang Dun sect believe that elves are angels from the Kingdom of Gaotian. To the extreme, they even worship these immortal elves as gods, not only assisting them in establishing colonies and the Kingdom of God. He also communicated and complemented himself with the Elf Magister, used the method of Yang Escape to communicate with each other, and helped improve Elf Magic. At the same time, he integrated the Yang Yang Technique system and participated in the construction of the Magic Network. Naturally, he also became a naturalized member of the Kingdom of Elf God.

Well, it is said that the cultivation method of combining yin and yang is actually taught by elves. No wonder some onmyojis are so cooperative...

Of course, not all Onmyoji are intoxicated in the gentle land of elves.

The Yin sect Onmyoji headed by the Ashiya family believed that people who are not of my race must have different minds.

Elves are products of another world. They have jumped out of the three realms and are not in reincarnation. Their existence itself affects the operation of reincarnation, coupled with weaving the magic web and twisting nature, causing the Onmyoji to deviate from the correct direction and unable to project the existence of communication to the correct location.

So the elves must die and the errant demons must be sealed.

This contradiction of pro-foreign and xenophobic views could not be reconciled at all, so the Onmyoji became enemies and split.

At first, the Yangdun faction with the support of the elves was naturally dominant. They specialized in researching and developing the prototype of the demon-sealing seal, and defeated and sealed the Yindun extremists.

But then the magic network exploded, the elf civilization was destroyed, the Demon King Oda rose, the Ashiya family counterattacked, and everything changed.

Just highlight the six paths of reincarnation.

But it was obvious that Ashiya Shiki had no one to give him special guidance due to his lack of personal preschool education, and he also scorned the traditional values ​​of the Yintun sect. Of course, he obviously doesn't like Yang Dun, after all, the elves are long gone.

Now the Ashiya family's yin-yang method and shiki-controlling magic can be used by him like the pet beep elf. The monsters here are collecting demons and raising them...

Li Pan watched the whole scene but did not take action.

After all, his current soul magic has no combat effectiveness, and the magic circle arranged by Ashiya is hidden deep in the underground of New Tokyo, making it difficult to find. There are some places where Ah Piao just floated over.

Taking into account the hints of the Huan hexagram, he couldn't ask for that 'one piece of gold' today. It is estimated that by the time he tried his best to rush all the way, they would have been moved. At that time, it will still be all in vain.

So Li Pan endured it for a while and turned back into his body.

Anyway, you just need to know who has the item now. The weather can change at any time, and it’s the same thing when you get the chance to ask for it.

What Li Pan didn't expect was that when he went to work the next day, Ashiya Shiki himself delivered the things.

"Boss, fortunately, I have fulfilled my duty. I have successfully rescued Lord Seal from the Iga ninjas. However, he was caught by Iga's evil spell and was injured too seriously. I am afraid that even filing cabinets cannot eradicate it. Therefore, he is now in my house. If you rest and recuperate, you will be fully recovered in three days.

By the way, he entrusted me to give this to you. "

Li Pan looked at the 'a piece of gold' and then at him.

"Oh, it's Iga ninja again... These Iga ninjas are really strong...

Shiki, you have to take good care of Kotaro. "

Ashiya Shiki accepts orders humbly.

"It's the boss."

Forget it, now that you have the stuff, you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't kill Kotaro.

"By the way, Shigui...I recently looked at your family's secret collection, and I don't understand something. What is Taoism?"

"Is it Taoism..."

Ashiya Shiki replied respectfully,

"According to the records of my ancestors, a great Onmyoji who has reached the ultimate level of personal cultivation will hand over the Onmyoji to his capable disciples and then begin the final training.

In order to pursue the true meaning of the six paths, use the method of shikigami to project yourself into the three realms, go to the reincarnation in person, go through the three realms and the six paths, roam the Weiyuan China, cross the underworld, and finally arrive at Takamagahara, completely control the journey of the three realms, and witness the process of reincarnation with your own eyes. Mystery.

This complete process is called the transformation of the Six Paths. Onmyojis who have completed their training will become immortals on land, incarnations of the Six Paths, immortal beings in reincarnation, and will live forever in the Kingdom of Gaotianyuan.

However, this method of practice has long been discontinued.

Because the elves tampered with the magic network, the road to Gao Tianyuan was cut off. The demons in the underworld can only pour into the human world, and no matter how outstanding the great onmyoji is, they cannot complete the entire six paths of cultivation. Therefore, those who practice the Six Paths incompletely and only comprehend part of the existence of the ultimate principles are called Taoization.

