In fact, Liu Qingwu's mood was indeed quite excited.

Thanks to Guan Qing, I have been alone with the person I like for a long time, and the relationship has been further improved.


Of course, what is promised is to be done.

In the afternoon, Su Hao went to Liu Qingwu's house to pick her up again and was about to go to the treasure appraising conference.

"Little brother, I haven't seen you for a few hours, I really miss you."

Liu Qingwu sat in the co-pilot and looked at Su Hao with a sweet smile.

The two spent a lot of time together today, which made her extraordinarily happy.

"If you really miss it, I can give you a few photos in the future so that you can see things and think about people."

Su Hao's response was rather cold.

"Don't say such ruthless words, I really want to be by my little brother's side every day."

Liu Qingwu's tone was somewhat charming, and the meaning of molesting was self-evident.

"Tell me about this treasure appraising conference, I don't know much about these things."

Su Hao didn't say much on this topic, but changed the subject.

He doesn't have any cheating golden hands and golden eyes, and he just went there to join in the fun.

"Actually, I don't know much about it. Tonight's auction is Puyu, which is quite exciting."

"Is your little brother interested in buying some? If you ship it once, you will surely fall in love with this feeling."

Liu Qingwu raised her eyebrows and said.

she is

"Don't persuade me to get these things, or if I lose money, I will find you."

Su Hao said speechlessly.

He has never played Puyu, but he knows it.

There is a knife in heaven and a knife in **** in this line. If the rough jade you buy can’t cut good jade, you will lose it.

It is not a problem to easily lose tens of millions.

And if you cut out any top-quality jade, it is naturally

While talking, the two had already arrived at the place where the auction was held - the Seven Dimension Hotel.

This auction was held here. The organizer was rich and rich, and he directly contracted the hotel.

Those who are qualified to participate can naturally enjoy the five-star service, and even if they don't buy anything, they can go home happily.

Jiang Yi was wearing a neat suit with a confident smile on his face.

At first glance, this is a handsome young man, which makes many people look at him.

At this time, he was naturally very happy, and it was difficult to hide it.

It was said that someone sent a pillow when he fell asleep, Jiang Yi undoubtedly encountered such a thing.

He almost didn't laugh when he learned that the purpose of tonight's treasure appraising conference was to auction off raw jade.

If it was anything else, he would not necessarily be able to win the treasure appraising conference.

However, his recent training has achieved results. Along with the completion of the body training, Xuanyuan Jue has brought an additional attribute - golden pupil!

The golden pupil can see through the authenticity, it can be said to be the top ability in the treasure appraising world!

If you can see the preciousness of those rough jade stones at a glance, why don't you have a lot of money?

Just buy a piece of unremarkable rough jade, and after cutting it, you can easily earn dozens of times, hundreds of times!

Why didn't you think of this in the first place?

Tonight is his chance, Jiang Yi swears that he must seize it!

Whether it's money or fame, he has to decide!

Of course, beautiful women are also indispensable. If you have money and prestige, you will not find beautiful women yourself, but beautiful women will find yourself.

Those faculties who looked down on themselves in school before, may regret it so much that they can't do anything about it.

I really want to see their regretful appearance soon!

"I said, this is not a party that needs a shield, is it necessary?"

Su Hao looked at Liu Qingwu who was holding his arm, and his face was a little overwhelmed.

His own peach blossom luck has always been good, but it was not his initiative.

In other words, this situation is like someone took a fancy to his body and then took the initiative to take advantage of him.

It feels weird.

"Don't be so divided, little brother, I only have one ticket. If we don't hold hands, we won't be able to get in."

Liu Qingwu gestured at Su Hao with the ticket in his hand.

"It's okay, I don't have to be here."

Su Hao said that he was quite a talkative person and was not interested in this kind of conference.

"Little brother has already promised me, since this is the case, we must keep the promise."

Liu Qingwu said with a smile, and the whole person posted a few times towards Su Hao.

This attitude seems to be proclaiming its own sovereignty.

"Although you said that, I don't think the security guard stopped me."

Su Hao rubbed his temples and didn't care that the other party held his hand.

Today, he looks handsome in a suit with a somewhat casual style.

