I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 371 Gatekeeper

The great cultivator in the refining stage stabbed Li Pan with his sword. Li Pan did not dare to underestimate him. When he closed his palms, a pair of female palms emerged from the lake below him. The palms were dark purple in color and closed like lotus buds, covering him. He threw himself into his palms to protect him.

Then a flash of sword light flashed, Chixia flew forward and slashed with her sword, cutting off ten fingers with one sword, splitting the purse and palm, but the figure in it disappeared.

Chixia held her sword behind her back and said in the array thousands of miles away,

"Friend, you are young and have great abilities. You have such an opportunity, and you have gained unpredictable magical powers. You have a bright future. If you do something bad, why collude with the devil and go against the will of heaven. You will be punished by the gods. It will be safe to turn back. , it’s not too late!”

Li Pan also replied in the formation,

"Friend, God, it's a shame."

Chixia choked.

"Hmph! Arrogant!"

She jumped up, flew forward and stabbed with her sword. She had obviously found Li Pan's location by listening to the sound.

When the sword thrust out, it also shone with red light, and the sword energy made the lake water split open on both sides, revealing the human palm buds hidden in the lake.

Chixia stabbed the flower bud with another sword, and the sword light shattered the flower bud, but it was still empty and without a trace.

Chixia also frowned, her skirt was soaked by the lake water and stuck to her flesh, muttering to herself

"Transformation thousands of miles away, or..."

Then a pair of palms stretched out from the calm lake surface, and the ten hands spread out, like a lotus pond in full bloom, and human figures with no face, no eyes, and no mouths sat firmly in the lotus palms and appeared in front of Chixia, Said in unison,

"Friend, can you show me some real skills? It's funny how you look like I'm so motivating people."

"Okay, let me show you my true abilities!"

Chixia pinched the secret and muttered silently, then she raised her skirt and stepped on her foot, with a click, as if by magic, her whole body turned into a red cloud, and then divided into three, like Three red dragons chased the lotus flowers.

Then there were three thunderclaps, Chixia emerged from the three red winds one after another, quickly transformed and changed positions, swung her sword and slashed. The wind blew across the sword in her hand, and in an instant she chopped the large lotus pond in her palm into pieces. .

But still nothing. The person's shadow was blown away by the sword wind, disappearing like ripples of water without a trace.

Chixia couldn't help but stop in the lotus pond and look around intently.

"...What kind of strange illusion is it?"

Then Li Pan's voice sounded from all directions again, and the lotus flowers in his palms bloomed all over the sky.

"Friend, your movements are really slow. Your belly is showing. You don't exercise often, right? If you continue like this, you will be as fat as a hippopotamus. Hahaha! Hahaha!"

"you wanna die!!"

Chixia was furious, danced with sword flowers, and turned the red sword back into a folding fan. She held the fan in her right hand and used her left hand as a sword finger.

"...Fuhua Tianwang, descending to settle the heaven; the heaven and earth are dark and yellow, the magic of yin and yang, the heavenly net, the earth Yama; the sword of wisdom is unsheathed, slaying demons and spirits, the magic weapon fire emerges the Holy Spirit, Hunyuan Taiyi, pull out Killing monsters for sins is like an edict!”

After reading this long article, at least ten seconds passed. The fan in Chixia's hand spontaneously ignited without any wind, and the surface of the fan was burned by invisible flames, as if some seal had been released.

Then she flicked her wrist and swung the fan into the sky. The thirty-six fan bones grew in the wind and turned into thirty-six ebony swords. The swords glowed with red edges and flew all over the sky for a while, circling like planetary wheels. Chixia all over.

And Chixia also sat cross-legged on the water surface, made a finger,

"Hunyuan Wuji, Qiantian Sword Intent, refine the divine sword, the sword returns to Wuji, the sun and moon shine together, the divine sword subdues demons!"

It was too late to say, but it was too soon. The thirty-six swords bloomed and exploded, scattering like meteors. In an instant, they shattered countless purses and palms in the surrounding space. At the same time, countless swords and swords were refracted from the red sword comets. Qi formed a sword formation of its own, swirling like a star cluster in the sky, shattering and destroying all the magic bodies in the formation. It was truly devastating and extremely powerful.

