My impression when I arrived at the front of the guild was that it was an ordinary guild, for better or worse.

No, maybe I just think so because recently I’ve been seeing guilds that are a bit more powerful, like the developing village or the guild in Tanza.

Since it is located in Trentia, the structure is also built in Trentia style, which would have shocked people if they had seen it for the first time.

As with the inn, becoming accustomed is frightening.

「Well, let’s go」

Women-only parties are often underestimated. Moreover, since Kiara-chan and I are short, there is a high possibility that we will be underestimated, so we need to be very careful.

As we entered the guild, we attracted stares.

There are a lot of judging glances that measure our abilities.

Thanks to the time of day, there were few people in line at the counter, and we were able to easily reach the counter.

At the counter sat a lady who looked a little languid.

「Hello, I am Katarina, the receptionist. Can I help you?」

There are all kinds of guild employees. Some are very polite, some are crude, and some have their own personalities, so I don’t blame them, but the receptionist this time seemed a bit crude to me.

「Request completion please」

「Yes, yes, an escort request」

When Katarina-san opened the letter of report and checked inside, I thought she would widen her eyes and be surprised, but surprisingly, she was not.

It is strange for me to mention it myself, but this is a request for a lord’s escort. I think it’s more important than a normal escort request, though.

「Confirmed. Please submit your guild card」

「Okay, I understand」

The four of us submit our guild cards to be engraved with a mark of accomplishment for the request. When I say engrave, it is like holding it up to a crystal and storing invisible data. As usual, it is an amazing technology.

「Is there anything else?」

「No, but we will be in town for a little while」

「All right, Bow Moon Time, is it. Please report back to me when you leave town」

Without looking at us, she listed the name of our party on what looked like a registration form in her hand.

Party name, party members, occupation, characteristics, and the difficulty level of the request that could be entrusted to the party… B and in detail.

Despite her attitude, she seems to be the type of person who gets the job done right.

「What is it?」

Perhaps it was because I was staring at her work, but I was glared at by Katarina-san.

「No, I was surprised that you seemed to have evaluate us so highly」

「I’m doing the lord’s request and the party balance is good. Of course I am」

「Is that so」

「Anything else?」

Katarina-san says dismissively. At this, Shia-san frowned.


Then, she gives a cold look back to Katarina-san.

「Shia-san, Katarina-san is working, and we interfered with her work, so it can’t be helped. Katarina-san, I apologize」

There is no good in getting into trouble with the guild employees. I calm Shia-san down.

「No, I am sorry too. It appears I misunderstood. My apologies」

When I apologized, Katarina-san straightened her posture and bowed her head. There was no air of laziness, but rather an aura of a person who can do a job well.

「No, it’s nothing for Katarina-san to apologize for」

「No, it was my poor judgment that caused you discomfort」

「Poor judgment?」

「Yes, since there were 2 Beastmen present, I thought you might not want to be so formal」

「Is that so?」

「Yes, Trentia is a frontier town, so it is visited by many adventurers who are Beastmen. And many of the Beastmen are friendly, and if we treat them in a formal manner, they tend to shy away…」

Katarina-san seemed to change the way she treated people depending on their race.

Being an adventurer is always a dangerous job. So she explain the details of the request, but as a result of her formal approach, it seems that many adventurers do not listen to her seriously and accept the request. This is especially true of Beastmen, who tend to act that way.

I’ve heard from the Wings of the Fire Dragon about the importance of confirming the request.

It seemed to be Katarina-san’s way of caring.

「No, I’m convinced」

「Once again, welcome to the Guild of Trentia. If you have any questions, please feel free to visit the guild. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can」

「Yes, please and thank you!」

「Then, please hand over the request fee at the collection counter, as it will be handed over separately」

After understanding Katarina-san’s situation and Shia-san’s apology, we went to the counter to receive our fee.

「I… it’s been so long since I’ve held a gold coin…」

Kiara-chan looks at the gold coin with great glee.

「If you stare too long, they’ll attack you later」

I’m starting to lose my senses too, but gold coins are a lot of money.

The moment Shia-san and Snow-san received it, they put it away in their pouch. Seeing this, Kiara-chan also put her gold coin away in her pouch.

「I’ll just go ahead and send money to the orphanage」

The orphanage is the orphanage where I grew up. I had not yet been able to send any money since my departure, so the time had finally come for me to return the favor.

