"Xiaoao is too exaggerated!" Ma Hongjun looked at the big canyon from which you were not far away, you have to know that it is still a flat place before a few minutes.

Before, Ma Hongjun also thought of communicating with Oscar, but now it seems that it is as gray, and it is estimated to turn it!

Fortunately, I didn't promise his bet before.

Just now Lin Yu said, Oscar can only copy 70% of Lin Yu, which means that this piece is just equal to 70%, if you agree to gamble, he has 100% strength to play If you have to doubt whether you can live.

"Who is letting you make you mess! How do you calculate me?" Lin Yu took a good shot on the Oscar's head, and he took out such a large abyss. These Lin Yu did not back.

Oscar, I am busy with my head, I am afraid: "I am counting me!"

He was also scared by his sword, and he didn't expect him. He was just gently waving, and it would cause such a big move!

For Lin Yu's strength, he has to admire, the most important thing is because he copying Lin Yu's ability, it is not only using his 60 level strength, but it is really cutting 70%, he can feel itself It's definitely the realm of yourself, it is definitely over the current soul emperor, and it is more than a little more than a little. He is very confident, even if the title, the breath, there is no strong strength.

However, now three minutes have passed, Oscar's copy sausage effect is also invalid, this is also a short-term shortage of his soul skills, only a short three minute.

However, this time it is not as long as in the past, what he replicated does not seem completely disappeared, not other, but repair it, now Oscar's repair has reached 70, you must know that he swallowed the sausage Previously, his soul level was 62, but now it is 70, as long as he is a soul ring, he is a soul!

The front and rear faults were 8th, and there was no improvement in the eating in the past.

"I am me, I ..." I found that my soul level has increased the magnitude 8, and Oscar has been excited at this time.

Ning Rongrong looked at Oscar, I asked. "What happened, Oscar? You must have something!"

Oscar hugs Ning Rongrong, excited words, "I ... I ... I am 70!"

? ? ?

Ning Rongrong is skeptical, they are not the first auxiliary martial art in the world! The age of Oscar is only the age, and he has reached the stage of the soul, which is simply unimaginable!

"You are seventy level?" Tang San is also surprised to look at Oscar, I originally thought that my talent is already out of class, but he did not think that Oscar would actually beyond himself.

Tang San is also a breakthrough in the last battle, and now has not yet come and get the soul ring.

"Don't be too surprised, my blood gives him the thing that does not stop these, you will understand it!" Lin Yu, at this time, said faintly.

When he was just beginning, he also surprised,

But after a while, he thought that something contained in his own blood was unimaginable. It was only the most basic visible, and I will find that this drop is not just light improvement. Soul is so simple.

Tang San was caught in meditation, did not expect Dad ... Dad ... a drop of blood, actually let Oscar enhance so many soul, then the blood of the legendary saints, and only the blood of the saints brings such a big effect. . Dad ... He is not simple.

"Small three, take me to see your mother!" At this time, Lin Yu suddenly said to Tang San.

"Mom? You refer to ..."

Tang San is now unclear the intention of Lin Yu, before it looks like the East and Dad, it is estimated that it is a team with no problems, then he refers to the ratio of than the Neody ...

"It's a silver!" Of course, in this world, in addition to the Bi East, Lin Yu still wants to get Akin, even if the world's Amy and Tang Hao are together, it is not good to grab it. ! And Lin Yu is impossible to see your own woman and other men.

And this world is not the same, and there is a seed. Only 100,000 years later will change the adult after more than 100,000 years. Amy is the body, such a silver, Lin Yu is even more impossible to keep him and Tang Hao!

"Is Yin not turned into blue and silver grass? I am going to help her now."

"That's great!" I heard that I want to save my mother, Tang San naturally is very happy, although some strange this father will help save her mother, but why do you want so much? The result is good.

"Brother, I will go with you!"

"it is good!"

I heard a small dance called Lin San's call, I frowned, and I looked at the two seriously. "Why didn't you change mouth?"

"I ..." The little dance face brush turned the red, and his hand pulled the Tang San's sleeve.

Tang San continued to say a little dance: "Dad ... Dad, Xiao Dance is just not used to it, so ..."


Tang San took Lin Yu to the ice and fire two instruments. Now Amy is cultivating here. He is here to be faster, but this is still too long.

And Tang Hao is also always guarding Akin, "Xiaosan, you are ..." Subsequently, Tang Hao's sight took note of Lin Yu after the two people, the more it was like a big enemy, and the brow wrinkled into Sichuan.

He can feel that Lin Yu came to this time, it was absolutely not good. He didn't understand why he suddenly had this feeling. It is clear that they are the first time, is it a illusion?

"Small three, he is?"

"Oh, Dad, this is ... is my other father, another world of Dad ... I have been alive in another world for more than 20 years." Tang San's explanation, for this secret, he Has been conservative for many years, but at this moment, he said this has a long secret!

When I heard Tang Yan, Tang Hao also exposed an amazing expression, but did not want to pass without a while, "It is no wonder that you are so sensible. This time is it to clear the relationship with me?"

"No!" Tang San quickly waved, did not expect Tang Yan to understand this. "You are my Dad, I'm, my life is, how can I have that idea!"


"This father said, he wants to save your mother ..."

"What !?" Tang Hao's voice increased a few points, looked excited to look at Lin Yu, reached out and wanted to hold Lin Yu's hand.

