If she had been prepared, she would not have asked such a question.

But even the wisest person would never have imagined that such an untempted person would do such a thing.

"Guess what? I won't let you have a long memory today. You still think I'm so foolish."

Su Hao said viciously, and directly stretched out his hand and pinched the big rabbit that he couldn't hold in his hand.

This little fox can really pretend to be stupid, at least looking at this expression, there is no flaw at all!

It's a pity that his eyes are like torches, and this kind of acting can't deceive himself at all!


Liu Qingwu was unprepared and let out a somewhat sharp cry.

Twenty minutes later.

"Wuwuwu, my little brother bullies people, my chest is swollen..."

Liu Qingwu clutched her big breasts, huddled on the sofa and cried.

She was swollen and swollen by the thin shirt, but she couldn't tell if it was swollen.

But Su Hao couldn't tell her to take it off and take a good look at it.

Moreover, he didn't think there was any problem with this, because he was quite suspicious that the other party was acting.

These acting masters are even better at acting than themselves. If they believe it, they will definitely suffer in the end.

Liu Qingwu saw his thoughts from Su Hao's expression, and suddenly felt even more sad and angry.

There is a saying that goes, lose your wife and lose your army.

It can be said that I am acting and I have also played myself, which is really a misstep!


"Don't cry, didn't you just pinch it? I didn't mean it."

Su Hao's response was flat, and he was not affected by her at all.

As a big villain, of course, in the face of this kind of thing, it is necessary to appear indifferent, so that it is compelling.

"You didn't do it on purpose?! Little brother, you just rushed over and threw me on the ground. You said it wasn't intentional?"

After Liu Qingwu heard this, she immediately became unrepentant.

"Didn't I explain it just now, it was an accident caused by a slip and fall."

"As for pinching you, of course, it was an accident. When people fall, they instinctively grab the things around them."

Su Hao said calmly.

It sounds reasonable, but it is more obvious that Liu Qingwu does not intend to buy it.

"No, I don't care if you did it on purpose or not, you have to compensate me."

"Who let you take advantage of me so much, you know, I'm not a random woman!"

Liu Qingwu said reluctantly.

"What kind of compensation do you want, talk about it, if it's not too much, maybe I will agree."

Su Hao raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Little brother doesn't work if you don't agree, at least stay here for one night with me."

Liu Qingwu rolled her eyes and said without hesitation.

There is no doubt that if you spend one night with yourself here, you will have more opportunities.

"No, I can't stay home at night."

After Su Hao hesitated for a while, he still shook his head and refused.

"You are no longer a child, why can't you have your own nightlife?"

There was a bit of unwillingness on Liu Qingwu's face.

"So what? My family's rules are very strict. If I don't go back, there must be a valid reason."

"What's more, if I'm here, my sister will be very worried, so I can't stay."

Su Hao said very seriously.

"I'm afraid the main reason is the latter."

Liu Qingwu's face was a little weird, but she cursed inwardly.

This is not to scold Su Hao, but to scold Su Feiyan.

Only three words.

Dead brother control!

If it wasn't for So Feiyan who couldn't do it, and there was no chance of winning, she would have taken it long ago!

"Anyway, you know the situation and you can't spend the night outside."

However, Su Hao didn't mind what the other party said, so he said neatly.

"Okay okay, little brother, I really can't do anything about you. In that case, I'll take a step back."

"As long as you put me to sleep, you can leave directly, how about it?"

Liu Qingwu said after thinking for a while.

Compared with the previous condition, this is already acceptable.

Su Hao was not an unkind person either. After hesitating for a while, he agreed.

It's still acceptable if you're coaxed to sleep.

"Come on, I heard that taking a shower on a rainy day is better than sleeping."

Su Hao smiled and said.

"I only heard that taking a shower on a rainy day is more suitable for doing bad things. Do you know what that bad thing means, little brother?"

There was confusion in Liu Qingwu's tone.

Although she said so, the smile on the corner of her mouth knew that she was asking knowingly.