The guild has a kind of bank where adventurers’ property is managed.

I go there, give them the 5 gold coins I have saved up so far as pocket money, and tell them where to deliver it.

Of course, it will not be delivered from this location, but by a guild in the Imperial City that shares adventurer information, so it will take less time than expected.

There is a fee, though. It is a small price to pay for the time and effort of delivering it myself.

After the money transfer was completed, I returned to my friends and found Shia-san and Snow-san in a standoff with a man.

「What happened?」

「I don’t know. The usual anyway」

Well, as Shia-san said, it’s the guild’s customary entanglement.

I hope it doesn’t turn into a conflict because Shea-san is not looking too happy, but with the way things are going, it looks like there is going to be a fight.

「Are you guys sure you’re a C-Rank party?」

「What about it?」

A man with a red face is making eye contact with Snow-san. He is holding a glass in his right hand, which suggests that he was drunk and got tangled up with them.

As in any guild, there are places in the guild where food and drink are served, which apparently is where the adventurers were watching the situation.

「Okay, yeah. You two sure have a strong presence」


The drunken man looked at Snow-san and Shia-san from bottom to top as if to check them out, and nodded his head as if he was certain.

I made a strange sound when I heard this unexpected comment.

「Glow-san, that’s an Elf over there」

A guy who also looks drunk points at Kiara-chan. It is rude to point at someone even if you are drunk, though.

Pointed at, Kiara-chan hid behind Shia-san.

「Well, speaking of Elves, they are masters at archery」

The man called Glow-san nodded yes, as if he alone was convinced.

「So who’s your party leader?」

「For the time being, me?」

I stand next to Snow-san and face Glow-san. Then Shia-san lined up further to protect me, and Kiara-chan also lined up beside Snow-san.


When I came forward, Glow-san looked at me curiously.

「Is there a problem?」

「No, compared to the three of you…」

Uuu… I certainly don’t look like a fighter.

But it is frustrating to be judged by appearance alone. I take the staff out of my storage.

「I’m an auxiliary magician」

「You could use storage!」


Glow-san is surprised.

But this is not all I can do.

Looking around, I see a few adventurers here and there who are watching our exchange. And since they are adventurers, some of them are injured.

「Intermediate Recovery・Magic Force Field!」

My magic surrounds the guild.

「Whoa! What’s with the sudden…」

I got people involved who had nothing to do with it, but they were amazed all over the place.

「Hey, my wounds are healing」

「It’s true… my old wound, too」

I look at Glow-san’s face with pride.

「I see… a good party」

「Thank you very much. So please don’t underestimate us and entangle yourself with us, okay?」

I am confident that when it comes to actual combat, we will not lose, but we are not going to fight with fellow adventurers, you know. It is important to give advice ahead of time.

「Don’t worry, I didn’t underestimate you from the start… Hey, you see that? Don’t you dare mess with these girls!」

「「「Roger that!」」」

The adventurers reply to Glow-san’s words.

Glow-san nodded his head in satisfaction at the reply and turned to us.

「Let me introduce myself once again: I am Glow, a B-Rank adventurer. In a manner of speaking, I’m a sort of organizer for the adventurers who reside in this town」

「My name is Yuan」

And Rinshia-san and Snow-san. I introduce Kiaraluna-chan properly by her real name as well.

「I’m looking forward to working with you. I’m sorry for coming out of the blue this time」

「No, there is a reason, right?」

「Yeah, it’s a frontier town. It’s a place where Beastmen and humans gather, and there’s bound to be a little bit of conflict. So, I’m afraid you’ve just arrived, but in order not to get yourself in trouble, I had to meet you and make sure you’re okay」


「That’s right. I need to know if you’re the kind of adventurers who would go off the deep end, or if you’re the kind of adventurers who would cause problems」

There are all kinds of adventurers.

It seems that Glow-san is taking the lead in organizing the adventurers before a conflict breaks out among them.

「So, what is your verdict, Glow-san?」

Glow-san smiled for the first time at my question.

「Of course you passed. Welcome to Trentia. By all means, please enjoy your stay」

「Thank you very much. I look forward to working with you」

For a while, I was afraid of what would happen, but we were accepted by the adventurers of Trentia.

Glad nothing went wrong!

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