I'm not a cyberpsycho

Chapter 83 Wudang

"Are you lying in a big trap? Wu-Tang? There is still Wu-Tang these days? Are you making a movie?"

"Of course, you think you can make random decisions out of thin air when making a movie. Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense, okay?

If you search online, you will find the directory of the Traditional Culture Protection and Inheritance Fund. In the traditional martial arts column, there is Wudang Neijiaquan, as well as martial arts coaches and martial arts gym addresses. As long as they are certified, they can open a gym and accept disciples, and you can receive it every year. Subsidized. "

Li Pan clicked on the link sent by Lao Wu and saw that it really opened his eyes. There are hundreds of traditional martial arts, both Eastern and Western. The Akiyama family's kendo gym is not among them, so it probably can't be considered a martial arts training.

But don’t mention it yet, the Wudang Sect in this plane is really famous.

In addition to legendary figures such as Patriarch Sanfeng who are famous in the multiverse, when Gao Tianyuan invaded the Central Plains, Taoism was the state religion appointed by the imperial court, and Wudang Mountain was at its peak. The imperial court overhauled Wudang Mountain several times and named it the "Xuanyue that governs the world" and the crown of the five mountains. ’, the Wudang Sect is as high as the mountains and is worthy of being the leader of the righteous way, number one in the world.

Therefore, people in the martial arts world later held martial arts conferences and spontaneously organized volunteers to assist the Qi army in resisting the Japanese invasion of China. They also invited Wudang master Ziyang Zhenren to serve as the leader of the martial arts alliance, leading the heroes to fight against the Japanese Ronin and the imperial ninjas, and many heroic stories were staged. , is considered a very famous martial arts movie theme in the world.

But it's a pity that reality is sometimes stranger than movies, especially when the opponent can't afford to lose and cheats, so they go straight to cruising. How can they win? No matter how powerful Master Ziyang is, can he still fly out of the atmosphere? Alas, let’s not mention it. Anyway, if you fall behind, you will be beaten...

Although the Wu-Tang sect has declined, the classic theme of martial arts vs. ninjas has naturally produced many martial arts movies. Now there are many coaches who teach Wu-Tang internal martial arts. There is a long list of contact information and the address of the martial arts school. If it is too far away, You can also use Chaomeng to teach online and practice martial arts online.

What kind of cyber kung fu, electronic arena, crooked day...

Lao Wu also explained,

"That lunatic is also a student of hundreds of schools. He has some skills in the South Boxing and North Legs, but his most powerful skills are the Chaotic Ring Technique and the Tiger Claw Technique. He is obviously a true disciple. This kind of true Kung Fu is generally not taught in martial arts schools, and can only be learned by serious apprenticeship.

Don't look at the number of people on the list. Those who have practiced the Yizi Hunyuan Zhuang are probably less than 10% able to learn the Wudang Tiger Claw Hands, and even fewer have the internal skills to learn the Chaos Ring Technique. I don’t know who taught that madman as a disciple. He is really amazing. "

Li Pan flipped through the directory and found the column of 'Nine-Fan Imperial Steps with Mandarin Duck Hooks, Suspended in the Air and Stab's Feet', and sure enough, he couldn't find Lao Wu.

"Uncle Wu, why don't you open a gym? Because you care about losing in the first battle? Hey, winning or losing is a matter of military strategists. Wouldn't it be nice for him to receive subsidies every year? It would be a pity not to pass down such a handsome skill! It's better to do this Uncle Wu, if I hit you another twenty thousand, how many more times can you kick me?"

Lao Wu just laughed,

"Hey, you're rich, right? You're good at it, right? You'll be great if you wear a suit of armor, right?

Come on broom boy! Now that you are prominent and have a serious job, just go to work honestly. Don't always think about boxing with others. If you are really free, just go online and fight the All-Heaven Boxer. You can also add light and shadow special effects, and you will get bonuses if you win. Isn't it more enjoyable?

If you really have any dirty work to do, just come to my uncle and I will introduce you to a few skilled ones. Hehe, I am lame in my legs but my eyes are not yet blind. You can't buy it for 20,000 yuan and you can't buy it at a loss and you can't be fooled! "

Li Pan urged,

"That's not what you are saying. Uncle Wu, I really think it would be a pity that such a handsome kung fu of yours has been lost. Why don't you teach it to me? When one day I meet the disciple of that madman in Wudang, I can help you. Kick it back? Don’t you want to see Chuanwu flourish?"

Old Wu snorted coldly,

"Ah! Chuanwu, Chuanwu!

I practice martial arts because my family is too poor to afford a gun! I worked hard because I was interested in my master's property and wanted to be his son-in-law! I became a gangster because I beat someone to death in my youth and anger, and I will never be able to clean myself up from now on! I was kicked and my leg was broken. That was the retribution I deserved for being so heartless!

