I’m Not a Scumbag

Vol 2 Chapter 464: Ciba and Noodles

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Lu Yinghua's actions made Lin Fang more sure that she was in trouble.

Might be a little trouble!

He was determined to follow it, but after taking two steps, he stopped.

If Sister Hua didn't say it face to face, it was probably difficult.

"Let's find out later tonight!"

Lin Fang made up his mind and turned around immediately.

When he returned to the store, Qi Ruizhu inserted the door and hit the heavy wood, but Lin Fang did not push it open with three-point effort.

His three-point strength is already the full strength of several big men.

"Ruizhu, open the door, it's me." Lin Fang knocked on the copper ring on the door, realizing that his voice was not loud enough, and was about to increase the volume, "Rui..."



The heavy wood behind the door was removed, and the door was instantly pulled open.

"Master!" Qi Ruizhu rushed up, almost jumping into Lin Fang's arms but stopped.

Lin let go and stretched out his hands and hugged Lonely, so he could only stroke his hair awkwardly, "Why so fast?"

"I was waiting in the store, I didn't go to the backyard." Qi Ruizhu didn't notice Lin Fang's strangeness, "Master, have everything been settled?"

"Well." Lin Fang didn't want to talk more, "It's almost time for lunch, do you have anything to eat?"

"I want something sweet..." Qi Ruizhu blurted out, "Ah... I'm sorry, boss, it's no more trouble."

"What's the trouble." Lin Fang smiled softly, "Wait."

When I was buying mustard greens, I bought some glutinous rice by the way.

It can be used to make an authentic Sichuan dessert.

Sichuan-style desserts or most Chinese-style desserts pay more attention to inheritance and taste, and are less particular about appearance.

On the contrary, they are court desserts or desserts for sacrificial sacrifices.

Lin Fang took some glutinous rice, washed it three times, and steamed it in a pot.

He took out the chicken breast that was deliberately removed yesterday from the hanging basket hanging in the well, and cooked it with clean water.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"It's easier to eat at noon. I'll make you a dessert, and then make a cold shredded chicken for topping noodles."

It takes a while for the glutinous rice to cook, but the chicken breast cooks faster.

For better taste, Lin Fang controlled the heat and did not overcook the chicken breasts.

Shredded chicken needs to be chewy to taste good, but not too old.

After the chicken breast was cooked, put it aside. Lin Fang patted the minced garlic, chopped the spicy millet, and chopped some coriander to taste.

In later generations, coriander, celery, green onion, and Houttuynia cordata are known as the four masters of unpalatable vegetables, and they are always indispensable in the ranking of all kinds of unpalatable, disliked and unwilling vegetables.

For a real gluttonous eater, with and without, a little more and a little less, the taste is very different.

When Lin Fang prepared a bowl of seasoning sauce, the chicken breast was just cooling down and was just torn into shreds.

Put the chicken shreds on a plate and pour the seasoning sauce on it. The originally ordinary chicken breast suddenly becomes attractive.

But for all cold dishes, the key is the sauce.

The sauce is well done, and the watermelon rind is a treasure.

Thinking of the watermelon rind, Lin Fang couldn't help smacking his lips, "The cold watermelon rind is actually quite delicious."

"Master, what did you say?"


Lin Fang put the prepared shredded chicken salad aside, and then started to fry the soybeans.

After the soybeans are fried, they are thrown into a stone mortar and pounded into powder, taken out and placed on a plate.

Then started to boil the brown sugar water, controlling the ratio of water and brown sugar, Lin Fang quickly boiled a bowl of brown sugar water for use.

After Lin Fang boiled the brown sugar water, the glutinous rice was just cooked.

Take the steamed glutinous rice out of the pot while it is still hot, and throw it directly into the stone mortar to smash it.

For another big man, it would take hours just to mash the cooked glutinous rice and make it into glutinous rice cakes.

Not just strength, but endurance.

But to Lin Fang, this was a trivial matter.

"Master, you are so fast!"

"I'm not happy!"

"But, you are really fast!"

"I'm sorry to tell you!"

"Oh." Qi Ruizhu squatted in front of the stone mortar and watched Lin Fang hold a wooden pestle with one hand and pound it in and out of the stone mortar. His quick hands turned into afterimages, and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

After a while, she didn't know what she thought, blushed, got up and left.

"Why go?"

"The owner is not a good person!"

Lin Fang: "???"

He didn't know what Qi Ruizhu had made up his mind, so he just didn't care, holding the wooden pestle in both hands, his hands moved faster.

After a short while, Lin Fang got a big lump of soft and pliable glutinous rice cakes.

Lin Fang rolled the pounded glutinous rice cakes into small balls, wrapped them in soybean flour, poured brown sugar water and put them aside, and then started to make the second kind of glutinous rice cakes.

This kind of glutinous rice cake has the soft and soft taste of glutinous rice glutinous rice cake.

