I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 50 Farm

Although it was a pity that no one could be rescued, things like kidnapping and extorting tickets by gangs were too frequent these days. Li Pan was used to it by carefully rummaging through the garbage dump and always collecting a lot of human tissue.

After all, when ordinary people provoke gangsters, it is normal for them to die without any body parts. Where can I be rescued at the last minute just like in the movie?

What? NCPA? Haha, it would be great if they could show off throughout the whole process. If the local director and the gangster were wearing a pair of trousers, they would be even more capable of torturing people. Maybe you'll end up bumping your face into someone else's slap.

Of course, the public safety system can indeed limit the behavior that deters gangs to a certain extent, such as constantly imposing fines, doubling the bail amount for criminals who commit serious crimes in the second and third time, and marking bounties to encourage rewards. The gold hunters kill these scum of society, and at the same time do not allow gangsters to use all public system services. The tax bureau even conducts strict investigations and crackdowns, restricting each of their purchases, and forcing them to go underground to show off. Annoying cockroaches.


There are still corporate dogs like Kim Yong Joon who can provide various services to gangsters for money.

And even if organizations like the Dongcheng League and Shura Society are uprooted, there will still be new forces such as the Tianlong Gang and the Lovers Gang to fill the vacancy.

After all, whether Gao Tianyuan or Ye's, those giant companies that are not members of the safety committee will always need someone to do dirty work, make gloves, and provide illegal services in order to circumvent the rules and restrictions set by the safety committee.

But if you hold them too tightly, they might stop playing with you and flip the table, and then it will be a new corporate war.

Li Pan didn't want to think about these complicated things, but when he put on his face, glasses, and gloves, the public safety system began to speak.

"Citizen Li Pan, the security system detected that you illegally entered the house, violated the safety of private property, and violated public security management regulations. You are fined 3,000. Please go to the designated NCPA branch to pay the fine before the settlement date of this month, otherwise a reward will be offered."

Wow, I really discovered it. The security system is really hard to fool...

And illegally infringing on private property? ? How could a loan shark like Yuechi Trading be connected to the local NCPA alarm system? This world is really hopeless...

Then there was another "ding".

"Citizen Li Pan received a security bounty of 36,975.00, which has been received. The current account has cash of 36,980.32."

Oh shit?


There is a reward for killing gangsters!


Li Pan also learned the lesson and quickly looked at the bill sent by the security system. Fortunately, the tax was already included.

‘The public security system has a list of security bounties for Earth 0791, the Night City area, criminal organizations under the Dongcheng League Group, and the Yuechi Group. ’

The team leader is offered a reward of 10,000 yuan, the first one is offered a reward of 5,000 yuan, and the younger brother is offered a reward of 3,000 yuan for the first one.

There are twelve brothers, each with one thousand, totaling twelve thousand. If there are twenty-seven, each with five hundred, the total is thirteen thousand and five.

Forty-two were integrated, and the total bounty was forty-three thousand five hundred yuan.

Because Li Pan does not have a bounty hunter's license and has not registered and logged in, he is operating without a license. He must pay 30% income tax for privately accepting bounty rewards from hunters.

However, in view of the recent fluctuations in the 0791 public security deviation value, the Security Bureau encourages local citizens to assist in public security and enjoy a 50% tax refund subsidy for those who act bravely, so the actual tax rate is only 15%.

In the end, I got this thirty-six thousand.

Damn it, it really is a gold belt for murder and arson! This wave of fat!

Of course, being able to receive this bounty also shows that the whole process of this wave of house confiscations was under the network monitoring of the security system.

Moreover, he acts bravely and pays taxes. This must be archived in his citizen files.

Obviously just tearing one's face off is useless. Your security system has a million ways to find out your identity.

And to be honest, a gang leader whose whole body was enhanced with at least level four prosthetics and who could survive a beating from Li Pan actually only had a reward of 10,000 yuan? Still have to pay taxes? This is really stingy...

No wonder the public security is not good. For normal people, killing gangsters in public for a mere tens of thousands of dollars is simply a suicidal act.

I also knew that the entire Dongcheng Alliance would not be able to swallow this sigh of relief, and would definitely find the place back, which was not worth it at all.

Li Pan would have had to complain a few days ago, but now he suddenly reacted.

yes! With this upgrade, I can fight monsters by myself! Gain experience and drop gold coins!

Then wouldn’t this become a brush online game? I am familiar with this rhythm!