It’s still carried forward! If I am still working as a dog at my age, how can I have the nerve to open a restaurant? Nonsence!

Come on, come on! Stop talking nonsense to me! If you don’t pass it on, you don’t pass it on! "

Lao Wu blocked all communications.

Lao Wu refused to teach, and Li Pan had nothing to do. In fact, he really felt that poking the feet was quite powerful. This skill was different from the Neijia Qigong. It was a serious battlefield martial arts. From the infantry to the line, the hand The killing skills evolved by holding a knife and shield to fight, and using the cold kick to poke people, highlight the quickness, accuracy and ruthlessness. It is especially satisfying when lifting the vagina and legs to tease people, and it is particularly satisfying when performing critical strikes.

Now that Li Pan has the Nine Yin Divine Art to protect his body, he can deal extra damage to any monster he fights. Now he has the True Dragon Po Hungren in his hand. If he can learn the essence of the Chain Yubu Mandarin Duck Legs, he will be able to defeat monsters in the future, wouldn't it? Punch and kick?

Alas, it is a pity that these martial arts practitioners accept death and are as stubborn as donkeys. No wonder the protection of traditional culture has a long way to go...

While chatting here, there were two more fights on the playground, two people died, and finally it was the little she-wolf's turn to appear.

Fortunately, the little she-wolf didn't let Li Pan lose half the money. She almost ran to the venue wearing a maid outfit and small leather shoes. She even changed her clothes and didn't even have time to comb her hair. Out. Maybe I was still doing housework just now...

Leticia's hound? This woman also has a rich resume. In addition to being a maid now, her previous career also included killers, mercenaries, and guerrillas. The skill column also generously states that he is a level 5 genetically enhanced soldier, a biochemically modified person, uses military fighting skills, and is good at whip leg side kicks.

Li Pan's admission fee of one million this time was also paid to her, which is equivalent to four million to buy Leticia's hunting dog champion. Now that she is on the stage, she naturally cannot surrender and lose half. If she wins, it will be doubled, and if she loses all, Lose light.

However, Li Pan knew the opponent's details and was confident in the strength of the hound.

Campbell is also very discerning. Leticia's hound is indeed the favorite to win this time. Even if she hides her identity and cannot illegally transform into a werewolf during the competition, this little she-wolf is also a level 5 bionic human with steel and iron bones. , just a simple whip leg kick, after three rounds, usually not many people can stand and talk loudly to her.

What's more, it has hidden werewolf blood, can resist blows, self-heal, and heal serious injuries. This hound is much more capable than the glamorous lady looks like.

If the masters of the Tianlong Gang had no disabilities or old injuries, they might still be able to fight with the hounds in human form. But now Li Pan saw that as long as the little she-wolf didn't make low-level mistakes or get hit repeatedly, then The odds of winning are still quite high.

However, most of the broadcast scenes have been edited, and except for a few knowledgeable experts, most viewers actually don't know Leticia's hunting skills. Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, many people thought it was a common black boxing weapon. It's the usual trick used by bookmakers to attract viewers. Randomly pick up a beautiful girl, play defeat and humiliation, and even have restricted scenes of having sex in public or even being executed. These are all reserved programs of the deep network.

Of course, Li Pan definitely doesn't want to see this kind of flirtatious scene. Mainly, he has bet four million. If the car overturns, it will hurt you and my heart...

Fortunately, Leticia's hound did not disappoint him. After two rounds of fighting, he passed a few moves with the opponent who had been transformed like a chimpanzee. After two rounds of testing, he took advantage of the opponent to pounce on him and throw him, then kicked him sideways. The moment he kicked the opponent's calf off and caused him to lose balance, he threw the orangutan away with a beautiful back throw. Finally, he jumped forward and smashed his throat with a knee, kicking the opponent's throat out, and he was able to kill the opponent cleanly.

The online audience made a fuss and even took off their pants to show me this? Benima refunds your money!

But it’s no use. This is the only bad thing about black boxing fighting games. It’s too real and it’s not enjoyable to watch. You can still hear the explosion of the ball, but who is the really powerful master who can perform those fancy routines with you? You move and I move.

You see, it's like Li Pan. He can unleash the True Dragon Break with all his strength in one move. If he didn't have a Star Destroyer-level physique, how many people in the world could resist it?

These black boxers are also similar. Although their destructive power is a little bit worse than others, the guaranteed damage is at the level of killing a cow with one punch. Those who are serious about it are rushing to see the blood. Generally, the winner will be decided in three to five rounds. , there is still no life or death after ten rounds, which is a very rare situation.

Li Pan saw the hound's ability and knew that he didn't have to worry about four million, so he took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on the arena, climbed over the balcony, and jumped to the building opposite. Jumping around the window, jumping into the classroom players' rest area.