Well, don't tell me, this trick can really make you lose weight visibly. So all that fat is energy? It's so reasonable...

And to be fair, it is indeed quite strong.

Each strike of the sword star was as powerful as a nuclear bomb, instantly blasting Li Pan's countless clones to pieces. This shows that this Fairy Chixia of Wuyilou of Hunyuan Dao is not just a freeloader, but has some real abilities.

After all, in the realm of refining gods, such a big panel is placed there. Although it looks a little fat, its frame is so strong that even an A level one can still deal explosive damage.

Not to mention that she has obtained half of the true biography of Hunyuan Dao and has profound skills. Even though she fell into Li Pan's formation and was blocked from heaven and earth, unable to borrow spiritual energy, she could still rely on the fat and ahem magic power she had accumulated over the years to practice. The fairy sword and magic weapon exerted such earth-shattering power. It’s not simple anymore.

This is definitely the eighth-level combat power of destroying cities and destroying stars. Blood princes and the like should not be her enemies in one go. If you pull out the pile driving data and look at it, the output will definitely explode.

But then again, even if she gets to the end like this and actually gets in front of the mule, I'm afraid Fairy Chixia will be the one who gets hit.

After all, Li Pan's real body was also hiding in the core of the earth. He stared at the palms of the statue of a young woman with big eyes and small eyes. He watched the live broadcast in the Dead Soul Array for a while.

This Chixia is really not pretending, she is real. She doesn’t understand any formations, can’t do a shred of arithmetic, and doesn’t even have the common sense of the Six Arts of Xuanmen. She’s just beating around with her head covered...

A sound can be heard thousands of miles away, can you identify its location by listening to it?

No, you are not mistaken, right? If you fall into someone else's formation, how dare you rely on listening to identify positions to move and lock the enemy? Your five senses and six senses have been controlled by others, sisters! You don't even know how to lock your consciousness, but you just stupefied enough to throw a special move like Meteor Sword Rain at the clone illusion? Aren’t the divine religions that reckless?

And what's going on with the flying sword? Is that really a flying sword? How can I put it, the power is not bad...but you are flying too slowly! The intelligence is too low! And why are the attribute points focused on attack power? Penetration, sure kill, critical hit, defense breaking, magic breaking, gas breaking? When Li Fugui forms a sword baby, he can cut through the void with his sword! Why do you, such a dignified god cultivator, only have this little ability! Is this also called Sword Immortal? ?

And after all, what happened to that sword formation? Is that a great trick? No, reading the article is too slow! ! Ten seconds, ten seconds! ! I can kill you hundreds of times! !

And that formation sword track, is that really what it is? Is it just a uniform spiral planetary wheel? No other changes? Don’t you have any backup options? It’s really too retarded to be fake! The gap is too big! There are too many flaws! At least you can change gears! It's okay to throw out all thirty-six swords, but at least keep two for protection!

After all, your heart is too big! You really think I'm fighting with you, so I just sit there and don't move. Hey! And he’s still reciting a mantra! If you don't read the article attentively, wouldn't you still be able to control a sword formation of this level? Can you just say it silently in your mind? Don't act like a primary school student who just established his foundation!

Li Pan rubbed his brows. There were too many flaws. For a moment, he suspected that the other party was deliberately showing weakness and had other agendas. However, since they were both practicing gods, they were pretending to be a bit too weak-minded. He was also suspicious for a while, worrying about gains and losses. It was so exhausting to analyze.

Too weak, really too weak. If Chixia is not pretending, then she is too weak. No, it cannot be said that she is weak. She is indeed a great monk who refines gods. The data is there, but Her fighting thinking is very naive, just... it's as if... she has never seriously fought with others or fought with swords...

Huh? Uh, oh...Is that because of this?

Li Pan suddenly had a guess, but is it true?

