I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 197 Other People’s Children

The elevator dinged and stopped.

Li Pan adjusted his breathing, straightened his formal attire, tied his shoelaces, and unbuttoned his cufflinks, preparing to fight his way out of the Tower of Night against the siege of the positron cannon and the five major companies.

Then the elevator door opened, revealing the signboard of the Scientific Ethics Committee. The old man in a white coat and beard stood at the door of the elevator, adjusted his glasses, and reached out.

"We meet again, Manager Li."

"Doctor, what a coincidence. Oh, you are still working overtime, right?"

Seeing that it was Dr. Nimitz who had saved his life, Li Pan also restrained his murderous intent and shook hands with him politely.

"I'm specially waiting for you this time. Let's talk about those SMS machines first. Please come in."

Dr. Nimitz was also the kind of steel engineer who was engaged in research. He got straight to the point when he came up.

After all, he had robbed someone else's things. Li Pan was too embarrassed to shirk it, so he followed Dr. Nimitz into the SEC office.

The core mission of the SEC Scientific Ethics Committee is to seal down prohibited technologies that violate human ethics.

But they are not hunting witches in the Middle Ages. In fact, all SEC members are top scholars in the world and are not opposed to technological innovation.

It is true that as representatives of the company, they also have the task of safeguarding the technical advantages of committee members, but objectively speaking, the existence of SEC does concentrate the resources and wisdom of human society to conduct selective and targeted research and development of specific technical routes. , accelerate the progress and development of society as a whole, and effectively avoid the Earth Zero era. That kind of black technology is rampant and the internal friction of endless world wars.

And where do so many banned technologies come from these days? It is said that if you don’t accumulate silicon, you can’t reach a thousand miles. The development of productive forces is gradual and progressive. Real gold is refined by fire and refined over time. You cannot dig out gold mines just by chiseling.

Therefore, more often than not, the SEC’s main business is technical appraisal and patent registration.

Are major companies engaged in fierce technological competition these days? Competition means you steal mine and I copy yours. Business espionage technology spy intelligence businessmen infiltrate investigators are everywhere. Any company that does not have 180 insiders lurking around is a sign of lack of competitiveness.

Therefore, companies spend a lot of money to register technology patents, and SEC researchers also have to analyze various newly declared patented technologies to identify what level of technology the newly developed products belong to, and which companies' patents are infringed. And this is related to the sky-high price of patent licensing, which cannot be sloppy at all.

By the way, TheM Monster Company is a frequent visitor to the SEC. After all, the development of human technology has reached its limit, and the new technology products declared in recent years are all based on monster research and development. Therefore, TheM also occupies the underlying patent monopoly. . And the latest technology products are the most profitable.

Therefore, even if TheM Company does nothing, the technology giants under the SEC have to pay sky-high patent fees every year. This is much greater than the direct benefit from buying and selling monsters.

How could it be that HT Chaos Technology, Baboon Group, VK National Prosthetic Body, TSC Tianhan Starship, and GEN Genetic Revolution, the top five technology companies in the world, would have withdrawn from the bidding so cleanly?

After all, if Monster Company is really annoyed and the technology transfer license is suspended, the loss will not be compensated by a mere few hundred billion.

"Would you like something to drink? Black tea? Coffee?"

"No need, just water will do, thank you..."

Dr. Nimitz was really not polite at all. He brought Li Pan directly to the office and asked the robot to bring him a glass of water. He directly turned on the holographic projection and showed the blueprints, patent authorization and asset registration documents of the four SMS test machines. And the video of the Akatengu stealing the body captured by a micro-drone is projected.

"Getting back to the subject, these SMS are assets independently developed by our research institute. The legal tax payment certificates and production records can be sent to your company for legal confirmation."

Wow, what a strong man...

Li Pan was a bit embarrassed because he presented facts and reasoned things like this, and had to cover his face with proof of assets to ask for something so openly.

"Ah this...ah, it turns out that mecha is yours, I thought it was Dawn..."

Dr. Nimitz signaled Li Pan to wait, then flew with two fingers, controlled the holographic projection, brought up Kailian's 'Blood Moon', enlarged the arm, and played the video of Kailian killing spiders in the sewer. The camera clearly recorded even her cursing voice of "Tie baa! Tie baa! Why bother him!"

"NIMS-X14F, this is an experimental fighter aircraft equipped with an ultra-high frequency radiation projector. You can see the effect. By emitting directional electromagnetic pulses, it can neutralize short-range electromagnetic equipment and carry out loop damage from the inside regardless of external defenses. .

However, this equipment has not yet been completed. The customized micro-nuclear furnace entrusted to BRW has not yet been delivered. The weapon output also needs to be tested again. The energy management system OS has not been modulated yet. It can only be charged and discharged once. It is basically just a skeleton.