Juan was thrown into the garbage pile in the corridor, his nose was broken, his mouth and nose were bloody, and he still hadn't woken up yet. Li Pan turned the man sideways to prevent the young man from finally getting out of the ring alive and choking to death on his own blood while unconscious.

Then he took off Juan's wrestling helmet, put it on his face, sneaked into the rest area, and without going to the rooftop, he just sniffed and quickly caught the smell of the little she-wolf. Among the body odors of rough men, female hormones really stand out. Without much delay, Li Pan walked into the girls' dressing room and found the closet where the hound had just changed.

"Eighteen, come in and help me open an electronic lock."

Okay, the maid uniform that I took off temporarily is indeed here, oh, it's still hot.

"...Boss, it's one thing to watch a movie, but it's another thing to go to school and steal girls' underwear..."

"It's not what you think! She is already an adult! Hey, let me explain to you and see if there is any place to install the positioning golem."

"Hey, it's really bad to be on the tail end..."

Li Pan pretended not to hear.

But this little she-wolf also has a dog's nose, so she can definitely smell that someone has tampered with her underwear.

So he put in a communication card and transferred about 10,000 black gold into it. In the card, he hid the magic doll locating program from Shiba. He also left a contact information and wrote two sentences, "I support you! Work hard." !” “Love you! Mmm!”, and then casually put on a pair of her white stockings, pretending to be an ordinary perverted fan who just wanted to have sex.

Humph, you can't bear to let the child trap the wolf. Last time, the little female wolf was greedy for taxi fare. She must be reluctant to part with this ten thousand yuan. Then we can follow the clues and lead the wolves out. Wow, one million per head! Isn’t the small goal of getting a hundred heads coming?

After such an operation, Li Pan thought he was unaware of the situation, so he went back to the auditorium on the opposite floor to watch the game.

The fight was so fast, and some of the players who were either dead or disabled were seriously injured and retired from the game, and it soon entered the decisive game.

The two sides in the final were not what Li Pan expected. One was Leticia's little she-wolf, and the other was the Bajiquan master of the Tianlong Gang.

Both of them are skilled in hard martial arts and do not engage in any fancy prosthetic martial arts.

The master of the Tianlong Gang has an injury on his waist, so he can't fight for a long time, and he won't be vague with you. When he starts, he will push Liangyi Zhu into the body.

The little she-wolf dodged in a flash, raised her leg and did a Brazilian kick, then kicked her calf to the side, using a full moon scimitar to sweep her head, followed by a step side kick, her waist strength was outrageous, and her legs were thrown out Just pull away a little bit, use small boxing steps to quickly pull away your body, never letting you get close with Bajiquan.

The members of the Tianlong Gang also quickly protected their heads with their elbows, and jumped away without trying to forcefully sweep their legs. Generally speaking, Central Plains Kung Fu emphasizes that kicking does not reach the knees. Jumping too high is a living target for being intercepted halfway.

But this little she-wolf's legs are astonishingly strong, and when she sweeps them up, she makes the wind blow, and I'm afraid she can really compete with your Baji Quan's elbow knife. The masters of the Tianlong Gang were too old to withstand a hard collision, otherwise they would just hit him with their elbows and knives.

The little she-wolf also noticed that her opponent was a little weak. If you don't come over, I will. Suddenly, she exerted her strength on the spot. She jumped into the air and kicked forward with two consecutive kicks. She raised her legs high to sweep her head, and then kicked her sideways. , a series of dazzling moves, and kicked him right in front of him.

The old master raised his arms to protect himself, and took the force off his legs with bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. He stepped back, his body was thin, and the training clothes on his body were shaken by the wind on his legs. He looked as if he was about to be kicked out at any time. Similar.

And it seems to be exactly like this. It seems that under the violent whipping of the little she-wolf, she failed to catch her breath and was kicked to the side. She stepped back one after another. It seemed that she lost her footing and was kicked out of her posture. She retreated to the edge of the rooftop. .

When the little she-wolf saw that her opponent was forced into a corner, it was a good opportunity. She rushed up with her knees, swept with a spinning body and added a whirlwind kick. She smashed down with a thunderous kick, trying to win the game with a big move.

But he was too young. The master of the Tianlong Gang suddenly accelerated and kicked an iron bridge across the bridge. He threw out a leopard tail foot to block the move. He smashed the little she-wolf in the leg and bounced it away. Taking advantage of the situation, he also swept the hall one after another. Legs, kicking away the single foot that the little female wolf was supporting.

What, are you the only one with beautiful feet? What if someone can only punch but not kick their legs?

The little she-wolf was so violent that she lost her balance, but she urgently supported herself with one hand and chased a scorpion barb. However, her counterattack hit the top of her head, but was blocked by the support arm and was intercepted halfway!

This hound's leg skills are indeed powerful. If it were any other contestant, the hand and leg bones would not be able to withstand her kick. However, since he was hit at close range, the power of Bajiquan was really revealed.

