I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 423: It's no coincidence

Lin Fang couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Is it so simple and rude for you to distinguish whether the Spirit Race people are parasitized by the Demon Zerg?"


Huang Linlin was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean disguise?"


Lin Fang guessed that Huang Linlin didn't know the specifics, so she nodded and said, "Yes, I'm talking about disguise."

Huang Linlin nodded with relief and said, "Yes, it's usually so simple and rude. However, there are also special circumstances. Senior members of our club have other ways to see through the disguise of the Demon Zerg."

Lin Fang breathed a sigh of relief. The so-called senior members of the club were probably the remaining upper echelons of Spirit Race rebels, right?

Their method is probably a bit more advanced.

Even if you can't see through the parasites of the Demon Zerg directly through your mental vision, like Lin Fang, you can use some tools to identify it.

Possibly, they also have Xia Wanxue's companions, not necessarily.

Thinking of this, Lin Fang felt a lot more relaxed.

For the pure blood club trip, I finally have a little more expectation in my heart.

The speed of the flight cabin was extremely fast. Lin Fang and Huang Linlin just chatted for a few words, and the flight cabin hovered somewhere.


The hatch opened, and the safety straps on Huang Linlin and Lin Fang automatically popped open. She led Lin Fang to the opposite side.

"Don't be afraid, it looks like a void here, but there is actually something."

"Afraid? I'm not afraid."

From Huang Linlin's point of view, the opposite side of the cabin door is a void, and if you step over it, you will fall into the bottomless abyss.

But from Lin Fang's point of view, there was an open passage on the opposite side. Four fully-armed Eldar people each had a long gun, and the muzzle of the gun was also aimed at the flight cabin.

At the one-meter line of the passage, a door of light was erected, and four eyes-like things protruded from the door of light.

Lin Fang noticed that the hidden effect of this door of light was better, or in other words, it used a more advanced camouflage method than the channel, and he had to shake the soul sand to discover it.

Obviously, this is a targeted protection measure. Once it is confirmed that the intruder is not a pure-blood Eldar, they will resolutely shoot.

Lin Fang let Huang Linlin lead him, and the two entered the passage together.


The sound of the bullet being loaded sounds no different from the Earth Era.

Lin Fang's heart was not disturbed, but Huang Linlin was very nervous. She quickly stretched out her arm and said, "I am a pure-blood spirit race, and so is he. We can accept the strictest test!"


Lin Fang tried his best to restrain himself, not rolling his eyes or glancing at the door of light hanging above their heads.

Girl, the test for us has already started, okay? Are you an idiot from the Spiritual Race?

Thinking of silly Baitian, Lin Fang couldn't help but touch his nose.

It's not impossible!

If Huang Linlin in the Earth Era is based on the re-enactment of Huang Linlin of the Spiritual Race, isn't it natural that the two have something in common?

Thinking of this, Lin Fang no longer struggled.

For others to do this, it's completely basic!

The four guards just glanced at Lin Fang and Huang Linlin, then moved out of the way.

Huang Linlin patted her chest, the pair on her chest swayed twice, she smiled sweetly at the other side, and said, "Thank you, the guards, you guys are so nice!"


Spiritual clan silly white sweet, that's you!

Lin Fang silently decided that in the future, Huang Linlin should not worry about things that need to be done in his head.

Walking through the guard passage, Huang Linlin dragged Lin Fang onwards. Along the way, they passed a few inspection ports that were unremarkable in her eyes, but were hidden murderous intentions in Lin Fang's eyes. The two came to a hall.

The hall is indeed arranged like a club, with a bar, gambling machines, card tables, and sofas.

The people inside also gathered together in twos and threes in a leisurely manner, chatting with each other easily.

If it wasn't for seeing too many hidden dangers along the way, Lin Fang would really give a big thumbs up for the hearts of these people.

Now, it seems that relaxation is just a disguise of these people?

"Linlin, are you here?"

A fair-skinned and beautiful woman with mature charm came over with a glass of wine. She smiled and greeted Huang Linlin.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and Lin Fang was almost stunned.

Pay... Is it okay to pay?

Another acquaintance!

Lin Fang really wanted to get Xia Wanxue out now, slapped her hard, and asked her to explain honestly what was going on.