If your company wants it, just sell it to you. "

"Oh...ah, ah?" Li Pan didn't react for a moment.

Dr. Nimitz took a sip of the tea brought by the robot.

"Your company is engaged in a corporate war, isn't it? If you need combat power, I will sell it to you. That X14F has the lowest degree of completion and has not been modulated very much. All the scripts were written by the Akatengu people themselves. Just charge a cost price of one billion.

However, the other three units have been basically completed, and Ye Shi, Liming, and Gao Tianyuan are also bidding on the blueprints. If your company wants to participate, you can also bid. A single unit is about the price of a cruiser, between 2 billion and 5 billion. .

If you are interested, please directly consult the sales department of our research institute for specific business flow matters, and they will make introductions. "

Twenty to five billion...

Li Pan hesitated for a moment.

The price of this single machine is ten times that of the HAYABUSA class, which means that the technology patents contained in the SMS are indeed worth the price.

In other words, the combat effectiveness of the complete SMS is probably comparable to the latest version of military cruisers currently on the market, worth tens of billions.

"This...isn't good, after all, it is the secret weapon you developed so hard..."

Dr. Nimitz chuckled and said,

"Haha, secret weapon, hahaha, no, you misunderstood, it's just a toy. My grandson has recently been addicted to the mecha movies and games of the previous generation, so I prepared some birthday gifts for him.

That NIMS-X10A was a landline specially customized for him, and the other ones were given to his friends to play with. It's okay, I'll just make another batch for them. "

Li Pan, "..."

Dr. Nimitz, "However, although it is a toy, it still uses some restricted patented technology. If it falls into the hands of terrorists, it will indeed be a bit troublesome. As the direct designer, I have an obligation to recycle it to avoid losses. I have to bear joint and several liability.

But there is no problem if you sell it to the company. I will send people to deliver the subsequent parts and weapon components to you. Of course, if possible, please share the battle data in the company's war. I can also help with some OTA upgrade optimization. What? "

Li Pan, "...it's settled, thank you."

"Okay, let's get down to business, there's one more thing,"

Dr. Nimitz pulled out Huang Dahe's files,

"This young man must have been rescued by Your Excellency."

Li Pan saw the red letter in Huang Dahe's resume that said he was expelled from the Polytechnic University and deprived of the right to apply as a citizen, and an idea flashed across his face.

"Yes, his name is Huang Dahe and he is a genius. Is the doctor interested in recruiting him as an assistant?

I asked the lawyer that as long as three citizens jointly sign, I can apply for the security system to be re-examined by him, and I can vouch for him. If you agree, just find another one..."

Unexpectedly, Dr. Nimitz shook his head,

"His credits are pretty good, but the citizenship approval won't pass, and it doesn't look like it will take too long, so let's forget it."

Li Pan frowned,

"What do you mean it won't take too long."

Dr. Nimitz moved the file up.

"Although his physical features and blood type have been edited, he does not match the genes of his registered parents. He is an illegal genetic coordinator. I think he may have been secretly replaced in his infant state. And naturally, he has no The surgery record was reported in the security system. It was probably Takamagahara's secret experiment on human transformation.

I don’t know who helped him conceal his origins and registered him in the system using Huang Dahe’s identity. But now it’s been found out, and this part of the key information is missing, so his citizenship review will not pass. "

"Illegal genetic coordination..."

Li Pan was speechless for a moment, genetic coordination, genetic coordination starting from the fertilized egg? The perfect new human?

In the early years, there was publicity that pure and natural supermen could be created through gene editing. It is very popular in other worlds. But in the 0791 plane, the technology of artificial implants is more advanced.

Moreover, isn’t this kind of sophisticated biomodification surgery a benefit that can only be enjoyed by super rich people who are reincarnated into another world, starting with tens of billions of dollars?

Huang Dahe? Ten billionaires living in slums? Are you here to experience life? But it’s impossible, right? Can you experience life like this? What kind of masochistic script is this?

And replace...the original orange...sigh...

Dr. Nimitz shared a bunch of SEC internal files as if chatting.

"At that time, Gao Tianyuan's technology was not mature, and the early coordinators all had fatal genetic defects. They mostly conducted human experiments and produced disposable consumables for war.

This boy's intelligence is extremely developed, so he might be a victim of that kind of project. Even though his current intelligence and physical abilities are beyond ordinary people, according to statistics on the average lifespan of Takamagahara military modified humans captured after the war, by the age of twenty or twenty-five, he is at high risk of premature aging and immune failure. , or even gene disintegration. If it is rapid, death will occur in three to six months once the disease occurs.

If there are records of his original genetic modification, it may be possible to develop some targeted genetic drugs to alleviate the disease. Otherwise, this genetic collapse is incurable.

Oh, but then again, you were hurt in a similar way last time. Maybe your company can do something about it. "

Add Huang Dahe to the filing cabinet?

