I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 175 Attack

"Cough, cough, cough, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff... I'm in trouble, what's going on..."

Li Pan crawled out of the ruins, spitting out ashes, and glanced around him in a daze.

No wonder he didn't notice anything strange. Not only the restaurant, but dozens of floors in the space station from top to bottom were blown through, as if someone had torn a scar open, revealing a hideous and terrifying wound.

The upper and lower alloy structures were blown out, and the surrounding green plants were all burned. There were stumps and broken arms everywhere, smoke was billowing, and screams and alarms and cries for help could be heard endlessly.

Li Pan patted the dust on his body and jumped up and down. Nothing happened to him. This explosion, a small scene, was far from the shock wave of a nuclear bomb. He didn't even have a hair... Ahem, his hair still fell out. There were a few hairs, the hair was messed up, the mask was blown off, and the military protective clothing also had some scratches, but with level five ceramic armor and infuriating body protection, there were basically no internal injuries.

To put it bluntly, he escaped with a meal...

"Hey, Wangshan, are you dead? Horse riding, is the communication blocked..."

The space station was disconnected and QVN could not log in. Li Pan took two steps and found that the gravity under his feet was wrong. It seemed that the floor was slowly tilting and his feet were soft. No, it was not his feet that were soft, it was the rotation of the entire space station. It stopped slowly. It was obvious that the gravity system had been severely damaged. I am afraid that the explosion caused structural damage. In extreme cases, it may cause the entire FARM to disintegrate.

This was definitely not a simple accident.

The space station is made of military-grade alloy, which cannot be penetrated by civilian weapons, and it is modular. If there is a risk of equipment explosion, the entire module will be locked and separated directly to avoid affecting the entire space station.

So the current situation is clearly a man-made terrorist attack, an ambush launched by military bombs prepared in advance.

But Li Pan looked around and found no other attackers. There were only wounded people screaming for help, and engineering robots beeping piercing sirens and dispatching urgently to put out the fire and provide first aid.

After such a professional explosion, no reserve team was prepared, and then the second and third waves of attacks were launched. There were no snipers, no fire suppression, and no assault troops.

That was probably not directed at him. Could it be that the target is the Jinsen Chamber of Commerce?

correct! Jinsen Chamber of Commerce, my black oil! My eighty billion!

Li Pan responded with a slap on his head.

dying! Goro Kanamori must not be blown to pieces! I have collected all the deposit from the company!

Li Pan quickly took action and jumped wildly among the ruins.

Public communications are frequently shut down, but his personal channel still has the new meeting coordinates sent by Yelena. Now that the elevator corridor was either damaged or blocked, or crowded with panicked people, Li Pan simply jumped down along the crack opened by the explosion and parkoured directly to the coordinate floor.

Then Li Pan heard, click, click, there was gunfire! Just the way forward!

Are you really here for Jin Sen? Well, that's right. If you blow up the space station directly, it can't be for that golden lion king Yelena.

At this time, I am afraid that the target of these attackers is the black oil in the hands of Jinsen Trading Company, and even the entire refinery production line behind it...

Li Pan quickly chased him to the battlefield and spotted his pursuer from a distance.

These people were professional mercenaries wearing heavy-duty SBS mobile armors. Gunshots were heard continuously from all directions. The number of people was actually not that large, but the tactical cooperation was very professional. Fire suppression was maintained at all times, and a cordon was also established. Disperse the station's guards.

The target they were chasing was caught before they could reach the coordinate point. Now they are suppressed in the floating car and cannot show their heads. At this time, the floating car has been overturned. In fact, a random armor-piercing bullet can hide the target in the car. The people inside were killed, but obviously the goal of the mercenaries was not to kill people, but to capture them alive, so while suppressing them, they moved closer and narrowed the encirclement.

They were so cautious mainly because there was a sniper in the car. He used a small self-defense pistol to shoot one by one and counted seven or eight names. Although civilian weapons cannot penetrate military armor, eating a chestnut on the forehead from a distance of 800 meters will still have a great impact on morale.

Well, it seems that the disaster lasts for a thousand years, and it didn't kill the guy like Wangshan...

At this time, the rhythm of the gunfire suddenly became chaotic. Li Pan turned his head and saw Yelena, the golden-haired lion king, starting to accelerate. As fast as lightning, she wielded the electromagnetic mantis knife and made a sudden attack. She suddenly lost her optical invisibility and came out of the ruins. He randomly dismembered a mercenary who was caught off guard, and then made a sudden attack with a lightning movement, stabbing the second man seven or eight times in a row.