Huang Linlin in the Earth Era, no matter whether she pays well, is undoubtedly a real existence.

But in the Spirit Race world, I saw another person who looked almost exactly like them. The same truth, the same truth, this impact on a person's three views is very amazing.

The wrong thing is that Lin Fang has already determined one thing, and the philosophy that killed Descartes has not relaxed over the years. At this moment, maybe he will affect his soul and body due to cognitive dislocation.

The real world is far more mysterious than what scientists have observed, far more daring than what novelists have imagined.

Since matter can be split into atoms, electrons, and quarks, why can't spirit?

"Ah, good sister, long time no see!" Huang Linlin rushed over to hold the mature woman's arm. As soon as she opened her mouth, Lin Fang was even more certain that she was the one from the Spirit Clan World!

This feeling is really amazing.

In the earth era, she had already had a relationship, and she had seen her most private side, and those who were close could no longer be close.

But in the Spirit Race world, the two of them were still a pair of strangers who didn't know each other.

"Yes, long time no see! How have you been recently?"

"I had a great time!"

Fu Hao laughed and chatted with Huang Linlin, and brought the topic to Lin Fang without a trace, "Linlin, this is... your new friend? Why haven't I seen him in the club before?"

"What do you mean by him?" Huang Linlin nodded vigorously, "He's an idiot, a pure newcomer! You don't even know how stupid he was when I saw him..."

Huang Linlin was unsuspecting, and she recounted her and Lin Fang's acquaintance experience, and finally said, "If it weren't for me, he must have been arrested by the inspector or even the law enforcement officer by now!"

"So that's how it is!" Fu Hao nodded with a smile, affirming what Huang Linlin had done, "Linlin is indeed the most caring child in our club, and most of the recent newcomers are brought over by you, thanks to your efforts. Come on, our club is really getting bigger and bigger!"


When Lin Fang heard these words, he couldn't help but glance at Huang Linlin.

In other words, this idiot Bai Tian, ​​besides being stupid, also has his own tracing buff? She can always find a new pureblood Eldar?

Lin Xin was surprised, but he also had some doubts: Where did the new pure-blooded spirits come from? Isn't the world of the Spirit Race already under the control of the Demon Zerg?

Except for underground resistance organizations like the pure blood club, I am afraid that other pure blood spirits have been arrested and parasitized, right?

Where are the newly born pure-blooded spirits for Huang Linlin to develop? Is there a problem here?

Huang Linlin smiled and waved her hand: "It's not all my credit! If there weren't those seniors who sacrificed themselves and created souls, no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn't be able to find new people to join!"

Creation of the soul... Couldn't you be talking about the mental cage in Xia Wanxue's mouth?

Lin felt relieved, he heard something extraordinary from the conversation between Fu Hao and Huang Linlin.

In other words, there may be more than one Earth era!

If it wasn't for Lin Fang who had just joined the Pure Blood Club, it would be hard to ask too much. He really wanted to know what the creation of the soul was, and how many secrets were hidden in this club!

Fu Hao chuckled and nodded. She turned her head and glanced at Lin Fang, "Have we met this fellow? How do I feel? You look familiar to me?"

"I haven't seen it." Lin Fang quickly shook his head, "I just haven't seen a woman as mature and attractive as you, and I was a little fascinated when I saw it."


Fu Hao covered his mouth and chuckled: "You are really sweet! You are so handsome, I don't know, do you have a fixed spiritual partner?"

"What is a soulmate?"

"Oh, good sister, you are so annoying! It's so shy to discuss this in front of others! I'll ignore you."

Just as Lin Fang opened his mouth to ask a question, he was interrupted by Huang Linlin.

She covered her face, dragged Lin Fang and ran away.

Hey, don't rush to leave, I'm really asking for advice!

Lin Fang didn't get the answer from Fu Hao, so he simply asked Huang Linlin, "You are so eager to take me away, is it a big secret for a spiritual partner?"

"Bah!" Huang Linlin rolled her eyes at Lin Fang and said with a blushing face, "You newcomer, you are not honest at all! You just joined the club, and you started to learn badly before you learned anything!"

I am wronged!

What have I done to me?

