It’s been 2 days since we left the village. We entered the forest. Another 2 days of walking would bring us to the city of Tanza. So we were right in the middle. A path had been made through the forest where we were walking. The road was not well maintained, so it was very bumpy and would be quite bumpy for a horse-drawn carriage. It’s not a path that was originally there, but a path that was forcibly created by knocking down trees.

「Hmmm… the forest is relaxing, isn’t it?」

「I know」

We are on foot, so we don’t mind the bumpy roads. Even if it’s just a road and there’s no grass growing, it’s not hard for an adventurer.

「But the limited visibility seems to make it easier for bandits to operate」

「Un, it’s a good place to strike」

Poor visibility also means that there are many places to hide, which means that opponents can see us as we walk down the road. I can clearly tell that we are being monitored.


「Ah, yes. I see what you mean」

「Okay, good」

There are people moving at the same speed as us. I can figure out the area with my sensing magic. And it seems that Shea-san is also aware of this. It’s amazing that she is able to figure it out not by sensing magic, but by presence and sight.

「What do we do?」

「What do you mean?」

「If this continues, they will attack us at night. Should we deal with them before then?」

That’s the hard part. There are two people following us… scouts, I think. I don’t know how many bandits are out there, so I don’t think that dealing with those two will change the situation.

「There is a way to return one of them alive. If they see how dangerous we are, they might not attack us」

「On the other hand, there’s a possibility that they’ll gather more people?」

This all depends on the strategy of the bandits, though I don’t think there’s any advantage to attacking us in the first place. Shea-san is only wearing a pouch, and I’m empty-handed. We are poor adventurers, as you can see.

「On the contrary, you’re empty-handed, which makes them suspect that you might have storage magic」

「Is that so?」

「Usually, if you’re traveling, you have luggage. Food and water are necessary for survival」

Indeed. It’s not natural to travel without the things needed for traveling. Maybe I should carry a bag in the future for camouflage.

「Either way, they’re going to come after us sooner or later」

「Without a doubt」

In the end, the bandits did not attack us as we continued walking.

「Are you sure you want dried Goblin meat?」

「Un, when I say camping with Yuan, I mean this」

The sun was setting and we decided to set up camp. It was in the middle of the road, but we had built a fire and were resting because we knew no one would be passing by at this hour.


「I’m glad to hear you say that」

As usual, they are watching us from a distance, but we are resting without worrying about it. If they are going to attack us, it will probably be after nightfall. Then I guess we’ll just have to rest until then.

「When will they be here?」

「I don’t know. But when the monitoring becomes a single person, it’s proof of movement」

「Is that so?」

「Yes, one of them will leave to fetch his comrades who are waiting for him somewhere」

I see. The other one will stay behind to continue the surveillance, so when there is only one surveillance, that is an indication.

「Then it looks like we’re good for a while」

「Un, it’s fine, at least until one of us sleep」

「Well, then, I’d like to get this over with as quickly as possible. Do you want to take a break?」


The order of rest was me first, followed by Shea-san. Shea-san said she would stay awake the whole time, but I had to convince her that we should be equal in that regard.

「Yuan, you can use this spot」

「Are you sure!?」

「Un, as long as you get some rest」

「Ehehe, excuse me then」

I’m happy to use Shea-san’s thigh as a pillow.

Ah~… it’s nice and soft.

「I remember when we first met」

「First time was in the guild」

「Yes, but the first time I talked to Shea-san was in the forest」

「At first I thought you were dangerous」


「Un. It’s insane to sleep when you’re surrounded by Goblins, and then wake up and use people as pillows without permission」

Sure, it’s insane now that I think about it.

「But if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have been interested」

「There might not have been a now」

「So I’m glad Yuan is Yuan」

「Is that a compliment?」

「…… Sort of?」



I puff out my cheeks, and she quickly pats my head. It’s hard to believe that we’ve only known each other for a few days. When I’m with Shea-san, I feel strangely natural.


