I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 391 Marine Garbage

Speaking of Orbital Elevator, the orbital elevator is also a legacy of ancient civilization that completed theoretical planning and technical preparations during the Legion era.

In the era of space development, the huge project of transporting materials in large quantities on the earth and in space cheaply and providing solar power generation to alleviate the energy crisis. The OE orbital elevator has made an indelible and important contribution to mankind's march towards the star sea.

In today's generation, elevators are one of the milestones in the take-off of human civilization. The scientific and technological blueprint is made public in basic education. In the scientific practice courses of basic high school students, the simulation and construction of OE elevators are simulated in virtual cabins. Of course, it's a private high school.

With the rapid development of materials science, the mass production and marketization of nanomaterials, the high computing power of intelligent systems, the large-scale application of drone modules, the location of elevator tracks is no longer limited to the equator, and the development of technology The upper limit of engineering construction has been greatly increased.

Theoretically, as long as you are willing to invest money and have land in your hands, any corporate legal person can invest in building a space elevator, directly to the company's orbital space station, and connect to the LEOPORT system to become a component node of the global orbit.

Therefore, the geoengineering envisioned and planned in the Legion era is indeed very similar to the world tree. The earth is the root and the backbone. The LEOPORT orbital facilities, various ports and terminals, research institutes, space factories and near-Earth space stations are like pieces of earth that wrap around the planet. The metal blades, and the orbital elevator, are the branches and leaf stems that connect the blades to the big tree.

But objectively speaking, there are not many parts of the world where OE elevators are built today.

After all, with the development of the times, the transportation capacity of starships is also increasing rapidly, and the deployment is more flexible. The unmanned driving system can be flexibly deployed under the command of the system to rationalize the transportation demand, unless there is a stable market demand like Night City. A big city, otherwise there is really no need to build an elevator.

And everyone knows that elevators are too conspicuous, big and brittle, just like the bare-butt girls in the slums, always shouting, come and tear me apart, and they are easy targets for terrorists and careerists. Once the elevator collapses, no one wants to be hit by thousands of tons of alloy garbage, right?

Of course, another important factor is that the purpose of the orbital elevator is actually to serve the middle class. Think about it, now the rich people can go up and down directly via cruiser shuttles, while the poor people have a shitty sea of ​​stars, so they might as well put on a VR helmet and shoot a few shots in Mewtwo. So there really isn’t that much market demand…

In short, at the beginning of the design of OE's elevator cabin, the possibility of terrorist bomb attacks, emergencies, and mid-air falls was considered, so corresponding safety designs were installed, including emergency landing systems, reverse thrust nozzles, magnetic levitation, and anti-gravity. A host of safety measures including airbags and parachutes.

However, we were in the acceleration stage just now, and we didn’t have much time to adjust our attitude after being thrown out of the orbit. Although the emergency landing was successful and there was no explosion on the spot, the outer wall of the elevator cabin was still shattered to pieces, and large orange-red airbags were ejected from all sides, floating on the garbage-filled On the sea surface, rows of signal flares were fired to call for help from the system.

Li Pan was naturally the first one to arrive, opened the safety door and entered the cabin. When he saw it, he saw a corpse whose head was crushed and brains were scattered all over the ceiling. Look, it’s like this without wearing a seat belt...

In fact, if you follow the standard procedure for taking an elevator, even if the ride is less than half an hour, you should wear a spacesuit, connect to the AGSS system, and have the skin filled with glue to prevent impact. However, these security measures have now been deleted due to economic considerations and cost control, and now that system monitoring is everywhere, ordinary people really don’t pay much attention to these details.

Therefore, the passengers in the cockpit, who were not wearing seat belts, were evenly spread on the walls and floor, and the impact was the same as Shaqima's. Even if it is tied, if the degree of prostheticization is too low, it will inevitably faint on the spot under the impact, hit the head and cause bleeding.

