I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 256 Tower of Night Murder Case

The story is very cliche.

A long time ago, there was a king who sold his soul to a vampire in order to live forever. Since then, the people have been ruled by evil vampire aristocrats and have been tortured and enslaved.

People who could not bear the cruel exploitation and oppression launched an uprising and vowed to never surrender, never compromise, never give up until death.

So as you wished, all the untouchables who resisted were killed.

There was a girl among these untouchables. Because she looked like the dead daughter of the vampire prince, she was used as a substitute. She received her first embrace, was brainwashed, and became a night knight. She became the enemy's dog and hunted her own. Compatriots and comrades.

Then one day, she suffered from blood thirst and almost died, but was rescued.

Also rescued were the dusty memories and hatred that had long been buried by death.

Mu Ran looked back, four hundred years of time intertwined, and the years flew by like a white horse.

People are very complicated, and people are also very weak.

So it’s not like the girl hasn’t thought about it.

Otherwise, just forget it?

Until she returned to her hometown and took another look.

I took a look at the future chosen by those humans who chose to surrender, compromise, and give up.

That is no longer the future of humanity.

It's domestic animals.

Then, the girl remembered her name.


Daughter of a slave.

The daughter of a rebel.

The Avenger's Daughter.

So she took her revenge and brought closure to her story.


"All the company's implants have been removed. No tracking or login information should be retained. The face has also been reshaped, and the hair color and skin color have been changed to be more localized."

Li Pan clicked on the card reader and punched hundreds of W's for the prosthetic doctor who graduated from Tokyo University but worked part-time in the Whirlpool Gang.

"Save her."

"Hey! Why do you always bring me corpses like those that have been rolled over by a train!

This one is even more outrageous, it looks like a lion chewed half of it and spat it out from his mouth! "

Even though the Uzumaki Gang prosthetic doctor said this, he still opened his eight arms and began to work wildly to reconstruct the flesh and blood on the operating table into a human form.

Li Pan himself often dissects vampires and humans, so he is also very aware of the huge difference between the two.

Although vampires do not use maggots but prosthetic bodies transformed from the human body, the internal organs in the body have long lost their original functions and have been transformed into organs for digesting blood. They have lost their biological characteristics of eating, digestion, blood production, and reproduction, and are like a dead body. , a piece of dead meat is almost the same.

Although the Night Knights can also use some of Ye's own brands, jihad equipment, and specially produced implants, their system is incompatible with the mainstream BBA version on the market.

After all, blood hunger and a little bit of magic are not a problem that can be solved by simply installing a set of three thousand times sensitivity, a small spiral acceleration motor, and an Armstrong-style Armstrong cannon.

Not only is there a way to properly fill an organ with blood, but the sympathetic nerves are also affected by the cursed blood, and the brain can only obtain dopamine through fresh blood.

In other words, only when you suck blood can you feel the pleasure of leveling up.

So vampires usually watch ghost movies where you take a sip and I take a sip. Ahem, I'm going too far...

But now on the operating table, K, no, the resurrected Joanne, has had her body structure completely changed.

It's a human being. Li Pan has killed all kinds of monsters and monsters, so of course it can be seen. Her anatomy literally became human.

Is this the law of a higher dimension, the wish of the Holy Grail, the true resurrection...

Four hundred years, even four hundred years can bring it back? This is too outrageous...

"It's been repaired. There are no fatal injuries to the core organs. The fractures, fractures, bleeding, and ruptured internal organs have all been sutured. I've installed an auxiliary exoskeleton. I'll buy some anti-inflammatory medicine and don't do strenuous exercise. I'll be able to move after a few months of rest.

Hey, seriously, can you please stop having so much fun? You've used up all the supplies in my inventory. If you keep doing this, I'll have to pay more! "

"Are you relying on me to take care of your business? Do you want to increase my price?"

"Ah! Help you save one, and I can save several more! Let's go, let's go! Don't occupy the operating table!"

Li Pan was also speechless, but there were indeed many strange creatures from the Whirlpool Gang sending teams outside. Then he helped Qionni out of the clinic.

"How are you? The things he uses are all medical products. They have no combat function, but the load is smaller."

