I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 210 Endless Killings

Forget about killing all the people in the company, Li Pan is too lazy to chase the space army. Let Natasha Amakusa solve her own problem. Making money matters.

I found the designated container and took a quick look. The disguised Anais IV perfume pallets and packaging boxes were all there. Fortunately, the 500 billion worth of goods was saved. There are some other things in this mixed container, but Li Pan is in a rush for goods right now. He doesn't have time to unpack them, so he just grabs them together and puts them in the bag first.

So Li Pan directly swiped his card and bought a bunch of disposable rockets from the terminal logistics company. He quickly installed them on the freight container, and then launched them directly to the orbit with the container and the person. They were recovered by HAYABUSA, and they ran away after grabbing the items.

The delivery task was successfully completed.

What? Why didn't the Lunar Defense Force respond during the whole process?

What kind of reaction can there be? Didn't Li Pan report it? There is a company war, and idle people avoid it. He didn't touch anyone in the fleet, so there was no reason for them to get involved in the company's civil war.

Now don't worry about who paid for it or whose goods it is. Anyway, in a state of war, it's just you taking mine and I taking yours. What's the point?

So as long as the damaged port facilities and speeding violation fines are compensated, the task will be successfully completed, and the compensation will be a few hundred thousand, but this money can be included in the war damage and be reimbursed from the company's war reserve. . Great……

PONY, "Boss! The petrified fleet of Zhutian is jumping over!"

Li Pan, "Fuck! Call someone! Call someone!"

Nana, "2C12D6F! Interruption stance is being deployed! Cosmic ECM suppression! QVN link is disconnected!"

Damn, it came so quickly... But that's right, after all, the goods worth 500 billion yuan, they probably bought them at market price...

On the star map, twenty large and small ships arrived with Hua Guang and quickly deployed after entering the lunar orbit.

Looking at this fleet configuration, Zhutian Shihua is serious about it.

The Earth-Moon space is too crowded, full of ships, satellites, space junk, and various hidden defense systems. With policy restrictions of this kind and that, you will have to lose money if you are not careful. Therefore, unless you completely fall out, it is inconvenient for the company to directly Bring the battle-level ships over to fight the battle.

Therefore, the ship sent by Zhutian Petrochemical is probably also a PMC contractor under the group. There are only two cruisers. One is a heavy interceptor, which can directly open bubbles and activate the shipboard interference stance to prevent nearby ships from being overloaded. Warp support. The other one was a specialized electronic jamming ship. Strong battlefield interference blocked QVN communications.

The two ships did not get close, directly blocking the path between the earth and the moon, and spread out a large number of drones to build a defense line.

At the same time, the twelve destroyers were divided into two teams, with one team of eight destroyers surrounding the battlefield. They should be tactical destroyers. The destroyers themselves are not expensive, and they can also be transformed into specialized gunboats. They fire according to the coordinates provided by the fleet command. They purely supplement the output and are extremely cost-effective.

The other four ships are interceptor destroyers, equipped with small jump jammers. They are surrounded from all sides along the tangent of the lunar orbit. While scanning in a directional manner, they send out electromagnetic shocks to sweep the nearby airspace in search of the invisible HAYABUSA.

As for the six frigates, they all intercepted, electronic jamming and other disgusting things like flies, accelerated directly, and rushed towards the approximate coordinates of HAYABUSA to search for the target.

No matter how efficient the covert mobile device is, it will be scanned sooner or later if it is too close. Then there must be a bunch of jump blockers, winding tractor beams, energy-stealing power, ECM interference, and locked-in DEBUFFs. .

With a fragile hull like HAYABUSA, once discovered, it might not be able to withstand a salvo of fire. It might be possible to survive a few more rounds with full shields, but under the siege of a large number of electronic jamming ships, it certainly wouldn't be able to withstand it for long.

However, their goal is to grab goods, so they won't directly throw a mine to blast their ship. It will probably be a burst of rapid-fire cannon fire, smashing HAYABUSA into pieces and then picking up the trash.

There was no time to hesitate, Nana directly marked a route from the star map,

"There is still a chance! While the encirclement is not closed, use overload acceleration and take off directly!"

Yelena, who is now in charge of the driving position on the ship, objected.

"It's too risky! As soon as we start the jump program, the signal radius cannot be hidden, and we will definitely be discovered! Moreover, the energy is used to accelerate, and the shield may not be effective enough. Even if it is not destroyed, if it is caught up by their interception, it will be overloaded. Activate interference stance..."