Sure enough, as Chixia said, the Nine Dao Sect is unique in heaven and earth, and it is rare to see it in a thousand years. So there are really too few people in this world who can get the true inheritance. Even some monsters and demons are suppressed and not allowed to move, and they are also explicitly prohibited from doing so. They hide their immortal magic and are not allowed to interfere with mortal things. So what chance do they have to hone their tactics and improve their skills?

In contrast, the three major sects had group fights all day long. Brothers from the same sect would catch each other and kill each other. They would fight swords for three days and five days, and they could kill a corpse with just a glance. Mountains and seas of blood...

But having said that...

Li Pan scratched his head, hesitating whether to slap Chixia to death.

It's not bragging, he can really kill this god-refining monk with one slap.

After all, the Dead Soul Array with the Ten Ultimate Blood Barrels is basically the pinnacle of the three major sects' secret arts. It is usually used to attack mountains and destroy sects. When this kind of array is put out, it is related to the first-level energy of the three major sects. Are you kidding me? Of?

Although Chixia's cultivation level is extremely high, she has very few magical powers, and her tricks are very rubbish. She just relies on her cultivation level to resist damage. Even if Li Pan leaves her alone, the formation will not change, and she herself There is no escape. So just be on guard against the company secretly using the silver key to open the back door to save people.

And once Li Pan really clapped his hands and launched the power of the great formation to crush, even a great monk in the realm of refining gods would be able to survive for seven days at a fast pace. Well, if it's slow, well, based on today's way of heaven, it would only take seven to forty-nine days. It was enough to knock her out of her wits and turn her into ashes.

However, there is no prize for beating this fat woman to death, and with her ability, it is not even considered a problem that needs to be solved first...

So Li Pan ignored her for the time being, and just to be on the safe side, he trapped Chixia until dawn, waiting for her to understand the huge difference in the fighting power between the two sides before making a deal.

Then Li Pan opened his eyes, stood up from the sea of ​​fire, looked up into the sky, and saw rows of stars in orbit through the dust and smoke raised by the mushroom cloud.

Are you coming, company fleet?

After all, these are the two ministers 003 and 004, and they also brought the monster number 01 "Fountain Pen/Powerful Expulsion" to overturn the car. The Monster Company has been preparing for a day, so naturally they will not send just one human bomb to attack this book.

Glancing at the rows of stars leaping in the sky, Li Pan also knew that Callisto's fleet was out in full force, and he might even have borrowed two fleets from other friends.

However, the arrival of the lamb obviously exceeded the company's expectations. Now Li Pan could detect with his spiritual consciousness that at least four groups of company cadres and temporary workers were preparing for the sacrificial ceremony outside Yingzhou City, trying to seal the lamb.

There were also a large number of mechas and drones in the sky, whizzing past, like vultures swooping down to drop bombs, and smashed all kinds of bombs, incendiary bombs, poison gas bombs into Yingzhou City. The fleet in the sky also opened its gun doors, blasting down the densely packed plasma cannons, railguns, and laser cannons. It was like a rain of meteors and fire, a doomsday disaster, which directly turned the entire Yingzhou city into a living hell.

At first, Li Pan thought that the company was trying all kinds of attribute damage, covering all attribute damage with firepower in an attempt to suppress the demon, but then he understood.

The company knew very well what kind of demon they were dealing with. They planned to be the first to kill all the people in the city before the Lamb could completely devour the souls of the people in the city and evolve into their complete bodies, and send everyone to be reincarnated, so that the demon would have nothing to lose. Eat it to delay the arrival of the lamb and buy time for the sealing team.

It’s really a corporate-style solution…

Naturally, Li Pan would not let them get their wish. What did he eat after the lamb was sealed?

So Li Pan spread his wings directly and flew to Ximen first.

The company cadre here is a magician. He held a small-scale magic ceremony and sacrificed thirteen magician temporary workers. Judging from the tragic scene at the scene, it seemed that the temporary workers drank some magic potion, and then the scene A demon-repairing team was opened to gather magic power into the body of the magician.

This type of magic system is the best to fight. Li Pan flew directly out of the fire cloud, ignored the messy magic barrier, swooped into the magic circle, and twisted off the head of the company dog ​​who was holding a magic book and reciting it. .

