I'm opening a store in Doupa

Chapter 225 Tang 3 was born?

Two months passed in the blink of an eye, and all the pavements that the Great Emperor Lin Yu Xueye wanted had already been arranged a month ago.

However, in the remaining month, I have been busy for more than half a month to place the robots in those pavements, as well as the decoration and replenishment of the pavements. The door was not opened until a few days ago.

Since that day when Emperor Xue Ye left, English began to promote and advertise. After this month and a half of advertising, when the door opened a few days ago, the business of each store was very hot.That day's turnover reached 200,000 gold soul coins!

After the big shops opened outside were very popular, at the same time, even the small shops opened by Lin Yu were well known.

Not only people who go to the Arena of Souls will come to patronize him, but there will also be a large number of people who come to buy some strange things.

And a few people will come to Lin Yu to buy spirit rings!Of course there are spirit rings, but if you want a spirit ring with a high age, the price is definitely not cheap. Generally, those who buy spirit rings are high-ranking officials, or the young masters and young ladies in the big sect, to pay for the purchase of soul rings. The price of the ring.

Although the spirit ring is not a high-level thing, it is an indispensable thing for a spirit master in this world, and it plays a vital role, so its price is so expensive.

In addition to this, there is another point that is that the spirit rings sold by Lin Yu can be freely selected by you. In other words, there are any spirit rings of the soul-returning beasts, and the age can be freely selected, but here The absorption is not without any hindrance, it is the same as usual.If the number of years is too high to absorb, you can only end up with a body explosion.

However, in addition to the free selection of spirit rings, there is also a god bestowed spirit ring!If you buy this kind of spirit ring, you don't need to choose anything. All the abilities you get are the abilities that are most suitable for you, but the age of the spirit ring is also uncertain. The age of the spirit ring depends on how many years you can bear.If your body can withstand a 100,000-year spirit ring, then your twilight is 100,000 years, which is not fixed.

But the abilities obtained by this kind of god bestowed spirit ring, no matter how old it is, even if he is a thousand-year spirit ring, in the later stage, he may play a bigger role than your one hundred thousand year spirit ring!

Another thing worth noting is that after that day, Xueqinghe would come to Lin Yu's place basically every two or three days. Every time he came, he would bring something with him. His attitude towards Lin Yu was also It's not very good, but since that day, his attitude towards Lin Yu has been like a heaven and an underground, and his speech has become respectful.

He didn't come here for anything else, just for Qinglin.

Ever since I saw Qinglin last time, our Tiandou Empire's prince Xue Qinghe has liked Qinglin.

At first, Qinglin felt novel, after all, the feeling of being liked by others was still very different.At the very beginning, Qinglin wanted to tease him, no matter how Qinglin used to call Xueqinghe, he would obey unconditionally.But the more I got to the back, Qinglin also felt bored. Xueqinghe was like a dogskin plaster on the Qinglin, so now every time Xueqinghe came, Qinglin would hide in Lin Yu's supernatural space.

Another point worth mentioning is that Lin Yu found that in these two months, Bibi Dong and A Yin’s stomachs were slightly arched, and their menstrual affairs had not come in these two months, so Lin Yu gave them two pulses separately, and as expected, both of them were pregnant.

Just after learning about this, Xiao Xun'er's expression didn't get better, making her wonder for a while whether Lin Yu deliberately prevented her from carrying the baby.

"Xun'er, I went to accompany A Yin and Dong'er today, let's tomorrow... tomorrow..."

"No way!"

Lin Yu smiled bitterly with one hand supporting her forehead: "Xun'er...you said that if you become pregnant in the future, you don't want me to be with others every day, look at this..."

Xiao Xun'er was frustrated and nodded reluctantly.


"Dad, look!" Lin Qingyun said vaguely, standing in front of Lin Yu, showing the little princess dress she was wearing.

"Qingyun is so beautiful!" Lin Yu hugged Lin Qingyun with a face of dozing.

Now Lin Qingyun can run all over the floor. Although her words are still a bit vague, she can express what she wants to express.

"Aunt Gu bought this for me." Lin Qingyun said word by word.

"Oh? Aunt Gu, how about it, does Qing Yun like it?"

