The other side.

As Shibo fought with Zhibo and Void White, a storm of spiritual pressure hovered back and forth in midair, and even spread to every corner of Toriyama County.

The voices of the two constantly collided in midair.

Spiritual pressures collide with each other!

“Oops, I underestimated his strength, but I didn’t expect to be suppressed!”

Fine beads of sweat the size of beans continued to drip down his cheeks, and Zhibo’s expression became extremely solemn, and he couldn’t see the calm and calm appearance before.

“Although the appearance is very peculiar, it retains the virtual carrier, but the use of combat skills is the same as the god of death, which is really difficult to deal with. If this continues, I will only be completely suppressed. ”

Although the situation fell into passivity, Zhibo remained calm and analytical.

He decided not to retain any more strength.

If the situation continues to stalemate, although we are confident that we can protect ourselves, we are not sure that we can defeat the void, and then self-preservation becomes meaningless.

Only by erasing the void can we solve the future problems!

“I unknowingly reached the edge of the city, if I’m not mistaken, it’s Kuzacho over there, right?” Yu Guang glanced at the distant city communication, and Zhibo’s eyes flashed with a wave.

He quickly made a decision.

By leading the void to Kuzacho first, you can not only delay time, but also take the opportunity to discuss countermeasures.


After Shibo made his decision, he used the captain-level instantaneous step to turn and leave.


This action completely infuriated Void White, and it let out a deafening roar, and the fierce figure also left.

The instinct to kill tends to pursue it!


Soon after.

The outskirts of Kuzacho.

“It’s really a desperate chase, no wonder so many team members have died.” Zhibo Yixin’s figure suddenly appeared, he was chased all the way by Vain, and he personally experienced the strength of the other party.


Not long after Zhibo arrived, Void Whiteness soon appeared in sight.

The violent and piercing roar shows the anger in its heart!

“It should be very unpleasant to be run all the way, right? Just take advantage of the sunny day to kill you! With a fiery look in his dark eyes, Zhibo gripped the hilt of the slashing knife hard.

“Burn, Azuki!”

At the moment when the spiritual pressure reached its peak, the liberation language came out of Zhibo’s mouth.

A large amount of spiritual pressure burst out from his body, turning into scorching flames floating around his body, spinning rapidly like a storm, instantly pushing the temperature to a new boiling point.

The flames dispelled the surrounding darkness and turned into the brightest light in the night.

The white captain Haori danced with the strong wind, and the swaying flames reflected the face full of fighting intent. Relying on the power of the Moon Origin, Zhibo’s momentum has risen step by step.

After the slashing knife was solved, Zhibo instantly controlled the battle situation.

Under his control through spiritual pressure, the hot flames danced like a storm, occupying the entire sky in a short time.

But what made Zhibo unexpected was that in the face of the hot flames, Wubai did not choose to retreat, but stood calmly in place.

“Huh? What the hell does he want to do! ”

Zhibo’s eyelids jumped.

A strong sense of crisis once again emerged in my mind.

I saw that Void Bai suddenly lowered his head, and a magnificent and translucent red light quickly condensed at the top of his head, accompanied by a silent breath.

“This is… Virtual flash?! ”

Zhibo’s eyes widened, and he subconsciously put the slashing knife in front of him, but underestimated the condensation speed of the virtual flash.

I saw that everything around me was submerged by the crimson torrent, and the virtual flash carried a mighty roll forward with terrifying energy that destroyed everything.

Shiba’s body was soon drowned in endless red flashes!


The deafening noise spread to every corner of Kuzacho, and although ordinary humans were not aware of the battle, it naturally caught the attention of some people who lived in seclusion in Kuzacho.


At this time.

The outskirts of Kuzacho.

The station of the Kamen Legion.

After a day of special training, everyone resumed their free activities.

“Ling Yun, you still said that you are not open-hanging? In just one month, your strength has surpassed that of the seat officer, and even stronger than some vice captains. Pingzi Mako’s whole person hung upside down on the ceiling, stretching out a little casually, and looked at Ling Yun with contempt.

After a month of special training, Ling Yun’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds. All attributes have multiplied several times, and they have long exceeded the standard line of vice captains, and even their skills have been improved by several levels.

In addition to the chopping knife.

He can beat almost anyone except the captain!

“Pingzi, why do I smell a sour smell, I’m afraid you’re jealous of Lingyun’s little brother, right?” Jiu Nanbai jumped like a rabbit, and the whole person pounced on Ling Yun.

“Jealous of your sister, who is clingy all day like you, girls must know how to be reserved, okay?” Hirako rolled her eyes and almost picked up the water bottle and smashed it.

“You deserve to be a single dog for life!” Kunanbai stuck out his tongue.

“Shiro, give him a way to live, it is said that if he is single for too long, even his thoughts will become extreme, I am afraid that Hirako will go crazy one day sooner or later.” Orochimaru Lisa mended.

“Makes sense, it’s better to leave him alone, let’s exercise together with the three of us tonight!” Kunanbai blinked.

“This time it’s your turn to go up, I’ll go down.”

Orochimaru’s eyes were glowing and staring at Ling Yun like a wolf.

“Is it again? I was almost squeezed dry by you this month. Remembering the wildness of the two girls in the late night moment, Ling Yun’s legs trembled a little.

There is no bad ploughing of the field, only tired cattle.

Even if he has a lot of energy, he can’t stop singing night and night!

At this time….

The fluctuations of the virtual flash explosion came!

“This spiritual pressure…”

Feeling the aftermath of the virtual flash, Ling Yun frowned suspiciously, through the fluctuations transmitted by the virtual flash and the slashing knife liberation, he quickly made a judgment, “It is actually the God of Death and the Great Void fighting, it stands to reason that a battle at this level should not appear in this world, unless…”

Ling Yun immediately thought of some possibility.

“Shibo Isshin, if you guessed correctly, one of them should be you, right? Finally waited! The corners of Ling Yun’s mouth outlined an arc of expectation.

“Vain is it…”

As if whispering, Ling Yun’s figure disappeared instantly.

“I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, no matter how strong I am, I’m going to kill you!”

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