Nana interrupted her,

"If you are stopped! Continue to maneuver at full speed and find the position. I will continue to lead and take off! Until you escape from the encirclement net! You must not stop, the stall will be over!"

"Let's do it! I'll go out and intercept for a while. If you can't stand it, abandon the ship! The first-aid expenses will be reimbursed by the company!

Anyway, there is Copernicus below. I tried it just now, and it was quite comfortable to lie down in the rescue cabin. "

So Li Pan quickly connected the MT380 prosthetic body to the rescue cabin, and the soul left the body to change back to the original body and enter combat mode.

After taking a deep breath and opening his eyes, Li Pan returned to his original form and rubbed his neck as he stood up. He felt like he had woken up from a deep dream and felt refreshed after a good sleep.

After a period of rest, the burden on the meridians caused by the previous war has been basically eliminated, and there should be no hidden dangers. Now I am full of energy and full of energy. At this time, with the 'white flag' in hand, Li Pan felt that he could start another murderous robbery at any time and kill hundreds of his company dogs...


"Holy crap! What's going on! He was shot right now?"

Before he could stand firm, there was a rumble, and violent jolts and explosions were heard from the ship's hull. This was obviously not a normal jump acceleration.

Li Pan quickly kicked open the container and rushed out. He saw red lights and alarms lighting up everywhere on the spacecraft. The three-headed dog man had already rushed to the rescue cabin neatly.

Li Pan yelled, "What's going on!"

Three-headed dogs have encountered this situation too many times, and the answer is simple and clear,


Really, the cruiser's internal systems have been paralyzed, ICE is collapsing, all holographic projections have failed, and there are only flashing emergency lights in the aisles. Noisy electronic sounds also came from the internal communication channel, and an implosion occurred somewhere. The hull creaked and screamed, as if a coffin was being squeezed and deformed.

grass? what's the situation? PONY 18 actually lost in the hacker battle? No, although the computing power of that PONY host is a bit poor, with the support of HAYABUSA's firewall, it is impossible to lose without warning, right?

Moreover, the QVN has been disconnected, and the other party should not have discovered the stealth cruiser. Where did the virus come from...

Then Li Pan saw Wangshan rushing past carrying a fire ax and splitting open the perfume container. An electromagnetic interference thunder was thrown directly into it.

"Either there is something wrong with this batch of goods! Or your prosthetic body was hit by a Trojan horse and brought the devil in!"

Li Pan also reacted instantly.

Yes, it was so sudden. It couldn't have been breached from the outside. It could only be that the internal link was infected with the virus golem! Isn't that the prosthetic body connected to his front foot?

Damn it, it’s impossible to guard against it! It seems that these corporate dogs are not simple either! With just a few cuts, he was actually poisoned!

Li Pan crashed through the deck in an instant, rushed into the lounge, grabbed the MT380 out of the survival cabin, and unplugged the cable.

Then he saw his prosthetic eyes glow red, and the plug-in in his brain burned directly under the severe overload. He turned his head and smiled at himself like an evil spirit in flames.

"Got you."

With a sullen face, Li Pan pressed the face of the prosthetic body and filled it with Xuanming ice energy, freezing the thing he had just spent twenty million on into ice cubes, crushing it into ice slag, and blasting it into mustard powder.

After a few seconds, the rustling sound and alarm were temporarily cancelled. It seemed that PONY had temporarily regained control.

And Yelena is still screaming in the channel,

"Damage control in area D is disabled! Get some people to put out the fire! The hatch in area C has been opened and closed manually! There is an engine startup failure! Engineering team! Fix it for me!"

Without any instructions, the three-headed dog, already wearing an SBS space suit, carried the maintenance equipment and ran rampantly inside the ship to put out the fire.

Li Pan gritted his teeth and smashed his broken prosthetic body at his feet.

Mudd! This time it’s overturned!

It seems that during the fight just now, the petrified person secretly got the devil.

Gee, it makes sense that VK prosthetics are so cheap. The smart system is so outdated! If you are hit by a golem, the anti-virus software won’t even respond! Dry!

It seems that you really can’t save a penny when fighting these corporate dogs...

The internal hacker's golem attack was temporarily lifted, but the battle was actually lost.

HAYABUSA's coordinates have been exposed in the attack. Now the hull is shaking violently. Not only is it entangled in a lot of net interference, it is also being subjected to long-range concentrated fire from the railgun.

