I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 81 Small Goals

Shiranui Kiriko's physical condition was very weak and she needed to return urgently, so Li Pan took her back to the company first, leaving three places to continue digging.

Anyway, now that a living person has been dug out, the security bureau has nothing to say. They directly cordoned off the scene and called in a company of three-type excavators. They dug three feet into the ground and overturned the entire cherry blossom forest. They searched. possible clues.

However, Li Pan probably couldn't dig out anything. Referring to his last experience in the hot spring, the dream just now should have been Kotaro's dream. When the other party woke up, the dream ended.

So Demon Sealing Kotaro should not be dead yet. And looking at his charming pink dream filled with intestines, and referring to the usual methods of these demon-sealing ninjas to obtain the power of the demon god, maybe this kid is really what Shiranui said, and this case has something to do with it. Highly suspect.

But anyway, the illusion of the cherry blossom forest has been dealt with, and the wakizashi monster should not be able to make any big waves for the time being.

Let's see tomorrow. If this kid dares to miss work again tomorrow, Li Pan will deal with him.

So Li Pan took the Shiranui jar of cough mist and returned to the company for first aid.

Not to mention, filing cabinets are really scary to a certain extent. This Shiranui Kiriko was treated like a can of yellow peaches. She really only had one breath left, but she actually managed to save a file by turning around. Resurrected with full blood!

The severed limbs were regenerated, the skin and flesh were repaired, and the intestines that had been turned over and tangled with tree roots returned to normal.

But although she didn't seem to be hurt physically, she must have suffered a huge mental blow.

At this moment, Shiranui Kiriko was still in a state of shock and confusion. It seemed that she was still in some kind of dream state and had not yet awakened. From time to time, her electrocardiogram would fluctuate sharply, and even occasionally she would suffer from convulsions and epilepsy and incontinence.

It stands to reason that the body is out of danger. It is probably because Kiriko Shiranui doesn't want to wake up, right?

Probably when I was canned, the scene was so terrifying that I was paralyzed and hypnotized, escaping reality.

Li Pan has no good solution for the time being. He is not a psychiatrist. He is a patient, okay? So what can he do?

In short, first ask the company and the safety bureau to reimburse the work-related injury, and then send it to the hospital to hire a nurse to recuperate.

As a result, the company was even more outrageous, saying that temporary workers would not be reimbursed for work-related injuries. If the filing cabinet could not be cured, it would definitely not be able to continue to be used. It was suggested that the manager directly delete the file and lay off employees...

Alas, look at the Security Bureau. No matter how screwed up they are, they at least abide by the contract. Not only did they send back the personal belongings and formal ninja tools that Kiriko Shiranui left behind before sneaking into the academy, they also sent an email saying that Thanks for the help, can even the medical expenses be reimbursed by the bureau...

That's right, the one who treats you the most is your boss after all...

Li Pan didn't really kill him, after all, the Shiranui family might be able to squeeze some profit.

So he sent Kiroko to her Yunding apartment, and unexpectedly discovered that the other party didn't change the password, so he threw her on the bed and sent a video to Principal Koga, asking her to come over and take care of her best friend. Lazarus.

In this way, he fulfilled his responsibilities as a colleague, and Li Pan turned around and went to the Ghost City District.

Shiba received the coordinates of Chengzi, which was an abandoned shopping mall. From a distance, I saw Li Pan jumping off the floating car, and Cheng Zi, dressed in a nurse's uniform, also walked out of the shadows.

"Wow, I have to dig out that Campbell's eyeballs. Otherwise, I'll be at a disadvantage."

No wonder the scene was so chaotic at that time. Cheng Zi successfully kidnapped Ian Campbell. She was really suitable for dressing up as a nurse. Moreover, the nurse's uniform in that private hospital is also very close-fitting, with a white one-piece tight skirt, lace-up high-heeled boots, and a silky fabric surface that does not stick to body fluids. It is obviously a killer who attracts VIP patients who often come to the hospital.

So Chengzi raised his hand and threw two white eyes.

Li Pan took it in his hand and looked at it. Khan, he really rolled his eyes. He started so quickly.

"What, is it Yi Gu?"

"It's a full level five prosthetic body, it should be me. When No. 18 tried to invade, the underlying confidentiality agreement was triggered. The system chip automatically executed the kidnapping countermeasures, fused the mouthpiece, and continued electric shocks, forcing his brain into a state of shock. What? The information can no longer be disclosed.

