I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1668: Perfect version of anti-fetus pills

Halfway through his movement, a shot cut him off!

At this time, GG's fangs that had just been exposed were beaten back, and he screamed in a two-ha style.

The only remaining bit of fighting spirit was beaten by a single shot, and the team members who were pulled up, no longer have the idea of ​​resisting, and ran away without looking back after hitting the blood bars!

Even Jiang Siming's car was ignored, and he watched his teammates being replaced by Jiang Siming without looking back, and ran away on foot!

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry when he saw him running away, he slowly closed his gun, and jumped from the third floor window.

I fell a little blood, but it's okay, the key is to go downstairs quickly.

The GG member who had just fallen under Jiang Siming's barrel was still hot, and Jiang Siming couldn't wait to clean up his last teammate.

Even if he contributed a freshly baked piece to Jiang Siming, it won't work.

"Pick up [Perfect Anti-Taiwan Pills x 1 Box] Blue Fragment*1 (1/6). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Perfect Antai Pills]: The advanced version of Antai Pills is only for pregnant women. After taking it, it can protect the fetus to grow up and will not lack any nutrition.

Even if he encounters a gunshot wound or a car crash, he cannot injure the baby in his belly.

Note: And taking this pill, pregnant women will not have adverse reactions such as morning sickness, body shape will not be out of shape, and can greatly reduce the pain of natural labor.

Only intermediate alchemy can be refined.


This is a good thing!

Jiang Siming is overjoyed, he has gotten [anti-fetus pills] before.

I'm considering giving Xinyi a meal these days.

I didn't expect to get a better one now, and the effect of this perfect version of the anti-fetal pill is amazing!

He was originally worried that Xinyi was too thin and that pregnancy must be very difficult, and he was also afraid that Xinyi did not eat much, which would cause her and her children to be unable to keep up with the nutrition.

Pregnant women will be very difficult during pregnancy, adverse reactions such as morning sickness during pregnancy will follow one after another, and many pregnant women will even experience postpartum depression.

Especially when giving birth to a child, the kind of pain that a man can't realize is heart-piercing.

Now it's good, with this perfect version of anti-fetus pills, these problems can be solved.

I really hope that in the future, Jiang Siming can even pay no charge or only charge the cost of this pill for energy production, and distribute it to mothers all over the world for free to reduce their pregnancy pain.

Put together all-purpose pieces in the first time and put them away.

Jiang Siming got in his car and chased after the route of the other man just now.

Just kidding, can you still let him run away in the Oriental Pearl Tower?

This is the site of their China Division.

Jiang Siming, who was familiar with the map, took a few turns and left the city entrance, just in time to see this person eager to hide.

After being found, he hurried out of the city and deliberately walked an S-shaped trail to prevent Jiang Siming from hitting him.

This trail is very narrow, and there are artificial lakes on both sides, and a car can easily fall into it if one is not careful.

Although he wouldn't die if he fell into the water, Jiang Siming's last car was gone.

If you want to change someone, you will definitely not chase, at least you will not drive to chase.

However, Jiang Siming was so bold and drove the car on this trail without even thinking about it.

Even the speed didn't decrease, and he easily passed the first S curve and headed for the second curve!

The last GG member happened to be at the second corner of the road.

As the car drove past, he gritted his teeth and raised his gun, waiting for Jiang Siming to come by.

But I didn't expect that there was only one car **** floating towards him on the corner!

The **** of the car under the high speed and drifting came into close contact with him.

This person was hit by the bottom of the car, and the whole person flew out like a broken kite, hitting the lake, and then a gray-yellow box appeared on the lake.


The audience never thought that this person would die in this way, hit by the **** of a car and die in the river...

I really want to call Mr. Da Sima to ask if he has ever died under this method of death.

It may be the first time that even Da Sima has never died.

"I'm going to die, it feels like the Korean sticks are going to be autistic." Great God took a moment to glance at Jiang Siming's screen, and he sympathized.

Jiang Siming shrugged, good wine and good food, what kind of person treats him.

For this kind of counseling, they have to experience autistic play.

Without looking back, Jiang Siming drove away from the Oriental Pearl City, showing no interest in the box that had not exploded in the lake.

The pirate bounty has also been brushed to level 12 and has not been promoted again, it seems to be at the top.

Jiang Siming is also quite satisfied, usually only level 10.

At this time, the first wave of circle refresh is over, and the entire poison circle is refreshed in the lower left corner of the map, and even the Forbidden City is no longer a safe area.

Jiang Siming had to drive back from the Oriental Pearl Tower, and when he was about to drive into the safe area, he heard gunfire from the southeast.

There was also bombing by grenades.

Jiang Siming immediately glanced at the kill reminder in the upper right corner.

"The player [TL_Ibiza] used a fragmentation grenade to knock down the player [RNG_Shuaishuai]"

"The player [TL_Jam] used the SLR automatic rifle to knock down the player [RNG_Rain]"

Listening to the gunfire and the time of the grenade, these two prompts appeared.

Obviously, in the southeast, TL and RNG are fighting.

Oh, it's TL!

Jiang Siming's eyes suddenly lit up, and his jet-black pupils gradually shrank, as if advantageous swords were converging!

The last one because of the good work done by the mineral detector, made him make a mistake at a critical moment, so that he lost to TL.

He seems to have heard that after playing that game, the audience in the European and American divisions has begun to float, and even the TL members have also floated.

They even publicly stated in the interview that their victory over Jiang Siming was taken for granted, and they also said something very pretentious.

Originally, Jiang Siming wanted to touch them very much, but it was a pity that Jin Ying was not in him and he couldn't find each other's position.

Now I finally met.

Jiang Siming's original driving plan was temporarily changed and he drove to the southeast.

Driving to the fastest speed, Jiang Siming used the last bit of fuel from the jeep to drive near the battlefield of TL and RNG.

At this time, the two teams were fighting fiercely. RNG was ambushed by TL during the transfer. A car tire was punctured by a spike trap buried by TL.

Then they were strafed by TL and bombed by grenades, and RNG fell to the ground.

The XDD car was in the back and escaped, and he took advantage of TL to be handsome and handsome, and got off one of them.

It's a pity that TL reacted very quickly, and immediately pointed his gun at him.

XDD had no choice but to drove with the remaining team member first, and failed to make up for the opponent.

The attentive audience found that since TL killed 4AM, the whole team seemed to have opened up and became stronger.

The European and American commentators laughed and flaunted: "I can say with certainty that TL has undergone a qualitative change. They relieved the demons Ming brought to them. I believe that even if you meet Ming again, TL will definitely kill him again. !"

Another European and American commentator agreed: "Yes, I think everyone is too Ming myth. He is not invincible, he is not a god, he is just an ordinary player like all professional players. Use this If you want to fight him with the same mentality, you will definitely be able to defeat him!"

As soon as the two commentators finished speaking, God's perspective hurriedly cut to Jiang Siming's position.

At this time, he just rushed to the vicinity of TL, and said Cao Cao, Cao Cao would be there.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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