The 'Taoist thing' no longer needs to borrow the power of others like the apostle Jinchūriki. Instead, he has truly touched the root and mastered the existence of his own power. "

"It turns out that this system is set up... so is it moralistic?"

Ashiya Shiki smiled bitterly,

"I'm still far behind. I just studied hard on my own and basically completed the family cultivation. I can barely be called an Onmyoji, but there is still a gap between the level of Yin and Yang masters in the past generations in the dormitory, and I'm still far from ready to break through. The level of cultivation in the three realms.”

"Oh... ok, you go ahead and get busy."

"It's the boss."

Ashiya Shiki turned around and walked to the door, suddenly stopped a step and murmured,

“However, although Daohua can master the rules and obtain some superpower-like powers, it is not necessarily a good thing.

After all, it is difficult to master such power if you do not rely on your own cultivation but rely on external objects to touch the root.

Moreover, the process of Taoism is irreversible, and once the transformation begins, it will not stop. But now that the three realms are isolated, the six paths are blocked, and yin and yang are disordered, this road is impassable.

As far as I know, those who cannot incarnate in the six realms are mostly trapped in reincarnation and reduced to existences that are neither humans nor animals, neither gods nor demons, nor Shura nor hungry ghosts.

Therefore, if a 'Taoist creature' really appears in the world, it would be better to expel it from the human world as soon as possible. "

Li Pan raised his head and glanced at him before Ashiya Shiki closed the door and went out.

Damn, this guy is also yin and yang.

But can Daohua actually gain superpowers? I don’t know what my superpower is.

Li Pan picked up the coffee and drank it...oh, oh fuck? ?

Li Pan's eyebrows trembled as he looked at the water in the cup.

No, it can't be...

"Aqi!! Make me another cup of coffee!!"

"Okay boss..."

Then it was verified.


Li Pan’s Taoism,

Li Pan’s rules,

Li Pan passed the Holy Grail, touched the root, and made a wish!

You can just put coffee in the cup, or acid rain, or mutton soup!

Change! clear! water!

I guess so……


Damn it! !

What kind of superpower is this for trashing!

Is there any superpower more rubbish than this?

Li Pan was really convinced.

And he tried it carefully and found that it was not actually 'purifying water'.

When you hold it normally or touch it directly, the coffee will not move at all.

Only when he wants to 'drink' does the coffee turn into water...

Oh shit, this garbage Taoist superpower is so awesome! I can buy a distilled water purifier for only five hundred yuan!

Alas, forget about the water and coffee. Now that you have got the 'Mikyu', let's quickly report to the head office and get down to business. The corporate fleet in the sky is still waiting for food!

So Li Pan started filing reports, submitting the agreement and contract with the Red Tengu to apply for the military budget.

At this critical moment, 100 billion can buy supplies, troops, and ships, and indirectly also win the support of the local interstellar fleet in 0791. Why not?

Of course there is a little trouble in the middle.

After all, TheM is a company from another world, subject to various restrictions, and it certainly cannot directly pay 100 billion, bribe the local admiral, and empty the citizen fleet.

So you definitely have to use the agent’s white gloves.

Of course, the legal person of this PMC company is Li Pan. How can anyone else have his connections and channels?

Therefore, it can also be said that Li Pan's proposal this time is to ask the company to pay to add hundreds of billions of assets to his name.

But on the other hand, isn't this still an asset of the company? In the final analysis, it is the headquarters that pays for it. It is just under Li Pan's name. At most, it will give him an extra salary.

And if something really happened, wouldn't the Security Bureau and the Tax Bureau finally find Li Pan and arrest him to bear legal responsibility? Is it appropriate to add some money to compensate for the risk?

So while Li Pan was on the phone looking for finance, he was flipping through the company's articles of association and 0791 investment policy. After another round of consultations and extreme negotiations, he finally drafted a preliminary draft.

In view of the fact that Li Pan is a legal local citizen of 0791, a serving soldier, and a legal self-employed taxpayer, and he has the joint support of Starfleet. It should be possible to directly use Li Pan's personal name and Panlong Construction's legal capital worth 9.3 billion, which has just been investigated by the tax bureau, as collateral to apply for registration of a second wholly-owned enterprise under his personal name, private military contracting. Business, Panlong Security Consultants Co., Ltd.

In view of the regulations of the Safety Committee, there is a total investment limit for investments in local companies in different worlds. If the registered capital is more than 110 million, it cannot exceed five times the registered capital.

TheM made money online and invested 46.5 billion to acquire 100% of the shares of Panlong Security from Li Pan, becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Monster Group, and continued to appoint Li Pan as the general manager of Panlong Security. Since it is a subsidiary of a subsidiary company, the salary will be downgraded one level, and he will enjoy ministerial-level treatment, with a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan.