He next made fried chiba.

The food is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

In order to easily pick up the fried glutinous rice cake with chopsticks, Lin Fang made it into a long strip and fried it twice.

All fried foods that pursue crispy taste have two steps. The first step is to fry at a low temperature to set the shape, and the second step is to re-fry at a high temperature to solidify the taste.

The second frying can also reduce the oil content of the fry to make it delicious and not greasy.

After the glutinous rice cake was fried, Lin Fang also wrapped it in cooked soybean flour, poured it with brown sugar water, and then started to cook the noodles.

While boiling the water, he prepared a pot of cold boiled water. After the noodles were cooked, they were picked up and soaked in the cold boiled water before they were put into the sea bowl.

"Ruizhu, it's time to eat."

"Here comes the owner!"

In fact, Qi Ruizhu had already washed her hands for a long time, but she just thought about a lot of things, and she was a little embarrassed to face Lin Fang, so she simply hid for a while.

At this moment, Lin Fang summoned her, and she hurriedly ran into the store.

There are two bowls of noodles on the table, a plate of cold shredded chicken, and two plates of glutinous rice cakes.

The aroma of glutinous rice and soybeans are intertwined, and after being stimulated by the brown sugar water poured over it, it becomes particularly sweet and pleasant.

The ingredients are simple, and the condiments are even more simple, but these two simple brown sugar glutinous rice cakes firmly attracted Qi Ruizhu's attention. She didn't even bother to greet Lin Fang, she sat down and picked up chopsticks first. He shoved a round glutinous rice cake into his mouth.

When the teeth touched the glutinous rice cake, the sweet brown sugar juice touched the tip of the tongue. The sweetness of the sweetness was particularly appealing to the appetite. Qi Ruizhu's mouth secreted juice unconsciously, which instantly moistened the whole mouth.

After taking a light bite, Qi Ruizhu thought she could bite off the glutinous rice cake in a single bite.

Fragrant and waxy, the sweet taste exploded in Qi Ruizhu's mouth.

At this moment, Qi Ruizhu felt that she was about to ascend to heaven.

"What kind of fairy dessert is this, it must be too delicious..." Qi Ruizhu's happy eyes narrowed, only then did she notice Lin Fang sitting across from her with a smile, "Ah... Boss, I'm sorry..."

Qi Ruizhu hurriedly apologized and wanted to put the rest of the glutinous rice cake in the bowl, but the wire drawing was too long. Even if the remaining half of the glutinous rice cake was put into the bowl, there was still a piece of wire drawing in her mouth, which extended all the way into the bowl. .

In order to prevent the saliva from falling out, she had to bow her head.

This is embarrassing!

"Eat." Lin Fang couldn't help but smile, "I don't have too many rules here, just eat what you want, don't be restrained."

"Thank you boss!" Qi Ruizhu quickly picked up the glutinous rice cake in the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth.

The glutinous rice cake must be eaten while it is hot, it cannot be drawn when it is cold.

But not too hot, too hot to burn your mouth.

Lin Fang grasped the time just right, and the time he finished making the noodles was the most suitable time for eating glutinous rice cakes.

Qi Ruizhu ate one after another, and her happy feet couldn't help but cocked up, unconsciously touching each other.

Lin Fang also ate one, and he felt that his cooking skills had improved a lot.

The key is that the pounding process is almost perfect.

Putting it aside before, Lin Fang couldn't do this step well.

Now it's done to perfection.

The brown sugar juice is also cooked just right, which perfectly opens up all the sweet touches on the taste buds, so that every taste cell on the tip of the tongue is covered with sweetness.

"Don't just eat brown sugar chiba, try deep-fried brown sugar chiba too."


Qi Ruizhu just swallowed a piece of glutinous rice cake, and at Lin Fang's suggestion, he picked up a piece of fried glutinous rice cake.


Qi Ruizhu's eyes lit up as soon as he entered the deep-fried glutinous rice cake.

The glutinous rice cake has been fried, and it is obviously fried food, but it hardly feels any greasy. I don't know when the grease was charged.

The crispy glutinous rice cake activates Qi Ruizhu's sense of hearing, touch and taste at the same time when the teeth are cut.

The same glutinous rice cake, after two more frying processes, the taste is even better.

Even the soft interior is backed by the crispy outer skin, adding a touch of indescribable feeling.

"Oh my God! This kind of glutinous rice cake seems to be more delicious!" Qi Ruizhu couldn't believe it, and hurriedly swallowed the glutinous rice cake in his mouth, then picked up the last round glutinous rice cake and took a bite.

When she ate it before, this round glutinous rice cake won her whole heart. She didn't care about shredded chicken or noodles at all, she just wanted to eat glutinous rice cake as long as she was full.

But after trying the taste of fried glutinous rice cake, she suddenly felt that deep-fried glutinous rice cake was her true love!