From the Vampire Knight Commander K who single-handedly killed the prince, to an ordinary person with no strength, Joni was so weak that she could hardly stand. Her face was so pale that she shook her head and smiled.

"It turns out that being a human being is so difficult, tiring and painful..."

Li Pan glanced at her and handed her a bag of nutritional ointment.

"Hey, wasn't it cool when you hid it from me and went for revenge alone? It hurts now. Eat, electrolyte mashed potatoes."

Joanie took a sip and frowned.

"Ugh! Ugh! What the hell is this! Why does it taste so bad!?"

"The original flavor is like this. It has a lot of additives and can last for ten years without taking it apart. It forces you to spend an extra dollar or a few cents to upgrade the flavor. But the Whirlpool Gang removed all the seasoning boxes from the vending machine. It’s just this kind of thing, and we’ll make do with it.”

Seeing Li Pan helping Qiongni out, Serena also quickly removed the optical camouflage and drove over. After they got on the motorcycle, she released the drone and activated full-range optical invisibility to hide the traces of the two of them.

Serena, "Now the whole city is under martial law and there are troops everywhere. Where are we going?"

Li Pan entered the coordinates,

"No, just hide here. There is no security system monitoring this industrial area, and there are other things guarding it. It's the safest.

Serena, send us to this coordinate first. Then go to where my motorcycle is stashed. "

Qiongni was also in a daze. When she came to her senses, she was helped to an apartment in the industrial area by Li Pan.

"...where is this?"

Li Pan took out a plastic bag from the sink, took out the unlocked apartment card, swiped the door open, and handed it to Qiongni.

"My ex-girlfriend's apartment. These buildings are the home of the Uzumaki Gang. The staff dormitories are built according to the standards of a family of three. The three-headed dogs have not broken in, and the Uzumaki Gang is still doing property maintenance.

Although there is no public network, there is water, electricity, and a vending machine for original nutritional cream. They are worried about being besieged for a long time and have a lot of food reserves.

Oh, don’t worry, there are seasonings in the kitchen and gourmet food Mewtwo.

You can rest assured to practice here, there are stand-alone game consoles, Mewtwo helmets, and magazines. You can stay at home for a year and a half. "

Li Pan helped Qiongni to the beanbag and opened the ventilation system and window sill, letting the sunlight come in and shine on her face.

Bathed in the golden light, Qiongni felt a little dazed for a moment.

"Your...ex-girlfriend? She has..."

"Oh, she's not dead after all. She's living in peace and happiness in Europe. Leave her alone, I don't even remember what she looks like..."

Li Pan took out a plastic bag from the ceiling compartment of the toilet and handed it to Qiongni.

"But that guy is a hamster and likes to hide things here and there. These are the private money she has hidden, as well as a spare external communication headband, pistol, and first aid kit. Just keep it for self-defense for the time being. I will replenish it for her later. .”

Joni nodded, "Thank you...Actually...I never thought I could survive..."

"As long as you want to live, there is always a way to survive."

Li Pan shrugged and slapped a few more bloody paw prints on the door and windows. Unless the rail cannons swept them down again, she would be armed to the teeth.

"I guess Ye Shi will be keeping a close eye on me in the past few days, so it's not convenient for me to meet you for the time being. Let's wait for the limelight to pass. I'll find some connections to help you apply for a residence permit and join the social security system, and then come to my company as the security captain... …”

Then he looked back at Joanie, who was already lying on the sofa, bathed in the sunshine, and fell asleep quietly.

"Sleep well, and when you wake up, enjoy your new life."

Li Pan closed the door for her and left, activated the stealth overload, Superman jumped three times and two times, left the industrial area, and parkoured all the way to the SEC Technology Park.

Sure enough, densely packed Ye clan troops, large and small bat drones, and uneven black latex knights were already blocking the entrance to the park.

But after all, it is an industrial park under the SEC, they dare not enter, and the number is a bit small...

Speaking of which, he only cleans the Tower of Night once or twice. It seems a bit disrespectful to only send so few people here?

So Li Pan simply turned off his invisibility, put his hands in his pockets, and swaggered to the gate of the park in front of everyone's attention. Suddenly he stopped, turned around and roared,

"What are you looking at!"

Everyone was caught off guard and quickly looked away, making the scene awkward.

Um? So civilized and polite? It doesn't look like he's here to fight...