However, Lin Yu disdainted his hand, Lin Yu secretly said: Although you are right, I have been annoying.

Tang Hao also cares for Lin Yu's attitude. Now he wants A silver resurrection. It is not too much attention to Lin Yu's attitude. It is just excited: "As long as you can save Akin, I will promise. you!"

Lin Yu did not answer, but it was just a lot of blue and silver grass that had grown up.

At this time, the Tang San on the side was frowned. He always feels that things are not so simple, that father, is so easy to save my mother?

Lin Yu came to the face of Blue and silver, and reached his finger, and this blue and silver grass stretched out a vine, entangled in Lin Yu's finger, and the two seem to be aware.

Subsequently, Lin Yu injected the source of the soul into the blue and silver body. With the moment of the soul, the blue and silver grass suddenly excited, the vines were swinging, just like being excited in hand dance.

In the eyes of Tang San and Tang Hao, the blue and silver grass grows rapidly with the speed of the naked eye. The height of the original blue and silver grass is only so high, and now it has reached the people's waist, but also continues growth of.

At this time, the soul of the blue and silver grass is also awakened, looking at the strange Lin Yu in front of him, she is a little, he can feel this person in front of him, which is the constant input soul of him, and This quantity is not a general soul teacher to lose, even if the title is not good, who is he? I would like to resurrect me so hard.

Akin knows that the soul of 100,000 years may not be as simple, this is definitely not just a matter of the title, if you can succeed, it will definitely take your own life, this is definitely One thing to live a life.

I know this, so I will think that Lin Yu is desperately saving her, but she is not aware of him, what is he for?

With the amount of soul transport, the awareness of Amy's awareness in Blue Silver Grass is also more awake. She can now see Tangshan Xiao Dance I stand around and Tang Hao.

Tang Hao, she was of course recognized, but she didn't have seen the Tang San and Xiaoqiu, but in Tang San, he felt the breath of Blue Solitary, so he determined that Tang San is his son, I didn't expect to actually be long. Big.

That little girl must be a daughter-in-law, I didn't expect it to be a soul of a soul!

Over time, Akin's current soul has reached the point of 100,000 years, and Lin Yu still did not recover the output of the soul at this moment.

Amy is afraid of Lin Yu, so after reaching 100,000 years, she immediately chose the formation, so that he will prevent him to be exhausted.

The blue silver grass flashed, and the excitement in the hearts of everyone was difficult to calm. I didn't expect the light to lose the soul, and how horror was stored in his soul.

Such methods are not tried before Tang Hao, and that kind of progress is too slow. Basically, they will give her soul every day, but that, the speed is not here, I didn't expect him to actually Like a precipitation.

After a while, I will appear in front of everyone, but Akin is slightly, after it is, she is still a baby, unless Lin Yu will continue to transport her soul, otherwise he has to grow more than 10 years. It will become the previous look.

However, Lin Yu stopped the conveying of the soul, took out a blanket, and then it will still be in the infant state.

Amy is also ignored this, and it is very helpless. It has grown his eyes in Lin Yu, and wants to see this face to save his own people.

"Who are you?" Asked a baby milk.

Now Yin is still a baby state, so no matter what kind of tone she uses, it is a milk.

"Akin!" Tang Wei saw that Amy's resurrection and excited words, immediately ran over from the distance, and wanted to pick up Akin from Lin Yu's hands.

However, when he is just close to Lin Yu, he is kicked by Lin Yu, and the powerful force makes Tang Yan directly in the stone wall.

"Dad!" Tang San looked at the Tang Wei, which was flying out, obviously did not think that Lin Yu will suddenly shot, and quickly put the small dance in the back, and vigilant looked at Lin Yu.

After all, the relationships before, all of him guess, there is no basis, and he does not have any other ideas.

Akin is now just a baby. Her five senses are still slow, and Tang Hao is kicked. She has not found it, and it is still immersed in her own problems.

Looking at such a small Akin, Lin Yu couldn't help the face of her baby fat, squinted: "I am your husband!"

Amy's eyes suddenly opened, obviously didn't think about Lin Yu, why don't I remember such a husband? If not, how can he save me so hard? Eh? Why do I think so, my husband is not Tang Hao?

A silver eyes suddenly opened, and it was not too cute. I couldn't help it. Lin Yu kissed it on his face.

Amy's see the speed of the naked eye is quickly red, Lin Yu smiled, "Wait, I will let you grow rapidly!"

When the closure, he continued to inject the soul of Akin, and Amy was also growing with the speed visible to the naked eye until it was stopped to grow into a slim girl.

After the bullies, I didn't hesitate to take her in his arms.

"You ... I have a quick hand ... I ... I ... I have my husband, there is a child!" Said the branch of Amy, it has been nervous.

"I know, it is me. Give you a look!" After Lin Yu passed a memory into the brain of Akin.

"What is these?" Amy was a little incredible, this memory image actually had a one-scale person with himself, but the two people's life trajectory is different ...

"These are you, just in another world, now I am coming to this world!"

It can be seen from the memory image, which is with this Lin Yu, and also has a child. This also allows Akin a little alert to Lin Yu, but she has now had their own home.

"But I have now had my own room."

Lin Yu shook his head, "I don't allow my woman and other men, no matter what, anyway, you are mine!"



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