But is that really 'saving' him...

Seeing Li Pan hesitate for a while, Dr. Nimitz didn't ask any more questions. He moved his fingers and handed him a confidential SEC file.

"I am not a biology major. If you want to help this young man, I suggest you still find the team that Gao Tianyuan was responsible for specific projects. This is the list of Gao Tianyuan war criminals. Many people were killed, imprisoned, committed suicide, and were hired from outside. In short, almost Their whereabouts are unknown. It just depends on your luck. If you find someone, maybe you can be of some help."

Li Pan looked at the files. There were probably a few hundred people. Hey, he glanced at the crowd and recognized two of them.

Are Tamura Koji and Ohsumi Ryohei all from this team?

However, these two were young men at the time, ranked last, and looked like they were just low-level researchers. There are three core people in charge of the project. The project director is a lieutenant general named Mori Nari. This person can be found on the Internet. He is a kind of confidant and confidant to the head of the Oda family. , as the main staff officer and person in charge of the Oda family, he committed suicide and apologized when he was defeated and surrendered.

The remaining two lieutenants, Dr. Tomoko Akagi, a former SEC member, were fired and committed suicide. Dr. Hibiki Ohga, former SEC member, expelled, car accident.

Oh, Akagi, does this last name seem familiar... Well, yes, clan politics is like this, going around and around, to put it bluntly, the families living in Takamagahara are still playing house...

"However, it seems that this confidential information has not yet been declassified, right? Is it okay to give it to me?"

Li Pan looked at Dr. Nimitz.

"Doctor, what do you want?"

The latter is also quite straight-laced and candidly.

"The OS written by that boy is really good and can be worth a lot of money. I have already registered and applied for a patent for the technology in my name."

Li Pan nodded,

"So these are compensations for him?"

"It's not for him, it's for you, this person."

Dr. Nimitz flicked his fingers and overlaid the photos of one of the project leaders, Hibiki Dahe, and Dahe Huang, and the auxiliary software directly outlined the skull proportions.

Li Pan couldn't help but frown. Apart from slightly different skin color, eye color, and hair color, the two men had almost identical skeletons and facial features. Genetically cloned original body...

Dr. Nimitz explained,

"Okawa Hibiki is an expert in gene coordination, but he is only the second-in-command on this project, while Akagi Tomoko, who is in artificial intelligence, is the supervisor.

So that boy, I estimate, is not the 'final product' of this project, but just a 'part', a 'consumable', and screws that can be replaced at any time. "

"Parts? Screws?"

Dr. Nimitz asked the robot to give Li Pan a glass of water and continued,

"At that time, I don't know what kind of research Gao Tianyuan did, but they did successfully develop some interesting edge technologies, and exploded with incredible technology, once catching up with the committee's level, and this gave birth to rebellious ambitions. And we Finally, it was found that the source of these technologies came from some teenagers and girls.

'Whisperers', that's what they call them. It is said that these talented people can hear the call of another world, and naturally master some unprecedented technologies, but that is not so much the scientific side, but closer to your side. The presence.

The OS code written by that boy is something of that level... Forget it, I'll just say it straight away. It's autonomous AI, artificial intelligence and other prohibited technologies.

You have seen the performance of these SMS. Without the blessing of the OS, these things are just 'toys'. But now, they are all 'alive', just like 'monsters'...

Do you think that a young man like him can come up with such a technique with a flash of inspiration? Haha, don’t underestimate the blood and sweat of us researchers who work hard day and night...

Those things about him were born, and were directly 'engraved' in his brain by 'whispers in his ears'. You don’t even need to think about it, it’s just a biological hard drive, just output it directly.

Of course, once this ability is gradually activated, the 'whispering in the ear' will become clearer and louder, and will eventually fall into irreversible collapse.

Like I said, when you wake up at the age of twenty to twenty-five, once you get sick, you won’t survive for six months, and you are a consumable. "

Dr. Nimitz took a sip of tea and continued,

"Of course, Gao Tianyuan will not hand over this technology honestly. When the Oda family saw that the defeat was imminent, the core researchers of the project were immediately liquidated internally, and all the 'Whisperer' experimental subjects were Destroy it. We specially sent special forces but they couldn’t save it.

But we have always known that there must be some who slip through the cracks.

As long as the remnants of Gao Tianyuan can breathe and prevent them from being cornered and completely losing hope of a comeback, then they will definitely not be willing to complete the matter. There will definitely still be 'Whisperers' left, hiding in some corner of the world. .

He, ‘Huang Dahe’, is one of them.

If there is one, there will be a second. Twenty years have passed. If these were the last batch of embryos cultured at that time, they would have almost reached the age of awakening. Otherwise, do you think we still have Tokyo University and accept so many students? , why develop so many technology parks?

Do you think there is really such a big gap in intelligence between humans in this world and people in other worlds?