Li Pan raised his eyebrows and returned to the company's research institute.

There were two rows of eight men in black standing guard at the door, one row of night knights and one row of Security Bureau agents. All eight of them had combat prosthetics at full overload. When they saw Li Pan walking over, even the muscles in their buttocks tensed up. Nervous.

What kind of situation is it like going to the execution ground?

Li Pan shrugged, opened the door and walked into the company. Director Akagi and an elder of the Ye family were sitting on the bench in the hall with a gloomy face.

"Hey, isn't this the director? It's too late to welcome him from afar."

Li Pan took a look and found that the door was closed.

"Why is no one pouring saliva for you? Where is the priest?"

The customer service robot sitting behind the counter playing with his mobile phone. Shiba said,

"Boss, 0113007 is conducting secret experiments, and the company does not accept visits from foreign guests for the time being."

Li Pan shrugged, "Okay, I'll receive you. What's the matter?"

Director Akagi adjusted his glasses.

"Manager Li, can I ask where you were just now?"

Li Pan buttoned his nose,


Elder Ye clan gritted his teeth and glared at him.

Li Pan raised his eyebrows,

"What for? I killed your father so fiercely? Director, look at him glaring at me! Does this count as provoking trouble? Can I flatter him?"

Director Akagi was quite calm and said without changing his expression,

"A criminal case has occurred. You are an important witness and I have some questions for you.

However, given that NCPA has lost its functions and the bureau is short of manpower, I don’t think it is necessary to go to the bureau to take notes.

So there is no need to trouble the legal affairs. If you have any questions, let’s discuss it privately first. "

"Oh, in private, right? Eighteen?"

The customer service robot Shiba didn't even raise his head and gestured OK, "Don't worry, boss, the internet has been disconnected."

Elder Ye's eyes squinted at her.

Li Pan shrugged, "Then let's communicate."

Director Akagi spread his hand and revealed a piece of blackened ashes on the throne, which looked like someone had pulled it onto the seat.

"Late last night, 0791 Consul, Prince Cornelius was assassinated..."

Li Pan's expression was exaggerated, "Nani! The prince has been assassinated! What a hen!"

"You're riding a horse!"

Elder Ye almost pulled out his sword.

Director Akagi remained expressionless and continued,

"...You made an appointment to meet the prince last night and entered the Tower of Night, right?"

Li Pan looked at his fingers,

"Oh, I went back before the elevator door opened. Oh! It was a secret room murder!"

The elder couldn't bear it anymore and roared angrily,

"Secret room murder you ghost! The elevator has been repaired a long time ago!"

"I said it didn't open, so it didn't open! Why don't you call the elevator to confront me?"

"You, what are you talking about? There is a video!"

"You have a video and you still ask questions! Go sue me! XXX!"

The two of them yelled at each other for a while.

Director Akagi still had nothing to express and went directly to the next question.

"Have you met Knight Commander Kate Cornelius of Ye Company recently?"

Li Pan shook his head neatly.

"do not have."

The elder jumped out again,

"Nonsense! There are witnesses who saw you two racing together just two days ago! She also came out of the Baofeng Hotel where you stayed! She even transferred the ownership of the motorcycle to you! How dare you say you haven't seen her before!"

Li Pan said oh,

"Oh, you're talking about K. Yes, I sold my blood to her. She paid for it with a motorcycle. What, it's against the law? Then I have to pay some tax?"

Elder, "Hiss——"

Director Akagi said slowly,

"In short, Knight Commander Cornelius is missing and is suspected of committing a major crime. He is wanted by the Security Committee and has a reward of tens of billions from the Ye family.

Assisting in an escape, failing to report knowledge, and harboring a murderer are also serious crimes. "

Li Pan nodded repeatedly,

"I see, that's it. Then when I see K one day, I will definitely persuade her to surrender, abandon evil and do good, and change her evil ways."

Director Akagi also nodded,

"Sorry to trouble you."

Elder, "Ah, ah?? That's it!? This guy is that bitch's concubine! He's obviously an accessory! Aren't you going to arrest him?"

Director Akagi turned his head, looked at Elder Ye, and pointed at a piece of ashes on the holographic projection.