The other mercenaries immediately changed their tactics and assigned four people to suppress the fire. They fired shotguns indiscriminately, forcing Yelena, who almost jumped in front of the third person, to retreat. At the same time, a large number of hand grenades, electromagnetic bombs, and metal bullets were projected, and large pieces of gold foil were exploded with a bang. Scattered steel balls and electromagnetic interference zones were used to counterattack this high-performance prosthetic killer.

When Li Pan saw that the Golden Retriever Lion King had fallen into a trap, he also found an opportunity. He picked up a trash can as a shield and rushed toward the mercenary queue in a snake-like motion.

He was now wearing a tight-fitting suit and had no optical invisibility. He was discovered immediately. The ammunition clanked and tilted over, hitting the trash can violently, leaving craters full of bullet holes.

Li Pan was also shot several times, all with level 5 bullets, and the ceramic deck on his body was beaten to pieces. He was punched all over his body, it was sore and bruised.

Alas, the defense power of Jiuyin Fourth Revolution is still not enough, and the hard top still can't withstand level 5 warheads, but it doesn't matter, just rush in front of it.

"Fuck Ni daddy!"

Li Pan threw away a Jiuyin True Dragon trash can, put the trash can on the mercenary's head, poured it directly into his chest, and killed one instantly with a headshot.

Then he lifted the person up and continued to charge as a shield.

Then he repeated his old trick, braved the hail of bullets, rushed across the line of fire, picked up the corpse in his hand and used the Nine Yin True Dragon Human Body Hammer, and then smashed the second one in front of his face.

The golden lion king over there also took advantage of the others being frightened by this barbarian-like fighting style, looking for an opportunity to make a stealth surprise attack, speeding up the attack, flashing his two swords, and cutting off the heads of the mercenaries.

Suddenly being attacked from two sides, the mercenaries who had dispersed to encircle were caught off guard for a moment. They were unexpectedly attacked by these two people, breaking up the line and rushing out of the gap from one side. The commander simply gritted his teeth and clicked. He fired at the vehicle and fired a bunch of rockets, which blew up the float vehicle.

Fortunately, Wangshan is an experienced thief. As soon as he heard the scattered gunshots outside, he had already dragged Kanamori Goro out and rushed out. So the four people quickly met up. Yelena rushed in front to open the way. Li Pan held up the body and cut it off. He fled into a nearby underground garage under fire from his pursuers.

"Wait a minute! Fight back and fight back!"

Wangshan suddenly turned back and snatched the rifle from the corpse. A cat's waist jumped to the beam.

Li Pan also often listens to the veteran's instructions in the game and immediately understands what he means. When retreating, he suddenly blocks the attack. This is a trick used by veterans.

So he just threw the body on the ground, took a few grenades in his hands, and lay down on the spot pretending to be dead. Yelena and Goro Kanamori looked at each other, but they didn't take the opportunity to run away. Instead, they hid on the left and right, lurking in the shadows.

Sure enough, the mercenaries caught up quickly. They were quite well-trained. They fired two rifle grenades when they entered to clear the area. However, they were chasing in a hurry, for fear that the target would escape. The two commandos were in front, and the rear group swarmed. And enter.

Wangshan clicked, clicked, and opened fire.

Li Pan also threw the grenade in his arms and threw it into the crowd. It exploded with a loud bang. He didn't even wait for the thighs that were blown away to hit the ground. He directly punched him with a flying superman and started beating him indiscriminately. The man's armor was folded into two pieces, and then he swung his bulletproof shield into a whirlwind, smashing and smashing it, destroying the formation.

Wangshan took the opportunity to hide in the dark and fired bursts. Yelena also rushed up with a sudden attack, showed her blade, and scraped away the first group of pursuers.

"Get out, get out, get out!"

Wangshan fired the bullet, jumped off the rafter, abandoned his gun and ran away. Kanamori Goro and Yelena followed closely, and Li Pan rushed in without caring about packing up some loot.

Just as he rushed down the stairs, there was a "Boom!" behind him. It was unclear whether it was a grenade or a bomb. The air wave hit his back like a hammer, and Li Pan was thrown away. The explosion made him feel dizzy.

Wow, there was a flurry of punches just now, and it seemed that someone had shot a few shots at close range with a shotgun. All the fifth-level armor on his body was destroyed, but anyway, Li Pan's true energy body protection had a strong qi and blood, and the wound was very fast. It healed, but it was covered in the mercenary's minced flesh, which looked quite intimidating.

