I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1388: Undercover exposure!

The South Korean team never expected that Jiang Siming would drive them down.

And Jiang Siming seemed to know their positions completely, rushing all the way, and there must be Korean players everywhere.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The car slammed into the bodies of Korean players one after another, knocked them down sturdily, and then ran over them smoothly!

Jiang Siming himself did not expect that the Korean player's smoke offensive method was completely solved by him with a car.

The South Korean team didn't want to sweep the car, but the car got into the smoke, except for people nearby who could see where the car was, others couldn't see where the car was.

If you sweep indiscriminately, you may be killed by your teammates.

The Korean players next to him can't hide, so there is no effort to sweep the car.

This kind of open mountainside, there is no shelter at all, and the car enters like a dragon into the sea, no one can control it.

Soon, Jiang Siming crushed five people to death, and they all crushed them twice to make up for them.

For a time, the sound of debris and pirate bounty was endless.

"Pick up [100% of Douyin shares] golden shards*1 (1/9). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Pei Yuan Dan x 1 box] blue fragments*1 (1/8). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

【Pill of Yuan Pei】: It can consolidate the root and increase the cultivation base. The lower the cultivation base, the greater the effect on the cultivator.

The pirate bounty is still only level 10, and they are all items such as gold, silver and jade.

But this Peiyuan Pill still made Jiang Siming's eyes bright, which meant that his wives could improve a lot.

For the time being, I can only think about it first, Jiang Siming is still immersed in the pleasure of crushing people in the smoke bomb.

Fortunately, South Korea also reacted quickly. They threw the remaining spike traps in the bag to the ground.

These spike traps were previously picked up to stop the vehicles of the Huaxia team.

But because Jiang Siming's paraglider delayed them too much time, it was useless.

This time was good, the spiked trap was laid, and it didn't take long before Jiang Siming accidentally drove it up.


The tire burst and the car came to a stop.

The suppressed anger of the surrounding Korean players for a long time spread all over Jiang Siming, raising the gun and sweeping at this weak and helpless jeep!

But Jiang Si had jumped into the smoke bomb before the tire burst, and all they had swept away was an empty shell.

"Be careful, he is still in the smoke, pay attention to reporting!" The captain was anxious, and asked the team members to make up the smoke while letting people look for Jiang Siming's trace.

The smoke bombs can't be stopped. After stopping, the Huaxia team will target them.

Therefore, Jiang Siming can only be found before the smoke clears.

"Location! We need Jiang Siming's location!" The captain yelled eagerly.

This seems to be shouted to the Korean players, but in fact, it was shouted to others.

Not long after the captain shouted, his expression smiled.

"He is a rock on the right! Find him and kill him!" The captain knew where Jiang Siming was hiding.

And Jiang Siming also saw other people's whereabouts clearly in the smoke bomb.

He found that everyone rushed towards him and knew he had been exposed, and immediately chose to retreat.

When the Korean players came over, there was no one behind the stone.

"He ran to us halfway up the mountain!"

"Beside the vehicle!"

"Go to the left again!"

The captain kept reporting Jiang Siming's position to his team members. He seemed to have smoke bomb immunity with Jiang Siming, and he could clearly know Jiang Siming's every move.

Jiang Siming was impatient after being chased, so he just shot him!

After sweeping down one, escape into the smoke again.

In this way, Jiang Siming began to fight guerrillas with the Korean team.

The captain was stunned, knowing that this was useless, and immediately changed his strategy.

"Clean up the others first! Leave him alone!" The South Korean captain had nothing to do with Jiang Siming.

In his heart, he even began to wonder if the Korean players on his side had also been bought.

Otherwise, why does he know Jiang Siming's location, but Jiang Siming seems to know their location.

Every time he passed by, Jiang Siming immediately slipped away as if he had sensed it in advance.

"This person must have bought the undercover in our place too, despicable!" The South Korean captain gritted his teeth and cursed.

Then he looked at each of the players, everyone began to be suspicious, and even began to worry about his safety, quickly stay away from them.

He thought he was playing Infernal Affairs with Jiang Siming, but he was actually playing alone.

In Da Sima's words, this is: He regards Jiang Siming as the fifth floor, but Jiang Siming is only on the first floor.

The real fight is on the verge!

All the Korean players rushed out of the smoke and had a close battle with the Huaxia team!

The sound of gunshots was like firecrackers for the New Year.

It's flying everywhere.

And Jiang Siming successfully solved six Korean sticks in the smoke bomb, which also saved the Chinese team from a huge disadvantage.

But in terms of numbers, there are still few people in the China Division.

And when it comes to fighting, most of the Huaxia Division are anchors, and South Korea are all professional players.

Except for 17shou, Little Lion and Tinkerbell, they can hold on, everyone else has contributed their lives through recklessness and mistakes.

The players on both sides are falling crazy!

God's perspective can't even be cut, Tuantuan acted as the director, and began to constantly switch perspectives.

But every time she cut a person's perspective, that person would die on the spot.

One or two...cut to the back, Tuantuan himself was embarrassed to cut again.

Why is the player's perspective she saw is dead...

So the game was over, and the name of Medusa was also spread.

But right now, the battle is still not over!

Jiang Siming also joined the battlefield, and his participation greatly eased the battle.

South Korea is falling faster.

The Korean captain saw Jiang Siming stabbing them unscrupulously behind his back, shouting hoarsely: "Kill him! I order you to kill him! Dragon Si!"

This shout directly exposed.

But for the time being, it was only exposed on the Korean side, and China couldn't hear it at all.

Long Si even wanted to hit someone, but at this time he had no choice but to send the arrow on the string.

"Do it!" Long Siyi yelled, and the other two people started to aim at Jiang Siming in the smoke bomb, hurt the killer!

While Jiang Siming was slaying frantically, his danger perception lit his headlights.

He twisted subconsciously, avoiding the deadliest bullet.

At the same time, Jiang Siming turned his head to look at the Dragon Si behind him. At this time, the dragon's face was blue and green. Regardless, he still pointed his gun at Jiang Siming and clicked his mouse madly.

The Huaxia team members who had died in the OB perspective also discovered that Long Si was forced to be mad at Mingshen.

"Where are you crazy?"

"What are you three doing, who are you hitting?"

"Fuck, these three are all undercover!"

"WDNMD! Stop hearing you!"

Facing the scolding and scolding of his teammates, Long Si turned a deaf ear.

Jiang Siming switched to 98K and aimed at Dragon Four on the top of the mountain!


[Author's digression]: Third more~~

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