“The security system is not monitored inside the Tower of Night, especially inside the Prince’s Court, so currently our company does not have sufficient evidence to make similar accusations.

Of course, if your company has physical evidence and is willing to show the surveillance video of the Tower of Night when the Archon was assassinated, this case will be much simpler. "

Li Pan was also a little curious and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, where is the surveillance? Ah, isn't it someone who wants to dig a hole and frame me? Wow! Fortunately, it has nothing to do with me!"

What was strange was that the elder just bit his lip and stared at Li Pan without saying a word.

Hi? No way? Is there really no monitoring at all? Another prince died? Why is it that Ye Shi really doesn't dare to break up with him or something?

But speaking of it, the situation in the Tower of Night last night was really inexplicable.

At first glance, it seems that K desperately assassinated the prince to take revenge, but when he thought about it carefully, the assassination revealed all kinds of weirdness.

Although the prince got up too early.

Although K's strength has improved.

But where can it be that simple?

Such as the Tower of Night, the Disappearing Monitor, the Guard and the Knight. Can such security guards in the core area be transferred away by a knight commander?

The previous Knight Commander K could only stand guard at the door and couldn't even go into the building or enter the elevator, right?

Another example is the three monsters K used to kill the prince.

Yes, three pieces.

‘Claymore Demon-Slaying Great Sword’ ‘Helios’ Golden Robe and Golden Crown’

I have already seen the 'Golden Robe' and 'Golden Crown' in the theater, and the 'Big Sword' is also a weapon that can restrain the vampires.

These three items are monsters that can cause fatal damage to prince-level vampires, so they are closely guarded by the Ye Group. All sacrificial rituals and security procedures are the responsibility of the Ye family, and not even the Monster Company can easily get involved.

But K did it.

Even if she is the knight captain, what is she trying to do by taking away three monsters targeting the prince at once? Didn't anyone inside the Ye family notice it?

This time, Li Pan's interview appointment was also obtained by people inside the Ye family, and was arranged at the time of the assassination.

You could call it pure coincidence.

It can also be said that he was deliberately framed.

In other words, he was actually assigned to do the finishing work.

Yes, in fact, you don’t have to think too much. If you tell Li Pan as soon as you come up, Pan, do yourself a favor and kill the consul of the committee, the prince of the Ye family.

Then even if you are as reckless as Li Pan, you still need to have three consecutive qualities. Is there something wrong with me riding a horse? Who are you riding on? ? How much does it cost? ? ?

However, if K's assassination failed and the scene of being killed by the prince was seen by Li Pan... then oh, Prince Cornelius would have to follow the same fate as the previous two, and he would not be able to survive.

Yes, totally arranged.

There may be people within the Ye clan who want Prince Cornelius dead.

What happened this time, as well as Ye's reaction, were, as expected, far higher than the revenge of a mere girl. It was a matter of life and death...

Office fighting.

The answer lies in the riddle, the prince is indeed dead.

After all, if it hadn't been for him, Prince Cornelius, who tore up the "Holy Grail Purchase Agreement" that Ye Shi and Monster Company had almost negotiated, and turned the matter into a bidding war. The 0791 plane is still firmly in the hands of this group of vampires. How could it be in such chaos?

I have finally been stable for twenty years, and I am seeing returns on my investments, and I can start making money. Why are you doing this?

Fighting all day long, there is a fleet battle, there is a nuclear explosion by a terrorist organization, the rich people have all killed the ball of light, their investment has been spilled, and they have not earned a cent back, and they can't get the Holy Grail, I don't know How long will we continue to fight? How the hell will we make money in this crappy place in the future? What kind of loan? ?

So what if he is a consul? As the top manager of the company in 0791, your business failed and the stock price plummeted, causing the shareholders of the board of directors to suffer huge losses! Being involved in endless wars at the same time, shouldn’t you be responsible? ?

Go ahead and die, the prince is worthless anyway, just get promoted to another one.

That's probably what happened. The truth may be a little more complicated, or there may be some factional struggles within the prince's family, personal grudges, or something like that.

At least that's what Li Pan understood. And judging from the faces of the director and elders, they probably can think of this.

Finally, after holding it in for a long time, the elder looked extremely ugly and seemed unwilling to give up. He gritted his teeth and said,

"Okay, I don't care about other things, but why is the murder weapon missing?"