Legend has it that the Bajiquan originated from the boxing scriptures passed down by Marshal Qi when he was training soldiers. Because the Yuanyang Formation requires horses and spears, and they must not move in the face of danger. They must not abandon their troops and run away, causing chaos in the formation. Although there are shield soldiers to protect them, if anything happens When the Japanese pirates got close to them and couldn't use their fists or feet, they had no choice but to hit them with their shoulders and elbows and beat them to death.

It has evolved like this until now. When the training reaches the extreme state, the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, tail, hips, knees, and feet are all extremely strong, the energy is flowing through, and the strength of the whole body can burst out from one point! Breaking rocks! Broken bones and broken arms! No problem!

So now it's the little old man's turn!

Hit, hit, hit! Smash, smash, smash! You can’t play without remaining blood!

Swing your elbows and hit them diagonally, hit them hard, your elbows are like two iron whips!

Progress, support your arms, strengthen your strength, collapse your elbows!

Shoulder bump! Chest bump! Hit the ribs! Hit it diagonally! Splash! A series of collapsing elbows to the head!

Chasing the little female wolf, cracking, banging and violently beating her! It’s really like treating an individual as a stake!

But at this moment, the two of them were still standing on the edge of the playground. The little she-wolf lost her balance with one move, and was hit with an elbow and a violent blow from close to her. She was so dizzy that she couldn't move away, couldn't escape, and was even more afraid of being hit again. If you jump up, you will be kicked off the stairs, and you can only stand on the ground and endure the pain.

In a short time, I don’t know how many punches and kicks I received all over my body! The bones were cracked and broken! A huge gash was made on the face with an elbow knife, sweeping diagonally from the brow bone to the roof of the mouth, and the skin and flesh were instantly torn open! Half of his face was dripping with blood, and his eyes were so shocked!

The whole audience exclaimed, and there was excitement inside and outside the venue. Li Pan also jumped in and screamed loudly amidst the excitement of the crowd.

"Don't! Stop it, oh my god! Hold it! Hold it, oh my god! Fight back! Fight back, oh my god! Four million! My four million, oh my god!!"

However, it was of no use. The master swung his elbow and hit her temple at an angle, causing Leticia's hound's neck to swing over and her whole body swaying. Then he launched a sky-reaching cannon, punched his abdomen with both hands, and blasted ! With a pair of old fists, he knocked the little she-wolf out of the field! boom! It has to fly into the wall! The building opposite was smashed into a cobweb!

That day, after the master of the Dragon Gang finished his set, he let out a breath of "hiss-huh-" and knelt on the ground with his hands on his waist, covered in cold sweat.

The hound seemed to have a concussion, his eyes were blank, he lowered his head, fell from the roof of the building, and landed in the garbage.

The outcome is decided!

"...Ah, ah——!?"

Li Pan was speechless.

I lie down for a while...

lose! Light!

Ah...the light from the street lamp...is so dazzling...

Speaking of which... whenever he gambles, he never seems to win... Gambling is really harmful...

Lao Wu Lehehe called again.

"Hehe, there are talents in this generation. This little girl's physical fitness is quite good, but it's a pity that she comes from a wild background. No one has given her serious guidance, and she doesn't know how to beat. It's a pity, haha! How about a broom boy? I gave you a good recommendation, right? How much did you win? No points for me?"

"I still win..."

Li Pan reacted and looked at the recommendation list given by Lao Wu. Not to mention, Leticia's hound was actually ranked fourth by him, and the number one seed was this little old man who used Bajiquan. This guy's name is Liu Heitu. He was also a double-headed member of the Tianlong Gang and a top thug.


Li Pan also saw it, but didn't he think that boxing was afraid of young people? Who knew this guy could win even with an old waist?

Everyone is really numb. If I had known earlier, I would have surrendered and lost half of the money...

Li Pan looked at the field. Liu Heitu was still kneeling there, unable to straighten his waist for a long time. Although it was indeed a factor of being kicked, but if it wasn't for acting...

"Uncle Wu, this little... Master Liu, could it be that he also fought against that Wudang man back then?"

"That's not the case. In the past, Heitu and I competed for the Double Red Stick, regardless of the outcome. Unfortunately, each mountain was higher than the other, and in the end we both lost to the madman from Wudang.

Alas, we were young and energetic back then, because we saw that lunatic still remembered the martial arts practitioners, showed mercy, and did not lose face to participate in the siege, otherwise we would have had no chance of winning... No, if we didn't follow the rules of the world, If I competed with that man, I might have been beaten to death long ago...

All in all, I kicked eight times in that match and he made ten moves, so Kurotsuchi is probably a bit better than me. This old guy is a bad gambler and needs money. If you want to learn kung fu, go to him. "


Shit, so what the hell is that Wudang guy...

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