However, your hacker said that this pair of prosthetic eyes is an aftermarket product from Mingzhi Electronics. It has a built-in independent image cache and is not compatible with Ye's system. You can dig it out and scan it. There may be some saved in the past few days. Image information. "

Shiba made a mistake, but it is understandable. After all, he is a cadre of Ye's company, and the firewall is not so easy to break through.

Li Pan then put the two eyeballs in his pocket.

"That's why I advise you to wait. Such company executives are controlled by internal systems. Once their Ye family's commandments are triggered, you will be burned to death.

To tie up a company dog, you have to at least find professional hackers and equipment, cut the whole brain apart and analyze it to get valuable intelligence, but that would make too much noise and risk starting a war with the company's security forces. "

Chengzi pulled out the big gun from under her skirt and gave it back to Li Pan.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want any information. I just want him to die."

Uh, okay, it's a pity. This kind of ministerial level should be able to squeeze out a few million.

Li Pan followed her into the mall and glanced at Ian Campbell. He was handcuffed in the toilet. Judging from the injuries on his body, he had probably been shot several times in his legs and feet. The bullets were then removed and he was beaten with electric welding. Apply first aid to the wound to avoid a life-threatening situation. The life test will alarm, and then another round of bang-bang-bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Khan, it’s best not to offend the nurse.

At this time, Chengzi came in with a shotgun and emptied the magazine with bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang the magazine of the prosthetic body of the company dog ​​can cause fatal damage, but it is painful to hit the head and face. , repeatedly beat the unconscious Campbell awake, and then was stunned by himself, which also made him fight to death.

Then Chengzi pulled up his hair and dragged over a fire ax, "Should we just kill him?"

Li Pan thought about it for a while. He had long nights and many dreams. It would be better to deal with him before Ye Shi could react, but it was just to be on the safe side.

"There is a building nearby that can block the signal and take people there to deal with it."

Chengzi was also angry all night. He just wanted to watch this guy die, and he had no problem with it.

So the two packed Campbell in a sack and drove to the Ghost House.

"What kind of place is this, a spooky, secret warehouse? Don't you take the elevator?"

"The signal is blocked in the stairwell. If you suddenly can't see me later, just stay where you are and I will come to save you."


Anyway, Li Pan carried Campbell up the stairs, just in case, letting Chengzi go ahead to ensure that she was in his sight, so that if she suddenly disappeared, he could pay attention in time, and by the way, he could also admire the peach-shaped figure under the nurse's short skirt. Hip line ahem.

So she climbed all the way up from the stairwell and reached about twenty-six floors. Li Pan was about to give a warning when suddenly Chengzi stopped first, causing Li Pan to almost slap her in the butt.

"Is this the place?"

"What? What's wrong..."

Li Pan took a look and was suddenly stunned.

Between the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh floors, a door suddenly appeared on the corner wall.

The door was about 1.56 meters tall, and it didn't look like it was for normal people to pass through. It would have been like trying to squeeze through a dog hole for Li Pan, but there were two couplets posted on both sides of the door, making it look like someone was living there. of.

Well, there were couplets, Spring Festival couplets, some words written with calligraphy on red paper, but Li Pan found that he couldn't understand a single word.

You must know that he is a man with an ancient Chinese dictionary in his mind, but he doesn't recognize a single word?

Could it be that it's not ancient writing, but some variant writing from another world?

Moreover, judging from the floor structure, there should be an elevator room behind this wall, right?

Li Pan peeked into the door. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything.

"Wait a minute...let's go up two floors first..."

"Not this?"

After taking Chengzi up two more floors, Li Pan also confirmed that although it was weak, there was still a signal upstairs.

It seems that since his last visit, the space inside the ghost building has undergone some changes. Judging from the current situation, the monster's part should have been stripped off and moved independently behind the low door.

Li Pan thought for a while and said to Chengzi,

"It should still be there. You will still be detected if you kill outside. It's here now. I'll go in and take a look. You wait outside."

Orange frowned,

"This place is eerie. I don't want to be alone. I'd better follow you."

"That's okay, you can follow me as much as possible and start accelerating to escape at any time."

Li Pan doesn't care, since Fatty Martin got it back last time, so there's probably nothing dangerous about it.