Li Pan was overjoyed, although in actual terms, the risks and benefits of swindling gangsters were not cost-effective. After all, you are under the surveillance of the security system, so naturally you cannot pick up corpses and collect stolen money. The bonus is only a handful.

But it’s really a legal way to make cash! This is more than money laundering!

No wonder so many cyberpunks work as bounty hunters. When they are short of money, they just need to find the headquarters of this group or that group and confiscate their whole family, and the money will be obtained in a hurry!

Li Pan felt that a new door had opened. If the Yuechi group brushes him seventeen or eight times like this, it will be just around the corner to pay off the loan!

Then Shiba came to contact me.

"Boss, the East City Alliance will issue a killing order against you on the Deep Web..."

Then she sent the video of "Cyber ​​Psycho, Faceless Man, Bounty of 100,000."

At first glance, Li Pan was actually fine. The Dongcheng Alliance's video material was an image of him peeling off his face, and the resolution was not high. It should have been captured by a nearby NCPA violation camera, and it was impossible for the other party to go to the system of the Security Bureau and Taxation Bureau. It doesn't matter if you check his citizenship file.

"It's okay, they have too much time to take care of themselves and they come to provoke me. They are simply asking for death!

Oh, by the way, eighteen, this time can be considered a cooperation. As per the old rules, you will be credited 50/50 and half of the bounty will be given to you. Make a list for me and list the venues of the East City League. After I take care of the Shura Society, we will scan their copies!

By the way, where is Kotaro? "

So Li Pan transferred 18,000 to Shiba's account. In fact, it was a huge profit to hire a top hacker with such a small amount of money. Of course, Shiba now has tens of millions per second, and he doesn't mind those few. Zero, scan the map over,

"The signal disappeared in the port area. It's strange. I didn't find any suspicious vehicles in the nearby traffic system."

Is it really a port area? Back then, this area was the New Tokyo Bay Port Terminal, and there were two international airports, which were logistics centers.

However, after the city was expanded several times and flood control dams were built, there were no waterways here, and a large number of dock facilities were completely abandoned. Only the warehouses in the logistics area remained. Normally, the area was full of cargo drones, and no one lived at all. The population density is comparable to that of Guilou District.

Kotaro's signal was blocked when he entered a certain logistics park, but the information provided by Jin Yongjun was enough.

The Shura Society's stronghold is a renovated LNG ship, also known as a liquefied natural gas cargo ship. The characteristics of this hull are quite obvious. It is very large. It was originally used to transport liquefied natural gas. The hull structure was specially customized and modified with a special pressure-bearing liquid storage tank. It can also be used to transport chemicals and logistics with various temperature and pressure requirements. There are not many boats like this in the park, and they are relatively easy to find.

So Li Pan lost his temper and made a big circle according to the route planned by Shiba. He first climbed down from the dry artificial canal dock, entered the sewer pipe along the river, and then climbed up and down the parkour to avoid Use various surveillance and drones to sneak into the park.

While Li Pan was parkouring, Shiba was analyzing at the same time.

"I know this speed, it's a subway. There must be a hidden subway track under Samsara Bar!

There is no mistake, it should be a private operator. This secret track is not drawn on the block map of the public system. It deliberately avoids the surveillance of the Security Bureau, so it moves in the Tokyo underground city without knowing what is going on.

The Samsara Bar and the Shura Society's stronghold should be just one of the stops on this subway line. Wow, there is actually a secret railway underground in the Night City that connects the strongholds of various forces in the underground city! I've never heard of it on the forum! "

"Oh, can I take the subway when I go back? The sewers are so dirty. I just crushed a dead mouse..."

"The secret subway can't even be found on the public network. It must be exclusive to VIP customers. Boss, if you spend millions in reincarnation and become their regular customer, you should be able to get an invitation."

Anyway, if you have money, you can do anything.

So Li Pan had no choice but to sigh, crawl through the dusty exhaust vent, and enter an abandoned shipyard.

The LNG ship is parked in the dock. It looks like the funds were cut off halfway through the construction. In fact, it should be just a superficial disguise. Shiba used a magic doll to locate and mark a large number of hidden cameras, mines, and sirens in the warehouse area. It seems that the Shura Society's stronghold is indeed here.

"The logistics area is registered as an abandoned dock of a bankrupt shipyard. A private subnet should be installed secretly. The base facilities should be hidden in storage tanks. The security is so tight. There must be professional hackers watching ICE. It's difficult. Sneak in, why not..."

"Okay, then I won't dive."

