I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1794: You are my ideal type

"It's him, the person I like is him!"

Taotu pointed her finger towards Jiang Siming, and at the same time looked at Jiang Siming for help, meaning that she was asking him to do her a favor.

The tea dolphin looked around and saw the handsome and tall navy soldier at a glance.

He was angry and said to Taotu: "He's just a navy soldier!"

"So... so what, is love still divided into positions? As long as he is not a pirate, that's enough."

Peach Rabbit's mouth insisted.

Hearing this, the tea dolphin had to stare at Jiang Siming. He was a lieutenant admiral who was robbed of his favorite woman by a soldier.

How does this make him acceptable.

"You don't deserve to be liked by Taotu, now I want to challenge you!"

Jiang Siming was speechless, and the ice cream in his hand was no longer sweet.

Taotu is still very righteous, and hurriedly stood up and shouted: "Tea dolphin, do you still have a face? People are just soldiers. You are going to challenge a soldier, do you think you are very honorable!"

Tea Dolphin also knew that he was at a loss, but he couldn't accept it because he was unhappy.

"It's okay if I don't challenge him, but if you look at him, it is clear that I have confessed to you, but he is indifferent. Watching the scene on the sidelines is clearly timid and a slapstick! How worthy of such a person Go to you, peach rabbit!"

"I don't care if he is worthy of me, I just know that I like him, that's enough!"

The quarrel between the two made Jiang Siming's boss unhappy.

Grandma's special, talk about it, talk about it, and talk about it. What do I mean by saying that I'm trying to make soft eggs!

Uncle can bear it, and aunt can't bear it.

"Since you said that, then I will do what you want and challenge you."

Jiang Siming spoke, and the quarrel between the two stopped at the same time.

Tea Dolphin was overjoyed, but Taotu panicked.

"Don't mess around, he is a lieutenant general, very strong, don't ask for trouble." Taotu said to Jiang Siming anxiously.

Jiang Siming looked at the other person unexpectedly and smiled: "Without your words, I am really not interested in the muddy water of the beach, but I just said to you, this is a favor, I will help."

After speaking, Jiang Siming turned his eyes to the tea dolphin and said: "My time is precious. If you want to challenge, you will start now. Those who win will get peach rabbits, and those who lose will give up peach rabbits."

"Hahaha, good! Then I'm welcome!"

Tea Dolphin was afraid that Taotu would stop him, so he started directly after speaking.

Seeing that there was a play, the female soldiers in the dormitory building came out to watch the play curiously.

"Isn't this Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin? Isn't he still confessing to Lieutenant General Taotu, why is he fighting with others?"

"You didn't see that Lieutenant Admiral Taotu has always liked someone, that's the male soldier."

"What? Can a soldier be favored by Lieutenant General Taotu? I don't believe it."

"It's really outrageous, but it's true. I just saw the look of this male soldier. He looks super handsome!"

"That's the case. It seems that Lieutenant Taotu likes handsome guys. No wonder Cha Dolphin confessed a hundred times without success."


Taotu was in a hurry, but it was too late.

The tea dolphin had come to Jiang Siming at this time, and had already shot Jiang Siming.

Just when everyone thought the navy soldier was going to be beaten miserably, the next second, the tea dolphin flew out like a broken kite.

The tea dolphin slammed into a big tree, and the tree was smashed to a halt.

At this time, the tea dolphin was already vomiting blood, fell to the ground in a dismal state, and couldn't even get up.

This scene shocked everyone!

Including Taotu has a horrified expression.

"Excuse me, the shot was a bit heavy, and it was confiscated."

Jiang Siming twisted his wrist and sincerely apologized to the tea dolphin.

Tea Dolphin: "..."

Taotu realized that something was wrong, how could a navy soldier be so strong.

"who are you?"

Taotu stared at Jiang Siming warily.

When Jiang Siming came, he put on a little makeup and changed his face, so Taotu didn't know who he was at all.

Jiang Si looked at Taotu innocently tomorrow, and replied: "The report lieutenant general, I am really a soldier, but I was recruited just recently. I am a fruit capable person, possessing a huge fruit, so I have great strength. "

Jiang Siming made up Kung Fu first-class, coupled with superb acting skills, Taotu believes.

Mainly she doesn't believe that anyone can sneak in silently. Where is this, naval headquarters!

It turned out to be a naval soldier who had just recruited a fruit ability person, no wonder he was still a soldier so powerful.

The eyes of the peach rabbit who chose to trust Jiang Siming lit up.

Unexpectedly, the helper I found casually was much better than the tea dolphin.

In this way, there is no need to be bothered by the tea dolphin again. With Jiang Siming's strength, he will definitely become one of the admirals in the future.

The tea dolphin must not dare to pester her again.

Taotu cast a grateful look at Jiang Siming, and then said to the tea dolphin: "You are not dead. If you are not dead, go to the infirmary for treatment, and don't bother me again."

"No, I heard you just now. You don't know him at all. He is a shield you found. You are not a couple at all. I still have a chance. I will not give up!"

The tea dolphin climbed up from the ground and once again played the trick of stalking.

Taotu was so angry, but there was nothing to say for a while.

But at this time, Jiang Siming calmly walked towards Taotu.

"I admit that we lied to you before. We did meet for the first time, but this does not mean that we can't love each other when we meet for the first time."

When Jiang Siming finished speaking, he had already walked in front of Taotu.

Before Taotu could react, Jiang Siming hugged him domineeringly.

Taotu was unprepared, and just slammed into Jiang Siming's chest, her own waves hit her dizzy.

"Let go of me..." Taotu's face turned red into the sunset, struggling to push Jiang Siming away.

However, Jiang Siming said softly: "If you want to solve this problem completely, don't move, or I will leave immediately."

When Taotu heard it, she could only be honest, but the squeezing and domineering man's breath still made her heart beat wildly.

"Let her go to me!" Seeing Jiang Siming hugging his goddess in public, Cha Dolphin almost died of anger.

But Jiang Siming didn't hear about it, and instead said loudly to Taotu: "Miss Taotu, what blood type are you?"

"Ah? I have blood type A, what's the matter?" Taotu looked blank, wondering why Jiang Siming asked her blood type.

Jiang Siming grinned and said, "No, you are my ideal type."

Taotu reacted, his face turned even redder, this guy, so sultry...

"I will ask you one last question formally, would you like to be my girlfriend? Although I'm just a soldier."

Jiang Siming’s next question left Taotu in amazement. This guy, actually... confessed to her directly?

Please, they only met once, OK? The time to know each other for less than five minutes...

But if he refuses, will he lose face, and... if the tea dolphin knows that she refuses, he will definitely continue to stalk her.

Taotu felt that Jiang Siming said this to help her.

So after a battle between heaven and man, the peach rabbit ghostly nodded.

Jiang Siming smiled badly. Before she could react, Jiang Siming lowered his head and snatched Taotu's first kiss.

The female soldiers boiled instantly, and the tea dolphin hearts were ashamed.

Only peach rabbit, stay...


Third more~

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