I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1404: Dare not say it

It didn't take long for Jiang Siming and Zhao Xiaoxiao to go home, and indeed Li Shengxue came back.

When Li Shengxue came back, she went to her house to change clothes.

"I remember you said that today's case is a pending case, why did you come back so early?" Jiang Siming followed and asked knowingly.

Li Shengxue took off his police uniform jacket and boots, and smiled and said, "I don't know what's wrong today. Once I passed by, I felt that the case was very simple, and I found the flaws in confusion."

After that, Li Shengxue turned her head and smiled at Jiang Siming, and said, "You know, husband, today I can scare Huo Wu away, she thought I was you."

Jiang Siming was not here at all, staring at Li Shengxue's curvy figure after he removed his uniform.

Li Shengxue noticed Jiang Siming's gaze, blushed and covered his proud place, and said: "Big villain, go out soon, I want to take a bath."

Instead of listening, Jiang Siming walked over with a grin: "I just punched that person and sweated. I also have to take a bath."


Before Li Shengxue finished speaking, he was taken away by Jiang Siming...

It was almost noon until the two of them came out of the room.

Li Shengxue carefully looked at the house, and found that Zhao Xiaoxiao was playing with A-Nan and the others in the yard, and then he returned to normal.

It's just that the blush on his face hasn't completely subsided, obviously something happened just now.

"Sister Xuan and the others are not awake yet?"

"Well, it's probably coming soon, I should cook too." Jiang Siming put on his own small pink apron with a pleasant expression.

Today, the wives are not awake, he will act as a cook.

"Then I will give you a hand." Li Shengxue followed into the kitchen.

The two were cooking in the kitchen while getting tired.

At the other end, Bing Meiren and Huo Wu are also having a meal, but they are not treated as chefs, they are eating in the cafeteria in the bureau.

The two sat opposite each other, grabbing the food on the plate, but didn't even want to eat.

"Bing, you said why this Jiang Siming has such great ability, not only is he good, but he can also teach disciples. You didn't see how good the Snow Girl is today. You slapped a Hummer with a slap."

Huo Wu couldn't help but speak, his words full of envy for Xue Nu.

Bing Meiren replied without lifting her head: "Of course I know that I saw the car, and there is a slap mark on the roof of the car, which belongs to the snow girl."

"Yeah, I think her current strength can beat both of us." Huo Wu vomited.

"I don't think, it is definitely possible, even the teacher may not be her opponent." Bing Meiren analyzed.

"No, the teacher is a master of heaven."

Bing Meiren shook her head and said, "Teacher Zeng Jin told me that Jiang Siming's practice may not be something our hermits practiced."

"He cultivated far beyond our imagination, so he is so strong."

After hearing this, Huo Wu envied him: "Then why don't you ask him to practice the exercises? One person is stronger than everyone else, and he can't just care about himself."

Bing Meiren smiled and said: "We don't have the right to let him surrender his exercises. This is his secret. If we do, what is the difference from the robber."

"I didn't say robbed him, we can buy it." Huo Wu explained.

"Don't you think he would have sold it if he wanted to sell it? Besides, do you think he is short of money?"

"That's true."

"The teacher knew about it a long time ago, but he never wanted to ask Jiang Siming's secret in the past."

"Why?" Huo Wu asked curiously.

"Because everyone has their own secrets. As long as the other party doesn’t want to tell them and doesn’t violate the law, they have the right to keep their secrets. Besides, Jiang Siming has helped the Tian Group many times, and also trained Sheng Xue to work for the Tian Group. It's a person who has great favor from our heaven team." Bingmei said.

Huo Wu listened and thought about it carefully, and Jiang Si was clearly their benefactor.

Whether it was killing Yue Guo Kuka at the Mutianyu Great Wall, or solving the remnants of drug dealers at the Yunnan border to rescue more than a dozen members of the Tian Group.

Or they helped them drop an illegal hermit family sect, etc., each of them was a great kindness to their heavenly group.

Moreover, Jiang Siming also saved her and Bing Meiren's lives, Mutianyu Great Wall saved the ice and protected Qin Yiyi when he was assassinated by Kai.

Counting that, they really owe Jiang Siming a lot of favor.

But now she was thinking about wanting Jiang Siming to surrender her exercises, she was really sinful.


Huo Wu, who was disgusted with herself, slapped herself.

Bingmei did not stop, but continued: "And Jiang Siming has always been on our side, on our side. Such a person, no matter how strong, is no enemy."

Speaking of this, Bing Mei suddenly warned Huo Wu: "You remember, don't tell the teacher Jiang Siming's request to accept a disciple."

"Ah? Why?" Huo Wu asked suspiciously, rubbing her blushing cheek.

Bing Meiren gave her a white look, then lowered her head angrily to continue eating.

Huo Wu then reacted and said, "I know, if the teacher knows, he will definitely suggest us..."

Having said that, Huo Wu dared not say any more.

If the teacher knew, he wouldn't give orders to them, but he would definitely suggest that they contact Jiang Siming.

Because since Jiang Siming joined Tianxing as a guest Qing, the teacher's affection for him is too high.

In every training or meeting, the teacher will use him as an example to educate all members of the team.

Even knowing that Jiang Siming's wives and concubines are in groups, he does not object to Li Shengxue being with him.

The safety of Jiang Siming's family members is the secret protection of the Tianzu elite arranged by the teacher. You can think of Jiang Siming's weight in the teacher's heart.

If he knew that Jiang Siming's condition was that he could teach them to practice as his wife, the teacher would probably persuade all the beautiful female members of the Tian Group to be Jiang Siming's girlfriend...

When Huo Wu thought of this, her mouth closed a lot, and she lowered her head to eat.

While eating, he cursed Jiang Siming: "Smelly hooligan, set the rules of such a hooligan, who is rare to be your wife, my old lady would rather be single for a lifetime, find so many wives, curse you for discordant intercourse, critical moments..."

Bing Mei rolled her eyes when she heard it, and said in a bad mood: "Can you not say such a disgusting thing, and can't eat anymore."

After the two women finished speaking, they went to dinner with their heads muffled, and they didn't dare to mention the matter of seeking Jiang Siming to improve their strength...

Li Jianbin and the Yinxiemen elder were sent to the Tianzu base by Wu Zhi on the same day, and were tortured for all details within half an hour.

The old man of Tianzu waved his hand, and brought the people of Tianzu, and destroyed the entire hidden evil gate that night.

Together with Li Jianbin's official father, they were also taken away in one pot.

His ‘excellent’ high-ranking father, who cultivated such a son, deserves to be treated.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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