Although this is the second time, this title is more exciting than the first time.

It's like something strange is mixed in.

"Hao, let's do advanced training."

As Su Feiyan spoke, she pushed Su Hao down onto the bed made of cushions with light force on her hands.

This title made Su Hao's scalp tingle.

Not out of fear, but out of indescribable excitement.

The excitement makes people feel a little numb.

Calling the name of one character alone is like talking between lovers, with an incomparable ambiguousness.

But she is not her lover, but her sister!

Excited to my sister, isn't it wrong?

So Feiyan didn't know what Su Hao was thinking.

In fact, she wouldn't stop even if she knew.

After pushing Su Hao onto the mat, she also leaned down gently, showing a charming smile.

Although it is daytime, the sunlight inside the car is still partially blocked.

So Feiyan, who looked down from above, looked a little hazy, and her eyes seemed to be filled with endless affection.

This is not the sister's feelings for her brother.

Su Hao was in a trance for a moment, then blinked his eyes seriously, trying to see if it was his illusion.

But Su Feiyan was lying on Su Hao's chest, and she could no longer see her eyes and expression.

But Su Hao had already experienced the feeling of touching that incomparably soft body.

If it's just a simple hug between siblings, or even just sleeping like this, it's not out of the ordinary.

he thought.

Chapter 195: Only my sister is good in the world

Will Su Feiyan just hold him to sleep like this?

Of course not.

Otherwise, what's the point of this training, it's better to go home and sleep.

After a minute of silence, Su Feiyan suddenly spoke.

"Hao, why don't you move?"

Her voice was a little confused, as if she didn't expect this outcome at all.

"Ah? Sister... Yan'er, what am I doing?"

Su Hao's mouth twitched and asked.

Does he dare to move?

Not impressed, not impressed.

"Forget it, Hao, let me guide you, just use what I've learned."

As Su Feiyan spoke, she climbed up from Su Hao's chest and sat on the side.

Then, the sound of high heels falling to the ground was heard.

The slender legs wrapped in black silk were brought up, placed on Su Hao's legs, and lightly rubbed.

Not rubbing the calf, but the thigh.

The inside of the car was silent, and you could easily hear the rustling of the stockings rubbing against the pants.

"Yan'er, what are you doing?"

Su Hao's body tensed, and he swallowed hard.

"Hao, I'm helping you exercise your concentration, so that you won't be hooked by the fox spirit."

Su Feiyan smiled softly, her jade feet wrapped in black silk stretched out towards Su Hao's lower body.

"Yan'er, isn't this a bit too big, the last training hasn't reached this point yet?"

Su Hao played smartly, with quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the naughty black silk jade foot.

"Hao, the step-by-step training is really too slow, severe medicines are required, and the vixen outside is very powerful."

"Don't worry, everything is mine."

Sophie said in relief.

"But, isn't this a bit too big?"

Su Hao was still hesitant.

Although it was not the first time for the two of them to train, it was the first time they had such direct contact.

My sister is different from Juicy Ji. Maybe if I do this, I can really improve my concentration.

But...the price is a bit too high, right?

"Hao, what is a little sacrifice for you to remember your family well in the future?"

Sophie still had a gentle smile on her face.

"No, Yan'er, let's train gradually, it's still not good."

Su Hao refused with a very firm tone.

Although he was very moved, he always felt sorry for his sister.

Such a good sister, who else is there besides my own?

"Not so good? Hao, could it be that I'm not attractive, you don't like me?"

The bright smile on Sophie's face slowly disappeared.

"No, I just...just don't want to embarrass you."

Su Hao said with some difficulty.

"Hao, I know how good you are to me. These are all of my own free will, and there is no embarrassment at all."

So Feiyan's voice and face were very calm.

But there is great danger hidden in the peace.

Just like the sea before a storm, a terrible storm will erupt in the next moment.

Su Hao knows Su Feiyan's character, this situation is obviously about to turn black!

If I don't agree, I'm afraid a dangerous word will be written on my head.

And when he thought about it, he also knew why So Feiyan was unhappy.

To make such a decision, it must have taken a lot of courage and made up my mind for a few days.

The purpose was to be good for herself, but she herself was taken advantage of, which So Feiyan was willing to do.

But if she refuses, doesn't it seem that her decision is stupid?

It's easy to get irritated, and understandably unhappy.

"Yan'er, I know that everything you do is for my own good, I promise you that's all, wronged you."

Su Hao had to agree.

"No grievance, this is all voluntary. I have learned a lot before, and now I can give it a try."

Sophie showed an incomparably charming smile.

In Su Hao's confused expression, her jade feet wrapped in black silk slowly moved up...


The door opened, and Su Hao got out of the car with a weird expression.

So Feiyan, who was behind her, also got out of the car, with a bit of exhaustion on her face.

At this time, the black stockings on her feet had disappeared, revealing her slender and fair thighs.

As soon as she got out of the car, her legs softened and she almost fell to the ground.

Su Hao's eyes were quick, and he immediately supported her.

"Yan'er, are you alright?"

Su Hao asked with concern.

"Little brother, no big or small, this has already come out!"

So Feiyan tapped Su Hao on the head and reminded softly.

"Oh, sister, I'll help you in."

Su Hao said with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

The previous experience was so exciting that it made him a little dazed, so much so that he forgot the change of title.

But there is one thing to say, this title has been called more and more smoothly.

It's quite a pain in the knee.

Su Feiyan didn't resist and let Su Hao support her arm and walk towards the villa.

"Master Su, what's wrong, Miss?"

Fu Yingying greeted her with a worried look.

"It's okay, I'm a little tired after walking too much."

Su Hao said immediately.

He didn't know why, but felt a little guilty about this issue.

"Well, help me go back, I want to have a good rest."

Su Feiyan gave Su Hao a meaningful look and said.

"it is good."

Su Hao responded and took Su Feiyan back to his room.

Fu Yingying looked at the backs of them leaving, with a bit of suspicion in her eyes.

It always felt as if something extraordinary had happened.

"Sister, let me rub your legs for you."

Su Hao put Su Feiyan on the bed and said with concern.

After all, it's all because of myself that I became like this.


So Feiyan showed a gentle smile and straightened her legs.

Su Hao put his hand on the long, fair-skinned, jade-like legs, thinking about what just happened.

The exercise just now seems to be a bit over-scale...

And it's similar to Sophia's quick therapy, but it's not as deadly as Juicy Ji.

"Sister, I think..."

After Su Hao said these words, he just raised his head and saw an extremely dangerous gaze.

Immediately, his words were gagged in his mouth.

Under this kind of gaze, I swallowed the words I just wanted to say, and it was difficult to say any more.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Sophie asked with a sweet smile, as if the threatening gaze just now was an illusion.

"Sister, I think it's better for things to progress gradually. If it progresses too fast, it will make people uncomfortable."

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