If it weren't for Ms. Lin's special offer from TSC last time, the 200 million shields installed for them were all independent systems of HT Chaos Technology. The performance of the shields was also powerful enough to deflect and block the first wave of long-range barrages. Well, I'm afraid that the bullet just hit the target and hit them hard...

Nana didn't insist anymore and yelled directly into the newly restored communication system,

"4C12F! Another wave! Abandon ship, abandon ship, abandon ship!"

The three-headed dogs dropped their welding pliers and rushed towards the survival cabin.

Well, this situation is really unwinnable.

That can only be cheated.

Li Pan rushed back to the warehouse, raised the white flag, opened the hatch, and jumped into the vacuum.

Damn, can't see anything.

In the silent universe, apart from the moon underfoot, there were only stars and lights in the sky. From time to time, strings of blue lights flashed. The cannonballs projected from the darkness set off ripples on HAYABUSA's shield. And the strings of meteors whirling around the hull of the ship are the fleet that has been petrified from the sky.

Hardtop it.

Li Pan "whooped" and puffed out a large mouthful of Xuanming ice air. At the same time, he waved the 'white flag' in his hand. The cold air exploded and instantly surrounded the HAYABUSA cruiser, forming a thick ring of snow, fog and ice, covering most of it. The hull of the ship acted as an outer ice armor barrier, leaving only a gap for the rescue capsule to evacuate.

Of course, the defensive power of his black ice wall is not as good as that of alloy, but it can also interfere with radar tracking of enemies, as well as things like energy skimmers, ECMs, and signal jamming. And it can more or less withstand some shell bombardment, giving the crew on the ship time to evacuate.

Although he knew that continuing like this was not the answer, Li Pan didn't have any better solution for the time being.

It's okay if it's a close fight, but it's very difficult to counterattack at an ultra-long distance. Even if you don't look at the clearly marked marks on the radar map, the two sides are actually at least tens or hundreds of kilometers apart. Those frigates are maneuvering around at high speed. Every time After firing a volley, he would make a tactical leap from time to time and jump hundreds of miles away. It can't be seen clearly with the naked eye, so trying to lock it with your spiritual consciousness is a bit reluctant.

The key problem is that there are too many enemy ships around, and there are countless meteors in the sky. They are clearly support fleets sent by Zhutian Shihua. They are jumping over to besiege one by one. The distance is too far. I don’t know how the silver key can open the back door. You cannot travel directly through it.

What's more, Li Pan only had three silver keys in his hand, which were enough to blow up three ships. What about the rest?

Well, it seems that although the immortal cultivators who have reached the realm of 'training Qi to transform into gods' are powerful, they are still land gods and weapons against the ground. If you want to roam the sea of ​​stars, destroy fleets by yourself, crush the stars and conquer the world with your feet, it is still difficult, and you have to upgrade to another level.

However, this time the opponent came with an eye on the spices. They certainly couldn't explode the cargo with a burst of bombardment. They should send assault troops to board the ship. Then after all Panlong's crew retreated, Li Pan should still be able to act like Same as last time, use the Ice Soul Formation to fight and drag the battle back to your own rhythm...

"Why are you being cowardly! Just run over and chop!"

"Escape? Please, there is no water in a vacuum, and it is so far away. How can Yixianyou escape... Hmm? Who? Who is talking in my head! Did my mental illness attack as soon as I entered the universe?"

Then Li Pan had a lump in his throat, coughed, and spurted a golden light from his throat.

Jianwan ‘Fighting Ghost’ circled in front of Li Pan and made a cheerful sound.

"Li Pan! You have passed the tribulation, enlightened, and finally reached your cultivation level! I am so free!

What's the point of squatting and hiding in the formation? Come on, come on! I'll teach you the sword escape method, let's go to Killing Tribulation now! "

Li Pan was also speechless for a moment.

"Fucki, it turns out you can still talk..."

Fighting Ghost, "Hey! I am the first-grade Nanhai Jianwan! I am a spiritual treasure, and I live with the sword spirit! I can communicate with my spiritual consciousness, but your spiritual consciousness was too weak before and I couldn't hear it. I was too lazy to pay attention to it. It’s just you!”

Too lazy to answer, but quite talkative...

But it's true. From this point of view, it should be this breakthrough. After he stayed in seclusion for a period of time to stabilize his realm, and then practiced with Li Qingyun, his own soul gradually strengthened, and now he should have reached the level of a common fish in the early stage of 'infant formation' Level. In short, the magical power has become great again...