Lin Fang looked inexplicable, he really didn't know where he was dishonest.

If you don't understand, ask, isn't this a good character of a person?


"Don't ask any more, I'll ignore you if you ask again!"

"Uh... well."

Lin Fang shrugged helplessly, Huang Linlin refused to ask, so he could only keep his doubts in his heart.

Huang Linlin took Lin Fang and walked forward again. Along the way, many people greeted her. It could be seen that she was really popular in the club.

Going all the way to the red wooden door that looked different, Huang Linlin stopped, she whispered to Lin Fang: "I see Grandpa Fang in a while, don't talk casually, and don't ask some messy questions! Yes! Can't do it?"


"Then let's not go to see Grandpa Fang!"

"Yes! Guaranteed!"

"It's almost the same, remember, don't be naughty!"

Huang Linlin was sure that Lin Fang would not cause trouble, so she knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Grandpa Fang, I'm bringing a new friend to see you!"

Huang Linlin pushed open the door and led Lin Fang to a study.

Or, it can no longer be called a study here, it should be called a library, perhaps more accurately.

There were bookshelves lying across the huge study room, and Lin Fang could see that there were books everywhere.

An old man with white hair and beard sat cross-legged on a bookshelf, wearing an open gray robe lined with a pure white robe.

He held a scepter in one hand, and the other hand spread out on his lap.

In front of him, a dozen books are suspended out of thin air, slowly revolving around him.

Every time you turn it, you turn a page, and the old man takes a look.

"Grandpa Fang! We're in!"

"Little Linlin, is that you?" The old man glanced at Lin Fang, and then his eyes fell on Huang Linlin, his face full of love, "This kid you brought here is amazing!"

Lin Fang was shocked when he saw the old man.

This world has flying cars, space rings, and flight capsules. How do you see it, they are all closer to the world of cyberpunk, right?

But this old man, the books floating around are clearly the use of spiritual power. Is this the style of the painting?

Hearing the old man's words again at this time, Lin Xin froze. He didn't know if the old man saw something.

"He? He's just a newcomer, what's so great about him?"

Huang Linlin pouted, disapprovingly.

"Grandpa Fang, I'm really amazing, okay? This month, I've drawn 100 newcomers to the club. Praise me, hurry up and praise me!"

"Good! Good! Our little Linlin is the most amazing!" The old man laughed, stretched out his hand and waved, all the books in front of him flew upside down, flew to the bookshelves, got into the stack of books by themselves, and crowded with other books Together.

He stood up on the spot, with one hand behind his back, and fell down lightly.

Seeing the old man's actions, Huang Linlin couldn't help but said enviously: "Grandpa Fang, you are so amazing, when will I be able to fly around as easily as you do?"

The old man laughed, pointed to the rows of bookshelves, and said, "The methods are all in the book. As long as you study hard, you can definitely learn."

Huang Linlin immediately shook her little head like a rattle, "I don't want it! I dozed off when I read a book. Maybe I can't learn to fly in my life? I'm so angry!"

The old man rubbed Huang Linlin's little head~www.readwn.com~ chuckled: "You child is just lazy. Reading may be the easiest and safest thing in the world. Reading can You are not happy with your skills, how will you fight the demon zerg in the future?"

Huang Linlin smiled and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, the last thing I'm afraid of is fighting! Grandpa Fang, when will I be able to beat those bugs?"

"You ah you!" The old man couldn't help but sighed again, "If you are asked to study, you will feel sleepy, and when you talk about fighting, you will come to the fore! I have told you that it is not a fight, it is a war!"

"What kind of war!" Huang Linlin curled her lips and said, "How many people are there in our pure-blooded spirit race? There are so many bugs! Besides, sometimes we don't even see the insects at all, it's all the mixed-blood spirits who are following us. Do it, beat your own people!"

The old man shook his head again and said, "Little Linlin, you have to remember that the Mixed-Blood Spirit Race won't be our own. They just look like us, but in fact, from the body to the soul, they are no longer from the Spirit Race!"

When Lin Fang heard this, he couldn't help but nodded.

The parasitized Spirit Race is indeed no longer a true Spirit Race, and it is simply the nutrient tank of the Demon Zerg! Only a body is left!


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