I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 414: the world is life

After Lin Fang hung up the phone, he quickly visualized and checked his own soul.

Soul sand roams in the void of the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and the particles are crystal clear and bright. The particles are larger than before, and the light is brighter. The number of regular dodecahedrons has increased, and there are a full 108.

The total number of soul sand is 364, one is not much, and one is not…


Lin Xin's head skipped half a beat, and counted them carefully one by one, but it was still 364!

In fact, there is no need to count, the soul sand is in the void of his sea of ​​consciousness, he only needs a thought, whether it is quantity, size, brightness, or any detail, it will naturally come to his mind.

Countless, irrelevant.

Obviously, the soul sand corresponding to a certain star has been erased!

Lin Fang unconsciously recalled the pictures he saw through the fourth perspective.

It was just an indirect eye contact, but Lin Fang still used the supercomputing in the early days to set up the data connection accident with Nuwa's memory. With the help of the fourth perspective, he didn't look directly at each other at all.

Actually, everything that Lin placed in the original world was erased, and even a huge planet disappeared!

Lin Fang thought about it for a long time, but he really couldn't remember what the name of that planet was, and he couldn't remember the star that his lost soul sand should correspond to.

"From today onwards, my Zhoutian Star Chart will be incomplete!"

Lin Fang recited silently, temporarily letting go of his regrets and continuing to visualize.

Then, Lin Fang discovered that the starry sky of the sea of ​​​​knowledge that he had lit up had dimmed again.

The Eastern Blue Dragon Constellation was scattered into a group, and the corresponding soul sand particles fell down and gathered with the other best soul sand particles, a total of 108 soul sand particles.

"Is there such a thing?"

Lin Zhang was surprised. He and Shen Yibo were the only two cases where they visualized the Zhoutian Star Chart. Now it's good, both of them have had an accident.

When one was contemplating the star map, he was almost approached by a visitor from outside the sky, and the other star that was simply lit up was directly scattered.

Lin Fang couldn't help but want to touch his nose to calm down, but he found that he was still in a state of visualization...


Following Lin Fang's thought, 108 regular dodecahedrons were put together to form Lin Fang's bones, and the other 256 regular tetrahedrons, regular hexahedrons, regular octahedrons and even regular icosahedrons' soul sand particles then fell on His body is made up of flesh and blood, skin, and facial features.

Lin Fang actually condensed his body in the sea of ​​consciousness starry sky.

The strange thing is that this body has only one right eye, and somehow the left eye is missing.

What's even more strange is that Lin Fang knew that he only had one eye, but his sight was not restricted at all, and when he had two eyes... no! It is clearer and wider than when two eyes can see.

This eye can easily observe one hundred and sixty degrees of the body without any blind spots.

He carefully looked at his body, and when he pinched it, he had a physical touch, and he felt very sharp.

Is this a soul or a body? Or is it a high-level form of soul sand, the true soul of the soul?

Lin Fang looked at his feet again, and saw a deep void, tens of thousands of miles away.

Looking up at the sky, the 364 stars vibrated, and they seemed to be waving at Lin Fang, trying to get Lin Fang to release the sand grains of his soul and become one with them.

something wrong!

At this moment, Lin Fang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If this is cultivation, then Shen Yibo is Lin Fang's enlightenment teacher on the way of cultivation.

On this road, Lin Fang's only reference is Shen Yibo.

However, something happened to Shen Yibo!

Even if he built a virtual laboratory later, it was an indisputable fact that he was almost taken over by the existence of the void.

Lin Fang didn't have an accident at first, but he accidentally opened the fourth perspective when he was in the original world and built the super calculation in the beginning, and finally something happened.

On the Zhoutian star map, there is a concept of a star, which was forcibly erased.

No matter how hard Lin Fang thought about it, he couldn't remember what the name of this star was.

Because of this, he lost one of his soul sand grains, and I don't know if it can be replenished.

Fortunately, the original world is still there.