Then TheM concluded a one-year PMC private military contractor employment contract with Panlong Security based on the valuation of Panlong Security Company's total assets of 46.5 billion yuan, with a total of 651 billion in funds in fourteen phases, and a first-phase deposit of 46.5 billion yuan. Go to 'Panlong Security' account.

In addition, according to the investment policy, TheM, as a current legal person, can also invest in a fund amount equivalent to 10% of the revenue of 'Panlong Security'. In this way, another 65.1 billion was successfully transferred from the company's military capital account, so 'Panlong Security' Security's account now has 111.6 billion clean cash, which is enough to pay for the quotation of the former mercenary fleet and the initial consumption of supplies in the first three months.

Of course, as far as Li Pan is concerned, because 'Panlong Security' is wholly owned by TheM, it doesn't matter how he spends the hundreds of billions of dollars, he still has to report and apply for financial approval there. .

So what can really go into his pocket is Panlong Security 465, uh, 10% of the finance, 41.85 billion acquisition funds, and a monthly salary of 300,000 yuan for his managers.

But with such a rough calculation, even if we ignore the front company Panlong Security, his personal assets must be 55.15 billion...

Of course, the premise is that if this proposal can be successfully approved by the head office, Starfleet can also successfully help him open up the joints and establish Panlong Security Consulting Co., Ltd. Then subsequent investment and lending can be done quickly as long as you communicate with the financial department.

Good guy, this is finally a rich man, right?

But it's hard to say. Sixty billion is enough to lie flat, but there is a reward of fifteen hundred billion on his head. How can he lie flat?

What's more, even a fleet worth hundreds of billions may not be able to stand for three seconds on the battlefield. With his current wealth, he shouldn't show off...

So Li Pan spent the whole day talking on the phone with the financial and legal team, flying back and forth between the company, bank and tax bureau, applying for various bills and issuing various certificates, and was busy setting up PMC Panlong Security Consulting Company. thing. Occasionally, I have to return calls to Orange Nana and make decisions about purchasing supplies and equipment for the cruiser, which makes me extremely busy.

Fortunately, Li Pan's position as the general manager of TheM company has finally come up. When the floating vehicle comes in and out of the office, at least one organized 'Cyaneus' escort is arranged. There is no company dog ​​Cyberpunk or Iga Ninja or other cats and dogs. Dare to come and earn his bounty.

In this way, he finally finished the work in one day, prepared a lot of relevant documents and plans, and faxed and scanned the proposal to the company. Only then did Li Pan return to the office, lying on the office chair so tired that he didn't want to move.

But before I could take a breath, someone knocked on the door again.

It's 0113007.

"Oh, priest, what's the matter?"

Li Pan rubbed his temples and raised his head.

0113007 submitted the document report,

"General Manager, the first batch of combat android templates have been completed. You can now register as temporary workers. Do you want to meet them?"

"Oh, you do things so neatly, let's see."

So 0113007 turned to the door and said, "Come in."

Then Li Pan opened his eyes,

Then I saw Kiriko Shiranui walking in.

At this moment, the hairs on Li Pan's neck stood up. He looked straight into the woman's face. His breathing stopped for a moment.

0113007 read the data with an expressionless face.

"This is the standard template for combat bionic clones prepared for this corporate war. It is based on the corporate combat prosthesis used by Temporary Worker No. 0213 No. 111 and the apostle's physiological data of Temporary Worker No. 0791 No. 035.

Based on the 'deep-diving combat bionic human' developed by 0213 subsidiary for the Holy Grail War, based on 0791 local ground rules and using 035 physiological data, additional genetic adjustments, biochemical enhancements, spiritual awakening, and potential development were made. Skin grafting plasticity, combat optimization...

The current finished template, in a normal room temperature environment, can reach the general level of fifth-level military prosthetics in various basic physical fitness data, and is comparable to the AG-A series of superhuman prostheses.

In a high-humidity environment, you can perform a one-stage transformation, double your all-quality data, and enhance your physical fitness. You can also use acid rain, radiation water and other liquids around you to perform special enhancements, accelerate recovery, recharge prosthetics, and benchmark performance against AG. -S series superhuman sports prosthesis.

In the deep sea environment, it can also perform a second-stage transformation and evolve targeted biological weapons. The performance of the final combat form is comparable to the AG-RS series of super prosthetics.

In addition, due to the influence of the 035 personality file, this clone is compatible with the demon seal and can be used to directly seal the demon god of 0791. Due to the lack of data, the impact of apostleship cannot be confirmed yet. "


Li Pan came to his senses in 0113007's cold voice and looked up and down at the woman in front of him.

