I'm opening a store in Doupa

Chapter 122 Is it for money, not for monkeys?

"By the way, Master, he also gave me a set of magic tricks called Yujianshu!" At this time, Nalan Yanran suddenly remembered the Yujianshu that Lin Yu had taught her before. At this time, she couldn't wait to be in front of Yun Yun. Show!

When she came to the open space, Nalan Yanran took out a long sword from Najie and stretched it across her chest, muttering something.Then the long sword came out, flew around in the air and followed Nalan Yanran's control to her feet, leaped up slightly, and then steadily stepped on the flying sword!

"Master, look!" Controlling the flying sword, Nalan Yanran shuttled freely in the air.

Although it is not impossible for Yun Yun to fly with a sword like this, she can take off the sword with her anger, but she does not have the flexibility.But for Dou Wang, this is definitely a magical skill!

"Well, for you now, this is really like a god's help!" Yun Yun can also see that this imperial sword is not only capable of flying, it has no vindictive fluctuations, and the effect is excellent when used to attack!In battle, attacks without vindictive fluctuations are often unexpected!And if it is paired with a good sword, its power is definitely not bad!


After sending Nalan Yanran, Lin Yu went to find the little doctor fairy. As expected, Xiao Xun'er was with the little doctor fairy.

"I'm back!" Seeing Lin Yu's arrival, Xiao Yixian also showed a smile.

"Where is Nalan Yanran? You shouldn't dump them!" Xiao Xun'er saw that there was no new sister of them beside Lin Yu, and she didn't understand. In Xiao Xun'er's cognition, Lin Yu's character should be Not the kind of irresponsible person.

"She went to accompany her master, after all, people come out to experience, it’s not good to stay with me all the time." While talking, Lin Yu walked up to the little doctor immortal, wrapped her hands around her waist, and put her face on her face. Kissed gently.Then he squatted down and put his ears on Xiao Yixian's belly.

Xiao Yixian's belly is now obviously bulging, but the clothes she wears are still a bit tight, so Lin Yu said softly, "Go make some looser clothes, now the belly is bigger."

"Yeah!" The little doctor immortal was naturally obedient to Lin Yu's suggestion, and now she could feel that her current clothes were a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, don't go shopping, go back and make good food for you!"

Lin Yu was about to take the two back home, when Xiao Xun'er on the side twisted and said, "Brother Lin Yu...Did you forget something?"


Xiao Xun'er's question made Lin Yu somewhat uncomprehending, what did he forget?What have I forgotten?

Then I watched Xiao Xun'er flushed slightly, and then tapped her cheek with her finger.Lin Yu came to understand that it turned out that he was negligent. After kissing Xianer, he forgot to kiss Xun'er!How can we do this?You can't ignore Xun'er just because Xian'er has a child!

No nonsense, Lin Yu pulled the blushing Xiao Xun'er into his arms and kissed her on the mouth. Considering the feelings of the little doctor on the side, he did not kiss deeply, but just drank water. Kissed like a kiss.


After playing with the ladies for a few days, Lin Yu returned to the store and continued to open the store...

This concubine Ya's action was relatively quick, and she came on the day Lin Yu opened the door.It has only been three days since Lin Yu returned to the Temple of Destruction, but after the banquet that day, Concubine Ya has rushed to Wutan City non-stop.

"Haha, this woman really cares about this!" Looking at the charming and colorful red cheongsam woman at the entrance of the store, Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh. Lin Yu found that whenever he saw the concubine Ya, he would be unconscious. Look at it more.

"Young Master Lin, I'm here..."

"Well, I know!" Lin Yu didn't talk nonsense, and under a wave of his hand, more than twenty small jade bottles appeared on the tabletop of the bar.

Every jade bottle is exactly the same, and the contents of it are unknown, but if you hold it in your hand, you will find that the information of the porcelain bottle will automatically be transmitted to your brain.


Concubine Ya approached and picked up one of the bottles, as if she had discovered a new world. Obviously she had also discovered this incredible thing, and then Concubine Ya curiously passed all the jade bottles in her hands.

Through the information passed into her brain, she was horrified to discover that the pill in these jade bottles was the fourth rank last, and the highest, as Lin Yu said before, was the seventh rank!

Suddenly, Ya Fei’s mind seemed to think about some countermeasures. Pills like Sipin could go for auction in small and medium-sized cities. In the eyes of urban people, the preciousness of Sipin Pills could be imagined. I know, I am afraid that even if the bankruptcy is bankrupt, you will have to buy it, as long as you set the price higher.

Of course, the pill like the sixth and seventh products has to be auctioned in big cities, otherwise they would not be able to afford it even if they set a starting price in small cities.

"Did you bring the money?"

"Hmm, I brought it!" Ya Fei hurriedly took out a black card from her bag and handed it to Lin Yu.

Seeing the black Ka Lin Yu in Yafei's hand, what's the use of my card... Although there is money in it, the money in it is just a number!What I want is not only money but also the power of the world!

"Uh..." Lin Yu didn't know how to say it for a while, after all, this was money!"Ya concubine...this..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Lin Yu didn't take the black card in his hand for a long time, Ya Fei didn't understand.

Suddenly Yafei thought of something bad. He didn't want money. Does he want to regret it now... Don't want money or lust?That's it!He is the master of the Temple of Destruction, so this is his site. The previous words are all to fool me here. I am going to be planted here today!Pity me for more than 20 years...

Concubine Ya subconsciously closed her eyes and waited for Lin Yu's next move. She knew that even if she resisted... even suicide would not help.

At this time Lin Yu said, "Can you give me gold coins?"


Concubine Ya suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yu in disbelief. What did he just say?Give gold coins?Not to give birth to monkeys?I got it wrong?

Seeing the incredulous eyes of Concubine Ya, Lin Yu twitched the corner of her mouth. It was so difficult to give gold coins?Your Mitel family won’t even be able to get out gold coins, right?Light card?"Why not? If not, these pills can't be given to you!"

Only then did Concubine Ya react and quickly said: "Oh, yes, yes! I'll let someone send it over!"

After speaking, Concubine Ya blushed and ran out.On the way back to the Mittel auction site, Ya Fei shook her head while thinking: Ya Fei, Ya Fei, what is in your head!Why do you always associate dirty things with him?What should I do if he really did something to me today?Was he swallowing his voice or...

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