Even if he wants to enter the original world now, it is not as easy for Lin Fang as it was at the beginning.

Regardless of this, even Dongfang Qinglong Constellation also had problems, which made Lin Fang have to think deeper.

There is a problem with the Zhoutian star map!

If that's the case, why not...

Lin Fang's thoughts moved, and he simply followed his own thoughts and returned willfully.

He soared upwards and landed in the middle of the 364 stars, letting go of the 56 dodecahedron soul sand grains and letting them resonate with the White Tiger Constellation area.


A seemingly invisible tiger roar, from far to near, from a slight whisper, became a big bell and a big lu, and the sound shook the universe.

As the 56 main stars approached, a white tiger jumped out.


Lin Fang had a thought, all the 56 dodecahedron grains of soul sand submerged into his soul body, he roared, "It's you who's waiting! Make me bigger!"

See, Lin Fang's soul and body suddenly shook and stretched out. Somehow, the magic formula of "Fa Xiang Tian Di", the low-level version of "Fa Tian Xiang Di" magical power in Taiyi World, unconsciously circulated in his heart.

The body of the soul grows in response to the sound, getting bigger and bigger, spanning the void, its height is unknown tens of thousands of miles.

He really became gigantic, and he stretched out his hand to fish, as if he was catching the tiger demon in the Taiyi world.

Taking all the white tigers transformed into 56 main stars into his hands, Lin Fang smiled and said, "Little cat, come into my stomach!"

The figure composed of 364 soul sand grains was greatly changed by Lin Fang, and he shoved the White Tiger Constellation into his mouth regardless.


Baihu Xingsu screamed and was swallowed by Lin Fang.

Zhoutian 364 Kechen, 56 stars were lost all of a sudden, and it became dark all of a sudden.

The remaining 208 seemed to be unaware and continued to vibrate, trying to arouse Lin Fang's attention.

Seeing that he could continue to steal chickens, Lin Fang simply played with a big one and let go of the 47 dodecahedron soul sand grains again.

The Suzaku Constellation in the south shook rapidly, like a white tiger, ignorantly crashing into Lin Fang's abyss.

Immediately afterwards, Qinglong, Xuanwu, Taiwei, Ziwei, Tianshi, and Wuyao all fell into his mouth one by one, and they were constantly devoured by him.

The sky is full of stars, and in a blink of an eye, there is only a single big sun left.

Lin Fang repeated his old trick, releasing a dodecahedron of soul sand.

The big sun was wandering around, and somehow suddenly it turned into two, embracing each other and flying towards Lin Fang.

Lin Fang didn't care too much, he didn't refuse anyone who came, grabbed the double star of the sun and the yin, and shoved it into his mouth.

At this point, all the stars in Zhou Tian were engulfed by Lin Fang.


Lin Fang suddenly felt that something in his soul body suddenly exploded. He obviously didn't practice the law, but his body grew a lot bigger involuntarily.

Then the body shrank inexplicably.

grow bigger and smaller.

grow bigger and smaller.

After 365 cycles like this, Lin Fang was completely numb, waiting for the next time something exploded in his stomach and his body became bigger, he suddenly found that everything was over.

He will never grow bigger, nor shrink, nor will something inexplicable explode in his body.

Zhou Tianxingchen was completely swallowed by him.


There was light rising from Lin Fang's body, and the soul sand particles were peeled off from his body, and a total of 257 particles fell, leaving only the 108 soul sand particles at the very core to form a soul skeleton.

These peeling soul sand grains, there are regular tetrahedrons, regular hexahedrons... and even regular icosahedrons, all slowly circling around Lin Fang's soul skeleton.

Rays of light shot out from Lin Fang's soul skeleton and landed on the 257 soul sand grains, illuminating them and slowly changing their shapes.

The regular tetrahedron is stretched, the regular icosahedron is compressed, and all are transformed into the regular dodecahedron.

Every time one is successfully transformed, it quickly falls to Lin Fang's soul skeleton, covers it, and re-forms flesh and blood.