So Li Pan rushed over, swaying left and right, moving in a snake shape, avoiding the mines and forts all over the ground, and rushed straight towards the LNG hull.

The guard on the opposite side did not open fire immediately. It was probably in the middle of the night, and suddenly a shameless bloody man twisted his waist and rushed into the surveillance video. Normal people need some time to calm down.

So when the opponent slowed down, it was already too late to shoot. Li Pan accelerated his displacement and was shaking around. Normal people couldn't hit him at all. And with the ICE plug-in, it was difficult for the opponent's hackers to fire smart bullets immediately. Transmit positioning coordinates with the fort.

So before the opponent's defense system was fully activated, Li Pan had already rushed through the most dangerous open area like a ghost, swaying and swooping, clinging to the hull of the ship like a gecko, twisting his waist and swimming onto the ship. coming!

"Self-defense mode activated." "Self-defense mode activated." "Self-self-defense mode activated..."

A large red light flashed on the deck, and drones and defense robots were activated one after another. They began to shoot indiscriminately at all living creatures that broke into the guarded area.

Fortunately, these are cheap level three ammunition, and the defense robots are also level three junk. The gang is indeed rich, but it is indeed an illegal organization. It has been sanctioned by the Security Bureau and can only buy some second-hand decommissioned junk.

If this was a CSI-like killing machine equipped with a cation cannon, then Li Pan might not dare to take a big breath. You could just put a bunch of construction robots in place, change them to remote automation, put a shotgun in your hand, and call him Automatic defense system? Who are you looking down on?

"Haha! Jiuyin Divine Art oh oh oh -!"

Li Pan did a Thomas full spin to the side, three and a half weeks, then a 720-degree turn and backflip, leaping onto the deck, almost flying over the barrages coming at him, chopping his palms in the air, and condensing the Nine Yin Qi From the palm of his hand, he threw them out like flying stones, knocking over the roadblocking robots one by one, opening a passage. However, relying on his true energy to protect his body, he rushed through the defense line against the rain of bullets, and sometimes flew forward and rushed to his feet. From time to time, Superman would fly his fists, smash open the iron door of the cabin, and rush straight into the ship.

Probably the gangsters of the Shura Society had never seen such an outrageous infiltration method. They really didn't react for a moment. The security guards did not play any role and Li Pan accelerated and rushed in!

But Shiba had already reacted. She had obviously mobilized the big snakes to fully attack the firewall of the Shura group. Alarms sounded one after another in the ship, the lights flickered on and off, and all the access control cameras were disabled, so no one could catch them. It’s time for Li Pan, who is charging all the way in.

It’s really convenient to have hacker support.

So Li Pan sighed, raised his fists and smashed the fire curtains, rushed into the inner cabin, and rushed straight to the cabin where the 'cultivation' he was now pursuing was most intense.

Usually when a person dies, what he sees from Li Pan's "perspective" is either an afterimage, or a white aura the size of a lamp or a candle. But at this time, in his perception, the dense white light gathering in the entire space is simply... Like the sea of ​​clouds on the top of the mountain, the thick sol air mass is entrenched in this small space, like a sauna.

When Li Pan took in the storm for a while, what appeared in front of him was a scene like hell on earth.

Is this the Shura group's 'human farm'?

Treating people like animals, using them as they want, playing with them as they want, breeding, auctioning, slaughtering, processing, cooking, a one-stop automated assembly line from shack to dining table, is not a farm.

This has even exceeded the scope of slave trade and organ trading. It is a privately customized restricted place that is completely designed to satisfy the twisted desires of a very small group of people.

Seeing this kind of place, Li Pan knew where those outrageous ultra-restricted black Mewtwos on the deep web were filmed. He once said before that there are so many illegal clones of androids these days. Are bionics free of charge? Could it be CGI?

Now when I look at it, it turns out they are all live performances!

Hell is on earth, that's what I mean...

So Li Pan didn't hold back anymore, rushed into the processing plant, slapped the butchers who had no time to escape, causing them to become paralyzed, and threw them into the meat grinder one by one. The residue stopped the conveyor belt.

Then he examined the remaining 'animals' that had been surgically altered beyond recognition and barely resembled humanoids.

There is no way to save them. They either overdosed or had their brains lobotomized. Anyway, the ones sent to this processing workshop are basically discarded products that have been deeply modified, abused, disabled, and mentally broken.

This is not even an "artificial thing" like a cloned synthetic beast, but a pure "human".