Qi Ruizhu reluctantly swallowed the round glutinous rice cake in her mouth and struggled for a while. In order not to waste food, she closed her eyes, chewed and swallowed the rest of the glutinous rice cake, and quickly picked up a piece of fried glutinous rice cake and took a bite.

"Sufu..." Qi Ruizhu sighed contentedly, "I don't know why, but I still think this is more delicious! It's perfect! It's crispy, soft and silky, and even the sweetness is even better, it's absolutely amazing. It's gone!"

"As long as you like it." Lin Fang was also satisfied with his craftsmanship.

The most important thing in frying is to control the heat. A little more heat is not crispy enough, and a little more heat is scorched and unpalatable.

Being able to achieve this level is naturally due to the fact that Lin Fang's cooking skills have improved by another level.

Lin Fang put some shredded chicken into the bowl, scooped two spoonfuls of the sauce into it, mixed it, and immediately started eating.

Mixed noodles are prevalent in most parts of the country, and each has its own name. The difference is mainly the difference in the toppings (saozi).

The topping of Sichuan-style noodles is miscellaneous sauce, and the vegetarian pepper miscellaneous sauce is the true love of Sichuan-style noodles.

"I can't eat any more, I'm so full..." With the last piece of fried glutinous rice remaining, Qi Ruizhu put down her chopsticks, covered her belly, and wanted to find something to lean on.

Before being taken in by Lin Fang, she dreamed of having a full meal.

Now that she has eaten too much every day, she is worried that she will become a fat girl and will be disliked by Lin Fang.

"I'll eat this, you eat the noodles." Lin Fang put the fried glutinous rice cake into his bowl and pushed the shredded chicken over it. "Pour it all into the bowl if you can eat it, and chop some if you can't finish it."

"Ah? I still have to eat noodles!" Qi Ruizhu was a little reluctant, and felt a little shameful.

I used to dream of eating until I died, but now I actually hate food too much.

Sure enough, there are too many good days, will it be struck by lightning?

"Are you full? Then don't eat, it's not good to hold on."

"No, I'll eat it!" Qi Ruizhu gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and showed the courage to die generously. She put the chicken shreds on the surface, and like Lin Fang, she scooped a few spoonfuls of the sauce and poured it on the surface.

Before eating, she took a deep breath and decided to ignore the taste of the noodles, just swallow it whole and drink more water later.

Unexpectedly, after taking this sip, Qi Ruizhu was stunned.

The chicken shreds are cooked to the right softness and hardness, which not only retains the gravy that the chicken is tender enough to have, but also gives the chicken enough toughness.

Only chicken shreds that are flexible enough are called shredded chicken!

After chewing a little, the chicken shreds juicy and at the same time bring a satisfying and flexible taste to the mouth.

The point is, the sauce is even better.

No spicy three-point flavor, one spicy to ten percent.

The fresh, salty and spicy taste makes this bowl of chicken shredded noodles easily conquer every lazy taste bud in Qi Ruizhu's mouth.

In addition, the hand-rolled noodles are also strong enough to make up the last shortcoming for this bowl of noodles. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com makes it perfect.

Such noodles are simply the ultimate deliciousness that all pasta lovers yearn for.

A second ago, his stomach was still protesting to the death, sternly warning Qi Ruizhu that it could no longer hold any food.

In this second, my stomach gurgles and growls, helping me up, and I can still eat!


Qi Ruizhu picked up the sea bowl and used it with both hands, sucking and grilling, and quickly eating the noodles.

tasty! tasty! too delicious!

In addition to delicious food, Qi Ruizhu couldn't turn any other thoughts in his mind.

She only knows how to keep chopping noodles and keep swallowing.

"Gudu! Gudu!"

At the end, after eating the noodles, Qi Ruizhu didn't give up and drank the rest of the noodle soup, and then he sighed with satisfaction.

"It's so comforting to eat!"

This time, Qi Ruizhu didn't want to move at all.

Ciba is delicious, but bloated.

Because she didn't want to waste food, Qi Ruizhu reluctantly ate a mouthful of noodles. She thought that the noodles with chicken shreds would be more delicious. She ate it all in one go, and drank the noodle soup cleanly.

At this moment, Qi Ruizhu just wanted to find a place to lie down and eat slowly.

"It's been said that if you can't eat it, you won't eat it!" Lin Fang got up in a fit of rage and laughed, "You rest, I'll clean up today."

"Master, let me come."

"Are you sure? Then I don't care." Lin Fang glanced sideways and struggled to get up, but staggered to the girl who sat down, staring straight at her blushing cheeks, so he was no longer snarky, "Just kidding, I'll go in a while. Lie down in the yard for a while, and I'll clean up."


Qi Ruizhu responded from her nose, feeling a little sweet in her heart, but her pretty face turned red.

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