I'm opening a store in Doupa

Chapter 83 The Black Seal Auction

Lin Yu also didn't expect that there would be so many people on the streets of Heiyin City during the day. Although there would still be unsightly scenes in some corners, there was no abnormality in this street.

"Brother Lin Yu, where are we going now?" Xiao Xun'er asked, holding Lin Yu's arm when everyone was walking on the crowded street.

"Black Seal Auction House!" Lin Yu remembered that a lot of good things were auctioned in this auction house, and some interesting things would happen!

He didn't know if it was the time when Xiao Yan came, so he didn't know if those things would happen here like in the original book.

"You guys stop!" At this moment, a rough voice sounded.

When Qing Lin looked at this person, he was shocked. After a person ran out to be known by the master, he would definitely have to scold him later.This person is really annoying!

"What's the matter?" The big man called from Gu Wenyan. Gu Wenyan thought he was calling him, so he asked.I thought to myself: Could it be that he is like the kind of person last night?

"You have something to do with that little girl!" The big man pointed to Qinglin who was hiding behind Lin Yu.

Everyone looked at Qinglin, who was a little embarrassed, and stuck out his tongue playfully.

Gu Wenyan said lightly: "What?"

"It's okay, if that's the case, you'll die!" Without saying a word, the big man lifted the giant axe in his hand and slashed towards Gu Wenyan.

The big guy who lost that thing has now lost the ability to think, and will not consider the strength of Gu Wenyan's people at all, and now only wants to kill them.


Seeing that there was a fight here, the passers-by quickly stepped aside to form a big circle around Lin Yu and others. People came one after another. These people were all lucky enough, maybe they could make a fortune. !

Gu Wenyan frowned. Seeing that the man was indeed intent on murder, he did not make any ink stains, and moved his middle and index fingers together.

"Finger grab!"

The two characters flew out of Gu Wenyan's mouth, and saw Gu Wenyan's two fingers and the grudge quickly condensed, and then a dark golden light beam flew out to the center of the man's eyebrows.


The big man's body jumped in the air and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes widened and round, a hole between his eyebrows was clearly visible, and blood continuously flowed out of the hole.

The few people did not stay here too much, and continued to walk forward.

The crowd onlookers here circumvented a path for several people, joking, and killing a fighting spirit with one move. Can such a strong person be able to provoke?Although they are all extrajudicial fanatics, there is still a measure of this.

The onlookers did not show any mercy to the dead man. After Lin Yu and the others left, they quickly plundered the material from the man, and the whole man was gone in a short while.

"Qinglin... don't you plan to explain?" While walking, Lin Yu looked at Qinglin next to him.

"Hey..." Qinglin stuck out her tongue and said, "I ran outside in the morning, and then I met that person. He wanted to catch me and I kicked him twice... and I ran away."

Lin Yu:...

Qing Lin thought about it, and she was about to get his forehead bombarded again, and then she gave a lecture.

Who knows, Lin Yu just said: "Don't run around next time!"

Qinglin looked at Lin Yu in surprise, then smiled sweetly: "Hey... it won't be next time!"


A few people walked to the end of the turbulent street. There was a huge auction site called "Black Seal".

Standing at the entrance of the Heiyin Auction House were a few men with indifferent expressions in black attire. Their waists were equipped with sharp weapons, just like the guards at the gate of the city.

Judging from the faint aura that bleeds out of these men, all of them are of the level of a fighting master, and the forces that want to come to this "eight doors" are also extremely powerful.

Several people entered the auction house with the flow of people, and the huge space in it was really inconsistent with the smog outside.

"Master, it's so big here!" Qing Lin exclaimed in surprise.

Just as Lin Yu and the others entered, a revealingly dressed woman walked up and said in her delicate voice: "Sirs and ladies, do you want to participate in the auction or auction things."

The woman walked up only after seeing Lin Yu and the others in their glamorous clothes.If they are participating in an auction, they earn commissions by selling their seats.If it comes to auction, if the customer's things are sold at the auction site, a certain fee will be charged, and they will also receive a portion of the money when they are sold.And maybe you can hold a thigh or something, or redeem yourself.

It is normal even to sell slaves here. Welcome ladies like them have no freedom. Apart from earning enough money and redeeming them, they are either reduced to goods waiting to be bought or redeemed by nobles.

Lin Yu faintly replied: "Participate in the auction!"

"Everyone, please come with me!" The woman smiled charmingly, twisting her sexy snake waist and leading the way, in front of everyone, the woman exuded her charm without reservation.

"Vixie!" Xiao Xun'er couldn't help groaning when he saw him playing with her posture.

The woman led the crowd to the auction place, stretched out her finger to the table below the auction table and said: "These tables are in the general area, and one person only needs to pay 10,000 gold coins." Then the woman pointed to the upper private room and said: There is the VIP area. They are all single rooms. You need to deliver 500,000 gold coins!"

"Here!" Lin Yu took out a black gold card from his pocket and handed it to the woman.Then point to the upper room.

The woman was overjoyed and quickly went to the counter to swipe her card.

After a while, the woman returned and handed the card to Lin Yu respectfully, and then she did not forget to wink Lin Yu.

"Fox, what do you want to do!" Xiao Xun'er couldn't bear it at this moment, and the aura that belonged to Dou Huang poured out, pressing the woman out of breath.

"Xun'er!" Lin Yu yelled softly.

Xiao Xun'er stopped her breath in an instant, looked at Lin Yu with a grimace and said, "Brother Lin Yu, she seduce you!"

"Haha..." Lin Yu wanted to laugh at Xiao Xun'er's appearance, patted her hand to make her feel relieved."My concentration is good, besides, with you, a big beauty, Xun'er, do I need to see others?"

Xiao Xun'er curled her lips and said in her heart: What did the little doctor fairy say, if I'm not by your side, I don't know how many sisters you will bring me back in the future!Just lust!

"Hmph, if you dare to seduce Brother Lin Yu, I will goug your eyes. Lead the way!" Xiao Xun'er viciously faced the woman who was kneeling on the ground and panting.

"Yes...yes...the little girl dare not anymore..." the woman said tremblingly, still lingering in her heart.

Lin Yu shook his head and said to Xiao Xun'er, "Girl, don't be so fierce."

"Huh!" Xiao Xun'er continued with a soft snort, "As long as Brother Lin Yu doesn't touch the flowers and grass, I won't be like this!"

Lin Yu twitched the corners of her mouth and blamed me. She posted it this time, and it has nothing to do with me...

"Please follow me." The recovered woman stood up and continued to lead the way.

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