Is it such a joy to destroy and torture the same kind? It’s so terrifying, human beings.

As for Li Pan's delay, he was naturally discovered by the farmer.


Muramasa's 'Devil'-class SMS mecha, holding a glowing golden thermal ion sword, crashed through the floor and came out!

This is a small mecha, only about three meters tall. It can barely move in the cabin. The armor plug-ins and painting accessories are all assembled in the style of Japanese samurai armor. The content of it is extremely high.

The moment this giant armored 'evil ghost' broke out of the ground, it knocked a piece of 'livestock' away and crushed it into pieces. It was chopped with one knife, and a torrent of plasma shot out, instantly carbonizing a large number of 'livestock'. Scorched, like blood bags that instantly expanded under the burning energy, they seemed to explode and exploded into fleshy residue! For a time, the farm was filled with flesh and blood, and the smell of burnt corpses even overshadowed the blood!

Li Pan fled away, running like a snake or a rat with his head in his arms, to avoid the flurry of the ion sword in the hands of the 'evil ghost'.

Alas, why are you always using plasma lightsabers? Level five equipment is amazing!

Well, it's amazing. These are armed ship-cutting knives. They are designed to cut the armor of battleships. Li Pan can't catch it with his bare hands.

Moreover, the opponent's custom-made samurai-painted armor was clearly a fifth-level military technology. Li Pan had to slap him from far away, but he couldn't hit him at all. He didn't even have any handprints. It would probably be difficult for him to break through the defense even with a superman's flying fist at close range. , we can only escape first.

Alas, it’s great to have a vampire elder as your concubine. He’s just a gang leader who dares to do anything and has all the equipment. Those who don’t know think he’s the reincarnation of Satan!

In addition, the person who is chasing Li Pan around now should not be the leader of the Shura group, 'Shura Niangui' himself.

Based on the modification of the cockpit and the size of the SMS, Li Pan estimated that this mecha did not have a normal human-sized cockpit and was probably just a toy that was being remotely operated by a drone and placed on the farm for surveillance.

Maybe it's a local hacker operating remotely. Even if you try your best to dismantle the mecha and blow it up, it's useless, and it won't be easy to sell if it blows up.

So Li Pan didn't show any interest in fighting, and immediately sped up and ran away, continuing to run around in the cabin. Anyway, no matter how ferocious this 'evil ghost' was, there was no way he could demolish his own home. And he only needs to wait for Shiba to deal with the local hacker, or find the opponent himself and crush him to death to win.

At this moment, the two hackers were probably competing desperately, and Li Pan also noticed that the lights around him were flickering on and off, and the access control was opening and closing for a while. This is of course not a ghost, but Shiba has broken through the ICE firewall, entered the subnet, and is now competing with local hackers for intranet access.

Let me say it again, it’s really cool to have an awesome hacker support these days. Li Pan came all the way, and Shiba not only helped him keep the evil spirits at a distance, but also opened the door for him and pointed the way, leading him directly. The control room where the other party's hackers are hiding.

The other party also realized that something was wrong and urgently closed the door and locked the warehouse. However, unable to hold on, Li Pan immediately threw himself on the ground and rushed into the control room before the bulletproof door was closed.

There are three special virtual cabins here, arranged in a triangle, with three hackers lying in the coolant with intubations all over their bodies.

One of them was bleeding from seven holes, and his brain felt like it was mushy. The remaining two also closed their eyes tightly, their whole bodies twitched, and their brains spurted out from their noses. It seemed that they could no longer hold on.

Li Pan raised his hand and pulled one out. He physically disconnected and pulled out the main line behind the person's head. The other person screamed strangely, glaring at his legs like a duck with no feathers, and sprayed for a while. He died suddenly due to incontinence under severe stimulation.

"Damn, it's so dirty..."

The last hacker opened his eyes, and lightning flashed between his pupils, shining like silver.

"Yeah, it's disgusting, that's why it's canned."


"He practiced Niangui and hid it in the elder's house. Kotaro found him, but he is not in good condition."

Li Pan was shocked, "It's only been a while! It's already been made into furniture?!"

"That's not the case..."

Shiba played a video of a carriage. A group of people were fighting. These seemed to be young women who had been abducted. They were probably the main course tonight. Li Pan came to the door, so the Shura team didn't care.

Because he was drugged, he couldn't help himself, and a man dressed as a woman appeared in the crowd, so the scene got out of control.

Good guy, now the Feng Mo family should have a successor...

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