So he threw Campbell into the door and explored the way. He didn't hear anything, so he ducked through.

This side of the door is still the stairwell.

Campbell fell to the ground, making no sound.

Li Pan pulled out Catherine's sword and looked at it in the dark.

This should be the stairwell he visited last time, but the 'vibration' had stopped, and Li Pan reached out and touched the wall.

It's so cold that it can almost suck away the bone-chilling coldness from a person's body temperature.

After a while, the oranges also crawled over,

"Help me, I'm stuck."

"Okay sister. Let me help you cough!"

"What weird things are you talking about... Stairs again? This building is not very structured, right?"

Chengzi also saw something was wrong. On both sides of the small door, the stairwells of the two buildings seemed to be mirrored spirals, another world.

"Never mind, just do your business here. I brought an incendiary bomb to burn the chip clean, otherwise the police will still be called."

So the two men cleaned up Campbell in the stairwell, and then got through the door and returned to the car. The whole process did not trigger the company's alarm, or any monsters. A big-time cadre just disappeared from the world without a trace.

Well, it can be regarded as a warehouse inspection by the way. Next time I am alone, I will come and see what the hell lives in the 'building' and how much it can be sold for.

Then Li Pan asked, "Are you happy?"

Although the great revenge was avenged, Chengzi didn't seem happy at all.

So Li Pan suggested again,

"Then let's go find his son? That one is much easier. I heard that this kid hangs out in nightclubs every day, and XP is quite violent. He likes to use young ladies as punching bags. Many people want him dead."

Chengzi shook his head, took off his nurse uniform,

"Leave that to Yamato...and I always feel that it would be too easy to kill them just like this. I will keep the principal, courtyard, and dean of the Polytechnic Institute for now. I will think about how to deal with them to relieve my anger..."

Then she raised her head and looked at Li Pan, who was looking at her body with burning eyes.

"What? Do you want to do it?"

Li Pan looked at her waist that was soaked in sweat and was stuck in the nurse's uniform. He smelled the strong smell of hormones and couldn't help but swallowed.

"You've been tired for a long day..."

But Chengzi simply turned over and stuck to Li Pan. Maybe after experiencing these drastic changes in the past few days, she also thought about it.

Anyway, it’s already like this, if there’s anything you can’t let go of, just do whatever you want, and kill if you want.

How do you say that, the children of the world are happy and grudges.

Fortunately, Li Pan had already anticipated this scenario, and specially installed automatic navigation on the Emperor 620. It must be said that he was foresighted.

Anyway, the car was shaking all the way, and finally I sent Cheng Zi back to the apartment.

Chengzi had been venting all day and all night, and now he was exhausted and contented enough to fall asleep. But Li Pan couldn't stay in bed with her, he still had a small goal to earn.

Anyway, let’s settle the accounts first.

Glancing at the account, I saw that the reward for Shiba for this kidnapping operation was taken from Panlong Construction's company account. After deducting the 10,000 that he lent to Nana before, there was probably someone from the underworld on Li Pan's personal account. The loan is 1.01 million, the loan should be repaid on the next settlement date is 8,000, and the debt is 300,000. There is basically no problem.

In addition to the 2,500 salary from Monster Company, Li Pan can also get himself a basic salary as a general manager from Panlong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. under his name.

However, the money from the leather bag company was also used by him casually, and taxes must be deducted from legal wages. The two accounts were transferred back and forth purely to send money to the tax bureau, so Li Pan did not do so much, and it was as standard as Chengzi. , stick to the income tax threshold, open a basic salary of 20,000, the tax point is 10%, and get 18,000, you can set the deviation value of the personal account to the baseline and slowly increase it, and you can save a lot of money in the future. It is also troublesome to be investigated as soon as the funds are entered into the account.

As for the account of Panlong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., it currently has a debt of 10 million, a lot of expenses, and no stable income yet. At least we have to wait until the "Tai Sui" project is finalized and 0113 releases the money, then we will receive a three-year fund loan of 720,000 per month from the secret party bank.

In addition, K's side still has a balance of 6.3 million that has been confiscated, Shiba's side is in charge of 1,000 to 8 million worth of black money that has not been laundered, and there are other miscellaneous assets worth 7,788 to 88,000 yuan.