And Liu Qingwu was wearing her favorite fiery red dress, which looked noble and elegant, and had an indescribable charm.

The two walked together hand in hand, like a pair of golden boys and girls, and they seemed to match well.

Many people cast envious glances at this side, feeling that they are old.

"Ma'am, sir, please come in."

After the bodyguard looked at the ticket, he said respectfully.

This place is not for everyone, and there is not much difference in age here.

Because the people who received the invitation all had one very obvious thing in common - more money and more billions.

Even if you bump into a child, it may be the child of your partner's major customer.

Therefore, no one dares to look down on other people here, no matter how ugly they are, they will be called friends.

This is undoubtedly a pretty big event.

The entire five-star hotel was packed, and several large halls were already full of people.

The previous Huangmao invited the anchor to have an offline party just to pack a hall, which made Fu Tiancheng feel distressed for a long time.

The entire five-star hotel has been packaged, and there must be such a large amount of pomp and service, it must have cost a lot of money.

With professional smiles on their faces, the waiters put glasses of wine and desserts on the table.

Many people in suits and leather shoes stayed in it, chatting and laughing, and there were bursts of hearty laughter.

It sounds like the atmosphere here is quite good, even more lively than the host's offline cocktail party that I attended last time.

After Su Hao and Liu Qingwu came in, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Among these people, very few knew Su Hao, but very few did not know Liu Qingwu.

Even some of the bosses have dealt with her.

The brain of the Liu family, a woman with incomparably sharp business methods, shines brightly no matter where she is.

In comparison, Su Hao was a little unremarkable.

Fortunately, Su Hao didn't care about these things. It was better to say that not many people knew about it.

"Mr. Liu, you also come to participate in the auction!"

"Seeing is better than seeing, Mr. Liu is indeed very young!"

Those people greeted Liu Qingwu one after another.

Chapter 191 Bully your junior brother in front of you

"Mr. Liu, hello."

"Wang Dong, it's been a long time since I saw you. I was very happy with the cooperation last time. I hope we can have more cooperation in the future."

Liu Qingwu took Su Hao's hand and smiled at those who greeted her.

When talking to these directors, CEOs or investors, she carried a calm demeanor.

As far as dealing with people and things, she did a very good job.

Su Hao didn't say a word, his heart was full of weirdness.

When I came out with her, I always felt that I was playing a role like a little white face.

However, eating soft rice is also a skill. I don't know how many people want to eat this soft rice and haven't had a chance yet.

"Mr. Liu, who is this?"

A middle-aged man with a pot belly looked at Su Hao and asked curiously.

Others were also very curious, and they all cast exploratory glances.

"He... President Zhang, guess who he is from me?"

Liu Qingwu showed a mysterious smile.

She didn't say anything, but it made everyone around her realize it, and she showed me understanding eyes.

"Hey, that stinky boy in my family has always been obsessed with President Liu. It seems that he should give up."

The middle-aged man sighed, looking rather pity.

The other bosses also nodded in agreement.

Everyone wants their daughter to become Liu Qingwu, not only her appearance is impeccable, but her abilities are simply outrageous.

Even if they are themselves, no one dares to say that they can break up with Liu Qingwu in the business field.

It's like that when a girl is born!


Liu Qingwu had an embarrassed yet polite smile on her face.

Su Hao was speechless when he saw this scene.

This is more powerful than saying it, and everything is directly silent.

"Hey, his son weighs 250 jins, and he still hits me. I really don't have any self-knowledge."

"Little brother, you should also know how difficult my situation is. There are people who attack me all day long."

After the crowd dispersed, Liu Qingwu returned to her previous charming appearance and complained to Su Hao.

When speaking, those charming eyes were full of anticipation, as if they wanted him to say something helpful.

"Who said it wasn't, when I was in school, there were also many girls who wanted to date me."

"I know your troubles, everyone is a fallen person from the end of the world."

Su Hao said with a look of resonance on his face.

"Little brother, you really... eh?"

Liu Qingwu suddenly stopped talking and looked straight at Su Hao's right.

"What's wrong?"

Su Hao followed her gaze and saw that his scalp was numb.

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