「If you’re sleepy, rest. We’ll be busy later」

「Well… just in case, I’ll put up some defensive magic」


「Well then, good night」

「Good night」

I deploy defensive magic around me and Shea-san, and I drift off to sleep. It looks like it will be a little while before we get busy.

「Funya!? 」

I don’t know how long it had been since I fell asleep, but I suddenly woke up to a tingling sensation all over my body.

「Sorry, did I wake you?」

The real reason for the tingling was that Shea-san touched my ear. I’m not used to being touched, so it tickled me.

「I’m fine with it. If it were anyone else, I’d be angry」

「Still, sorry」

「No, I think it’s time for a change, and it was just the right time」

The bow moon, our symbol, was rising directly above us. It seemed that it had been some time since I slept.

「You can sleep a little longer」

「No, I can’t. We’re taking turns」

You’re still being watched. There are still two lookouts and they don’t seem to be moving. Perhaps, but I think they are wary of Shea-san because she is a skilled adventurer by the looks of it. So, if they move, it will be after Shea-san is asleep. It can’t be helped if I’m taken light of.

「We are equal, so please, Shea-san」

「You sure?」

「Yes, I know it won’t feel as good as yours, Shea-san」

I’m going to follow Shea-san’s lead and offer my thigh as a pillow. I don’t have a lot of flesh, so it might be hard, though.

「I’ll take it then」

Shea-san puts her head on my thigh.

「What do you think?」

「Un, I’m happy」

「I’m glad you are happy. Get some rest, maybe even a little」

「Un… just pat me on the head and I’ll be asleep in no time.」

Shea-san is getting spoiled!

「Is this right?」

「Un. Yuan, you’re good」

I’ve patted a lot of heads at the orphanage, so I have a lot of experience in putting them to sleep and nurturing them. As proof of this, Shea-san squinted her eyes and looked pleasantly satisfied. Maybe Shea-san was tired, too. She quieted down as soon as I patted her head. If you pet her too much, it might wake her up, so I quietly remove my hand.


「Ah, I’m sorry」

Shea-san remained awake. Maybe she was enjoying being patted by me. When I pat her head again, she quiets down. I also give her a scratch behind her ears as a service.

「That, do it, more?」


Shea seemed to like the scratching behind her ears. It feels good there, doesn’t it? I know because the director used to do it to me too.

「Yuan, more~」

Shea-san, you’re so cute! She’s usually so dignified and cool, but now she’s getting all spoiled on me! She rubs her head against me as if urging me to pet her more! That makes me want to indulge her to the fullest, doesn’t it? The director taught me… stroking and scratching out the points that felt good to me that he did to me.

「Suu …… suu ……」

After a few moments of this, I began to hear quiet breathing of sleep. I wouldn’t want this moment to be interrupted if I could help it. I want to take my time and enjoy this moment. So, let’s fool the two of them into doing a little more surveillance, shall we?

「I am false, and my form is chaos… Dark Mist」

I cast a spell in a small voice. Our figures are momentarily enveloped in darkness. It was only for a moment. The mist lifted, and once again there was silence as if nothing had happened.

「Kuh… hehe, that’s a bit deceiving, isn’t it?」

Shea-san is still sleeping with my thigh as a pillow. However, to the two people watching, it would appear as if we were sitting down and having a conversation. We’re not actually talking, but with the combination of defensive magic and soundproofing, they shouldn’t be able to hear us, so it’s not a problem.

Maa, only if the effect of the Dark Mist is activated, that is. Dark Mist is a spell that can project false images, though it is only effective for about two hours. It is a type of illusion magic. This won’t last until the early hours of the morning… but I think it will give Shea-san time to rest.

I won’t let anyone interfere with my precious friends’ resting time, even for a moment. No matter who they are.


I did it because I wanted to write about Shea-san being spoiled.

I apologize if the image of Shea-san has been destroyed.

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Thank you for your continued support.

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