Well, I tore it up with my bare hands. To be honest, it took three days to do it, and now Li Pan has nothing to show for it. Isn’t this taking the fat woman too seriously? Even though it’s a sign of leniency, it’s a finger-wrap and a golem. , even the dead soul array was laid out, who would have thought that there was just an embroidered pillow on the opposite side, maybe this can be regarded as a kind of overturn...

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The head of the leader Leng Buding was missing, and the surrounding company security guards were shocked. DADADABIUBIUBIU had to shoot randomly in all directions. The density of firepower was huge, and for a moment it was like a porcupine being shot all over.

However, it was useless. Li Pan's golden body was personally improved and completely upgraded to a new version. The epic skin imitated the technology of the company and the legion. It can be optically invisible like a chameleon, mimicking in place, becoming invisible on the spot, and has full resistance.

Although this security force is also an elite mercenary, it will be useless if they don't know where the target is. So Li Pan easily shuttled back and forth, casually pulled a bunch of grenade safety latches, detonated a few metallic hydrogen bombs, and the entire team was wiped out.

Then go around clockwise to the north gate.

Here is the Onmyoji, and they are also making sacrifices, but the sacrifices are ordinary people.

Twenty-four temporary workers dressed as onmyojis were chanting sutras, while company officials dressed as onmyojis, just like Shigui before, were opening jars and drawing talismans on the high altar.

Every time a can was opened and a demon came out, a company security guard would behead them with a samurai sword, kill seven or eight people, and pour their blood on the demon to make it full. Satisfied, the demon obeyed the Onmyoji's orders and got into the arrows tied with talismans.

What else is there to say? Li Pan slapped his hand and smashed the Yin Yang dog's head. He rushed forward and tore off the security guard's limbs and tore out his internal organs. He held up the knife amidst his wails and rushed into the crowd to kill the temporary Yin Yang master worker. Chop off all the heads, splash the blood on the surrounding jars, and suck up all the demons that emerged...

Then the plasma cannon from the sky came down...

But it's no use! It's no use! My golden body has been completed! Can carry seven sure kills! Resurrection on the spot! As long as there is energy, it is immortal!

Then there was another burst of flying, rushing to the east gate.

People here at the east gate have been warned, and a group of temporary employees are standing by. There are samurai, ninjas, magicians, vampires, and cyborgs, you name it.

Moreover, these temporary workers, like the previous two batches, are all young people.

Yes, they are all ‘valid for six months’ and ‘throw away’ whisperers. Almost all of them are level 5 company experts.

Seriously, the Whisperer is so convenient...

After just taking a breath, Li Pan was about to let go of the fight and hit the 127th combo to overturn the group of miscellaneous fish. Suddenly, he found a formal worker sneaking into the crowd, holding a baton.

Hiss...it's such a close call, but fortunately I have a good memory...

So Li Pan rushed forward decisively, grabbed the police baton and stabbed it into the company's anus, ensuring that the "police baton/justice will kill" could only witness nothing, and then beat all the regular and temporary workers around him to death.

The company responded by dropping a mechanical bomb.

Li Pan also said that I predicted your prediction, reshaped the golden body again, and flew to the south gate.

The people at the south gate have closed down their stalls and evacuated them...

What the hell else can I do? I can’t see, I can’t be beaten, I can’t be killed by explosions…

But they left a landline phone behind.

Li Pan lowered his head to look at the phone, then raised his faceless face to look at the fleet in the sky, shrugged and picked up the phone.


From the other end of the phone, came the half-literate, phlegm-like, old-fashioned voice of the former samurai Takamama.

"Who are you."

Li Pan smiled,

"you guess."

The old man said,

"what do you want."

Li Pan still said,

"Guess again."

The old man was silent for a while,

"Yingzhou gives you, Mingdi also gives you, and everyone on the earth is dedicated to you, are you satisfied?"

Li Pan sighed and looked up at the stars.

"Is this how you guard the door?"

The old man was silent for a while and said coldly,

"who are you."

Li Pan raised his middle finger to the starry sky, and then kicked the phone into stars in the sky with a big kick!

Mudd! I've wanted to do this for a long time!

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