Li Pan walked over the debris and found Angela Regen for a checkup. She found fractures, fractures, concussion, broken spine, internal bleeding, more air coming out and less air coming in. Hey, it's not a big problem. As long as you have air, you'll be fine. A breath of true energy protected her heart and stabilized her heart.

Of course, in the past, even if this kind of injury was rescued, it would be a full-body paralysis, hemiplegia, and lifelong regret. But these days, if you save a little, you can buy a set of titanium alloy inserts for your skull, two layers of ceramic reinforcement for your spine, and a set of nanoworm bridges for your blood vessels. If you spend hundreds of thousands, you will be able to jump like a dog in three months. .

And the NCPA police uniforms are not bad either. They are lined with the most basic stab-proof clothing and emergency first aid system. After detecting that the police officer was in shock, Angela automatically called the police for help and started a 15,000 yuan per hour rescue service. The emergency rescue package and the life support system stabilized her heart rate, so even if Li Pan didn't intervene this time, she should be able to hold on until rescue arrived. That's okay, is it better to be hospitalized than to stay in the Night City and seek death?

"Cough cough, cough cough, help..."

At this time, a weak moan came from the back row. Li Pan turned around and saw a man wearing sunglasses struggling in his seat and vomiting blood. His lung was pierced by a collapsed stent, and the blood was gushing out.

Li Pan didn't hang him up at first, and was still helping Angela treat the bruises in her internal organs, but suddenly Li Pan felt that something was wrong, and turned around to look at the man.

The man was dead and fell on the seat with his head tilted. But this guy's voice sounds so familiar, and he seems to have seen this face shape somewhere... Well, it seems he was chatting with Zhou Xianhe just now...

Then Li Pan reached out and took off the other person's half-helmet virtual mirror, and saw the man's full face.

"I'm in trouble!"

Damn it!

WTF! ?

Isn’t this ‘Li Fan’!

What the hell is this? Where is the promised copy? Have you cut off your head and beat me up? ?

Li Pan was startled at first and almost broke his defense, but after taking a closer look, he found something was wrong again.

This is of course not 'Li Fan'. There are subtle differences in age and appearance. He should be a bionic person, with a printed leather cover for his face and a mask to fake his identity.

However, although it is a fake five-view, it is too similar. Could it be that the shape is just random? What a coincidence...

Before he could take a closer look, there was a sound from outside the overhead cabin, and Li Pan immediately made a secret gesture and became invisible.

The next second, the optically invisible company dog, wielding a mantis knife, cut a gap in the roof of the cockpit and jumped in. He glanced around and immediately locked onto 'Li Fan'.

"Target found, chip implanted."

Then the opponent struck with a knife and chopped off 'Li Fan's' head. He took out a metal mesh bag and wrapped it around his waist. Then he threw two coin-sized portable metal hydrogen bombs at Li Pan's feet. Jump out of the cockpit.

I'll give you a thumbs up, you're so skilled at business...

Li Pan rolled his eyes and scooped up the bomb with his hand. He followed the guy out like a shadow without making a sound. He raised his hand to pull back the head of 'Li Fan', stuffed the bomb back into the company dog's pocket, and gave it a push. , launching his entire body into the sky.



With the Bodhisattva's personal protection, the cockpit was naturally safe and sound. However, as the huge plasma fireball slowly rose into the sky, the BBA supermen who came towards the 'human head' also rushed towards it from all directions.

Angela was still hanging on for dear life, lest these people throw firecrackers randomly and have to lure them away.

So Li Pan took off his cassock, revealed his figure, pulled up his mask to cover his face with a robe, put "Li Fan's" head in his raincoat pocket, wrapped it on his back, jumped out directly, stepped on the water in the air, and used With the skill of floating on the water, he sprinted along the sea surface with a large amount of plastic waste and industrial scum floating on it.

Even if the large plasma fireball exploded above the head, the surrounding BBAs who did not have dynamic visual capture immediately locked onto the ninja running on the water, and the barrage swept over him.