Just as she was talking, Gu Yuena took a cotton candy and appeared in front of the father and daughter.

"Like! Aunt Gu!" Seeing Gu Yuena, Lin Qingyun waved to her excitedly.

Now the relationship between Gu Yuena and Lin Yu has also eased a little, and there was no deep hatred, so there is no need to struggle like this.

Gu Yuena glanced at Lin Yu, then handed the cotton candy to Lin Qingyun.

"Qingyun go find your mother first, and dad will play with you later." Lin Yu squeezed Lin Qingyun's face in a petting manner and put her on the ground.

"Yeah! Goodbye Aunt Gu, goodbye Dad." Lin Qingyun nodded obediently and waved to Lin Yu and Gu Yuena.

"Goodbye Qingyun."

After Lin Qingyun left, Lin Yu looked at Gu Yuena and asked, "What do you want to tell me?"


Lin Yu was stunned by this sudden husband, he didn't expect Gu Yuena to come up...

"Ahem, don't scream, what if they misunderstand?" Lin Yu said with a dry cough, embarrassed.

"You haven't forgiven me yet?" Gu Yuena also saw that Lin Yu's attitude towards her has improved, so she planned to take this opportunity to make the relationship between the two go further, or restore what he thought he had to .


Lin Yu originally wanted to persuade something, but Lin Yu was stunned, and drifting bottle head thought: Lin Yu, what is wrong with you, does this fit your LSP personality?Now a big beauty is standing in front of you and giving it to you, are you unmoved?

"I hope you don't regret it!"

"No!" Gu Yuena nodded firmly.

"Come here." She hooked her finger at Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena didn't understand Lin Yu's meaning, but she walked over obediently.

When he came to Lin Yu, he only saw a thought-provoking smile on Lin Yu's mouth, and then his body was held in his arms by Lin Yu.

Before she had time to make her react, Lin Yu kissed him.

Gu Yuena was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't help but start to take the initiative in her heart for what Lin Yu was doing now, but her mouth was extremely strange, obviously this was the first time.

A big battle this evening is inevitable, Lin Qingyun's seventh mother was born today!



"I know that the crime of stealing into the inner door and stealing the unacceptable skills of the inner door is unforgivable, but Tang San can swear that he will never vent any of his unique skills he has learned to the outside world..."

At this time, a young man in a blue shirt was at the peak of ghosts and sorrows. A big Tang character was printed on the left chest of his clothes. From this Tang character, it can be seen that he came from the Tang sect.

This man named Tang San, dressed in blue, stood in front of him at this time with seventeen white figures. All of them were very dignified. The golden Tang characters on the chest symbolized that they were the inner door of the Tang Sect. Elder.

Slowly, Tang San took out a lotus-like instrument from his arms, held the lotus-like instrument in his hands, and slowly placed it on the ground.It's just that you can clearly see that in his eyes, there is a faint flash of tears...

The seventeen figures in front of him, seeing the instrument that resembled a lotus flower in Tang San's hand, everyone showed horrified expressions, not surprisingly.

Of course, these seventeen figures knew the utensils in Tang San's hands. This was Tang Sect's peerless hidden weapon, the Buddha angry Tang Lian.

At this time, Tang San continued: "Everything Tang San gave was given by the Tang Sect...In that case, let me become bones in this Bashu nature!"

Tang San's voice was very calm. At this moment, a milky white gas in his body was slowly flowing around his body.

"Xuantianbaolu!?" The Tang Sect elder, headed by the seventeen people, exclaimed. The trick Tang San uses now is the highest internal strength recorded in Xuantianbaolu.

With a bang, all of Tang San's clothes were shattered, and he appeared naked in front of the elders.

"Coming naked, leaving naked, the Buddha's anger Tang Lian Tang San gave the last gift to the sect... Tang San will now return everything to the Tang sect!"

After the words were closed, Tang San leaped and jumped out of the ghost to see sorrow with the thunder.

Ghost sees sorrow, that is to drop a stone and count for 19 seconds in silence. It is an existence beyond the 18th floor of hell. How can a person be allowed to exist here...