Indeed, except for the facial features, the face is actually the same, but the shape of the bionic modified body in front of him is very different from Shiranui Kiriko himself.

It is obvious that this is an artificial human made by biotechnology gene coordination technology, a Chimera that has been completely reskinned.

First of all, the most obvious thing is that this clone Wuzi is younger and more 'fresh'. It is as fresh as if it has just grown up and crawled out of the embryo culture dish. It is wet and sticky all over the floor. footprint.

Because it is freshly baked, you can naturally see it at a glance. The body size of the clone is also obviously different from before, and it is not a one-to-one reproduction of Kiriko Shiranui's age and figure. It is younger than the real person, probably. That is the physiological state of being eighteen or nineteen years old.

The size of organs that were too plump, affecting the balance of the center of gravity and possibly having side effects in combat, have also been appropriately cropped and corrected.

In this untransformed state, the clone body is still almost human-like as a whole, and bionic human skin is also used above the neck. From the neck down, the body is made of some kind of dark-purple sea snake skin, as if it is wearing a layer of stockings and nylon-like tights. The surface is covered with a sticky film of mucus, and it can even look like a chameleon. In-situ discoloration, bionic mimicry, true optical invisibility.

In addition, the Wuzi clone looked at Li Pan with a very indifferent look, as if it did not recognize him at all, as if he had changed into a different person, no, he had become some kind of cold-blooded and ruthless beast.

However, Li Pan can still recognize it at a glance.

Although the shell has been changed, the inner 'qi' remains the same.

After a moment of silence, Li Pan slowly looked at 0113007,

"But let me delete her. There is deletion."

0113007 There is no wave on his face,

"Yes, the local number 0791035 has been deleted, but she once performed apostolic surgery on the Horus-class dreadnought. At that time, an 'existence' was stripped off and the medical files were backed up.

This clone used the personality record that was stored in the 0113 ‘Ark of the Covenant/Filing Cabinet’ at that time. Of course, I have done memory reset and personality reshaping, and after onboarding, you can log back into her character and program her memories.

However, since 0791035's files have been deleted, it will be impossible for the clone to restore its former personality. "

Isn't that right? If you die once and come back again, can it still be the same thing...

Li Pan narrowed his eyes and stared at him,

"Why? Why do you have to choose her? Why don't you just let her die like this?"

0113007Look at Li Pan,

"During the last rampage, Temporary Worker 0791035 accepted and tolerated multiple monsters at the same time and almost came into contact with the source. This proves that her genes have excellent development potential and a promising future, which is worthy of further investment and transformation by the company.

Plus, she breached the contract. "

Li Pan was stunned,

"Breach of contract?"

0113007 took out a piece of paper from the portfolio and read it,

"After a temporary worker completes a task for the company, he or she can voluntarily choose to leave. However, within three years, our company retains the right to use the temporary worker's portrait and genes.

Rebellion during a mission, disobeying the company's instructions, stealing company assets, and leaking company secrets will be deemed a breach of contract. Depending on the seriousness of the case and the losses caused to the company, our company has the right to pursue compensation and fines.

0791035 During this Holy Grail bidding war, confidential information about our monsters was leaked to members of the Koka Ninja Organization, and illegally misappropriated the monsters without permission, triggering the Advent and causing a large-scale disaster, causing direct casualties and economic losses. loss.

As the unit directly responsible for the bidding war, our company has the obligation to compensate the local property company for the incidental losses of the war.

Based on this, our company reserves the first priority to recourse to this employee. Only when the income created by 0791035 and its derivatives for the company makes up for the direct economic losses caused by it, our company will allow it to be deleted. Apply. "

0113007 handed the document to Li Pan,

"This is an order from the headquarters. The backup of 0791035 has been transferred by the headquarters personnel department. Deleting the file requires paying off the breach of contract compensation.

If you have any personal opinions or suggestions regarding the handling of 0791035, you can lodge an appeal at the general manager meeting. "


0113007 said expressionlessly,

"As the direct manager, you have the right to file a complaint and apply for compensation. Pay off her debts, buy the ownership of 035 from the company, and do whatever you want with her."

Cool! None of my business! Shiranui Kiriko was seeking death on her own! As for this clone, you should ask her if she wants to die.

However, Li Pan still asked politely, "So how much does she owe?"

"Currently, the company has calculated that the cumulative amount of claims filed by various parties in response to the Chiyoda incident has reached 2.8 trillion..."

Damn it, two thousand and five months, you still have to go to the year of the monkey and the month of the horse! !

Yes, I really can’t die even if I want to...

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