"Of course I do. Haven't you heard of the time when the moon is dark, the wind is high and the night is high and the night is killing people and setting fire? Rainy days are also good days for killing people."

Su Hao said seriously.

After hearing this, Liu Qingwu pouted.

Originally, he wanted to tease the other party, but when Su Hao said this, he didn't feel anything at all.

So angry!

Su Hao didn't shy away at all, and directly pushed open the door of Liu Qingwu's room.

This is a rather feminine room, with a lot more girlish air than Su Feiyan.

The most conspicuous is the huge hanging painting, a fiery red sun emitting very hot light.

Most of the other decorations, furniture, etc. are fiery red, just as hot as she herself.

"You like red very much."

Su Hao asked casually.

"Of course, it's the hottest color, just like me."

Liu Qingwu smiled charmingly and stood directly under the large hanging painting.

With a charming and bright smile on her face, she seems to be in harmony with the fiery red sun, regardless of each other.

This scene made Su Hao startled for a while before returning to normal.

"Come on, Qingwu, it's bedtime."

Su Hao pointed to the big bed, and a bit of weirdness appeared on his face.

The sheets on the bed were neat and clean, but they were bright red and looked like a big bed for a wedding night.

He was a little suspicious if this was the bedroom that Liu Qingwu took the initiative to arrange, but he still didn't ask.

Isn't it just a bed that looks very festive, it seems a little hypocritical to be so entangled with it.

Sometimes, this hypocrisy is not a good thing.

Without any hesitation, Liu Qingwu went to bed directly, then patted her pillow and smiled at Su Hao.

Because she had just taken a shower and was at home, she didn't wear much.

The upper body is a short-sleeved tight shirt, and the lower body is a pair of short scary shorts.

These jeans can't even cover the thighs at all, and the long, slender, snow-white legs are overlapped together, which is very eye-catching.

Delicate feet with fiery red nail polish close together, the fiery color as passionate as its owner.

This is a silent invitation, and who can refuse this temptation?

Su Hao got into bed without hesitation and lay on the other side of Liu Qingwu.

Liu Qingwu directly put her pillow on Su Hao's arm, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she showed a satisfied smile.

"Qing Wu, how are you going to sleep, do I want to tell you a story?"

Su Hao looked at Liu Qingwu and asked.

"No, it's enough to hold me like this, I'm already very satisfied."

Liu Qingwu's voice softened a lot, with a bit of nostalgia and reluctance.

This wonderful feeling of being hugged has not been felt for a long time.

The atmosphere became quiet, and Su Hao didn't speak any more.

He looked at Liu Qingwu with a smile on his face, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

She seemed to like her arms quite a bit.

But the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the humming of the cell phone.

"Speaking of which, didn't you mute your phone?"

Su Hao picked up the phone from the bedside table, looked at it, and handed it to Liu Qingwu.

"I've turned on the mute just now. I'm afraid that some important calls will not be heard... It's my best friend, shh..."

Liu Qingwu glanced at it, made a silent gesture, and then answered the phone.

"Hey, Bodhi, what's the matter?"

Liu Qingwu's voice sounded incomparably lazy, as if she had just woken up from a sleep.

"Qingwu, can't I find you if I have nothing to do? I want to ask how many competitors I have."

"In this case, I can also prepare earlier."

Dong Puti's soft and soft voice rang from the other side of the phone.

"Competitors? Oh, Bodhi, there are indeed a few more powerful ones, but you don't have to worry too much."

"With me escorting you, you will definitely shine on the stage in the future, trust me."

Liu Qingwu said with a serious face.

She was a little astonished at Dong Puti's seriousness, but now that Su Hao was by his side, it was hard to ask some questions.

"Well... it sounds like it's hard to say how many competitors there are, even if it's a dance, that's a bit difficult."

Dong Puti's voice was a little confused.

"Don't worry, everything is mine."

Liu Qingwu comforted.

"Well, I remember what you said."

Dong Puti said softly.

"Yeah, we will be good girlfriends for life, your business is mine."

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