Fortunately, the effect of Wangshan's blockade was quite good, and the mercenaries were also frightened. They heard the explosions and heard the explosions of three or four rounds at the door before they dared to continue chasing after another hail of bullets.

And everyone was already running wildly and arrived at the previously agreed coordinate point, a temporary dock.

Yelena raised her hand to stop everyone, authorized the door to be unlocked, activated her invisibility, rushed in and guarded for a while, then came out and nodded after confirming that it was safe.

"This is our backup shuttle. Would you like to take you on a ride?"

Li Pan sent her the coordinates.

"To CERES-ORBITPLANT-VIII, I have a ship. President Kanamori, I hope our transaction will not be affected by this little incident."

Goro Kanamori nodded,

"Don't worry, our agreement is still valid. Thanks to the two of you for taking action this time, a little care and a small talk of gratitude can't be treated as a sign of respect."

Hey, this guy is quite smart, and he directly paid 150,000 yuan.

No one was talking nonsense. The space station was still offline at this time, but the space station naturally had fire escapes and emergency escape wrenches, so everyone opened the access control and unlocked the safety gate. Li Pan even opened the hangar with his bare hands without using an exoskeleton. Clear the electromagnetic ejection track for the shuttle.

Entering the cabin, Elena was still calling with her tongue curled up,

"CERES TWR, CERES TWR, JAG9301C, DEST OP-VIII, PTS Autopilot Guide apply, CERES TWR..."

However, before Li Pan could relax and wipe his face, Wangshan screamed again.

"No, the space station interferes with the traffic system and cannot go offline! It's a large-scale interference! There are ships squatting on us outside! Speed ​​up, speed up!"

"Boom!" The pursuers blew up the hangar.

"Hold on tight!"

Yelena also reacted in an instant, unambiguously, directly operated manually, turned on the PPE and SF dual engines, stepped on the accelerator to the maximum output, and rushed out of the space station.

There was no time to inject AGSS, and everyone was directly pressed on the seats by the G force. Li Pan was okay. He turned around and looked around. Sure enough, he saw three stars shining in the depths of the endless void just after he had just rushed out of the space station, and then shot from above his head at extremely fast speeds. Fall down.



With a roar, Yelena pulled up the shuttle and rolled it in a spiral, knocking out all the jamming bombs on the shuttle.

Goro Kanamori rolled his eyes and vomited all the food he had just eaten.

Wangshan closed his eyes tightly and crossed himself on his chest.

Li Pan stared up with wide eyes.

Two missiles were seen passing by the wings of the shuttle fuselage, and another one hit the interference bomb and detonated, blooming into a ring of blue plasma fire. It bloomed like fireworks in the night sky, sputtering and sputtering. , raindrops seemed to penetrate the fuselage structure, and three of the four engines on both wings were directly extinguished.

The cabin immediately started beeping red lights and screaming, and it rapidly lost pressure, temperature and speed.

And the two missiles that just passed by turned around and shot back.

Goro Kanamori has fainted.

Wangshan seemed to be praying to his mother.

Yelena howled, pulled the joystick to avoid the port facilities, and didn't know what curse words she was saying.

Li Pan also swallowed, held Jianwan down, and stared into the deep space, looking for the ship hidden in the darkness.

Damn, I don’t know if the Flying Sword Star-Slashing Ship has started...

At this moment, Li Pan felt a sting in his frontal lobe, like an electric shock from a needle, and suddenly he hallucinated Nana's voice.

"Found it. Give it a shot."

After just one second

The starry sky in front of me suddenly became as bright as day

The light faded from the retina, like a small sun slowly extinguishing.

Killed... the nuclear warhead...

Yelena twisted the joystick to control the fuselage, and the two warheads lost their guidance and passed them a hundred meters away.

However, due to the angle, one shot into deep space and the other hit the SPACEFARM airport. It looked like blue plasma flames engulfed the seven-story building in an instant.

But no matter what, no additional warheads were aimed at them.


Li Pan also wiped away cold sweat.

Elena was stunned for a while, swallowed, turned to look at him,

"...PONY is yours?"

So with PONY's assistance in navigation, Yelena drove the shuttle and was taken back to the cabin by HAYABUSA.

Nana also immediately activated her invisibility, finally escaping from danger for the time being.

"What the hell...what happened just now?"

PONY transferred radar images and combat records,

"We detected someone using wide-area ECM jamming at CERES-SPACEFARM-VI. We sneaked over to take a look and found a heavy cruiser attacking you. We used mines."

Li Pan was stunned, "Where did the mechanical mine come from?"