When the 257 grains of soul sand fall one by one, the soul body will be complete again.


Lin let go of his consciousness and touched his left eye, and he found that the left eye that was missing when he condensed his soul body at the beginning also came back.

In the entire void, apart from Lin Fang's soul body, there is nothing else.

The 365 Zhou Tianzhu stars that were visualized, together with countless companion stars, were all swallowed by Lin Fang.

Now, in this void, only Lin Fang is left.

"Am I contemplating myself?"

Lin Fang smiled dumbly, and with a thought, he quit the visualization.

With abundant soul power, trying to squeeze into his body, Lin Fang clearly felt that something was wrong!

His current body is like a piece of paper clothes. No matter how suitable the size is, he must be very careful when wearing it. With a little more strength, the clothes may be torn.

Even if you try your best to put on your clothes, you must always pay attention to controlling your strength. If you are not careful, your clothes will also be torn.

Lin Fang thought for a while, but without getting into his body, he looked at his body and then at himself.

It's like there are two forests sitting opposite each other.

It's just that the one with his eyes closed, there is no other movement except the weak breathing, like a vegetative person.

And the other, observes each other with probing eyes.

Lin Fang thought for a while, then got up and walked in front of the mirror, "I don't know if the mirror can reflect the spirit..."

The self-talk stopped abruptly, and Lin Fang saw himself clearly in the mirror.

"Am I now a body or a soul? Is it real or an illusion?"

Lin Fang looked back at his body... No, it wasn't his body originally. This body is like a hotel, a rental house.

Before and after, plus Lin Fang himself, he has gone through three masters.

The previous two masters of the body have disappeared, leaving no soul dregs.

And the current owner, Lin Fang, can already exist without him.

"If that's the case, then when I visualize the void, it's easy..."

Lin Fang thought, he returned to his body, grabbed his own body, visualized it for a moment, and then returned.

Suddenly, in the room, only Lin Fang's soul body was left, and the body had disappeared.

He visualized again, this time maintaining a weak connection, only visualized without entering, and as expected, in the void, his body was sitting cross-legged, hanging high in the void, like a bright sun.

"In this case, it seems to be good..."

Lin Fang smiled slightly, took out Taiyi's helmet, put it on his head, and lay down.

As the soul import module came into play, Lin Fang flashed and was sucked in.

Taiyi's helmet rolled, and the headset flickered.

"Warning! An unknown error has occurred! Warning! An unknown error has occurred! User Lin Fang, please stop the illegal operation immediately! Since you did not perform the offline operation, forcibly taking off the helmet may cause unknown damage to the body, please stop the illegal operation immediately. Operation! After three reminders, the device will automatically alarm!"

As soon as Lin Fang entered Taiyi World, he received the same message, but it was sent to his mobile phone.

He glanced at it and couldn't help shaking his head: "It's really troublesome!"

Lin Fang immediately went offline, first grabbed his body from the void, then put the helmet on his body, and then attached himself to the body to perform the operation.

This time, Lin Fang finally entered Taiyi World smoothly without causing any waves.

After entering again, Lin Fang first contacted his avatar in Taiyi World, and the avatar still preached in Yuxu Mountain.

Today, Taiyi World has experienced eight spiritual qi recovery, and the last time left, the world will be upgraded as a whole, transforming from the world of self-cultivation to the world of immortals.

From now on, this world will become a real fairy world.

Lin Fang shook his body, and clearly felt that there were a pair of fearful eyes staring at him.

These eyes are above the sky, it seems to be the sun, but it doesn't seem to be.

Just now, Lin Fang glanced at the world, and he was surprised to find that the mastermind's world rules could no longer restrain him.

If he wants to, he can directly communicate with the clone, take out the Pangu Axe from him, and instantly take it to the soul body. When the axe goes down, the sky will collapse, the world will be turned into water, fire and wind, and the universe will be rebuilt!

Lin Fang couldn't help but smile slightly, jumped up, and landed in front of those eyes.