"Oh...it turns out you are looking for the murder weapon..."

Li Pan finally understood. No wonder. In fact, to Ye Shi, whether the prince or K, they were all minor roles.

The assassination was carried out until Prince Cornelius was burned to ashes on the throne. In fact, there was no problem at all.

Then something went wrong, the three monster pieces were lost.

Well, where else can I throw it away? Li Pan is from Monster Company, right? After seeing the monster, can he let it go? Is he someone who is afraid of trouble? He is trouble!

Since Ye's family didn't arrange any guards, they all ran as far as they could and stayed out of the incident. No one stopped him from saving people, so Li Pan was naturally rude.

Just help others to the end, take the three monsters with a roll of Blood God Son, and take them back to the general manager's office in the heart of the city together with the Holy Grail.

He even typed up the report when Joanie was having surgery, and earned three keys. Thank you...

"Then how the hell do I know! I'm not the murderer! I think the murder weapon and other things must have been disposed of long ago!"

"You, you guy!"

Director Akagi looked at these two people. The elder looked stern but the manager looked arrogant and did whatever he wanted. He immediately judged the strength of the companies on both sides and knew that Ye Shi would definitely not dare to take action.

He might as well stop wasting time in a place like this. He stood up and said,

"Thank you for your assistance. If you still remember any details related to the case, you can contact the Security Bureau."

"Of course, of course. I am a legal citizen who fully supports the committee. I cooperate with the Security Bureau the most. You are welcome to come and sit down. Please keep in touch."


"Humph! What the hell! I'm killing you like a dog just for the sake of the director! Get out of here! Oh, director, I'm not talking about you. You walk slowly, walk slowly."

In short, Li Pan dismissed these uninvited guests with a few words. The priest then opened the door and came out.

"Boss, the PCC terminal has been installed on the KAWAU level and the company's base station. Please settle the balance."

Dry! That’s what you’re busy with inside!

Well, after all, he was going to serve as planned, so Li Pan found that Cyborg again and spent 10 million to build a KAWAU logistics ship and donate it to the fleet to serve as the commander of the new recruits of the 452 Engineering Group. Of course, PCC will not donate.

Li Pan took the tablet and signed the quotation.

"How does this thing work?"

The priest made 30 billion with tears and blood, and happily brought Li Pan to the inside of the research room.

Through the glass of the clean room, I watched an armillary sphere-like device installed during the experiment. The device was composed of multiple metal rings. In the center of the ring, there was a plasma light ball that seemed to be bound by a magnetic field, shining purple. halo, and lavender particle wind sand pours out from it.

"This is the Lingshu beacon, the entrance to the spiritual world, and a module installed on the KAWAU-class logistics cruiser donated by you, the manager. It can also be disassembled and installed on other ships in the future.

Even if there is no QVN communication, psykers can transfer to the spiritual world through the beacon as long as they are within the PCC's sensing range. The direct spiritual network between the two beacons has been constructed.

After two days, your murloc body is returned to the laboratory. From now on, you can commute back and forth through the PCC even if you are 1,300 light years away. "

Li Pan stared at him in disbelief.

"I've been assigned to a place 1,300 light years away and still have to commute and clock in??"

The priest shrugged, "I'm just giving you an example. If you don't clock in, you won't have perfect attendance."

Li Pan, "Do it!"

"By the way, if you are really bored."

The priest took out a golden circle and held it with both hands, without any contact. The golden circle floated on its own, buzzed and vibrated for a moment, and split into two, four, or eight, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, and sometimes spinning. Sometimes the ring is set, and sometimes the planet wheel is used. The whole process is not in contact with the hand.

"This is made of metal that is a specialty of the 011 world. It is a prop used to train psychic abilities. You can practice it. As you can see, it is the basis for debugging the PCC beacon."

The golden circle shrank into one and flew into Li Pan's hand.

Li Pan weighed it and felt that it was just an ordinary ring. He imitated the priest, held the ring in his palm and stared at it for a while, but the ring did not move at all.

"It's so difficult. I've just awakened my psychic abilities. Isn't it a little early to start practicing such a difficult course as PCC?"

Priest, “…this is kindergarten level.”

Li Pan, "...do it."

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