It's just digging for gold in the sand. "

"It's actually like this..."

Li Pan was also confused. Unexpectedly, the kid who lives next door is not only a real academic master, but also a real superman...

Dr. Nimitz looked at him,

"These things are a tacit understanding within the committee. Because you, the manager, have been in the job for a short time, you may not know it clearly. However, judging from the situation in the past two months, your company's 0791 business may still be managed by you for a long time. Responsible, so in order to avoid the recurrence of the last conflict and misunderstanding, today, on behalf of the SEC Committee, I will inform you of the inside information.

Regarding the local 'Whisperers' in 0791, the committee has already agreed that the SEC will track and register the whereabouts of each 'Whisperer', and if there is a 'Whisperer Technology' that wants to bid, the committee will bid for it.

Therefore, I hope you will strictly abide by the committee's bottom line in future contacts there. If you gain something, don't keep it for yourself and contact us in time. Of course, I know that your company's prices are always relatively high, but if you have a price, it's easy to negotiate. "

Whisperers, edge technology, illegal genetic modification, artificial intelligence, OS...

Damn it, every time I think I'm invincible, I always encounter a system update that releases a bunch of new settings. What the hell...

After talking to Dr. Nimitz, Li Pan left the building, and no one came to surround him. After all, they are really here for peaceful negotiations. How can they flip the table and tear their heads off like a lunatic if they disagree with each other...

In short, Li Pan Dunguang rushed back to the factory, and saw his shuttle parked in the yard from a distance, while Chengzi looked lonely and leaned on the balcony to smoke.

"Hmm? What's going on? Where is Yamato?"

Li Pan jumped to his side, his consciousness swept away, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Huang Dahe is no longer in the factory, but he was probably not kidnapped by someone from the SEC or the Security Bureau.

Kai Lian was still staying in the warehouse. After all, the 'Red Moon' had been detained by Panlong Company. Naturally, she was guarding her mecha and refused to leave. It seems that he likes this 'toy' very much.

That nonsense, a little two billion toy... Of course, to be honest, it won't go anywhere.

This time, their small team was almost wiped out, and three of the four mechas were lost. From the careful ambush arranged by Ye Shi and Li Ming, and the well-known action records of SEC, this was definitely not the work of a hellhound.

In other words, there may be something wrong within the Red Tengu. There is a high probability that there are traitors who have leaked their hiding place. In addition, the SEC has been keeping an eye on these banned technologies from beginning to end. The red tengu is just a fish belly and dog breast on someone else's chopping board.

Do you think you escaped? You just haven’t found the bigger cage yet…

Cheng Zi exhaled a long breath and came to his senses.

"He refused to quit, and he refused to go back to school. He went to find Akainu's contact person...all he could think about was revenge..."


Seeing her weak look, Li Pan knew that the mother and son were probably not very moved by the reunion, and they probably even had a quarrel. And thinking about the ‘Whisperer’ plan I just heard, I was scratching my head. There are some things that cannot be helped by speaking out, so in the end I just suppressed one sentence.

"At least he's alive, right?"

Orange smiled sadly,

"Still alive... If you hang out with those people, there is no way to survive. Sooner or later, you will die..."

Li Pan had nothing to say. He could withstand the pressure of Liming Company to protect Huang Dahe, or he could help pay off debts and money, or he could tie up his enemies to relieve his anger. You can even try to help find people related to the 'Whisperer' project and help Huang Dahe treat genetic defects. Or just recruit him.

But, Huang Dahe may not need his help and rescue at all.

There is a difference between people who voluntarily join the Red Tengu and people who are forced to become company dogs.

There are indeed a few people in this world who are not realists who make ends meet, but naive idealists.

The more these people's views are beaten by reality, the stronger they become, just like steel that has been tempered over time.

Huang Dahe is this kind of person. It is estimated that after the encounters and drastic changes in these few months, he will never be able to turn back into the good student who swallows his anger.

Now he is a rabid dog covered in blood and bruises.

This kind of person, once he makes up his mind, even nine cows can't pull him back.

But what are the consequences of resisting if you have been in the hands of the committee since birth?

Where did he think he could run to?

Nowadays, the security bureau's eyes and spies are everywhere near Panlong Factory. They don't come out to arrest people because of Li Pan's thin face.

Because the manager of Monster Company vouched for the ‘Whisperer’, not only would the OS be handed over to the SEC, but the testing of the mecha and the subsequent ‘Whisperer technology’ would also have to be reported on time.

So Huang Dahe's behavior now is just the rebellious period of teenagers.

And you can only resist for another six months at most, or even less...

Now Li Pan has figured it out.

At that time, if Huang Dahe is unwilling to join the company, wants to resist, and wants to die, then let him die.

Just let him indulge in the dream that can resist his own fate and drown to death.

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