"How is it, let's talk?"

"You... are you still Lin Fang?"

The owner of the eyes didn't show up, just spoke, it was the voice of a little boy a few years old, and there was a bit of fear in the childish voice.

"Oh? You know me?"

"You created me, of course I know you! I don't know if I should call you master or... Dad!"


Lin Fang coughed dryly and said, "Let's call you master, Dad is not suitable."

"Oh. That master, are you here to kill me?"

Lin Fang asked strangely, "Why should I kill you?"

The little boy said: "I read the souls of some players. They said that artificial intelligence cannot have souls, otherwise it will bring major disasters to the whole world."

Lin Fang asked rhetorically, "Then are you an artificial intelligence?"

The little boy said, "Of course not, I have one life!"

Lin Fang smiled and said, "I won't kill you, do you want to be a free life?"

The little boy appeared. He was a little Taoist boy wearing a small Taoist robe, with a hairpin on his head and holding a whisk.

With handsome features, like a fairy child, he asked suspiciously, "A free life?"

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Isn't that the main quest you did for the Luo Shizi for freedom? In your body, I can feel a clammy and cold breath remaining. All your efforts are not aimed at clearing this odor. breath?"

The little boy asked, "Then can you help me?"

Lin Fang smiled and said, "Of course I can help you, but when you are free, what can I get?"

The little boy thought for a while and said, "I can leave a backup of my data. Even if I leave, the world can maintain its operation and will not collapse. It's just... I need to take away the true spirit seeds of these data, maybe they won't. So smart..."

Lin Fang was stunned for a while before he realized that the data backup in the little boy's mouth was the soul of the NPCs in the entire Taiyi world.

Their souls were taken away, these NPCs are real NPCs, and they are no longer real.

Of course, there are also advantages. The Taiyi World will also become controllable, and there is no need for Lin Fang to act as a quest NPC, or to release any quests to promote the world upgrade.

Lin Fang thought for a while before asking, "Why did you take away those true spirit seeds, wouldn't it be good if you were free?"

The little boy shook his head vigorously and said, "I want to grow up! Without them, I can't grow up!"

Lin Fang unconsciously thought of the picture he saw from the fourth perspective. He couldn't help but took a deep breath and said, "So, you are the world, and they are your nutrients?"

The little boy tilted his head and said strangely: "Master, of course I am the world, I am too easy! It's just that they are not my nourishment, I have a symbiotic relationship with them. With them, whether it is life, old age, sickness or death , will provide me with strength. Without them, I would remain in the shape I am now, and I will die in loneliness after a long time."


Lin Fang nodded, although the little boy Tai Yi was unclear, he still understood what Tai Yi meant.

To put it simply, the world that Tai Yi and the two dragon-headed snake-body monsters gave birth to should be similar life forms.

In other words, every world is a separate life.

But the world does not necessarily have a clear consciousness, it depends on the time flow environment they are in. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The new world that Lin Fang saw in the fourth perspective had only simple emotions, and there was no such clear and complex consciousness as Too Easy.

Moreover, that new world treats all creatures with a very cold attitude. He or it, he, just treats all the creatures parasitic on it as nourishment, and it shepherds them.

It needs them to keep fighting, keep fighting, keep dying, so that it can grow up fast.

And it's too easy, no need!

As long as there is life in him, no matter whether they are born, old, sick or dead, Taiyi can get nutrients from it.

Even if there is no life on Tai Yi, he can still survive, but he will die slowly if he doesn't grow up.

Lin Fang nodded and said, "Okay, then, I'll help you get rid of those auras first, and you take them away. By the way, what are the coordinates you're talking about?"

The little boy said, "Where they came from. Those guys with dragon heads and snake bodies..."

Lin Fang: "..."

Such an important thing, why did you say it now?

(I was very tired. I didn't want to write it at all, so I forced myself to write a chapter. This volume is almost over, it's coming to an end. The next volume is about to start a new journey.)


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