Hmm... Actually, let's not look at the debt for the time being. Just look at the speed of making money. Although it is difficult to achieve a small goal within two months, it may not be impossible.

After all, if 'Taisui' is so valuable, then things like 'handkerchief', 'wakizashi', and 'ghost building' should also be worth a few cents, right? Otherwise, Monster Company wouldn't be able to buy all kinds of fleets at will.

And the most important thing is that Amakusa's offer is too good. If 130 million can get a serious military stealth reconnaissance ship, it can do more tasks.

After all, these days, the most profitable thing is trade among the heavens. Think about it, whether you can make money faster by fighting life and death on the streets and underworld, or by smuggling special products in other worlds!

Even if you rent a single ship to a logistics company and go to the multiverse to pull goods, as long as the ship is not destroyed by pirates, you will definitely make a profit!

So the question now is, where to make 100 million?

While lost in thought, Li Pan touched the prosthetic eyeball in his pants, and connected it to the emperor's on-board chip, read the video data in it, and exported the live projection in the nightclub.

There are quite a few company dogs equipped with artificial eyes with hidden video recording functions. Even if they are not used as commercial espionage, it is very convenient to take photos of contracts and faces from time to time to leave evidence to avoid being tricked by colleagues or customers.

Judging from the cached video, Ian Campbell went to secretly meet with Yagyu Inubei, the master of the Tojo Club. It's a pity that there is only a short period before entering the nightclub, and the data after entering the box are transcribed into encrypted files. As expected, the company's old dogs are very careful. Killing them is easy, but commercial secret theft is definitely not that easy.

However, Li Pan still discovered a detail. This guy used a black money account from another world to place bets on underground black boxing matches on the floating car. Hey, you father and son are really the same, they both like boxing, right?

Just having a black money account is useless. Every time you log in, you have a dynamic password, so the black money communication card also has a corresponding email address to collect the transaction password. However, in the video, Campbell spent three million black money to buy a "Leticia's Hound" to win. At least Li Pan got the transaction code for the three million bet.

We won’t say whether the hound can win or how much he can earn if he wins, but according to the general rules, as long as you withdraw your investment before the black boxing competition starts, you can surrender and lose half and get 1.5 million back.

Although it's still black money when you get it back, and it won't be much money when you launder it, mosquito legs are also meat. And of course, to get this money, you must at least have someone to guarantee it, and have an internal account at the boxing casino.

So he packaged the data and sent it to Shiba for cracking. Li Pan called Lao Wu at the Peace Hotel.

"Wai~~Uncle Wu, are there any underground boxing matches recently?"

"Hey, Broomstick, with your three-legged cat skills, you still want to box? What, are you bankrupt?"

"Hey! Who are you looking down on? I'm rich now! Tens of millions every minute! I have nowhere to spend it! Dead Man's Lotto is no longer suitable for a successful person like me! If there is a boxing match , let me also place two bets!"

"Oh, you are really rich. If you want to play, okay, there will be a game tonight. The old rules are that the introduction fee is 20,000 in cash. You can use black money to place bets. Let's see the exchange rate of their casino. But one bet is at least One hundred thousand, the next one million I can give you your address, come and watch the match, whether you want to play or not, I will introduce you to some popular boxers."

"OJBK! Twenty thousand is transferred to you!"

Lao Wu also collected money to do things. He acted quickly and helped Li Pan as a guarantee to open a boxing match gambler account. Li Pan originally wanted to surrender and lose half of the money and cash out the 1.5 million, but at this time he noticed In the list of popular seeded boxers sent by Lao Wu, there really was 'Leticia's Hound'.

And Li Pan knows this hound!

It's the maid with braided white stockings!

Of course, she had slightly adjusted her appearance at this time, loosened her braids, had dark blue hair, dark blue pupils, and put on neat leather jacket and jeans. She was tall and fit, with fair skin and toned legs. Such beautiful legs were still beautiful. It’s really fresh in my memory.

In the past performance and classic super-kill replay clips, he is especially good at using whip leg side kicks. He can break a whip with one leg and kick his opponent into a zigzag shape in three rounds. This strength is definitely level five.

Hey, is Leticia's hound? This girl should be a serious werewolf, right? Wow, these legs alone are worth a million!

Li Pan immediately became interested and asked Shiba to cut off a million pieces of meat to buy tickets, and decided to go meet this little female... wolf tonight.

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