"Oh, you're so slow!" "Oh, shit!"

The 'Fighter Ghost' was probably impatient, and hit Li Pan between the eyebrows with a bang, punching him in the head.

Li Pan only felt a sword stabbed into his brain and his eyes were filled with sword light. The pain made him cover his forehead and spin in the vacuum.

However, when he closed his eyes, his retinas were filled with scarlet red, and a scripture technique appeared in the light of the sword. It was called "Introduction Guide to Basic Sword Controlling", which should be the method of sword escape.

But for the majestic magic skill of wielding a sword and flying immortals to have such a name, it is really a bitch...

Kenmaru Suki was so anxious that he circled around him.

"Quick, quick, quick! Quick, quick, quick! I haven't drank blood for many years! Quick, quick, quick! Once we learn how to do it, let's go to Killing Tribulation!"

Wow, you are going too far now to fight monsters now that you can move!

Fortunately, with the foundation laid by Xuanmen and the basic skills of the monkey sword, the "Introduction Guide to Basic Sword Controlling" was not difficult. Li Fugui quickly mastered the art of sword escape...

"Hmm, eh? It seems that the method is not working? It must be because I am not qualified enough! Fighting ghosts, is it because of the restrictions of heaven in this world that the sword technique cannot be used..."

Defeat the ghost is so anxious,

"Oh, you are so stupid! What you are cultivating now is Xuanming Zhenqi! You have to refine it into Xuanming Sword Qi and use the Jiuyao Sword Technique to activate it!

And in the void, beside the lunar sky, Xuan Ming's star power will definitely not be able to reach it! You can use the star power of the lunar sun and the four stars of Rahu Jidu to try it! "

"But, I haven't learned any Jiuyao Sword Technique...oh, is this right?"

Li Pan condensed a little monkey sword energy on his finger and showed it to Fighting Ghost.

The demon was furious,

"This is bullshit! This is sword energy refined from ordinary zhen qi! Even beginners can use it!

Hello! You can't even use the Jiuyao Sword Technique! Are you a disciple of my Sword Sect? "

Li Pan, "Ah, I..."

Fighting Ghost, "Oh, forget it, your Taoist body is too weak, you can practice for another hundred years! Replace it with my sword figurine!"

Li Pan, "Your sword figurine?"

Fugui said, "It's your sword figurine! The Taisha sword figurine! It's the black and rustic one!"

Li Pan, "Oh, oh...how to change it?"

Fugui said, "How come you don't know anything! Then how can you change it? Just change it now! Follow me! The soul is out of body! Worship the moon!"

The sword pill instantly turned into a golden light, and suddenly slashed into the void with a sword, and actually cut out the Taoist door in the void! This breaks the boundary and travels away!

At the same time, there was another flash of light in the corner of Li Pan's eyes. When he turned around to look, he realized that he had just been interrupted by the demon demon. His thoughts were spinning. In the blink of an eye, the ice wall barrier he had just built was completely destroyed by a round of fire from the enemy fleet. The volley fired destroyed most of it, and the sky was filled with ice, stone and frost crystals.

HAYABSA also received a shelling incident. Although 90% of the barrage was blocked by the shield, two or three shells still landed on the HAYABUSA hull, immediately shattering and tearing the outer alloy armor of the hull. The hull of the ship was shaken violently, and it seemed that it could no longer withstand it.

There was no time to hesitate.

Li Pan gritted his teeth, inserted the flag, blew out ice air from his mouth and continued to set up the formation, stabilizing the ice wall, then silently recited the Heart Sutra, his soul left his body, chased the sword light and crossed the door, turned around the void galaxy in one step, and landed on In the deep vacuum.

When he looked up, his eyes had changed to a sky of heaven and earth and stars. He came to the deep sky again, the empty meteorite mountain, and saw only the faceless, eyeless, mouthless, dark and pitch-black puppet. , is standing quietly in the void, looking up into the void, like a raised piece of coal on a meteorite.

So this is, Beichen Taisha Sword Figurine...

Okay, so strong!

It’s that feeling of seeing the guillotine meat grinder again!

When the living encounter something that can kill them, they are born with great fear!

Yes, Li Pan can see it this time too! This Taoist body is just a scabbard!

The sword sect girl Jiu Zi was exactly the same as what she saw and felt in Li Qingyun's dream, with a sword box hiding a sharp blade!