PONY, “I bought it, but it’s not a standard mine, it’s a kamikaze shuttle.

Didn't you ask that Cyborg to help contact the weapons dealer? As soon as you left, he came to you and said that there was a batch of kamikaze shuttles in the warehouse, so he bought two of them. "

Oh, the kamikaze shuttle…

Well, the so-called mine is similar to a strategic cruise missile. It has a jump engine and a nuclear warhead. Within the radar locking range, it can achieve instant kill within seconds. Outside the detection range, it can also be achieved by hackers through QVN. Lock terminal target guidance. Even if you have money, you can let the navigator eat spices to guide the mine. Basically it is an essential weapon in fleet battles. However, it is generally used against ships of battle rank and above. After all, that’s where the cost of a jump engine lies.

As for the kamikaze shuttle, it is a unique product of Takamagahara.

At the end of the Takamagahara War, because the Titan fleet was severely damaged, it had reached the point where it had run out of ammunition and food, and was at the end of its rope. Not only were all the mines and mines used, but even the military factories were looted.

So Gao Tianyuan came up with this kind of "kamikaze" drone, which was to take out the already produced civilian drones with jump engines and transform them into mines. It was also the product of a large civilian-to-military project. The advantage is that you can reuse waste, load it with enough explosives, and attack it headlong. Trade a shuttle for a battleship, and you'll make a sure profit.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious. In principle, the mine seems to be as simple as a super missile with an engine and a warhead, but in fact it is capable of interference, detection, anti-radar, stealth, tracking, terminal guidance, penetration capability, and jump speed. Comprehensive strength is indispensable. The difference is just to give the point defense system a kill, so it can be said that the performance gap between the two mines in the decisive battle can even directly determine the outcome of the battle.

Therefore, the 'Kamikaze type' is essentially just a civilian drone. It can be used as a 'civilian'. In fact, it can have limited effects in a serious fleet battle. Not only is the jump speed slow, it is easy to be interfered with, intercepted, and intercepted. Point defense, and the size is too big.

Well, do you think that PONY only bought two Kamikazes to save money for Li Pan? In a cruise-level hangar, they can only fit two Kamikazes, okay...

And you actually dare to ask for 30 million for this piece of crap? Although the company's serious mines equipped with nuclear warheads only cost 50 million rounds, they can break through the planetary defense system! If you don't catch someone by surprise with your divine wind, can you really hit it...

Oh, forget it, I bought everything, and no matter what, it can also be used as a 'mechanical mine'...

Li Pan also rubbed his brows. Seeing Goro Kanamori come to his senses after being rescued by the veterans, he asked,

"President Kanamori, would you like a ride?"

Goro Kanamori stretched out on his seat and relaxed for a while, nodded and said,

"I have received your deposit, so I would like to ask you to take me to the warehouse. I'm sorry for bothering you this time."

"It's a joke. Is it convenient for you to go out to do business with others? Please have a good rest."

Anyway, HAYABUSA has completed preparations for sailing, and there is also a 'machine mine', so there is no need to delay. The Chainsaw is not in a hurry. It first goes to the warehouse of Kanamori Trading Co., Ltd. and picks up the black oil.

So Li Pan gave the coordinates to Nana and went to the bathroom to wash away the blood.

Just as he took off his rubber coat, Li Pan suddenly heard a knock on the door. He frowned but opened the door.

Elena stood at the door with her chest raised, "Let's wash together."

Li Pan looked at the blood on her hands and feet, shrugged and let her in. In the end, he turned around, washed his hair and then stopped.

"Hey, don't move your hands or feet."

Yelena ignored his warning,

"It turns out it's really not a prosthetic body. Are you talking about bio-augmentation? Gene coordination?"

Li Pan stiffened for a moment, but the other party helped him rub it up with a bath towel without struggling too much.

"More or less, company technology."


Yelena stayed close to her body, and got into the bathing cabin with Li Pan, groping for the broken armor and bullet casings on Li Pan's body in the mist.

"I like men who can remain silent even if they are shot... Can your bones be cut open with a single molecular wire?"

Li Pan frowned when she touched her, and quickly changed the subject.

"Who came to attack you today? An enemy of Jin Sen? Or a competitor who came for Black Oil?"

Elena raised her head, opened her chin slightly, rolled up her tongue, and breathed moist breath onto Li Pan's chin. She suddenly stopped moving her hands, stuffed the foamy bath towel into Li Pan's hand, and turned around , raised his hand to pull up his hair.

"It's your turn, help me clean it up."

So Li Pan didn't ask any more questions.

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