“Hey, that cat is so cute!”

Ling Yun suddenly pointed to the roof.

I don’t know when a black cat suddenly appeared.

The black cat appeared on the eaves with swollen eyes open, and without warning, it happened to look at Ling Yun with courageous eyes.

“Oh hehe, by the way, this is Yoruichi-san, who often comes back to Urahara grocery store to play.” Kisuke Urahara winked at the eaves.


Ling Yun instantly realized.

This cute black cat on the eaves is the cat form of Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard.

“This trip was really not in vain, I didn’t expect to meet the legendary instantaneous god.” Ling Yun secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Yoruichi is different from the other captains, in addition to his elusive momentary moves, he also masters a unique white fight.

Once you drop the attribute light cluster, you will definitely have more points than others!

“Aim !!!”

After sensing Ling Yun’s gaze, the black cat made a soft sound.

“Mr. Urahara, then again, this cat’s expression is so human.” Although he has long known Yoruichi’s identity, Ling Yun still acts to the end.

“Hey, that’s where you got to the point, Yoruichi-san is no ordinary cat, he likes to play pranks very much, you should be careful to be scared by him.” Kisuke Urahara covered his face with a folding fan, revealing a treacherous and evil smile.

“People at Urahara grocery store love to play pranks, right?” Ling Yun was embarrassed.

“Brother Lingyun, let’s visit first, if you are hungry, eat the goods on the shelves casually.” Led by Ryō Tetsujae, the group walked into the grocery store.

“Eat your sister! All of them are expired goods, can’t people be sincere with each other? Glancing at the label on the back of the product, Ling Yun couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Ariel, it’s my pot, it was too hurried to close yesterday, I forgot to remove the goods that filled the façade.” Kisuke Urahara gave an awkward but polite smile.

“Here, let’s have a cup of hot tea first.”

Kisuke Urahara pushes a cup of hot tea forward.

“I’m afraid this cup of tea has been sitting for many days, and the liquid surface is full of scattered dust.” Fortunately, Ling Yun had long been vigilant and took a special look before drinking tea.

“Huh? Is it? I guess I made a mistake, I’m so sorry. Kisuke Urahara apologized insincerely.

“Manager Urahara, Akito doesn’t say secret words, I didn’t come here to play a prank, what kind of special training did I talk about?” Ling Yun couldn’t help but want to roll his eyes.

“Don’t worry, it’s not too early to be suitable, it seems that Brother Lingyun is very eager to practice.” Kisuke Urahara’s eyes lit up with a hint of essence.

“I’ve heard a lot about the story of the manager Urahara, so I can’t wait to start the special training.” It seems that after glancing at Urahara Kisuke, he glanced at Ling Tiezhai, and Ling Yun showed an expectant smile.

One is a genius who learns to understand in three days.

One is the former Great Ghost Chief.

If you can conduct a special training, the gain will definitely not be less than before!

“Brother Lingyun, since you can’t wait so much, then let’s go directly to the topic.” Kisuke Urahara snapped his fingers and turned and walked towards the door of the inner room.

“Are you going to the underground chamber?” Ling Yun had some expectations.

“Brother Lingyun, you are the third person to enter the secret room, even Pingzi Mako has never been there.” Holding Ling Tiezhai deliberately emphasized again.

“Is it? It was a real honor, thanks to the willingness of the two seniors to give advice. Ling Yun responded humbly.

“By the way, remind you, don’t be lazy during special training, otherwise I will feed you pills.” While speaking, Ling Tiezhai deliberately took out a purple pill from his arms with a treacherous expression of malice.


Ling Yun was speechless.

Feed people pills when they don’t agree with each other.

It’s no one anymore!


Soon after.

The three came to the inner room.

“Brother Lingyun, wait and see.”

Kisuke Urahara came to the wall and pressed one of the buttons.


With the button buttoned, the floor suddenly shook, and a compartment appeared, which was the entrance to the secret passage.

“It’s really a powerful design, and I couldn’t see that there was a secret passage underneath before.” Through the entrance of the secret passage, Ling Yun saw a long stone staircase that stretched all the way to the ground.

“Let’s go!”

Under the leadership of Kisuke Urahara, the three entered the secret room one after another.

“The view is so beautiful!”

After Ling Yun came to the underground secret room, he had a new feeling.

The entire underground chamber is brightly lit, you can see smoke everywhere, and there are several steaming hot springs, which vaguely give people a feeling of paradise.

“Brother Lingyun, how is it, after coming here, you found out how simple the base of the Masquerade Legion is, right?” Kisuke Urahara chuckled proudly.

“It’s a big deal to be able to create such an underground secret room!” Ling Yun felt sincerely.

“See those hot springs?” The water flowing inside is not ordinary spring, they have powerful healing power, and can effectively relieve fatigue. Urahara Kisuke pointed into the distance and introduced Lingyun in detail.

“Manager Urahara, you really hide deeply!”

In addition to the beautiful environment like a paradise, Ling Yun found that the concentration of spirit sons in the secret room was very high, and the special training here would have a double effect with half the effort.

“Brother Lingyun has passed the prize, in the past few decades, Tie Zhai and I have spent here, or you will stay as a clerk in the future?” Kisuke Urahara suddenly dug into a corner.

“Eh… Although I really wanted to stay, they definitely wouldn’t agree, so I bothered. Ling Yun declined with some embarrassment.

“Oh, hehe, I’m just kidding.” Kisuke Urahara skillfully changed the subject, “Okay, already familiar with the environment, then let’s start the special training!” ”

“Tiezhai, do it!”

“Leave it to me!”

Holding Ling Tiezhai came to the center of the field, burst into laughter and clasped his hands together.


With a deafening loud noise, a huge enchantment slammed up, forming a transparent white barrier.

“Brother Lingyun, you should have fought with Xiao Ba, right?” Holding Ling Tiezhai nudged the reflective glasses, and his dark face gradually became serious.

“Mr. Tetsusai, what’s wrong?” Ling Yun had a bad premonition.

“My ghost path is stronger than his!”

The light in Ling Tiezhai’s eyes gradually became fierce, and a strong momentum burst out from his body.

“Next, please tense your nerves.”

“Otherwise, you won’t be able to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of the ghost road!”

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