With the touch of his spiritual consciousness, Li Pan could sense the astonishing sword intent condensed in the mud!

The sharp edge is revealed, the murderous intent is clear, and the look is intimidating!

Then the Nendoroid on the other side spoke and made a ghost-killing sound,

"Come on, you've counted enough. This time it's my turn to pass the tribulation."

"Oh, it's your turn... I'll go! No, why are they coming one after another!"

Li Pan finally came to his senses.

So the killing, thunder, and body tribulations are all calculated separately for each clone? Then you can't just go through your own calamity, do you still need his ontological consciousness to go through the process? ?

Oh, then he finished Li Pan's robbery, and then went to Li Qingyun to kill. Li Qingyun killed him, and he switched to Li Clay to kill, not to mention that the first, second, third, and fourth generations of Li Xuehong were also lined up one after another. Team, after passing here, passing there, going through tribulations without stopping? This guy really doesn't even have time to take a breath! Even more tiring than working! !

The clay doll spread its hands,

"Then who asked you to cultivate so many clones on your own? And don't be born into blessings and don't know the blessings. Many people want to go through tribulations but haven't had the chance!"

Li Pan couldn't help it anymore.

"Don't be kidding, I've experienced a murderous calamity! You think I haven't experienced it! I accidentally died under the influence of others, perished in the calamity, and was reincarnated, okay?

After finally escaping from the mortal world and becoming an immortal, who would rush to seek death? "

The clay doll seemed to chuckle,

"Haha! Wealth is sought in danger, and the sword of heaven comes down!

I, a member of the Xuanmen, cultivate the way to gain popularity and compete with heaven for my destiny!

Avenue fifty! I take forty-nine!

You have to fight for your freedom and your breath! How can this be done without committing massacres?

Don't fight! Don’t fight! Don't grab it!

This amazing Taoism and great opportunity! Will God give it to you for free? "

"Hey, okay, it seems to make sense... Oh, forget it, I don't have time to talk nonsense! I'll just get over it! Come on! Change!"

Li Pan cast his soul into the clay sword figurine.

The blue light turned, passed through the body, and then shot into the clay doll divine court, falling into a vast brilliance and sword light storm!


This is not a sheath!

It is the furnace for forging swords!

Ten ways, hundreds of ways, thousands of ways!

I saw countless sword lights! Nine-color sword rainbow! It's brewing inside this mediocre doll!

The sword light and sword shadow spirally bloom in the inner sea of ​​consciousness! Endless sword shadows flash and jump! Fight with each other! Fight to the death! Fight for your fate!

As Li Pan's soul enters his body, he shares the same hatred with the enemy! They all came to strangle him!

Only the strongest! The sharpest! The most advantageous one! Only then are you qualified to stand out!

this! It’s the Sword Sect’s method!

this! This is the way of the Sword Sect!

Good guy! This is where the tribulation begins!

Fortunately, Li Pan's arithmetic was just okay, and he could barely pass the test. This "Heart Sutra of Slaying Evils" was also a magical skill from the Penglai Town School, and the projection of his soul was even half a point faster than the light of the sword.

Then there was an elegant shuttle of electric light and flint, flashing past the oncoming opponent, and the smooth sword rainbow rushed through the billowing sword array against the sword rain.

Li Pan's soul finally passed through the sword formation, fell into the core of the divine court, and gained control of the sword figurines.

Then with a flash of his spiritual consciousness, he understood the internal structure of the sword figurine body, the meridians map, and the method of cultivation.

Coupled with what I have learned throughout my life and the "Getting Started Guide" I just got, I have a good idea of ​​what to do after a quick glance at the instructions.

I see,

This 'sword figurine' is not only a scabbard for hiding swords, but also a furnace for forging swords, and a Taoist body that nurtures the sword's will!

And his sword pill kills ghosts. In fact, it is the sword yuan golden elixir of this sword figurine Taoist body!

No, it is no longer the realm of ‘forming pills’, but the realm of ‘forming babies’!

Sword Infant defeats ghosts!

And with the return of Li Pan, the soul of the god of sword figurines.

The new Tao body is completed!

I am the sword

The sword is me

Sword turned fetus

Man and sword unite

This is what I am,

Beichen’s true biography!

Taisha sword puppet!

Li Fugui!

Then Li Fugui opened his eyes.

Two rays of light burst out of the cocoon and opened straight into the sky!

The sword that stretched across the sky seemed to cut apart the stars.

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