"A Yin... just hold on, it will be done soon!" The midwife said to A Yin.

"Ah..." A Yin summoned his strength and worked hard.

"Mother Six, come on, I want a little brother!" Outside the door, Lin Qingyun was in the arms of Xiaoyixian, silently cheering for A Yin in the house.

In a blink of an eye, the birth dates of Bibi Dong and A Yin had arrived, but Bibi Dong gave birth to the child a month ago, and he is still in the stage of raising a fetus. However, today, A Yin will be born.

But now it has been a long time, and Ah Yin still has not been born. He is now facing a risk that every woman has a high chance of facing, which is dystocia. Otherwise, how could it take such a long time under normal circumstances?

Lin Yu's heart also raised. He didn't want anything to happen to Ah Yin. If the midwife now asks him whether to take care of the old or the young, he will choose the former without hesitation... But he still hopes that mother and child are safe...

Suddenly I saw that he seemed to think of a bad thing, maybe this child really can't be born...

The reason why A Yin hasn't been born yet is probably because she gave birth to Tang San in the original book, but Tang San is a traverser. He traversed here because he jumped off a cliff, but at this point in time. , Tang San estimated that he hadn't even stolen Tang Sect's unique knowledge, so how could he jump off the cliff?

But this is just a conjecture, Lin Yu is unwilling to believe, now he can only pray, and write that mother and child are safe, or mother and daughter are safe.

Bibi Dong gave birth to a baby girl before, so now Lin Yu very much hopes to have a son so that he can be considered complete.

"Wow, wow..." As the baby's cry sounded, Lin Yu's hanging heart was also let go.

The English was still as usual. As soon as he opened the door, he came to Ah Yin and asked concernedly: "Is it all right?"

A Yin gasped for breath, but at the moment she was very happy, and said with a happy face: "Yu...we have a baby!"

Lin Yu held A Yin's hand and said tenderly: "Well! We have a baby!"

"Come, come, give me the child!" Lin Yu hugged the child from Xiao Xun'er's hand, and later opened the bedding covering the child, Lin Yu showed a long-lost smile on his face.

"What's the matter?" A Yin was also somewhat inexplicably happy when he saw the smile on Lin Yu's face.

"It's a kid, come see you." Lin Yu put the child next to A Yin, letting her turn sideways so that she could see the child.

After the child was born, except for two crying after he just uttered, he has not cried again until now, as if he has fallen asleep deeply now.

"Dad, dad let me see my younger brother!" At this moment, Lin Qingyun at Lin Yu's feet tugged at his pants.

Lin Qingyun couldn’t wait to see her as a younger brother in the morning. She already has a younger sister. Now, her only wish is to want a younger brother. When Lin Yu said that she was a kid, Lin Qingyun was happily dancing and dancing. In the arms of the medical immortal, he ran to the bed.

Before he reached the bed, he realized that he was not tall enough and couldn't see the baby on the bed at all, so he looked at Lin Yu pleadingly.

"Come to dad to hug you!" Lin Yu hugged Lin Qingyun into his arms, letting him condescending.

After seeing the child, Lin Qingyun showed a look of disgust, "Why is my brother so ugly?"

"Haha..." Lin Yu nodded Lin Qingyun's head irritably, "Your brother hasn't grown up yet. Besides, when you were born, your mother said you were ugly!"

Hearing this, Lin Qingyun looked at Xiao Yixian with a bad face, "Mom...Is that what Dad said?"

"Haha..." Xiao Yixian was also amused by Lin Qingyun's appearance, "Mom said, but you see, how beautiful our Xiao Qingyun is now!"

"Huh, I'm angry!"╭(╯^╰)╮

"I ask you why when my sister was born, she was like this, why didn't you say sister?" Lin Yu just thought that when Lin Xue was born, Lin Qingyun didn't have such an expression of disgust, why did she come to her brother? There will be.

"Hmm..." Lin Qingyun thought for a while, then said: "Because she is a younger sister! She is a girl, I want to protect her younger sister!"

"The brother doesn't need to be protected?"

Lin Qingyun akimbo, righteously said: "My brother is a boy, he has to protect me and my sister!"

"Sister? Younger sister? This is..."


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