after an hour.

Su Hao left the quiet bamboo pavilion, thinking about whether to go home or go to school.

Just when he was hesitating, a phone call came.

The harassing phone calls... Well, no, it was Liu Qingwu.

Here comes the man to help him decide.

"Little brother, come out and play! I invite you to watch the performance of the ventriloquist master."

Liu Qingwu said in a charming voice.

She is ready to take the initiative to attack today, and she must achieve substantial results!


Su Hao had nothing to do, so he simply agreed.

"Huh? Did you agree so happily? It's really unexpected."

Liu Qingwu was stunned for a moment, and said somewhat unexpectedly.

She had prepared a lot of excuses, but she didn't use it at all.

"What's the matter, it's just to go out and play."

Only then did Su Hao realize that he seemed to treat this big sister too badly.

Whenever the other party invited him, he would immediately refuse, as if he didn't want to meet her.

However, Liu Qingwu was indomitable, and would rather be taken advantage of and invite Su Hao out.

But it's not entirely his fault, who made them so scary, looking like they wanted to eat Tang Seng's flesh?

Forget it, treat her better in the future, and accompany her to see the ventriloquist master today.

As he thought about it, he drove to pick up Liu Qingwu.

She is now in a high-end community. It is not that the Liu family does not have a villa, it is just one of her properties.

Su Hao went straight upstairs and knocked on the door. It didn't take long for the beautiful Liu Qingwu to open the door.

Today's Liu Qingwu is still fiery red, like a fiery flame.

With a charming smile on her beautiful face, she seemed very happy to see Su Hao.

But this dress is clearly a nightdress!

"Didn't you say you want to see a ventriloquist master, why didn't you change your clothes?"

Su Hao asked with some doubts.

"Little brother, the ventriloquist master I'm talking about is me!"

Liu Qingwu smiled charmingly, and took Su Hao's arm and walked in.

Su Hao only felt his head buzzing.

Careless, too careless!

I actually felt that Liu Qingwu, this vixen, was pitiful, but he was still too naive.

If you sympathize with the vixen, I am afraid that one day you will be eaten and wiped clean!

"Little brother, what are you thinking about? I'm not talking nonsense. I've been practicing flute recently."

Liu Qingwu picked up a flute on the table and said that what she said was true.

"This... do you want to have a talent show?"

Su Hao asked weakly.

"Of course not. I'm just a beginner. I'm just letting you see my ventriloquism."

"Little brother, look at my mouth, is it suitable for playing the flute?"

While talking, Liu Qingwu pulled Su Hao to Su Hao's sofa and sat down.

"How do I know, I don't have much musical talent."

Su Hao said with a headache.

This little fox is really helpless.

"I know that little brother is not a professional, but at least have a taste."

"Look, wouldn't it be better if I played the flute like this?"

Liu Qingwu sat beside Su Hao, put the flute beside her mouth, and put her rosy lips up.

The bright red lips contrasted sharply with the white flute, which looked very attractive.

Not only that, but her little pink tongue stuck out and licked the flute lightly.

This beautiful woman playing the flute looks extraordinarily attractive.

But this allure is a little too obvious.

"How can anyone play the flute like this, hurry up and find a music teacher to practice hard."

Su Hao had a headache, so he reached out and tapped Liu Qingwu on the head.

The Liu family's brain-tank ate this head-knock, but there was no displeasure on his face.

Not only was he not unhappy, he even showed a smile, seemingly happy with Su Hao's reaction.

"Okay, come here, let's go out for a walk together, you change your clothes first."

After Su Hao said something, he got up and went downstairs.


Liu Qingwu clapped her hands and stood up happily.

Su Hao went back to the car and swiped his mobile phone boredly.

Waiting for a woman to finish dressing up is undoubtedly a time-consuming thing.

Su Hao waited, and suddenly felt that the surroundings were getting darker and darker, as if there were clouds blocking the sun.

He glanced at his phone, and there was a rainstorm warning inside.

This weather is really a child's face, it will change if you say it.

This weather is not suitable for shopping.

He immediately called Liu Qingwu, but after the phone rang twice, he was directly hung up.

While making the phone call, it was already pouring rain outside.

The raindrops fell from the sky as if they didn't want money, making a screeching sound.

The corner of Su Hao's mouth twitched.

This kind of weather won't work, do you still want to go out?

A smart person like Liu Qingwu should not make such a decision.

After waiting for a while, the rain had subsided a little, but Liu Qingwu still didn't call.

Just when he wanted to go upstairs to take a look, the car window was knocked.

Su Hao turned his head and saw a beautiful but somewhat embarrassed face.

The corners of his mouth twitched again, no longer knowing what to say.

Opening the car door, Liu Qingwu got in directly.

She was wearing a fiery red dress, but nothing was waterproof, she was completely wet.

You can faintly see the outline and shape inside, and there are drops of water on her beautiful face, with a messy beauty.

A few strands of hair were scattered next to the collarbone, adding a bit of temptation.

Good, it's been soaked through.

"You know what I want to ask?"

Su Hao was silent for a while before speaking.

"Of course I do. Do you want to ask me why I didn't come out with an umbrella?"

Liu Qingwu said without hesitation.

Su Hao nodded speechlessly.

"Because there is no umbrella in this apartment, I can only run out like this."

Liu Qingwu said in a natural tone.

No umbrella?

You are lying to a three-year-old.

"Then...don't go out in this weather. I called you just now, but you didn't answer."

Su Hao didn't know how to complain anymore, he said weakly.

"Of course I won't go out. How could my little brother ask such a strange question?"

"As for the phone, maybe I muted it. I was busy changing my clothes and didn't notice it."

Liu Qingwu said.

"Then why did you come here?"

Su Hao was a little confused about her brain circuits.

Could it be that women are such strange creatures?

"I told you not to go out to play, just come to my house, I can't let you go back in the rain."

Liu Qingwu said in a natural tone.

Su Hao: "..."

It really was going to shock him all day.

If he didn't know that Liu Qingwu was doing it on purpose, he would have to wonder if she was lacking in strength.

"Let's go, let's go up, I have to change clothes."

Liu Qingwu grabbed Su Hao's arm again, and wanted to pull him out without saying a word.

Rainy day, wet body, change of clothes, invitation.

This can already form a standard section. To say that there is nothing tricky in it, Su Hao absolutely does not believe it.

But in the face of such an invitation, can he refuse?

Thinking about it, since the other party has proposed it, maybe he has already prepared several backhands, so he has to go.

For example, he received a phone call within a few steps of driving, saying that he was hot and uncomfortable, and he couldn't move.

What's more, as an evil young man, in the face of this kind of provocation, of course, he will never move forward.

"Okay, let me go, I don't want to get wet."

Su Hao agreed directly.

He opened the car door, looked at the light rain outside, and silently took out an umbrella.

There is always an umbrella in the car, but is there not one in the apartment?

That's a pretty poor reason.

The two stood in the rain holding umbrellas, Liu Qingwu leaned beside Su Hao, looking extremely well-behaved.

Su Hao didn't care that the rain on the other party's body wet his coat, and walked towards the apartment with her.

"Little brother, this feeling of walking on a rainy day is actually quite romantic."

Liu Qingwu showed a satisfied smile.

There is still a bit of rain and a little embarrassed look on his face, which looks poignant and a little distressing.

"Yeah, it would be better if you could bring an umbrella. Don't you know that your body is yours?"

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