But fortunately, these are professional elites who come to kill people and buy goods. Of course, they will not do something stupid like blowing up the target chip with a high-explosive bomb. So the ones that came over were all kinetic energy warheads, and even lasers were not fired, for fear of damaging the chip.

Then don't be afraid, the only way to break his golden body is with the battleship's rail gun!

So Li Pan was able to play with them with ease, dancing with his ninja sword to block bullets, while deliberately maintaining his speed, so fast that he could avoid the ballistic trajectory, but not so fast that he would scare everyone at supersonic speed.

Just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, leading a floating car, an aircraft, a magnetic levitation motorcycle and other messy things behind him, causing the pursuers to shoot at each other, and in a moment PENG! One of them had to be exploded, and the fight was extremely enjoyable.

Of course, the pursuers were not stupid. Someone soon saw Li Pan's escape route. He deliberately made a large circle, trying to stay away from the airport and land from the Pacific New Development Zone.

So someone immediately took the lead, sent an underwater drone directly to the front, opened the high-voltage power grid cableway to intercept, and at the same time fired ballistic missiles all over the sky, scattering large areas of metal foil in the sky, like a goddess scattering flowers. The entire battlefield was shrouded in strong ECM interference. Clearly trying to interfere with the target ninja's prosthetic equipment!

I have to say that this countermeasure in the blink of an eye was very professional, but it is a pity that Li Pan did not rely on any technological implant! It's 'Ninjutsu', ah 'Ninjutsu'!

"Water Release! Otsunami!"

With a clap of both palms, the waves of the palms rippled along the water surface, and the ripples they caused rippled towards the sea of ​​garbage! The sea surface covered with garbage is like a wrinkled carpet being lifted up!

The khaki seawater rolled in with garbage foam, forming a huge wall of garbage! A huge tsunami poured out, instantly drowning the drones blocking the road and the pursuers behind them in the smelly garbage!

But this is not over yet!

"Then, what is that!"

After the tsunami, standing on the nest of tumbling garbage!

It is a humanoid giant made of pure water on the inside, covered with all kinds of messy silt, scrap iron and plastic bags on the outside, and assembled from ocean garbage!

The laws of heaven and earth!

pole! huge! big! Garbage Buddha!

"I am invincible on the water surface! Water escape! One hundred and twenty-seven big fights!"

The Bodhisattva puts his eight palms together and spreads out his eight arms! He picked up his palms and slapped them randomly! One hundred and twenty-seven paths of Xuan Bing Palm Technique!

The smelly palm wind wrapped around a large amount of garbage and blasted out from the swamp! Throw all kinds of stinky fish and rotten shrimps into the sewer and blast them right into the faces of the BBAs!

The pursuers were also caught off guard, screamed and fled in all directions. Those who were unable to dodge quickly were blown away by a palm and shattered into pieces. Even if the body is covered with armor, it will inevitably be grasped by the giant claws transformed from the garbage around it, crushed into a ball of shit, pulled into the deep sea garbage pile, and buried in the filthy mire of the seabed, unable to escape.

"Concentrate the fire! Concentrate the fire! Destroy the unknown mecha!"

"BIU!" "HONG!"

The Sky Railgun shows off its power again! One blow broke the Bodhisattva's shoulders and elbows, and broke two arms!

The Bodhisattva is furious! He picked up the Ye's Armored Floating Vehicle that was passing by, squeezed it into a ball with the garbage, and threw it into the sky, turning it into the brightest star in the night sky!

“It’s none of our business——!!”

Seeing that troops from the Ye family and the Security Bureau arrived one after another, beating the Garbage Bodhisattva with a bang, Li Pan also quickly ran away, and performed an invisibility technique, and the golden cicada escaped from its shell and ran away.

Although he completed the mission so easily and escaped from the siege, Li Pan also stepped in sewage, making him dirty and smelly.

Considering that K's communication channel was hacked and the coordinates might have been exposed, I would not contact her out of caution.

So Li Pan temporarily found a small hotel in the suburbs, rented a suite for a week, put Li Fan's head in the refrigerator, and planned to keep a low profile for two days, waiting for the limelight to pass.

