I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1416: You got fooled~

The WeChat call was made and the other party was connected within seconds.

"Hello, Brother Jiang!"

Lu Benwei's voice came from Jiang Siming's cell phone.

The full-screen barrage instantly feels comfortable, and it's all brushing my youth back.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Your fans strongly request that I listen to your voice before you re-run, come on, and say hello to your fans."

Lu Benwei smiled embarrassedly, and then shouted loudly: "Brothers! Your Lu Benwei! Retired God of War! Three Ugly Fish! Paratrooper One! Coming back soon!!"

The passionate tone and familiar voice instantly ignited the blood of all game parties.

This is the charm of Lu Benwei.

People who like him will especially like him, of course, there are also many people who do not like his style.

In short, this is a very topical anchor.

This is exactly why his popularity is so high.

After a brief exchange with Lu Benwei, Jiang Siming hung up the phone and began to broadcast normally.

The audience was also satisfied and began to watch Jiang Siming's live broadcast with peace of mind.

Open STEAM as usual and land in the Jedi Survival.

Since he finished the anchor game, he hasn't played Chicken Eater yet, weird.

"I heard that there is a new model, is it true."

Jiang Si Mingshen babbled and entered the game hall.

Sure enough, in the lower left corner, a mode called Fantasy Battle Royale appeared.

Jiang Siming went in and looked at the introduction, and found that this model was too weird. It was not like before, no matter what new model came out, it was inseparable from guns.

This mode is good, you don’t need to grab it, and it becomes an online game...

There are four professions, Berserker, Archer, Paladin and Wizard.

The berserker has blood thick and fast, only a legendary 999 machete.

The archer walks silently and can play crossbow arrows,

The paladin is a nanny, the wizard is a mage, and has a grenade gun.

After reading this model, Jiang Siming has subverted the three views. This blue hole designer Sao, this stuff can be imagined.

"Let's play this new mode for a while, open a quiz, whether I can eat chicken." Jiang Siming opened the quiz, and the odds were set to 1:1.

Obviously, Jiang Siming played this mode as a normal mode.

The friends of the water are so happy, when Jiang Siming is so naive, all decisively allin!

Two minutes later, Jiang Siming looked at me and found that the number of fish **** who voted was as high as 50 billion, and the number of fish **** who voted was less than 5 billion.

"You are too underestimated. It seems that you have forgotten how strong your brother is after a long time."

Immediately, Jiang Siming, who could not bear being despised by the water friends, entered the game solo.

Helpless, solo row is not enough, so you will still arrange teammates for you.

After Jiang Siming entered, the three passersby teammates had already grabbed their positions, leaving only a nanny.

Comrade Lao Jiang said with a constipated expression, "Then I will play with the nanny."

Regarding the role of the big iron bucket above his head, holding the lid in his left hand and the mace in his right hand, Jiang Siming is unable to complain...

"Brother, your nanny must follow us, don't fall behind, we will take you to fly!" The passerby didn't even know that they matched Jiang Siming, and he kept bragging.

"Okay." Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, but he responded very cooperatively.

At the beginning of the game, Jiang Siming boarded the plane and looked at the map without giving up.

It seems that this new model does not necessarily have good luck, and there may not be fragments, alas~

It’s more than half a month before the World Championships, how can this be?

This mode only has the island map Ellengar, and the teammates marked the school district room next to the school.

Jiang Siming also flew down.

After opening the umbrella, I found that there were many people, three teams.

"Nanny follow me! Don't let them get close to me!" The crossbowman teammate shouted to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, who originally wanted to go to other places, could only fly next to him.

The place where this kid landed makes Jiang Siming unable to complain. You are a crossbowman, can't you fly to a place where no one is there, especially the center point.

As soon as they landed, the two of them were instantly made dumplings, standing beside them were two crazy warriors, a nurse and a crossbowman.

The crossbowman with the crossbow had to be equipped with a crossbow arrow to attack. Jiang Siming raised his big stick and launched an attack on the violent war.

"Let me go, why is my damage so low? The hammer only has 10 drops of blood on a person, is this a hairy?"

Jiang Siming later discovered that the nanny's damage was pitiful, she deserves to be a nanny, but his mace has one advantage, it can slow down the enemy, and the hammer teammates can also increase blood.

But he was useless by himself. The two of them fought wildly, and the machete was higher than the nurse.

Jiang Siming's blood strip was the same as the aunt's arrival, and it dropped.

Within two seconds, the dignified Myojin was cut to the ground.

"Ah, what a hero is this, too weak!" Jiang Siming screamed, feeling like he couldn't use it.

The most critical crossbowman teammate saw him fall, and ran away without looking back, and then Jiang Siming was ravaged by four big men to make up.

Jiang Siming resolutely withdrew from this game.

When I looked at the result of the quiz, I almost lost my anger. I just forgot to close it. There were more than 70 billion people who voted no.

Counting this, he lost more than 60 billion fish balls.

Friends of the water laughed badly, Myoko has overturned~

Jiang Siming was quite upset, re-entered the game decisively, and opened another quiz, with even more exaggerated odds, 1:2.

For a while, the water friends thought that Jiang Siming was giving benefits, and they smashed in the fish **** that he had just won and hadn't warmed up.

Seeing more than 140 billion in the quiz pool, Jiang Siming immediately closed the plate and then smiled cheerfully.

"Very well, dear friends, in the future, it is estimated that many people will be on the rooftop."

Jiang Siming's words did not convince everyone.

"This is not a normal mode. Without a gun, you can still eat chicken?"

"Don't struggle, Myojin, this mode is not for you, hahaha."

"I'll make ten super fires for this edible chicken!"

"Hurry up and pay for the fish balls, more than 150 billion yuan, hahaha, Myoko is going bankrupt."


Seeing that they were so confident, Jiang Siming was happy, and when he entered the game, he decisively chose the crossbowman!

Everyone looked at the **** trough!

I almost forgot, I can still play a crossbow!

Myojin's crossbow... it's over, this one is going to go bankrupt...

Entering the sky above Allengar's map again, it is still the school district room.

Jiang Siming knew that the crossbowmen had to load the crossbow arrows, so he first avoided crowded places and landed on the roof at the edge of the corner.

No one made his dumplings this time. Jiang Siming slowly filled his crossbow arrows. After filling, he raised his hand and opened the mirror.

The teammate who was being besieged by the two suddenly felt two breaking sounds coming from the air, followed by him who was bound to die.

The two enemies around him are all in the end, with a crossbow arrow stuck in each of their heads...

The audience shouted that they were fooled!


[Author's digression]: First more~

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