However, because he was still a little concerned, Li Pan still searched the Internet for photos of 'Li Fan'.

Don't tell me, I actually found it. Sure enough, this face is really that of 'Li Fan', a paid appearance template.

Although I don’t know where the deviation occurred, in this time and space, the original owner of this face is a male artist under GE Galaxy Entertainment, a pretty-faced movie star. This look was also the one he used to play the engineer who studied Pangu, ‘Colonel Li Fan’ TV show styling.

After all, science fiction dramas have a low audience, so if they want to be popular, they should still use ancient puppet dramas. In addition, the protagonist is the "positive character" in the production of Pangu, so of course he has to find a handsome person to play it.

Of course, the entire IP of the artist belongs to the company, so now as long as you install the facial prosthetic plug-in that adapts to the GE module and purchase the Galaxy Face Creation Package, you only need to pay 1,500 yuan a month to use these paid facial features. Template.

Is it really just a coincidence... But it's strange. Li Pan also knows that GE Entertainment has this kind of cosplay service, but in the time and space last week, there should be no "Li Fan" option in the mall...

"Ding dong"

"Room Service."

Li Pan opened the door and looked at the sweeping robot with a bloody mark hanging on its head at the door.

"Tsk, brother, you hackers are really scary. Isn't this action too fast? It didn't even take a long time to find you. Does ARGUS never get off work?"

Sweeping robot. Murphy was speechless.

"...You're the one who's scary, right? I'm already like this, how on earth did you recognize me??"

"It's ninjutsu, ninjutsu."

Li Pan let him in, took out 'Li Fan's head' from the refrigerator, and showed the sealed brain socket to the robot camera.

"Now, intact, 100 million?"

"One hundred million. You can now transfer money to a local or any inner-circle World Bank. It can be exchanged for physical goods in the sky, or it can be paid in cash at two to three times the market price in black gold.

Since you do not have citizenship to open a public bank account, in order to avoid investigation by the tax bureau, it is recommended that you buy something to deduct it safely.

How about buying you some prosthetic equipment, like a BBA bionic man or something? "

"It's okay. Use this account at Wuche College. The civil engineering funds I applied for can be transferred in the name of Yuechi Group. It will be a piece of cake for you."

"Let me check first... uh, isn't this a loan shark? This kind of underworld bank is monitored by the security bureau with Trojan horses. They can't explain the turnover of 100 million. Aren't you afraid of being shut down?"

"It doesn't matter. The Seventh Bureau is working on a big case with these bastards. They won't be able to close the net in the short term. I'll find time in two days to kill them all without anyone noticing."

Since Li Pan is so confident, the sweeping robot doesn't matter.

"Okay, the account has arrived, let's check."

"Hey, some people are talking about 35 million, and they are turning around, but you can actually settle the cash of 100 million so neatly? Is ARGUS too rich, or is my quote too low?"

Although he said this, Li Pan still simply threw Li Fan's head into the trash can.

The sweeping robot Murphy also made a relaxing and pleasant sound,

"This is how much money you have. You can't even buy a better cruiser. My annual server maintenance costs more than this amount.

But you did a really good job at this job. They are still looking for a needle in a haystack. If you hadn't taken the initiative to connect to the Internet, I wouldn't have been able to find you. It seems that ninjas do have some real abilities. "

Li Pan was curious,

"I won't ask how much you can sell this head, but can you tell me who the banker is? Who dares to make trouble with Pangu these days? Paradise? GEN? Cool Baboon?"

"To be honest, I haven't really found out. The person who contacted me was a mental health consultation, a psychiatrist, maybe, but it was probably a disguise. It was probably a gateway of some big company. I couldn't even find out. The technology is quite powerful. of……

Go away. If there is a good job like this in the future, I will look for you again. "

So the sweeping robot dragged the trash can and walked away in a big way.

Li Pan watched it leave and frowned slowly.

……Psychologist? It can't be such a coincidence...

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